
Teardrop, a world situated in the Shelsha sector, was classified as a planet. Por'ste Island was found on this planet, and it was situated in proximity to Briston.

A clandestine listening post operated by the Rebel Alliance was located on this world; in 0.5 ABY, the Galactic Empire launched an attempt to assault it. Nevertheless, the Rebels successfully fled prior to the assault; as a result, the Imperial Security Bureau gave the order for a massacre in a town on the planet, intending to hold them responsible for providing refuge to Alliance operatives.

Ironically, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named the Reprisal, which had received orders to conquer the planet, unintentionally assisted the final vessel evacuating the planet's Alliance personnel, the Millennium Falcon. The Falcon was under attack by pirates as it fled. Answering a distress signal transmitted by Han Solo using the Falcon's fictitious transponder ID, Argos, the Reprisal engaged and obliterated multiple pirate fighters in pursuit.

