Triumvirate (Galactic Alliance)

The Triumvirate represented the governing council established by three significant individuals within the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, intended as a constitutional successor to the now-defunct Office of the Chief of State. Following a coup executed by the New Jedi Order in conjunction with the Lecersen conspirators, which resulted in the removal of Chief of State Natasi Daala, the instigators believed that the Chief of State's office wielded excessive authority, evidenced by Daala's harsh exercise of power during her tenure. To forestall future abuses, acting Jedi Grand Master Saba Sebatyne and the leaders of the Lecersen Conspiracy decided to create a Triumvirate. Within this Triumvirate, policy decisions and directives necessitated a majority vote, thereby preventing any single person from exerting unilateral control over the Armed Forces or the Intelligence Service. Sebatyne, Kuati Senator Haydnat Treen, and Galactic Alliance Chief of Starfighter Command Merratt Jaxton constituted the initial three members of the Triumvirate. Subsequently, Jaxton was replaced by Wynn Dorvan.

The Triumvirate's existence came to an end when, acting under the instructions of Grand Master Luke Skywalker, the Jedi, including the acting Grand Master and Triumvir Saba Sebatyne, withdrew their support from the Galactic Alliance. Consequently, the Galactic Alliance Senate proceeded to elect a temporary Chief of State, Padnel Ovin.

Several decades later, in the aftermath of the Sith–Imperial War, a Triumvirate was once again in power, submitting to the Empire after the Alliance's defense forces were defeated and surrendered at the Battle of Caamas. As a term of the peace agreement, the Imperial government of Roan Fel permitted the vanquished Triumvirate to continue in their roles as viceroys, governing the remnants of Alliance Space; however, the original Triumvirs were replaced by Imperial bureaucrats who were loyal to the new regime. Under the dominion of Darth Krayt, the Triumvirs retained some degree of political influence, but remained subjects of the Empire. By the year 137 ABY, Gial Gahan, a former member of the Triumvirate, was stationed at the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards, where he secretly provided supplies and weaponry to Admiral Gar Stazi and the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet.

In 138 ABY, following the defeat of the Sith Empire, a new governing body emerged, known as the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. To demonstrate unity between the Empire and the broader galaxy, this Triumvirate was jointly led by Galactic Alliance Admiral Gar Stazi, Empress Marasiah Fel representing the Galactic Empire, and Jedi Master K'Kruhk.

