The Galactic Alliance Defense Force (GADF), also known as the Galactic Alliance Armed Forces or the Galactic Alliance military, represented the armed forces of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Mirroring its forbear, the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic, the GADF incorporated the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet, the Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps, and the Galactic Alliance Army.
In the wake of the near-total collapse of the New Republic following the Battle of Coruscant, surviving senators and military personnel regrouped on Mon Calamari, which had remained largely untouched by the invasion. As the New Republic struggled to regain control and elect a new Chief of State, the New Republic Defense Force remained fractured and on the defensive, spread across numerous worlds and under various commanders. Some, such as Admiral Traest Kre'fey, continued to follow orders from the Defense Force's central command. Others, like Garm Bel Iblis, consolidated remaining fleet assets and maintained control over specific regions of space, operating independently. This situation began to shift following the Chief of State election. With the election of Cal Omas as the new Chief of State, the government initiated reforms and reorganization. This newfound stability coincided with the return of the experienced, retired admiral Gial Ackbar, who collaborated with Chief Omas and the then-Supreme Commander Sien Sovv to prepare the New Republic's military for a significant offensive. Following the crucial victory at the Battle of Ebaq, the New Republic was integrated into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances alongside the Imperial Remnant and the Hapes Consortium.
The Galactic Alliance Defense Force was originally formed from the remnants of the New Republic Defense Force after the government was restructured into the Galactic Alliance. The Alliance fleets gradually began to reverse the course of the war, reclaiming vital worlds such as Fondor and Yag'Dhul. Despite some setbacks, including the Battle of Bilbringi, the Defense Force continued to build its strength in anticipation of the war's conclusion. The Defense Force fleets successfully defended Mon Calamari from invasion and spearheaded the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.
Following the war's end against the Yuuzhan Vong, the Defense Force remained an active entity. It expanded to encompass five strategic fleets, a clear tribute to the earlier five-fleet structure of the former NRDF. With the majority of the known galaxy now aligned with the new government, the Defense Force focused on eliminating the numerous pirate groups that had emerged in the aftermath of the conflict. As the galaxy continued its reconstruction, the Defense Force collaborated with the New Jedi Order to foster stability and maintain peace.
The first major conflict involving the Defense Force after the Yuuzhan Vong war concluded occurred in 35 ABY, with the rediscovery of the Killik hives in the Unknown Regions. This subsequent campaign, known as the Swarm War, nearly escalated into a full-blown galactic war. Defense Force fleets participated in several battles, including the defense of the Roche Asteroids and the Battle of Tenupe.
In the years after the Swarm War ended, some of the more independent member worlds of the Alliance began to perceive the government as a new Empire, due to increasing regulations. This situation threatened to erupt into a new civil war. As diplomatic efforts faltered, the Defense Force deployed a task force from the Second Fleet to Corellia as a demonstration of military strength.
Shortly after the blockade was broken, Commenor and Bothawui joined Corellia, forming the Confederation, along with the newly unified Confederation Fleet. Other planets quickly followed, including Fondor, Bespin, and Adumar. During this period, the GADF and the Confederation Fleet were locked in a tense standoff, prioritizing preparations for an inevitable war over direct assaults, instead engaging in sporadic and minor raids against each other.
The Battle of Gilatter VIII marked the first significant fleet engagement between the two sides. Actions intensified within Bothan Space, as Alliance fleet units clashed with a Bothan flotilla during the Battle of Bothawui.

The Sith–Imperial War culminated in the Galactic Alliance's defeat, following the loss of their capital, Coruscant. While most of the galaxy fell under the control of the new Empire once more, remnants of the Galactic Alliance military, in the form of the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet, continued to resist the Empire. The Empire itself fractured into two rival factions, one remaining loyal to the deposed Emperor Roan Fel, while the other fell under the control of Darth Krayt, who seized Fel's throne and claimed the Empire for himself. The Core Fleet and Roan Fel's faction both continued to fight against the Sith's faction.
The Chief of State appointed the Supreme Commander, subject to approval by the Senate, to oversee the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. In keeping with tradition, the Supreme Commander was a full admiral and served as the highest-ranking uniformed officer within the Defense Force, reporting directly to the Chief of State. The GADF maintained its headquarters on Coruscant, within the new Defense Force Command Compound. It's presumed that the Galactic Alliance High Command also held oversight responsibilities for the Defense Force.
The naval branch of the GADF was known as the Galactic Alliance Navy, or the "Defense Fleet." Its overall structure mirrored the older New Republic Navy, with five strategic fleets serving as the primary operational units for the Alliance. It likely also maintained static sector fleets, in conjunction with individual planetary navies. These federal forces were reinforced by fleets from various member states, such as the Imperial Remnant and the Hapes Consortium.
During the Alliance's initial year, the fleets remained largely disorganized, grouped under individual commanders or assigned to protect key worlds like Kuat, Mon Calamari, Corellia, and Kashyyyk. In the final months of the war, the Defense Force underwent a reorganization, adopting a system based on the old Defense Force. Numbered fleets were established, creating a strategic arm for the Alliance military.
Original fleets of the navy:
- Galactic Alliance First Fleet
- Galactic Alliance Second Fleet
- Galactic Alliance Third Fleet
- Galactic Alliance Fourth Fleet
- Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet
As of the Second Galactic Civil War, the Alliance government added the following fleets:
- Galactic Alliance Sixth Fleet
- Galactic Alliance Seventh Fleet
- Galactic Alliance Eighth Fleet
- Galactic Alliance Ninth Fleet

The fleets were reorganized into the following structure before the Sith–Imperial War:
In addition to the fleets, the navy maintained a Marine corps, which served as ship-to-ship assault and defense units, mirroring their role in the earlier New Republic Navy.
The Defense Force's Starfighter Corps succeeded the New Republic's version. Rogue Squadron retained its legendary status from its earlier incarnation.
Like its predecessor, the New Republic Army, the ground forces of the Galactic Alliance were a less publicized component of the Defense Force, but remained essential. Alliance ground forces and commando units played a significant role in several ground engagements during the later stages of the Yuuzhan Vong War, including the capture of Ylesia and the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.
- Belarus-class medium cruiser
- CC-9600 frigate
- Corona-class frigate
- Bulk cruiser
- Dauntless-class heavy cruiser
- Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser
- EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate
- Hapan Battle Dragon
- Hapan Nova-class battle cruiser
- Immobilizer 418A cruiser
- Lancer-class frigate
- Majestic-class heavy cruiser
- MC40a light cruiser
- YZ-2500 heavy transport
- A-9 Vigilance interceptor
- Aleph-class starfighter
- B-wing starfighter
- BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter
- BTL Y-wing starfighter
- Defender starfighter
- E-wing escort starfighter
- Eta-5 interceptor
- I4 Ionizer starfighter
- Jumpstar HPF starfighter
- Miy'til starfighter
- Nssis-class Clawcraft
- RC-2 Twilight scoutship
- RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
- T-65 X-wing starfighter
- TIE/sa bomber
- TIE/IN interceptor
- TIE/D Defender
- Z-95 Headhunter
- Zonama Sekotan fighter
- Alliance
- Admiral Ackbar
- Anakin Solo
- Ansta
- Blue Diver
- Bounty
- Corellian Way
- Coriolis
- Daring
- Dauntless
- Dodonna
- Dpso
- Elegos A'Kla
- Firethorn
- Galactic Voyager
- Guardian
- Harbinger
- Healing Star
- Justice
- Pride of Honor
- Pride of Selonia
- Megador
- Memory of Ithor
- Mon Adapyne
- Mon Mothma
- Ocean
- Olovin
- Peacebringer
- Ralroost
- Rebel Dream
- Redheart
- Redma
- Resolute
- Revival
- Right to Rule
- Spritespray
- Starsider
- Trucemaker
- Viscount
- Vortex Wind
- Welmo Darb
- Yald