The Crix-class diplomatic courier shuttle, sometimes referred to as DC-4a, served as a shuttle for diplomatic purposes by the Galactic Alliance, and subsequently by the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet.

Given the collaborative design effort, the Crix-class exhibited traits reminiscent of both CEC designs and Mon Calamari aesthetics. The hulls displayed the Mon Calamari influence, while the interior layout, the bridge configuration, and the engines were distinctly Corellian in nature.
This shuttle possessed an armored outer layer, featuring a slim opening between its two halves that housed the engines, cockpit, and weapon systems. A tall, slender fin was mounted on the upper hull, which contained powerful communication arrays with extended range. The DC-4a was only lightly armed, featuring a pair of exposed light laser cannons controlled directly by the pilot. A retractable turret containing blaster cannons was also integrated into the lower hull. There was also a different version of the craft, called the Crix-class assault shuttle or A-2s, which had stronger armor, more weapons, and better shields.
The Crix-class, a jointly-designed vessel, received its name in honor of General Crix Madine of the Rebel/New Republic, recognizing both his Corellian heritage and his actions in defending Dac during the invasion by the World Devastators over a century prior.
Admiral Gar Stazi utilized a DC-4a shuttle to travel to the Wheel for a meeting with Captain Mingo Bovark, who served Roan Fel's Imperial loyalists. Stazi's shuttle became a target after he used Command Override Limpet Droids to seize control of a turbolaser on Bovark's Nune-class Imperial shuttle. The shuttle was able to raise its shields just in time, and it departed from the Wheel after Admiral Stazi boarded.