Battle of Tenupe

The conclusive engagement of the Swarm War was the Battle of Tenupe.



Thousands of Chiss soldiers disembarked onto the surface of Tenupe, a Killik world, initiating an invasion. The Killiks responded by constructing subterranean passages beneath the Chiss landing craft. Jaina Solo, a Jedi Knight who was also a Joiner, spearheaded the Killik ground forces, composed of Jooj and Rekkers, in an overwhelming attack on the Chiss positions. Supporting them from the air were squadrons of Qeeq and Aebea, under the command of Zekk. The Chiss managed to stem the Killik tide by retreating behind their shield generators and deploying insecticide against the Killik formations. However, the Chiss were once more compelled to retreat when their shields were overcome by the enormous Kolosolok. The ground conflict devolved into a deadlock as the extensive losses endured by the Killiks began to have a significant impact.

Orbital Skirmish

Chiss Conspiracy

Orbiting above, the Killik Moon Swarm, consisting of Shard-class capital ships, prepared to execute its plan to destroy the Chiss fleet. The Chiss, however, were not as vulnerable as they appeared and were plotting to introduce a parasite into the Killiks on the planet below, with the intention of eradicating the Colony permanently. Leia Organa Solo, held captive aboard a Chiss capital ship, uncovered the scheme and alerted Jaina and the Killiks. The weapons were launched, triggering a massive aerial battle that resulted in Jagged Fel being shot down and the majority of the weapons being destroyed. Two of the parasite bombs reached the planet's surface, prompting Leia, Saba Sebatyne, and Alema Rar to search for them. Leia and Alema engaged in a lightsaber duel, which concluded with Alema being nearly bisected by a giant spidersloth. Leia emerged victorious, unaware that Alema had survived. The bombs were neutralized before the Chiss could detonate them.

Galactic Alliance Intervention

A Galactic Alliance task force, commanded by Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, joined the battle. This force included the Super Star Destroyer Megador, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyers Elegos A'Kla and Mon Mothma, and additional Galactic Alliance warships.

Initially, Grand Admiral Pellaeon's assignment was to provide full support to the Chiss in annihilating the Killik fleet and enabling the Chiss to deploy their parasite biological weapon of mass destruction against the Great Swarm, ensuring the Killiks' permanent defeat. However, Luke Skywalker persuaded Pellaeon to focus solely on reclaiming the Victory I-class Star Destroyer Admiral Ackbar, which had been lost to the Killiks during the Battle of the Murgo Choke. Skywalker argued that capturing the Admiral Ackbar and neutralizing both Raynar Thul and Lomi Plo would be sufficient to end the Killiks' aggression without resorting to the Chiss superweapon, which would indiscriminately slaughter all Killiks, not just the combatants. He also pointed out that without the full support of the Galactic Alliance fleet in the area, the Chiss would suffer greater losses, increasing their reliance on the Galactic Alliance in the future. Luke Skywalker, leading a squad of Bugcrunchers, infiltrated the Ackbar and confronted UnuThul. After successfully overpowering UnuThul, Skywalker was ambushed by Lomi Plo. She attempted to divert Skywalker by ordering the Killiks to attack a hospital ship, but the Alliance had anticipated her strategy, and the ship was empty. In the ensuing confrontation, Skywalker killed Lomi, effectively ending the influence of the Dark Nest.

