Lomi Plo, a Human female Nightsister, achieved the rank of Sith Master and played a significant role during the events of the Yuuzhan Vong War.
It's speculated that Lomi was once connected to both the Shadow Academy and the Second Imperium. However, when she was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, she was a loyal member of Darth Krayt's One Sith order. After being rescued by the Myrkr strike team, she assisted them in their mission targeting the voxyn. Subsequently, she and fellow Sith Welk absconded with the Tachyon Flier, with Raynar Thul as a hostage. Fleeing into the Unknown Regions, they purportedly established the Gorog, a Killik nest unknown to all other nests. Lomi was the primary instigator of both the Dark Nest Crisis and the Swarm War.
The Swarm War concluded with Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker bringing about Lomi's demise.
Lomi Plo held the position of Nightsister. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, she was a devoted member of the new Sith order, which was based on Korriban, and served as Sith Master to the Togorian named Morto.
She and an apprentice were tasked with escorting Lumiya to their organization's headquarters. However, the rapid advance of the Yuuzhan Vong unexpectedly separated them from their destination, leading to Lomi and her apprentice's capture by the invaders.
Lomi, along with Welk and other Force-sensitives, were enslaved aboard the worldship Baanu Rass. They were used as specimens for experimentation and, in particular, as living prey for the voxyn. After the Myrkr strike team rescued them, Lomi exacted revenge on her captors by creating a Force net that she gradually constricted, ultimately slicing a Yuuzhan Vong shaper into pieces. This act disturbed Anakin Solo but impressed Alema Rar, who was still grieving for her sister. The strike team members were not pleased to learn they had rescued two Dark Jedi, and would have been even less pleased to know they were Sith.
Using their knowledge of the worldship, Lomi and Welk guided the strike team, but they became concerned when they discovered the true nature of the mission. To escape, they stole the Tachyon Flier, injuring Lowbacca and kidnapping Raynar Thul in the process. The ship eventually crashed in the Unknown Regions, causing severe burns and disfigurement to all three occupants.
Lomi and Welk were integrated into the Killik nest that rescued them. Through their knowledge of the Force, they appear to have been responsible for creating the Gorog nest. Lomi became known as the Unseen Queen of this Dark Nest. Because Lomi desired to remain hidden, the nest mirrored this characteristic and concealed itself from the other nests. Lomi also developed the ability to become invisible to those with doubt in their minds. Due to this, the extent of Lomi's injuries remained unknown, but later encounters revealed she had Killik arms above her Human ones, Killik eyes replacing her own, a Killik mandible replacing her lower jaw, and a Killik leg replacing one of her legs.
In 35 ABY, the Dark Queen was present with the Dark Nest in the Qoribu system, at Kr. She and the Night Herald Welk collaborated with Alema Rar to confront Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker. Lomi remained on the periphery of the battle, invisible to the combatants, draining the power cells of the Jedi when possible. Luke, wielding Alema Rar's lightsaber and his own, lost both weapons but still managed to kill Welk. Lomi lashed out, attempting to kill Luke by throwing him into Gorog larvae, but Luke survived. Lomi chose to retreat as more Jedi arrived. Despite this, Luke and the other Jedi believed the Dark Nest had been destroyed.
Lomi Plo, however, survived. She molded Alema Rar into the new Night Herald and intensified efforts to undermine the Galactic Alliance. She spent a year dispatching pirates to raid Alliance shipping between Reecee and Adumar, and flooding the populace of insectile worlds with black membrosia. This culminated in an accident where Supreme Commander Sovv was killed by membrosia-intoxicated insect pilots.
The Galactic Alliance dispatched the Fifth Fleet to blockade the Utegetu Nebula. Lomi Plo also concocted a story to convince UnuThul that absorbing Chiss into their nests would not cause the Colony to be overrun with Dark Nests. With the worlds provided to the Killiks by the Jedi poisoned by a nano-tech environmental defense system, the Colony quickly collaborated with the Dark Nest to destabilize the Chiss and Galactic Alliance while constructing fifteen massive Nest ships. The spark ignited into a war when Jacen Solo attacked Supply Depot Thrago; the Chiss blamed the Colony and retaliated.
With the war against the Chiss underway, Lomi only needed to maintain enough resources to distract the Jedi by further attacking the Alliance, and the Killiks would crush the Chiss. However, when Lomi Plo attempted to leave the Utegetu Nebula, she was engaged by the Jedi, who managed to focus long enough on her to disable eleven of the nest ships. Nevertheless, the Alliance could not prove itself to the Chiss because UnuThul stole the Admiral Ackbar, and started using it against the Chiss, who believed the Alliance had handed it over to the Killiks.
Thus, in 36 ABY, Lomi Plo faced Luke Skywalker in lightsaber combat three times. The first time, in the Utegetu Nebula, she was invisible to Luke, who could only engage her by trusting the Force to guide his hand. Luke tracked the Dark Nest to one of fifteen nest ships in the Utegetu Nebula and crashed on the Dark Nest vessel to engage her. Even with the assistance of Han Solo, Tarfang and Jae Juun on the outside of the nest ship, and with Mara supporting in a StealthX, Luke barely escaped with his life, with Lomi using her extra arms to drive Luke back.
In the second encounter, she wielded two lightsabers (her personal white-bladed lightsaber and a purple-bladed shoto). Lomi had been repairing the eleven nest ships left behind in the Utegetu Nebula and made efforts to distract the Alliance by sponsoring coups on the numerous insect worlds of the Alliance. The Jedi united to defeat these uprisings and headed to the Utegetu Nebula as the nest ship fleet was completed.
As the Jedi disabled the nest ships' hyperdrives and the Fifth Fleet arrived to engage and destroy them, Luke, Mara, and Jacen led a team to track down and kill Lomi. The subsequent battle saw Lomi using Luke's fear to freeze him in his tracks, with her Gorog nest assisting her in nearly killing Mara and Jacen. Mara was shot by a Gorog when Lomi misdirected an attack from Luke at her, and Jacen was impaled by Lomi's lightsaber. However, in the moment of victory, Mara shot Plo in the chest. Wounded, Lomi fled, abandoning her nest ship and heading for Tenupe to join UnuThul and the Moon Swarm armada.
The Jedi and Galactic Alliance quickly followed her, moving to capture and neutralize the Colony once and for all, even as it sprung a trap on two-thirds of the Chiss fleet. Lomi, aware that the Dark Nest could be destroyed if UnuThul was captured, intervened in the fight between Luke and UnuThul, taunting Luke by using his own lightsaber, which UnuThul had confiscated on Woteba. The two Force users engaged Luke, disabling his sword arm. Luke wounded Plo and rendered UnuThul comatose.
Sensing the location of the Fifth Fleet medical ship, Lomi redirected three Killik swarms to destroy the Fleet and kill Mara and Jacen. However, Luke revealed they were not aboard, and Lomi acted purely on instinct, knowing she could not flee with a broken knee and could not hide behind Luke's doubts. Skywalker struck, destroying the defeated Lomi Plo. Luke was surprised that a woman of flesh, blood, and chitin had nearly brought the galaxy to the brink of an eternal war, but he had prevailed.
The Sith received limited news of Lomi after the Yuuzhan Vong War, only discovering her fate from Alema Rar, who arrived on Korriban in 40 ABY. Morto was particularly shocked to learn from Alema that she had become the leader of the Dark Nest.
Lomi Plo was a proficient user of the dark side of the Force. The start of Lomi's training is unclear, as by the time Anakin Solo and the other Jedi met her in 27 ABY, she may have been a Dark Jedi of the Shadow Academy, a Nightsister, and a member of the One Sith organization.
By this time, she could create an energy web capable of dicing opponents, including Yuuzhan Vong, into pieces. She was also capable of using mind tricks, successfully using one on Anakin Solo.
After being absorbed into the Killiks, her personality traits and desire to remain hidden from others led to the creation of the Gorog. Drawing power from the nest, Lomi Plo gained the ability to conceal herself behind a person's doubt, making her invisible to sight and sense unless they focused their attention on her. She also gained the ability to drain energy from power cells, including lightsabers, droids, and StealthX floodlamps. These skills, along with her Killik soldiers, allowed her to engage Luke Skywalker and his Jedi multiple times.
Beyond her Force abilities, she was a skilled lightsaber duelist. She used Jar'Kai against Luke Skywalker in the last two of their fights, wielding her two lightsabers: her white-bladed lightsaber and her purple-bladed shoto. She also previously used Luke Skywalker's green lightsaber.