Jae Juun, hailing from Sullust, piloted the XR808g, and subsequently the DR919a. He was also a smuggler by trade. His copilot was Tarfang, an Ewok known for his feisty and unfriendly demeanor.
Juun deeply admired Han Solo and modeled his smuggling strategies after Solo's renowned exploits. However, his perception shifted after meeting Solo at the Lizil nest. During this encounter, Solo and his companions attempted to pressure Juun into assisting them in locating Jaina Solo and other Jedi who had vanished into the Unknown Regions. Despite this, Juun maintained a high regard for Solo. His rigid adherence to procedure and protocol often clashed with Solo's unconventional methods for outsmarting adversaries. A devoted follower of historical holovids about Solo, Juun frequently referenced them in Solo's presence. Lacking technical skill, Juun once jeopardized his and others' lives by activating a poorly wired circuit panel on his ship.
Following the Killiks' resettlement in the Utegetu Nebula, Juun and Tarfang secured contracts to deliver spinglass sculptures for the Squibs. Unbeknownst to them, these sculptures concealed tiny Gorog assassin bugs, which were released on Alliance warships. A year later, Jae and Tarfang crossed paths with Han and Luke Skywalker again when they were captured by the Saras nest. Juun aided their escape and joined the Alliance heroes on a mission to locate Lomi Plo. Upon encountering the Night Herald, Juun was uniquely able to perceive her. Acting as Luke's "eyes," Juun assisted Luke in his battle against Plo, although both survived.
After the battle, Admiral Nek Bwua'tu extended lucrative contracts to Juun and Tarfang to work for Galactic Alliance Intelligence. As part of his training, Juun studied Kyle Katarn's Spy Primer, viewing it as a conventional intelligence manual, unaware of Katarn's far-from-conventional career. The Solos later encountered the pair at the Lizil nest. Tarfang and Juun were apparently disguised as Fefze beetles, monitoring Killik activities.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, Juun and Tarfang continued their service with the GA. They were dispatched to Kashyyyk to observe the Wookiees, who were contemplating whether to support the GA. There, Juun and Tarfang spotted the Solos, who were wanted for arrest, and attempted to prevent them from communicating with the Wookiees, successfully invoking the law. However, this tactic failed the second time, and the Wookiees permitted Leia to speak. Tarfang intervened to challenge her, while Juun observed.