
XR808g, also known as the Exxer, served as the smuggling vessel piloted by Jae Juun, a smuggler, along with his Ewok copilot, Tarfang. This vessel was a YT-1000 manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The cockpit was situated directly atop its saucer-shaped hull, which was equipped with four blaster cannons positioned around it. During Juun's journey with Leia Organa and Han Solo to the Killik nest located at Qoribu, the ship met its end, obliterated by Gorog dartships while utilizing a slave circuit. This destruction enabled the survival of the Millennium Falcon and all individuals present during the Gorog assault.


The designation of the ship, "XR808g," was in fact the Galactic Alliance registration identification for the Exxer.

