Sien Sovv, a Sullustan male, held the distinguished position of Supreme Commander for both the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic and subsequently the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. His tenure spanned from approximately 23 ABY to 29 ABY, during which he oversaw the Defense Force leading up to and throughout the Yuuzhan Vong War, and then again from 29 ABY until 36 ABY. Despite bearing some responsibility for the devastating loss of Coruscant to the Yuuzhan Vong forces, Admiral Sovv maintained the trust of both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance leadership, allowing him to remain in his command. A pivotal moment occurred when a fleet under his direction achieved a hard fought victory against the Yuuzhan Vong at Ebaq 9, marking a turning point in the war and restoring some of his prior reputation. Additionally, Sovv served on Cal Omas' initial High Council from 27 ABY to 29 ABY.
Born on Sullust, Sien Sovv established his family there. Echoing the traditions of many Sullustans, he nurtured a large family, encompassing over seven wives and a multitude of offspring. His path eventually led him to the New Republic Defense Force, where he steadily advanced through the ranks. He gained recognition as a proficient organizer, although he was never particularly celebrated for extraordinary tactical or strategic brilliance.
In 5.5 ABY, when Sander Delvardus of the Eriadu Authority launched an assault on Sullust, Captain Sovv spearheaded elements of the New Republic First Fleet in defense of his homeworld, decisively defeating the warlord. Following his triumph at Sullust, Admiral Firmus Nantz deployed a task force along the Rimma Trade Route to reinforce Sovv and the Sullustan forces. Subsequently, Delvardus suffered a series of defeats along his territorial boundaries at Sanrafsix, Kabal, Clak'dor, and Sluis Van, ultimately compelling him to relinquish his holdings and retreat into the Deep Core.
With the election of Borsk Fey'lya to the position of Chief of State, one of Fey'lya's initial actions was to appoint Admiral Sovv as Supreme Commander, succeeding the retiring Admiral Ackbar. Some speculated that Fey'lya selected Sovv due to a belief that he would be easily manipulated, although most acknowledged that the Admiral was well-suited to oversee the military during peacetime. Recognizing the value of guidance from his predecessor, Sovv made certain that Ackbar received substantial analyses, keeping him abreast of the Defense Force's status. Moreover, he utilized his elevated rank to promote his preferred Sullustan individuals (including Yeel, Godt, Muun, Rabb, and numerous others) to prominent roles within the New Republic military.
The Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy thrust Admiral Sovv into the challenging position of leading during a large-scale war. The political instability within the New Republic's government hampered his ability to effectively manage the Defense Force. As the invaders penetrated deeper into known space, Sovv struggled to devise a strategy to reverse the war's momentum. His plan, which involved utilizing Centerpoint Station to ensnare the Yuuzhan Vong within the Corellian system, backfired significantly. The Yuuzhan Vong instead targeted Fondor, resulting in the loss of nearly three-quarters of the Hapan Fleet. Sovv narrowly avoided a Senate Vote of No Confidence in his leadership, which further undermined his confidence in commanding the New Republic's forces.
At the Battle of the Black Bantha, Sovv personally commanded a fleet of New Republic warships, successfully crippling a portion of the Vong fleet preparing for an impending attack. Despite this notable victory, the Yuuzhan Vong launched a massive armada under the command of Tsavong Lah, with the intention of capturing Coruscant. Sovv's most challenging moment occurred during his command of the defense of Coruscant against the Yuuzhan Vong in 27 ABY. While leading the Coruscant defense fleet, comprising half of the New Republic Defense Fleet, he refused to engage the screen of refugee ships used by the Yuuzhan Vong to mask their advance, despite explicit orders from Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya to do so. Consequently, he was relieved of command, but Fey'lya lacked the authority to enforce this, as Sovv retained control of the fleet. Elements of his fleet, led by Garm Bel Iblis, defied Sovv and followed Fey'lya's orders, but their efforts were insufficient to alter the outcome. The battle devolved into a rout, with some Senators commandeering portions of the fleet for personal protection. As New Republic forces retreated towards Dac, a disheartened Admiral Sovv sought someone to accept his resignation.
Following Cal Omas's election as Chief of State, Sovv tendered his resignation shortly after Omas's inauguration. However, the Sullustan admiral soon discovered the resolve needed to continue the war. Retired admiral Ackbar began advising the new government on a plan to shift the war's tide. Sovv promptly offered to resign in favor of Ackbar, but the seasoned admiral declined. Instead of assuming control of the Defense Force, Ackbar served in an advisory capacity. Although Sovv did not realize it at the time, Ackbar would restore his confidence. Sovv collaborated closely with Ackbar in preparing the Defense Force for the Battle of Ebaq. Sovv oversaw the battle from a war room on Dac, delegating field command to Bothan admiral Traest Kre'fey. The battle proved to be a resounding success, altering the war's trajectory in favor of the New Republic. As the government transitioned into the Galactic Alliance, Sovv remained in his position as Supreme Commander.
In the ensuing months, Admiral Sovv exhibited renewed confidence in both himself and his forces. During his tenure, Fondor and Yag'Dhul were liberated, although Operation Trinity resulted in failure after the crippling of the HoloNet. Sien Sovv ultimately resigned after the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, ceding command of the Galactic Alliance military to Bothan Admiral Traest Kre'fey. Nevertheless, he was soon reinstated due to Kre'fey's genocidal ar'krai tendencies, and remained in the role for the subsequent five years. He was recognized as a competent administrator and commander during peacetime – not a figure known for securing major victories, but for suppressing pirate groups and upholding peace.
After several years of leading the Galactic Alliance Defense Force during the galaxy's reconstruction, Sovv perished in an accident when his personal transport collided with another vessel piloted by a Vratix under the influence of black membrosia. Evidence uncovered during an investigation led by Jedi Master Corran Horn suggested sabotage. Given that membrosia was a beverage favored by the Dark Nest Killiks, many within the Galactic Alliance, including Chief Omas, suspected that the Dark Nest orchestrated the accident.
Regardless of his personal reservations regarding his capabilities, the Sullustans held Sovv in similar esteem as the Mon Calamari held Ackbar and the Bothans held Fey'lya and Kre'fey. He was laid to rest on Sullust in one of the most elaborate funerals the planet had ever witnessed, attended by numerous dignitaries from across the Alliance.