Cal Omas

Cal Omas

A male Alderaanian politician, Cal Omas held significant roles in galactic governance. He was the final Chief of State for the New Republic and became the first leader of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, an organization he helped create. His involvement in galactic affairs began after the destruction of his home planet, leading him to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Succeeding Leia Organa as a senator in the New Republic, he served for several years. Following Borsk Fey'lya's last stand on Coruscant during the Yuuzhan Vong attack on the capital, he rose to prominence.

His peers within the Republic chose Omas to take Fey'lya's place. Although the New Republic transitioned into the Galactic Alliance shortly after, the Alderaanian's leadership was instrumental in bringing an end to the devastating Yuuzhan Vong War. However, peace proved fleeting, and within five years, new problems emerged from the Unknown Regions. The Dark Nest Crisis created external challenges for the Alliance and internal divisions between the government and the Jedi. Omas frequently clashed with Jedi figures like Kyp Durron, Kenth Hamner, Jacen Solo, and even Luke Skywalker. While the initial rift was eventually mended, it would later resurface.

When the Corellians threatened to secede from the Alliance, Omas faced pressure from all sides. Jacen Solo and Supreme Commander Cha Niathal worked together to undermine Omas's leadership. Unable to effectively retaliate, Omas saw an opportunity when Dur Gejjen, the leader of the Corellian government, contacted him to initiate peace negotiations. However, Solo's soldiers disrupted Omas's attempts to collaborate with the Corellians to remove Niathal and Solo. Solo then had Omas arrested, replacing him with himself and Niathal as Joint Chiefs of State. Adding to the humiliation, Solo falsely accused Omas of being responsible for the death of Mara Jade Skywalker (whom Solo had actually killed) in front of young Ben Skywalker. Although Ben didn't believe Solo's lie, he infiltrated Omas's prison cell with the intention of killing him to get closer to Jacen. However, Omas revealed Solo's deception to Skywalker and then intentionally impaled himself on Skywalker's lightsaber. This act gave the young man the resolution he sought, allowing him to regain Jacen Solo's trust. Elya Omas survived him as his daughter.


Early service

Cal Omas was originally from the planet of Alderaan. At the time of its destruction by the Galactic Empire's Death Star superweapon, he was away from his homeworld. Like many survivors, he dedicated his life to the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Omas served with distinction in the Rebel military for several years under the command of Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar. After the significant Rebel victory at the Battle of Endor, he became a politician in the New Republic. In 11 ABY, he was elected to the Senate by the Alderaanian survivors, succeeding Leia Organa Solo after her selection as the new Chief of State. Following Borsk Fey'lya's ascension to Chief of State in 23 ABY, Omas was chosen to serve on the Advisory Council, where he became known as one of its more moderate members. Furthermore, his pro-Jedi stance made him a rarity within the council. At some point, he became the father of a daughter named Elya.

Yuuzhan Vong Invasion

Around 25 ABY, when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded, Omas and Senator Triebakk of Kashyyyk both supported Luke Skywalker's proposition for a new Jedi Council. As Coruscant became increasingly aware of the Vong's destructive capabilities, the New Jedi Order came under governmental scrutiny following the Battle of Ithor, where Jedi Knight Corran Horn was blamed for the resulting devastation. Despite this, Omas continued to advocate for Skywalker's Jedi.

The Fall of Coruscant, after which Omas was presumed dead.

His position often put him at odds with Chief of State Fey'lya, who believed the Jedi harbored a vendetta against the Bothans. During the war's first year, Omas, acting on intelligence from Talon Karrde, suggested assigning a defense force to Corellia, but his proposal was rejected. As the war progressed, the Republic suffered significant losses. The Vong advanced toward the core, eventually capturing Coruscant. Omas disappeared during the evacuation, leading the struggling Republic to fear the worst, particularly for the Jedi he had supported.

Fey'lya had sacrificed himself, and the Republic was in chaos, mirroring its situation during the height of the Galactic Empire. However, Omas had managed to escape Coruscant and reach Mon Calamari, where he rejoined the remaining members of the Advisory Council.

Election of 28 ABY

Omas became a candidate to succeed Fey'lya as the New Republic's Chief of State. Unlike previous elections, where the winner was clear, the election was expected to be highly competitive. His primary opponent, Fyor Rodan of Commenor, positioned himself as the candidate who would end the war without Jedi assistance. Omas, on the other hand, made it clear that he intended to collaborate with the Jedi to achieve victory. Two additional candidates emerged: Cola Quis of Ryloth, who aimed to gain an early lead in the polls, and Ta'laam Ranth of Antar 4, who sought to secure a large voting block not to win, but to influence the election's outcome.

Omas began meeting regularly with Jedi Masters Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker, who supported his candidacy. This support was partly due to Omas's service with the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, which gave him credibility among veterans. However, the Jedi were aware that actively influencing the vote could lead to accusations of foul play from Rodan, so they allowed Omas to manage the situation independently. Nevertheless, Rodan attempted to make the Jedi an issue by suggesting that the government cut their funding and cease supporting their activities.

In the initial round of voting, Omas trailed Rodan by several points. After receiving the endorsement of Cola Quis of Ryloth, Omas and Rodan were neck and neck. It was the assistance of Talon Karrde and Lando Calrissian, who used their influence to persuade additional senators to support Omas, that ultimately gave the Alderaanian a majority. Upon learning this, the Yuuzhan Vong sent spies to assassinate the leading candidate for Chief of State, but their plans were thwarted by Mara Jade Skywalker. Nearing victory, Omas offered Ranth a seat on his Advisory Council as Minister of Justice, securing the votes of Ranth's substantial majority. Consequently, 85% of the senators voted for him to become the new Chief of State.

Creation of the High Council

Amidst the chaos of the ongoing war, Omas sought to strengthen the bond between the Jedi and the Republic. Working alongside Luke Skywalker, he established the High Council, a governing body consisting of six Jedi and six non-Jedi members. The High Council immediately began devising strategies to turn the tide of the war against the Vong, with discussions centered around the potential use of the Alpha Red virus, a potent weapon capable of destroying all Vong-based life.

Following the advice of retired Admiral Ackbar, Omas and his current Supreme Commander, Sien Sovv, prepared the reformed New Republic Defense Force for battle, aiming to shift the war's momentum in the Republic's favor. After the significant victory at the Battle of Ebaq 9, the New Republic and their Jedi allies finally gained an advantage in the war. The Chief of State assured Master Skywalker that the Alpha Red program would only be deployed as a last resort.

Birth of the Galactic Alliance

Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane, Omas's opposite number in the Yuuzhan Vong.

Chief of State Omas recognized the need for a new form of government to ensure the galaxy's survival amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War. The New Republic had suffered numerous defeats due to political infighting and weak leadership during the early stages of the invasion. Realizing that the New Republic's cumbersome organization could not withstand the pressures of the galactic war, he initiated a significant reorganization and streamlining of the government. The resulting entity, known as the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, or Galactic Alliance for short, began the arduous task of reunifying the galaxy. Despite these governmental reforms, the Yuuzhan Vong remained a threat. Omas guided the Alliance as it expanded to include the Imperial Remnant, as well as other worlds that had been isolated since the war's onset.

Omas did not forget those fighting on the front lines. He personally commended the Orange Panthacs, a battalion of B2 super battle droids, for defending their homeworld of Mantessa against a Vong force of Fire Breathers. Thanks to the Jedi he consistently supported, the living planet Zonama Sekot was discovered. Identified as a seed of the Vong homeworld Yuuzhan'tar, it was brought to Coruscant during the Alliance's reclamation of the ecumenopolis. Omas accepted Warmaster Nas Choka's surrender on the Ralroost after Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane was killed planetside by Luke Skywalker. With the war concluded, Omas was responsible for maintaining peace within the Alliance.

Post war, 30-35 ABY

Omas continued his service as Chief of State, but his relationship with the Jedi became strained. He was experiencing stress and the effects of aging, causing the once easygoing and lighthearted Omas to become frustrated and irritable. Despite surviving one of the galaxy's most destructive conflicts, new threats emerged, seeking to destabilize Omas's government. Amidst these challenges, Omas oversaw the rebuilding efforts following the Yuuzhan Vong War's devastation. Balancing the needs of the galaxy with the individual requests and petitions of displaced refugees proved difficult. The Chief of State also struggled to monitor corporate conglomerates, ensuring they did not illegally exploit the disenfranchised.

Troubles with the Jedi, the Chiss, and the Killiks

In 35 ABY, the Chiss Ascendancy contacted Omas. Aristocra [Mitt'swe'kleoni](/article/mitt%27swe%27kleoni], an ambassador, met with him on Coruscant and demanded to know why a group of Jedi were interfering in Chiss frontier affairs. Omas was unaware of the situation, and his confused response led the Chiss to seek out Luke Skywalker at the Jedi Temple. There, Omas discovered that Skywalker and the Jedi were also ignorant of these Chiss affairs. Seeking to take control of the situation, Omas personally dispatched Skywalker to investigate.

It was determined that the Jedi in question were survivors of the Mission to Myrkr who had become Joiners in a Killik nest near the Chiss frontier. They had been summoned by Raynar Thul, a Jedi previously presumed lost, along with Lomi Plo, a Dathomir Nightsister, and Welk, a Dark Jedi. The Killiks were being manipulated by the Dark Nest, which was forcing them to expand into Chiss space with the Jedi's assistance. Jacen Solo, acting independently, recognized that the Killiks were threatened by Chiss retaliation and enlisted the aid of Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo of Hapes to provide military support.

Jedi Master Corran Horn, one of Omas's few allies in the New Jedi Order.

This infuriated the Chiss and, by extension, Omas. Relations with the Ascendancy were already fragile, and the military presence of a Galactic Alliance member threatened to escalate into war. To prevent this, Omas traveled to the Jedi Academy on Ossus to confront Master Skywalker and his Jedi High Council. He interrupted a conference between the Council and a group of Ithorian refugees led by Ooamu Waoabi to voice his demands, sparking heated debate among Council members. Frustrated, Omas threatened to cut funding to the Jedi if they refused to comply with Alliance demands, only to be met with Jacen Solo's assertion that the Jedi served the Force alone. Enraged, Omas insisted that the Jedi were bound to the Alliance, but stopped when Leia Organa Solo offered a compromise. She proposed that the Killiks migrate to Woteba and thirteen other planets in the Utegetu Nebula, instead of encroaching on Chiss territory and provoking conflict. In exchange for possession of Woteba, Organa demanded that the homeless Ithorians be given Borao, instead of it remaining in the hands of RePlanetHab. Organa made this suggestion because she had already hoped to give Utegetu to the Ithorians, but believed the Killik matter was more urgent. Omas saw this as a viable solution and decided to leave the Jedi Order alone, for the time being.

The Swarm War

However, this peace would not last. When the Killiks began causing problems in the Utegetu Nebula, Omas barred the Ithorians from accessing Borao. While Leia Solo negotiated with UnuThul, Omas attended the funeral of Admiral Sien Sovv. Sovv and two hundred members of his staff had died when a drunk Vratix accidentally crashed into his personal transport. At the funeral, Omas was required to place the final block and deliver a short tribute to Sovv, using the same number of words as the late admiral's age in standard years. During his speech, he implied that the Killiks were responsible for Sovv's death, despite it being reported as an accident, as Jedi Master Horn's findings led Omas to believe otherwise. His patience with the Killiks was wearing thin, and the Jedi's constant deflection of blame from the former natives of Alderaan only exacerbated the situation in Omas's eyes. The Chief of State engaged in another confrontation with the Jedi at the funeral and ordered Master Luke Skywalker to contact him as soon as possible.

Concerned that the Killiks were becoming uncontrollable, Omas dispatched Nek Bwua'tu and the Fifth Fleet to blockade the Utegetu Nebula in an attempt to limit Killik expansion. Master Skywalker had traveled to Woteba to try and appease UnuThul, but was taken captive. No one informed Omas of this, so when Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo and her master, Saba Sebatyne, attempted to breach the Utegetu Blockade, Omas had them detained. Hoping to stabilize the situation, he met with the Jedi Masters of the Advisory Council, as well as Masters Horn and Kyle Katarn. There, he continued to debate, often heatedly, about the Jedi's role in the Alliance. He was informed of Skywalker's captivity and, in turn, told the Masters of Organa Solo's arrest. Seeing an opportunity to tighten his control over the Jedi, he requested that one of the Masters take charge of the order in Skywalker's absence, an idea that deeply offended Master Durron. Omas cleverly suggested to Katarn that Master Horn take charge, as Horn was more sympathetic to Omas's and the Alliance's predicament. Horn accepted the task, further enraging Durron and Omas's detractors within the Jedi Order. With the Jedi Order effectively under his control, the Chief of State was free to deal with the Killiks as he saw fit.

Skywalker managed to escape Woteba, and upon returning to Ossus, he declared himself Grand Master of the New Jedi Order, allowing Horn to resume his normal duties. However, Omas no longer trusted Skywalker or any of the Jedi, so he enlisted Zakarisz Ghent to bug the Grand Master's office. The hapless slicer was caught in the act and identified Omas as the one who had given the order, further diminishing the Chief of State's reputation among the Jedi.

The Utegetu Blockade escalated into the Swarm War, and when Thyferra was captured by the Killiks, Omas and the Jedi decided to put aside their differences. Skywalker conceded that the Jedi needed to serve the Alliance as well as the Force, and together with Omas and Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon, a plan was devised to restore the government on Thyferra. In time, the Jedi were able to end the war, defeating the Killiks and placating the Chiss. However, the complexity of the crisis led Skywalker to remove all Jedi from the Advisory Council, believing that they had no place in politics. It is unknown whether this pleased or angered Omas, but Skywalker's hopes that the Jedi would detach themselves from politics would ultimately be unfulfilled.

Second Galactic Civil War

Jacen Solo, who would prove to be Omas's final political opponent.

Though the galaxy enjoyed a period of relative calm in the years that followed, discontent simmered beneath the surface. Corellia, notably, began to question the legitimacy of its commitments to the Alliance, openly defying established trade regulations and military protocols. By 40 ABY, suspicions arose that Corellia was actively preparing for a full-scale conflict, prompting Grand Master Skywalker to dispatch Jacen and Ben Skywalker on a mission to disable the formidable Centerpoint Station. While their intervention inflicted damage on the station, it remained potentially operational, contingent upon successful repairs.

Recognizing the looming threat of war, both the Alliance and Corellian factions initiated peace negotiations at the neutral site of Toryaz Station. Supreme Commander Pellaeon engaged in discussions with Corellian Prime Minister Aidel Saxan aboard the station. However, an attack orchestrated by Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith, resulted in Saxan's demise and the collapse of the peace talks. Determined to project an image of strength, Omas deployed the Second Fleet to impose a blockade on the Corellian system. Undeterred, the Corellians retaliated with a counteroffensive, effectively igniting the Second Galactic Civil War.

The assassination of Saxan's successor, Thrackan Sal-Solo, by the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett, could be seen as fortuitous, given Sal-Solo's role in instigating the conflict. However, his replacement, Dur Gejjen, proved to be an even greater challenge. Coupled with Pellaeon's resignation following the declaration of war, Omas found himself in an increasingly precarious situation. The Alliance struggled to make headway against enemy forces, facing difficulties in maintaining control over key worlds within its jurisdiction. Even on Coruscant, security deteriorated, leading to the establishment of the Galactic Alliance Guard. This organization, commonly known as the GAG, was placed under the command of Jacen Solo, despite Mara Jade Skywalker being Omas's initial preference. Solo's actions created another source of conflict for Omas, as he had been a vocal critic of the Chief of State during the Dark Nest Crisis. Furthermore, Pellaeon's replacement, Cha Niathal, also expressed dissatisfaction with Omas's leadership, leaving the Chief of State isolated within the military establishment. Omas contemplated seeking Emergency Powers from the Senate, echoing the actions of Palpatine, the last Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic. However, it remains unclear whether the Senate rejected this proposal or Omas ultimately decided against it.

Despite his reservations about Solo, Omas, along with Niathal, recommended to Grand Master Skywalker that he be elevated to the rank of Jedi Master, based solely on a passing comment made by Master Kyp Durron. Skywalker argued that Solo lacked the necessary maturity, a stance that puzzled Omas. He had understood that Solo was among the most gifted Jedi of his time, in terms of Force abilities, and it was not unusual for younger Jedi to receive such promotions. Nevertheless, Skywalker remained firm, and Durron claimed that he had only suggested Solo's promotion to adhere to a minor Jedi tradition.

The schemes of Jacen Solo

After the inconclusive Battle of Gilatter VIII, a surge of minor conflicts erupted across the galaxy, some newly formed, others resurfacing from the past. The Sepan Civil War, previously quelled by Admiral Harkov nearly four decades prior, reignited, leveraging the Alliance/Confederacy conflict as justification. Overwhelmed by the need to manage both these localized conflicts and the larger war, Omas began exploring alternative solutions. Dur Gejjen, the Five World Prime Minister, evidently shared this sentiment and contacted Omas to discuss potential terms. The meeting, intended to be held in secrecy on the neutral world of Vulpter, was compromised when Jacen Solo illegally used his GAG to tap the Chief of State's office. Aware of the meeting and Omas's plans to remove him, Solo, without informing Omas, plotted to assassinate Gejjen on the desolate world of the Deep Core and to bug the meeting.

Even without knowledge of Solo's assassination plot against Gejjen, Omas had reached his breaking point with the GAG leader and Niathal. He felt both were constantly undermining his authority and pressuring him into military engagements, making them, in his view, more of a liability than an asset. During his meeting with Gejjen on Vulpter, Omas requested that Solo and Niathal be neutralized in exchange for Corellia's reintegration into the Alliance and the cessation of hostilities. Gejjen agreed, but as he departed from the meeting, he was fatally shot in the head by a GAG sniper—Ben Skywalker. Chaos ensued, and although Omas managed to return safely to Coruscant, he found himself completely isolated.

Final days in power

While no one explicitly accused the Alliance of orchestrating the assassination, the implications were clear. The war remained unresolved, and Omas's stress levels reached new heights. He continued his duties as before, unaware of the manipulations by his detractors that would soon lead to his removal from office.

Upon discovering Omas's plan to have him assassinated, Solo determined that the Alderaanian was no longer fit to lead. He delved into galactic law and began lobbying for increased authority, which the Senate granted him. Eventually, he acquired the necessary power to arrest Omas. Accompanied by a GAG escort, Solo entered the Chief of State's office and arrested Omas, who responded with a cold indifference in front of the soldiers. However, after they had departed, he unleashed a verbal tirade against Solo, branding him a "power-crazed…little jerk". Aside from this brief outburst, he complied peacefully, allowing Niathal to install herself and Solo as joint Chiefs of State.


While under house arrest, Omas contacted his lawyers and demanded to be formally charged. The Alderaanian sought a public trial to expose Solo's true intentions. During his detention, Omas befriended Lieutenant Jonat of the GAG, using her comlink to reassure his daughter, Elya Omas, that he was safe. One of Solo's first actions as Chief of State was the murder of his aunt, Mara Jade Skywalker, the Grand Master's wife. However, the murder was unplanned, and Solo did not have the opportunity to conceal his involvement. Ben Skywalker, Jacen's apprentice and Jade Skywalker's son, initially suspected and then became convinced that Solo was indeed responsible for his mother's death. However, upon contacting the Joint Chief of State, he was led to believe that Omas might have been the perpetrator. It was well known that Omas held a negative view of the Jedi and had often attempted to undermine them during times of crisis. Solo further supported his claim by playing a recording of Omas discussing an attack on Luke Skywalker with an unidentified individual.

Although the boy did not believe Solo, he decided to murder the former Chief of State to gain access to the new Joint Chief of State. Omas, under house arrest, had taken a lesson from his predecessor and rigged a bomb to detonate upon his death. Young Skywalker, after a brief confrontation with a security droid, entered the former Chief of State's quarters, only to be confronted by Omas. Initially, Omas held the upper hand, holding the Jedi at gunpoint, but Skywalker swiftly used the Force to disarm him. The Alderaanian expressed disappointment that Solo himself had not come to kill him and was shocked when Skywalker revealed his intention to avenge his mother's death. Using the Force, Skywalker sensed Omas's genuine surprise and realized that Solo was the true killer of Jade Skywalker. He and Omas also deduced how Solo had created the recording. It turned out that Jonat had been recording Omas's messages to his daughter. This audio had been manipulated to fabricate evidence against Omas by combining his actual statements taken out of context.

Skywalker informed Omas that he believed Solo, not him, had murdered his mother and revealed Solo's dealings with Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith. Skywalker told Omas that his death was to be faked, but Omas realized such deception would not fool Solo. Understanding this, Omas seized his fallen blaster and began firing erratically at Skywalker, deliberately missing him. The Coruscant Security Forces attempted to breach the office, but failed. Eventually, Omas cornered Skywalker and, to the young Jedi's surprise, threw himself onto the lightsaber he had ignited to deflect the blaster bolts, inflicting a fatal stomach wound that would lead to Omas's slow death. Solo had ensured Omas's confinement by attaching a grenade to his heartbeat; any attempt to leave the vicinity would trigger an explosion, killing him. The grenade would also detonate upon Omas's death, preventing suicide because the explosion would have killed his guards as well. This plan served the additional purpose of eliminating any evidence left in the apartment by Omas's murderer. After wounding himself, Omas apologized to Skywalker, explaining that his feigned retaliation and death were necessary to make his plan work. He had chosen to inflict a slow death upon himself to absolve Skywalker of any guilt and to provide him with time to escape. The young Jedi managed to flee the building before the grenade detonated, saving several security guards in the process, and left with the knowledge that his mentor was dangerously unstable. In time, Skywalker would work to depose Solo, who would eventually become the sole Chief of State. Eventually, Solo was slain by his sister, Jaina, and the position of Chief of State would pass to Admiral Natasi Daala, formerly of the Galactic Empire.

Character and Attributes

Cal Omas was a man of reaction. The destruction of Alderaan was required for him to understand the error of Palpatine's path, the Yuuzhan Vong invasion to see the flaws of the New Republic, and his own rise to Chief of State to recognize the shortcomings of the Jedi. Before the retaking of Coruscant, Omas was also known as a good-natured man, with a sense of humor and the ability to admit when he was wrong. However, he would constantly clash with the Jedi after the Recapture of Coruscant. He was quick to anger and unwilling to compromise, as demonstrated repeatedly in meetings with the Jedi Council. Omas believed the Jedi should serve the Alliance unconditionally, a view not shared by the Jedi themselves.

Initially, Omas was known for being on the front lines, serving in the Galactic Civil War, and later, remaining on Coruscant when the Vong seized it. However, during the Swarm and Alliance/Confederation Wars, Omas was rarely near any combat zones. He retained the diplomatic skills that had initially propelled him in the eyes of his peers, successfully negotiating with the Chiss, but his skills failed him with the Corellians. He was also prepared to secure victory for his people at any cost, even considering the use of the biological weapon "Alpha Red" during the darkest days of the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Behind the scenes

Cal Omas was created for the New Jedi Order book series, debuting in the preliminary installment, R. A. Salvatore's The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. The character made intermittent appearances in the series until Walter Jon Williams's The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way. In this novel, Omas was elected as Chief of State of the New Republic, leading to his prominence in later novels. In Troy Denning's Dark Nest Trilogy, Omas became a political antagonist to the Jedi, a role that persisted through the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. In 2007's Legacy of the Force: Inferno, Denning killed off Omas following his arrest in Karen Traviss's Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. For twelve years, no images of Cal Omas were available, and this absence became a running joke. In 2010, author Daniel Wallace humorously addressed fans' desire for an image of Omas on the Jedi Council Forums while seeking suggestions for the upcoming reference guide The Essential Characters. An image of Omas was eventually included in 2012's The Essential Reader's Companion.

