Ta'laam Ranth, hailing from Antar 4, served the New Republic as a Gotal senator (a male). Additionally, he presided over the Senate Justice Council. His reputation was built on his exceptionally courteous and gentle manner of speaking.
Following the Fall of Coruscant, Ranth successfully made his way to Mon Calamari, which became the New Republic's temporary base. The death of the New Republic's Chief of State, Borsk Fey'lya, triggered a new election process for the position. Ranth was among those nominated, alongside Cal Omas, Fyor Rodan, and Cola Quis. While Ranth garnered significant backing, it became clear that he lacked the necessary support to secure the Chief of State role. Some senators, including Triebakk, were concerned that Ranth was only accumulating support to later withdraw and trade his votes for political advantages. Both Fyor Rodan and Cal Omas actively sought Ranth's endorsement. However, Ranth's votes became inconsequential after the third round of voting when a large portion of Rodan's supporters shifted their allegiance to Omas.
Omas successfully convinced Ranth to support him, promising to allow him to remain as the chair of the Justice Council and to grant him a seat on the High Council as one of the six non-Jedi representatives from the New Republic. Apparently, Ranth did not strongly support the Jedi Order, and believed that his position would be helpful in preventing the Jedi from becoming too independent from the government. However, Ranth sided with the Jedi in his opposition to Alpha Red.
Due to reasons that are not entirely clear—possibly an error in theforce.net's Unofficial Encyclopedia—there was a period of debate surrounding Ranth's gender. However, it has since been clarified on the sw.com forums that Ta'laam Ranth has always been canonically identified as male.