Fyor Rodan, a male Human, held the position of Senator within the New Republic. He was also a member of the Advisory Council under Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya. Despite perceptions linking Rodan to illicit smuggling operations originating from his homeworld, Commenor, these activities were, in reality, conducted by his older brother, Tormak. While many attributed his anti-Jedi stance to these supposed smuggling ties, his opposition stemmed from the Jedi's demands for governmental privileges without Senate oversight. Following Fey'lya's passing, Rodan threw his support behind the self-proclaimed Chief of State, Pwoe. However, the Senate rejected Pwoe's claim in 28 ABY, prompting Rodan to contend for Fey'lya's former role as the rightful New Republic Chief of State. After the initial two rounds of voting, Rodan was in the lead. Nevertheless, he was ultimately defeated by the pro-Jedi Cal Omas, due to the threats of bribery accusations leveled against some of Rodan's backers by Talon Karrde and Lando Calrissian. By 40 ABY, he held the office of Prime Minister of Commenor.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Rodan aligned himself with the anti-Jedi faction, potentially being the most outspoken critic of the Jedi within the New Republic Advisory Council. He even went as far as to dismiss their beliefs as a mere "quaint philosophy" directly to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. During the intense Battle of Coruscant, Rodan displayed courage by remaining at his station until the very last moment when the military evacuated him. After escaping Coruscant, Rodan was among the few members of the New Republic Advisory Council who made it to Borleias. There, he supported Pwoe, who had declared himself Chief of State following Borsk Fey'lya's demise on Coruscant. He soon came to the realization that Pwoe's self-proclamation was motivated by personal ambition. Consequently, he rejoined the rest of the Senate on Mon Calamari, where they were planning to elect a legitimate Chief of State. Rumors circulated about Rodan's involvement with smuggling operations on Commenor, which many saw as the basis for his anti-Jedi sentiment. The truth was that his older brother, Tormak, whom he despised for hindering his political ambitions, was the one involved. Rodan's opposition to the Jedi arose from his conviction that they sought special treatment from the government, free from Senate scrutiny.
On Mon Calamari, Rodan entered the race to succeed Borsk Fey'lya as Chief of State. He was widely regarded as the anti-Jedi candidate. His rivals included the pro-Jedi Senator Cal Omas, the Twi'lek Senator Cola Quis, and Senator Ta'laam Ranth from Antar 4, who was expected to trade his supporters for political advantages. In the initial vote, Rodan secured 35% of the vote, Omas received 28%, Ranth garnered 18%, and Quis obtained 10%. Subsequently, Quis withdrew from the election. At this juncture, the smugglers Talon Karrde and Lando Calrissian arrived with 16 ships carrying supplies and YVH 1 war droids. They decided to aid Omas's campaign by offering the supplies to Rodan's more dubious allies in exchange for their backing in an upcoming military appropriations bill to purchase the YVH's. The subsequent round of voting saw Rodan still in the lead with 37%, Omas with 35%, and Ranth with 22%. Calrissian and Karrde then approached the senators to whom they had provided supplies. They revealed that they had recorded their conversations and, to avoid bribery accusations, they would need to vote for Omas in the upcoming election. In the third round of voting, Omas took the lead with 46%, while Rodan's support dropped to 24%, and Ranth's to 20%. Ranth was persuaded to support Omas in exchange for retaining his chairmanship of the justice council. The following day, Omas won the election with 85% of the vote, while Rodan only managed to secure 12%. Omas established the High Council, which consisted of 6 Jedi and 6 government officials. Rodan was offered the option of retaining his seat on the Advisory Council, but he declined both the appointment and refused to acknowledge Omas as the legitimate Chief of State. Nevertheless, he remained committed to the New Republic and its successor, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
By the time of the Second Galactic Civil War in 40 ABY, Rodan held the position of Prime Minister of Commenor and had openly voiced his support for the Corellian cause. He was manipulated by Lumiya in disguise, who used outdated but detailed Galactic Alliance plans to invade Commenor to convince him to formally align with the Corellians by contributing Commenor's fleet, alongside the Bothans, in an attempt to break the Galactic Alliance blockade.
Fyor Rodan was a politically astute and honorable individual. During the Battle of Coruscant, he bravely remained at his post until the last possible moment, when the military evacuated him. Rodan held strong anti-Jedi sentiments, stemming from his belief that they sought preferential treatment from the government without proper Senate oversight (a concern that Luke acknowledged had some validity). Despite this, Rodan possessed a strong sense of pride and a reluctance to admit when he was wrong. Even after the Jedi addressed his criticisms, he persisted in believing that they desired power. Following his defeat, he refused to recognize Omas as the legitimate Chief of State. He also displayed a degree of hypocrisy, accusing Omas of granting favors by pushing the YV hunter droids through, despite having voted in favor of them himself. His decision to join the Confederacy was partly motivated by resentment at having been defeated by Cal Omas.
Rodan's initial appearance in Star Wars Legends occurs in The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime, the first novel in the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series. Rodan's most significant role is in the book The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way. He also makes an appearance in Legacy of the Force: Exile, a novel from the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series.