The last election for the Chief of State of the New Republic occurred in 28 ABY. It is possible that this election was the most tainted in the history of the New Republic.
Following the Yuuzhan Vong's Capture of Coruscant and the self-sacrificing death of Chief Borsk Fey'lya, the New Republic nearly collapsed entirely. In the immediate wake of these events, Pwoe, the Quarren Senator representing Mon Calamari, unilaterally declared himself to be the new Chief of State. When the New Republic Senate gathered on Mon Calamari to conduct an election for a new Chief of State, Pwoe directed that the Senate should convene on Kuat in order to ratify his self-proclaimed appointment. The Quarren subsequently revoked Pwoe's status as a senator, and the Senate formally declared the office of President of the New Republic to be vacant. The primary contenders in the election consisted of Senators Cal Omas from New Alderaan, Fyor Rodan from Commenor, Cola Quis from Ryloth, and Ta'laam Ranth from Antar 4.
Rodan established the overall tone of the campaign. He asserted that the Jedi, whom he had consistently opposed, were demanding preferential treatment from the government, and that the New Republic lacked sufficient oversight over their activities. In response to this, Luke Skywalker suggested to Omas, who was the pro-Jedi candidate, that a new Jedi Council should be established, with half of its members consisting of non-Jedi individuals from within the government. Quis and Ranth did not issue any statements regarding the Jedi; however, it is generally believed that, while Ranth was not a strong supporter of the Jedi Order, he was not a dedicated opponent either.
In contrast to the clear and decisive victories achieved by Mon Mothma, Leia Organa Solo, and Borsk Fey'lya, this particular election required multiple rounds of voting. During the initial round, Rodan secured 35% of the votes, Omas received 28%, Ranth obtained 18%, and Quis garnered 10%. Pwoe managed to acquire a total of three votes, and he proclaimed the election to be illegitimate. Quis was ultimately persuaded to withdraw from the race and endorse Omas, following Omas's promise to appoint Quis as the chair of the Commerce Council. At this juncture, Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde arrived, accompanied by the Smugglers' Alliance, several hundred YVH 1 war droids, and sixteen transport vessels laden with supplies intended for refugees. Lando and Karrde made the decision to "assist" Omas in his campaign. Their plan involved selling the droids and donating the supplies, and they determined that the most effective method of influencing the vote would be to provide the supplies to some of Rodan's more unscrupulous supporters in exchange for their purchasing the YVH droids. The Senate overwhelmingly approved an appropriations bill that included the acquisition of several thousand YVH 1 droids. Subsequently, the Senate conducted a second vote, in which Rodan received 37% of the votes, Omas secured 35%, and Ranth obtained 22%. The Gotal Senator emerged as the key figure who would determine the next Chief of State. It was also at this time that Shimrra Jamaane, the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, issued an order for the assassination of Cal Omas.
Lando and Karrde made additional visits to the senators they had previously contacted, revealing that they had recorded their conversations. In exchange for preventing the implication that the senators had accepted bribes, Lando and Karrde requested that they vote in favor of Omas. During the third round of voting, Omas received 46% of the votes, while Rodan's support declined to 24%, and Ranth's dropped to 20%. Pwoe's vote total actually increased to four. Ranth was ultimately convinced to support Omas in exchange for retaining his position as the chair of the Justice Council. The Yuuzhan Vong then initiated their assassination attempt on Omas, which was successfully thwarted by Mara Jade Skywalker. In the fourth and final vote, Omas secured 85% of the votes, while Rodan received approximately 12%. Pwoe's total votes reverted back to three. The following day, Omas was officially sworn in as the Chief of State of the New Republic and promptly signed the order establishing the High Council.
This event would prove to be the last election held within the New Republic. In the aftermath of the decisive Battle of Ebaq 9, Omas formally established the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, a political alliance comprised of the New Republic, Imperial Remnant, and Hapes Consortium. Through the implementation of a new constitution, enhanced checks and balances, and a restructured federal framework, the Galactic Alliance endeavored to rectify many of the shortcomings present in the preceding government.