Toryaz Station

Toryaz Station, a space station orbiting near Ronay (a moon of Kuat), served as a luxurious venue for interplanetary negotiations and celebrations of great importance.


The station's central structure was a disc measuring two kilometers in diameter and 300 meters in thickness. This central disc housed hotels, retail establishments, and gardens. Radiating from the disc were spokes, each a quarter of a kilometer in length, terminating in opulent pods. These pods were 40 meters thick and 250 meters across. Six of these pods possessed a disc-like shape, while the other six were triangular, with the shapes alternating. Each pod had the capability to function independently. One of the triangular pods was known as the Narsacc Habitat.


A collective of Kuati merchant families managed the station, which did not offer single-person accommodations. The least expensive accommodations available had a daily rental fee equivalent to the annual income of a middle-class family. Toryaz Station Security was responsible for its protection.

In 40 ABY, Toryaz Station was selected as a neutral location for discussions between the Galactic Alliance and representatives from Corellia. The purpose of these negotiations was to discuss the Alliance's removal from Tralus, allowing both parties to preserve their reputations and prevent a full-scale conflict. Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon and Prime Minister Aidel Saxan were chosen to represent the Alliance and Corellia, respectively. Luke Skywalker commanded a Jedi detachment to safeguard the negotiators.

Following the initial day of negotiations, Lumiya made an appearance disguised as a Kuati mercantile princess, accompanied by a team of drugged commandos supplied by Thrackan Sal-Solo. Utilizing her Force abilities, she manipulated Captain Siron Tawaler into divulging navigation information pertaining to the delegation's quarters, and then promptly eliminated Tawaler by ejecting him through an airlock. The frenzied commandos struck at both delegations, successfully assassinating Prime Minister Saxan. The negotiations ended in failure. Denjax Teppler, Aidel Saxan's former spouse, stepped in as her replacement. The only evidence pointing to the mastermind behind the attack was a piece of cloth indicative of various Force-based cultures, including the Sith.

