Attack on Toryaz Station

The assault on Toryaz Station transpired amid the Second Galactic Civil War, a plot masterminded by both Sith Lady Lumiya and Thrackan Sal-Solo. Tragically, Aidel Saxan, the esteemed Five World Prime Minister, met her demise during this event.


The attack represented an attempt to assassinate key political figures from both Coruscant and Corellia. This action threatened to severely damage the already fragile relationship between the Galactic Alliance and Corellia during the Second Galactic Civil War. Following Admiral Matric Klauskin's successful capture of Tralus, the Galactic Alliance opted to resume negotiations in a more neutral environment. In an effort to prevent further escalation, Cal Omas, Grand Master Skywalker, Gilad Pellaeon, and Cha Niathal collaborated on a strategy. This plan aimed to enable the Alliance to negotiate a withdrawal from Tralus, offering both the Corellian state and the Alliance a way to save face and bring the conflict to a close. However, certain individuals harbored desires that ran counter to a peaceful resolution.

Toryaz Station, a Kuati orbital facility frequently utilized for interplanetary discussions, was selected as the venue. A substantial portion of the station underwent clearing and security measures. After a day filled with extensive discussions, a dance was held on the first evening. Subsequently, the attendees retired to their respective quarters. Supreme Commander Pellaeon served as the Alliance's representative, while Prime Minister Aidel Saxan represented the Corellian system. Master Skywalker, accompanied by a Jedi contingent, was also in attendance, along with Han and Leia Solo.

The Onslaught

Following the initial day of negotiations, Lumiya made her appearance, disguised as a Kuati mercantile princess and accompanied by a group of drugged commandos supplied by Sal-Solo. Employing her Force abilities, she manipulated Captain Siron Tawaler into divulging navigation information to the delegation's chambers. She then swiftly eliminated Tawaler by compelling him to step through an airlock. The frenzied commandos launched attacks on each delegation, successfully assassinating Prime Minister Saxan. Pellaeon's decoy was also killed, but the Supreme Commander himself survived, having relocated his quarters without notifying Toryaz Station's personnel. The combat skills of those present prevented further casualties, although several security personnel were killed. Every commando perished during the mission, some falling to the Jedi, others succumbing to their terminal illnesses.


The talks ended in failure; Aidel Saxan's former husband Denjax Teppler took her place, fully aware of the short term nature of his new position. The only evidence pointing to the masterminds behind the assassination consisted of Captain Tawaler's frozen corpse and a piece of cloth representing a range of Force-based cultures, including the Sith. This cloth was presumably planted by Lumiya in a successful attempt to lure Jacen Solo to her home.

Involved Parties

Galactic Alliance



  • Lumiya [1]
  • Drugged Corellian commandos [1]

