The Home

The celestial body known as The Home was a sizable iron asteroid situated within the MZX32905 star system, located in proximity to Bimmiel. This designation, "The Home," originated as a translated name given by the mynock-like indigenous species who were sapient.


A substantial quantity of dark side energy from the Force permeated the asteroid, playing a crucial role in the evolutionary trajectory of the lifeforms native to it. Over time, these creatures established a relatively sophisticated civilization and acquired the ability to harness the dark side's power. Despite their considerable Force abilities, these beings ultimately faced extinction, the precise cause of which remains shrouded in mystery. However, it is believed that their inability to reproduce outside the confines of the Home contributed significantly to their demise.

As millennia unfolded, a mining operation was eventually established as part of a broader endeavor within the asteroid belt. The inherent dark side energy present within the asteroid, compounded by the residual energy of the extinct creatures, triggered a series of anomalous events at the mining facility. Force-sensitives began reporting unusual abilities and strange occurrences, while many miners experienced a phenomenon of channeling the ancient creatures, leading them to believe they were the creatures themselves.

Consequently, and also due to the depletion of most metal-rich ore deposits by the ancient civilization, the mining venture experienced a steady decline in profitability. The administrator, aware of this situation and possessing Force sensitivity himself, also recognized the dark side power emanating from the asteroid. He discreetly ceased mining operations and suppressed all reports of the strange incidents, ensuring that the rest of the mining enterprise remained unaffected.

Having extracted all possible knowledge from the asteroid's energies, the administrator departed with the intention of seeking out the Sith. He later returned as the Sith Lord known as Darth Vectivus. He constructed a dwelling on the asteroid, featuring a grand mansion at its heart, situated on what had once been the sacred grounds of the ancient dark side practitioners.

Centuries later, Vectivus's residence served as a sanctuary and research site for the aspiring Sith Lumiya. It was within these walls that she convinced Jacen Solo, a Jedi Knight, to embrace the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.

Ultimately, The Home was destroyed by members of the One Sith in an attempt to prevent the Jedi from uncovering Darth Vectivus's technique of Force phantom projection.

