The Sith of Lumiya represented a new form of the Sith Order. This iteration was established by Lady Lumiya during the period of the Galactic Civil War. It consisted of a loosely organized network of Force-sensitive individuals. These individuals subscribed to the core principles of Sith religion and the power of the dark side. Following the collapse of the preceding Sith organization, the Order of the Sith Lords, marked by the deaths of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader in 4 ABY, Lumiya aimed to safeguard the Sith legacy. Consequently, she proclaimed herself as the Dark Lady of the Sith. However, due to the constraints of the Rule of Two, an age-old mandate limiting the Sith to two Lords at any one time, Lumiya's training was deemed insufficient for her to be considered a true Sith Master. Her instruction had been primarily as an Imperial assassin.
Despite this limitation, the Dark Lady diligently sought a worthy apprentice to stand alongside her. This was both to uphold the tradition established millennia ago by the ancient Sith Lord Darth Bane and to seek retribution against the resurgent Jedi Order for the downfall of the previous Sith Lords. Her initial choice was a Force-sensitive Imperial stormtrooper known as Flint. Flint, like Lumiya, had received basic training in the Sith ways from Darth Vader. Vader intended to determine which of his two secret apprentices would be the better ally when he chose to overthrow Darth Sidious. However, Lumiya's decision to rule with her rival ultimately backfired when Flint rejected the dark side, embracing redemption instead.
After a period without an apprentice, Lumiya eventually selected Carnor Jax as Flint's replacement. This young Sith prospect was a highly skilled Imperial Sovereign Protector within Darth Sidious' Royal Guard. Unlike the vast majority of his fellow guardsmen, who were unconditionally loyal to Sidious, Jax's allegiance was solely to himself and his ambitions. When Palpatine returned from death by transferring his spirit into multiple clone versions of himself, Jax orchestrated a plot to prematurely end the return of the resurrected Emperor. His scheme involved poisoning the Emperor's clone supplies, which ultimately led to the Emperor's final demise. Jax immediately attempted to seize the Imperial throne, but his ambitions were thwarted, and his life was ended by fellow guardsman Kir Kanos. Once again without an apprentice, Lumiya chose to retreat into the shadows, withdrawing from the forefront of galactic affairs.
During her years in hiding, Lumiya encountered the former Jedi Knight Vergere. Vergere had once had the opportunity to learn the ways of the Sith from Darth Sidious before the creation of the Galactic Empire. Under the guidance of the Fosh, Lumiya completed the training initiated by Darth Vader, thereby attaining the full status of Dark Lady of the Sith. While she continued to seek the downfall of the increasingly powerful Jedi Order, her primary focus became the survival of the Sith. Remaining committed to the Rule of Two, she renewed her efforts to find a new apprentice to carry the Sith legacy into the future. However, due to the limitations imposed by her numerous cybernetic attachments, Lumiya believed she could never reach her true potential.
Therefore, she sought an individual exceptionally strong in the Force, one who could become a champion and restore the Sith. Her ultimate choice for a third and final apprentice was the Jedi Knight Jacen Solo, grandson of her former Master, Darth Vader. The Jedi philosopher required little persuasion to turn, and the young man once known as Jacen Solo underwent a gradual transformation, ultimately becoming the self-proclaimed Darth Caedus.

A millennium had passed since the era of Darth Bane and Darth Zannah, and the Order of the Sith Lords met its effective end with the deaths of its last two Sith Lords, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader in 4 ABY. Vader's failure to supersede his master and acquire a true apprentice left a void, with no qualified successor to continue the Sith tradition established by Bane. Nevertheless, prior to his demise at the Battle of Endor, Vader had trained several secret apprentices in the ways of the dark side of the Force, intending to eventually overthrow Sidious. One of these disciples was Lumiya, a Force-sensitive agent of the Galactic Empire who sustained severe injuries inflicted by Vader's own son, Luke Skywalker. While the cybernetic enhancements implanted throughout her body saved her life, they also transformed Lumiya into more machine than woman—a condition similar to that endured by Vader himself as a cyborg.
Despite Lumiya's initial tutelage in the ways of the Sith under a Sith Lord, Darth Vader was unable to formally take on a disciple while he remained apprenticed to Darth Sidious. Realizing he could not conceal her existence indefinitely, Vader presented Lumiya to his master as a "gift" and potential Sith assassin. Sidious, ruling the Empire as Emperor Palpatine, accepted Lumiya into the ranks of the Emperor's Hands, thereby continuing her education in the fundamental principles of Sith knowledge and power.
The deaths of both Sidious and Vader left Lumiya without anyone to further her Sith training. Nonetheless, her dedication to her fallen masters inspired her to independently advance her knowledge of the dark side. Consequently, she declared herself Dark Lady of the Sith, initiating a new generation of Sith to carry on the legacy of Darth Bane's Order. Although Lumiya held Vader's son, the Jedi Luke Skywalker, responsible for the demise of her instructors and harbored personal animosity towards him, her ultimate goal became the preservation of the Sith. With Sidious and Vader gone, much of their knowledge was lost. The lineage of Sith Lords since Darth Bane and Darth Zannah was broken, and without true successors, the Sith as a whole was on the brink of extinction. By claiming the title of Dark Lady, Lumiya effectively founded a new Sith Order, while maintaining the core ideals essential to the survival of the previous Order.

In addition to emulating the tactics of secrecy and evasion that had kept the Sith Lords of Darth Bane's Order hidden for a millennium, Lumiya strictly adhered to the Rule of Two. This ancient doctrine, conceived by Bane, dictated that the power of the dark side could only be shared between two Sith Lords throughout the entire galaxy at any given time: one Sith Master embodying power, and a single Sith apprentice coveting it. Lumiya thus began her search for an ideal candidate, worthy and strong enough to learn the ways of the dark side.
Though exceptionally powerful in the Force herself, Lumiya was not Darth Vader's only protégé. Her mentor trained several candidates with the potential to serve as his Sith apprentice; the strongest student, who eliminated the others, would have been deemed worthy to stand by Vader's side. When the plan ended with Vader's redemption as Anakin Skywalker and his death, Lumiya sought out one of her fellow prospective students, a Force-sensitive stormtrooper named Flint. Ironically, she and Flint were originally meant to fight to the death so that Vader could determine which of them was stronger. However, the Dark Lord's untimely death left them both without a master to complete their training. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Lumiya eventually located Flint at Vader's abandoned citadel on Vjun, where they fought to determine who deserved the rank of Sith Master. Lumiya ultimately proved to be the more powerful of the two, and with her victory, she secured her first apprentice, thus restoring the Rule of Two as an actively practiced doctrine.
Unfortunately for Lumiya's plans, her success in choosing an apprentice was short-lived. When she tasked her new disciple with avenging the deaths of Sidious and Vader by destroying Luke Skywalker and the Alliance of Free Planets, a successor organization to the former Rebel Alliance, she never anticipated that Flint would find redemption in the light side of the Force through Vader's own son. Betrayed and left without an heir to the Sith legacy, an outraged Lumiya vowed to exact revenge on her renegade pupil for turning his back on her and the dark side of the Force. Several years after his defection, Flint was killed on his homeworld of Belderone, apparently stabbed through the throat by his former master's signature weapon.

The loss of Flint was a setback that undermined Lumiya's goal of restoring the Sith to its former glory, forcing her to resume the search for a powerful apprentice. The Dark Lady eventually found a suitable candidate in a Force-sensitive Royal Guardsman named Carnor Jax, whom Lumiya discovered through her alliance with Director Ysanne Isard of Imperial Intelligence. Although Jax received only minimal training in the dark side of the Force, his ascension as Lumiya's apprentice ensured the Sith's survival for the time being. Through Jax's position in the Royal Guard, Lumiya intended to place the Galactic Empire under Sith rule once again. Thus, she commanded her disciple to infiltrate the upper echelons of the political hierarchy, positioning themselves to seize control of the Empire and eliminate any potential threats to the new Sith Order.
While Carnor Jax secretly manipulated the Imperial Ruling Council, he was approached by Nom Anor, a representative of an extra-galactic race of conquerors interested in an alliance with the Sith against the rising power of the New Republic. Around this time, the galaxy learned of Darth Sidious' survival through a combination of cloning technology and an ancient Force technique, both of which enabled the fallen Emperor to place his soul within a temporary vessel. He chose genetic duplicates of his original body, grown to full maturity at an abnormally accelerated rate using the Spaarti version of cloning. However, the Dark Lord's return was brief; his ultimate downfall was orchestrated by his enemies in the New Republic and, ironically, by treacherous elements within his own Inner Circle. Although Lumiya's active efforts to further the Sith cause were seemingly halted by the Emperor's rebirth, her apprentice conspired to end the long-reigning Dark Lord of the Sith once and for all.
As Sidious became increasingly preoccupied with annihilating the New Republic and Luke Skywalker's fledgling Jedi Order, he failed to notice a conspiracy to destroy his most valuable assets: his reserve stock of clone bodies. With his own dark energy too potent for an unnaturally conceived body to contain, each clone that his spirit possessed suffered from accelerated and unstoppable decay. The primary culprit behind the destruction of his clone supplies was Carnor Jax, who had been appointed to the ranks of the Emperor's most trusted members of the Royal Guard, the Imperial Sovereign Protectors. Roughly a year after his return, Darth Sidious died for the final time, never to return again as his soul was dragged into the abyss of the dark side. With Sidious gone forever, Jax immediately attempted to install himself as the next emperor. Yet his designs on the throne were prematurely ended, partially due to his own treachery. Kir Kanos, a fellow guardsman and loyal follower of the slain Emperor, hunted and killed Carnor Jax for his role in Darth Sidious' demise. With yet another apprentice failing to achieve the full status of a Sith Lord, Lumiya was forced into exile on the Sith world of Korriban, remaining vigilant about galactic events throughout her years in hiding.

When the galaxy was subjected to a full-scale invasion by Nom Anor's race, the Yuuzhan Vong, in 25 ABY, Lumiya discovered that, although she lacked an apprentice to carry on the legacy of the dark side, she was not alone in pursuing a plan to rebuild the Sith. A former Jedi Master of the Old Republic named A'Sharad Hett, traumatized by the Great Jedi Purge and disillusioned with the Jedi way, submitted himself to the ancient Sith teachings of XoXaan. Shortly after his capture by the Yuuzhan Vong, Hett was discovered by Vergere, a fellow exile who, like Hett, was once a member of the fallen Jedi Order before immersing herself in the lore of the dark side. Although the Fosh ex-Jedi Knight initially saw potential in Hett, she was greatly disappointed to realize that her prospective student lacked the same beliefs that she possessed. Rather than adhere to Darth Bane's Rule of Two, Hett believed that the Sith had to be rebuilt in an extremely radical manner, and thus he brainstormed a new tenet known as the Rule of One. Instead of only two Sith Lords at a time, Hett wanted to create a new Sith Order composed of many darksiders, all of whom would operate under the absolute authority of a single Dark Lord.
Vergere, a strict adherent to the teachings of Darth Bane, refused to participate in any plan to rebuild the Sith by discarding the Rule of Two, and thus left Hett to suffer at the hands of the extra-galactic invaders. At some point during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Vergere met the Dark Lady Lumiya, whom she found to be a far more promising disciple than the heretic A'Sharad Hett. The Fosh explained her own connection to the Sith through the late Darth Sidious, whom she once had the opportunity to learn from as an aspiring Sith apprentice. She also revealed how the former Jedi Hett, by then known as Darth Krayt, founded the One Sith, a drastically re-envisioned Sith Order that was based on his own ideals. During her time with the Fosh, Lumiya completed the training she had begun many years ago under Darth Vader through Vergere's wisdom, thus achieving the status of a full-fledged Dark Lady of the Sith.
After Darth Krayt escaped from the Yuuzhan Vong and fled to Korriban where he built the foundations of the One Sith, the self-anointed Sith Lord hoped to recruit Lumiya to his cause, however the Yuuzhan Vong prevented Krayt's minions from bringing Lumiya to their master. But as with Vergere, Lumiya had no interest in discarding the Rule of Two for Krayt's heretical views. Furthermore, she was convinced that the One Sith was too slow and inactive to pose any real threat to the meteoric rise of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order. Unwilling to deviate from the traditions of Bane and Zannah, Lumiya rejected Krayt's vision and pursued a plan to rebuild the Sith Order in its orthodox form.
Vergere's teachings provided Lumiya with a new sense of purpose. Her personal ambitions and feelings of self-importance were superseded by the need to fulfill a destiny—the restoration of peace and stability throughout the galaxy by imposing order through Sith teachings and the power of the dark side. Yet both women were well aware that neither of them was suitable for the ultimate task; Lumiya's Force potential had been severely diminished by her cybernetic implants, and Vergere was tainted by her collaboration with the Yuuzhan Vong. Hence, they planned to recruit and train a new Dark Lord of the Sith, the one who would champion their cause as a benevolent dictator. In their eyes, the Jedi Order's inability to create a lasting era of harmony necessitated the return of the Sith in a turbulent galaxy too often destabilized by war and disorder.
The selection of who would be their chosen one was paramount to the success of their overall objective. Lumiya and Vergere had neither the time or energy to train a young Force-sensitive from scratch, and thus they naturally looked to the most powerful members of the Jedi Order. Among the Jedi that they considered, both Lumiya and Vergere were heavily interested in the descendants of Darth Vader. While Leia Organa Solo, daughter of Darth Vader, was a natural leader and a capable politician, she was also too fearful of her father's legacy. Her daughter, Jaina Solo, was discarded as a possibility because of her tendency to be ruled by her emotions, rather than the need to serve the greater good. Mara Jade Skywalker, though not of Vader's blood, was powerful in her own right and—like Lumiya—a former Emperor's Hand. However, she was also deemed unworthy because of her many attachments. Lumiya and Vergere even considered Luke Skywalker, only to realize that his dogmatic adherence to Jedi philosophy made him the most unlikely candidate of all.
It was ultimately the Jedi Knight Jacen Solo, twin brother of Jaina Solo, who captured the interests of Vergere and Lumiya. During the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, Solo proved his ability to wield great power with responsibility through his refusal to fire Centerpoint Station, an ancient space facility capable of unleashing devastating energy beams through hyperspace, against the Yuuzhan Vong, due to his belief that it would be an overly aggressive action. Solo demonstrated his willingness to dispense with power when necessary. Deciding that he was their best candidate, Lumiya and Vergere came to believe that Jacen Solo would become a Sith Lord who was different from the many others who wielded the dark side for personal gain and glory. Solo would be their champion who embraced power, not for the sake of power itself, but for the sake of creating a peaceful galaxy. Hence, Vergere manipulated events that led to Solo's capture and torture at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. Although he had been chosen as the next Sith Lord, he was still far from being perfectly qualified at the time. Vergere wanted Solo to be broken by the Vong and isolated from the Jedi's influence. Although Solo had been unaware of it at the time, he had already begun his Sith training, gaining a trickster mentor simply by interacting with Vergere.
Shortly after returning with Jacen Solo to the New Republic in 28 ABY, Vergere's sacrificed herself to ensure that Solo would live on and eventually fulfill his true destiny by becoming a Sith. When Jaina's life became threatened during the Battle of Ebaq 9, Jacen rushed to protect his sister at his own peril. Vergere had no intention of allowing her dream die because of her protégé's recklessness, and so she killed the Yuuzhan Vong warriors that were threatening Jaina, but at the cost of her own life. Yet while Solo lived on, hope remained through Lumiya, whose overriding responsibility was to finish Vergere's work and facilitate the conversion of Jacen Solo. When the war ended a year later, the Yuuzhan Vong surrendered after the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar and the galaxy was reunited under the rule of the Galactic Alliance, the successor-state of the former New Republic. Though Solo would not be ready to embrace his Sith heritage for another decade, Lumiya decided to use that time and freedom to prepare for the day when the grandson of Darth Vader was finally prepared to follow in his grandfather's example.

In 40 ABY, the Galactic Alliance was on the brink of another war. A secessionist movement, spearheaded by Corellia, sought independence for several planets. During this tumultuous period, Jacen Solo had undergone a significant transformation. He had recently concluded a five-year journey to seek knowledge from diverse Force users, aiming to enrich his comprehension of the Force beyond the Jedi teachings. The harrowing experiences of the Yuuzhan Vong War, notably the loss of his younger brother, Anakin Solo, profoundly impacted his perspective on the galaxy. He began to question the recurring cycle of wars, despite the Jedi's efforts to maintain peace. Crucially, unbeknownst to Lumiya, Jacen had a vision during his travels that made him more open to her plans. On an unidentified planet within the Maw, he peered into the Pool of Knowledge, a dark side nexus that granted glimpses of the future. He witnessed a dark, armored figure seated upon the Throne of Balance, a symbolic representation of the Force. Interpreting this as an impending descent into darkness, he resolved to prevent the figure's tyrannical reign.
As tensions escalated between the Alliance and its rebellious members, Lumiya recognized an ideal opportunity to advance Solo's ascent to power and his conversion to the dark side. Through meticulous manipulation, she subtly amplified the discord until conflict became inevitable, thus instigating the Second Galactic Civil War. Assuming the guise of "Brisha Syo," she finally encountered the individual she envisioned as her apprentice and the next Dark Lord of the Sith.
Under the guise of temptation, "Brisha" convinced Jacen Solo to journey with her to a place where his destiny would be revealed. Accompanied by his young cousin, Ben Skywalker, and fellow Jedi Knight, Nelani Dinn, Solo followed the enigmatic woman to the MZX32905 system and landed on Syo's home, a habitat situated on a large asteroid. After elucidating the origins of her residence and its connection to Darth Vectivus, an ancient Sith Lord who wielded the dark side without succumbing to megalomania, "Brisha" unveiled her true identity as Lumiya. While Dinn sought to eliminate the Sith Lady immediately, Solo was intrigued by her knowledge and the compelling argument that a Sith could control the dark side without becoming a power-hungry tyrant. Lumiya, a former admirer of Darth Sidious, denounced the fallen Emperor as an insane sociopath who betrayed the Sith code by seeking power for personal gain rather than the galaxy's benefit. She also expressed pity for Solo's grandfather, viewing him as a tragic figure who lost everything he held dear. Lumiya argued that past Sith Lords were driven to evil by their troubled backgrounds, citing exceptions like Vectivus who wielded power responsibly and for the greater good. She pledged to guide Solo on his destined path to become the Sith Lord he was meant to be – the one who would bring peace and order to a war-torn galaxy yearning for stability.
Jacen Solo was swayed by Lumiya's rational arguments and his own yearning to achieve the peace that the Jedi Order had failed to establish. When Nelani Dinn attempted to kill Lumiya, Solo intervened, siding with his new Sith Master and killing the Jedi Knight. He then erased Ben Skywalker's memories of Lumiya and her home to prevent the Jedi from discovering what had transpired. Although saddened by the sacrifices required to end the persona of Jacen Solo, Lumiya rejoiced in her victory. Darth Vader's grandson was now her apprentice, the culmination of her life's work, and he would be the first Dark Lord in decades since the demise of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader.
The Galactic Alliance's attempts to quell Corellia's rebellion and prevent its spread to other discontented planets proved unsuccessful. When terrorism struck Coruscant, threatening the Alliance's core, Chief of State Cal Omas resorted to the drastic measure of establishing a secret police organization. To project an image of strength against Corellian terrorists, a Jedi was chosen to lead the Alliance's new police force. This situation presented an ideal opportunity for the aspiring Sith Lord Jacen Solo to begin his ascent to absolute power, which he believed was necessary to reform the galaxy. Consequently, Solo was commissioned as a colonel and placed in command of the Galactic Alliance Guard (GAG), much to the dismay of the Jedi Council, who opposed the GAG's existence.
Despite criticism that the Galactic Alliance Guard was the precursor to a new Galactic Empire, given the increasing similarities between Alliance and Imperial security policies, the GAG's efforts proved highly effective in deterring terrorism on Coruscant. Many citizens of the galactic capital hailed Colonel Jacen Solo as a national hero, even referring to him as the savior of the Galactic Alliance. During this period, Lumiya continued to guide her apprentice, while simultaneously leveraging the GAG's resources to accelerate Solo's rise to power. Initially, Solo was troubled by fears of Darth Vader's legacy. He worried that he would fail to remain objective like Darth Vectivus and become consumed by his attachments to loved ones, as his grandfather had. Although Lumiya was occasionally frustrated by Solo's lingering ties to his former life, she remained confident that the trials of pain and sacrifice would eventually strip away his Jedi inhibitions. Her faith in the budding Sith Lord was validated as Solo became increasingly focused and ruthless in his quest to save the Galactic Alliance.
Even before completing his training, Jacen Solo and Lumiya were deeply involved in planning his future, particularly regarding the selection of his apprentice in the new Order of Sith Lords. Initially, they agreed that Ben Skywalker should be converted to the dark side. Like Solo, Skywalker was a direct descendant of Darth Vader, possessing the inherent Force potential of the Chosen One's lineage. The young Jedi demonstrated early promise. His admiration for his cousin and his desire to serve the Alliance during its time of need motivated Skywalker to enlist in the GAG as a junior lieutenant. To the embarrassment of many in the Jedi Order, including his parents, Lieutenant Skywalker proudly served alongside Colonel Solo and the GAG troopers of 967 Commando during raids on terrorist locations throughout Galactic City.
Despite being a formidable asset to the Sith cause, Ben Skywalker's attachment to his family and the Jedi Order raised doubts within the two Sith Lords about the feasibility of converting him without jeopardizing their plans. Jacen Solo considered other potential apprentices, such as his late brother's childhood friend, the Jedi Knight Tahiri Veila. However, Lumiya was unimpressed by Veila, who lacked Ben Skywalker's potential. Although she hoped that the new Sith generation would be based on the Skywalker lineage, she ultimately conceded that further attempts to turn Ben were futile.

When Ben Skywalker transmitted a recording of an unauthorized meeting between Chief of State Cal Omas and Prime Minister Dur Gejjen of Corellia, Jacen Solo discovered that the Alliance head of state was contemplating an armistice with the Corellians and their fellow insurgents. To appease the rebellious factions within the Galactic Alliance, Omas discussed the possibility of removing Colonel Solo and Admiral Cha Niathal of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, potentially through assassination. However, due to wartime amendments to the Constitution, Solo and Niathal swiftly invoked their legal authority to arrest and detain Chief Omas for endangering the Galactic Alliance's security. With the deposed leader in GAG custody, the office of the Chief of State was suspended indefinitely for the duration of the Second Galactic Civil War. After explaining their actions and intentions to the Senate, Niathal and Solo appointed themselves as Joint Chiefs of State, effectively seizing complete executive control over the Alliance.
Shortly thereafter, Solo inadvertently revealed his connection to Lumiya to Ben Skywalker while teaching him how to hide his presence in the Force. Skywalker, shocked and dismayed by the revelation of his cousin's turn to the dark side, shared this information with his mother, Mara Jade Skywalker. The former Emperor's Hand was enraged by her nephew's deception, particularly his manipulation of her son. Mara, convinced that Jacen Solo was beyond redemption, attempted to assassinate him before he could become a Master. Her attempt not only failed but also strengthened his resolve to sacrifice a loved one as a final rite of passage before becoming the new Dark Lord of the Sith. When Solo killed Mara during their encounter on Kavan, Lumiya eagerly volunteered to perform one last service for her apprentice: she would take the blame for Mara's death, diverting the Jedi's attention and providing Solo with the time he needed to consolidate his power.

Lumiya successfully deceived the grief-stricken Luke Skywalker into believing that she had murdered his wife. In their final duel, the bitter Grand Master beheaded his former lover and longtime rival. However, upon discovering evidence that exonerated Lumiya shortly after her death, Skywalker was overcome by profound shock and despair. He had not only killed the wrong person in a fit of vengeance but had also murdered her in cold blood. In effect, Luke Skywalker had betrayed the Jedi Order's principles and was succumbing to the allure of the dark side.
Despite claiming to have relinquished her hatred for the Skywalkers and their role in the Galactic Empire's downfall, Lumiya achieved Sith vengeance. The Skywalker-Solo clan was consumed by internal strife: Jacen Solo ceased to exist as he fully embraced the dark side; the Grand Master of the Jedi Order was a broken man, manipulated by the fallen Dark Lady of the Sith. Most importantly, her successor had become a full-fledged Dark Lord, nearing absolute power over the Galactic Alliance. Following his master's demise, Jacen Solo assumed the responsibility of championing the Sith cause until a suitable apprentice could be found. Although he resented maintaining his birth name in public for the time being, he no longer considered it his true identity. In his eyes, "Jacen Solo" was a Jedi Knight who had died during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Shedding the last vestiges of his former self, the new Sith Lord named himself "Darth Caedus" as a final declaration of his new identity.
Initially, Darth Caedus attempted to conceal his Sith nature from the Jedi Order and his colleague, Cha Niathal. Although Lumiya was found innocent of Mara Jade Skywalker's death, her sacrifice bought the Dark Lord time to solidify his control over the Galactic Alliance. Luke Skywalker, still grieving his wife's loss and burdened by guilt for killing the wrong person, sought to reconcile with his nephew during his wife's funeral. Caedus feigned interest in repairing his fractured relationship with his family, primarily to secure Jedi assistance in ending the Second Galactic Civil War. To ensure the Jedi Order's full allegiance, he dispatched a battalion of GAG troopers to the Jedi Academy on Ossus, ostensibly to "protect" its Jedi students and instructors. In reality, they were to hold the Jedi hostage to ensure Luke Skywalker's loyalty to the Galactic Alliance. A team of GAG troopers was also stationed inside the Jedi Temple, where they attempted to arrest Han and Leia Solo but failed.
The Dark Lord's attempt to strong-arm the Jedi Order backfired, leading to their abandonment of the Galactic Alliance. Consequently, the Alliance lost its chance to secure a decisive victory at the Battle of Kuat. Darth Caedus retaliated by declaring all Jedi enemies of the Galactic Alliance. The GAG successfully occupied the Jedi Temple, but not before its occupants escaped into exile. The GAG battalion on Ossus killed and injured several Jedi but was ultimately overwhelmed and forced to surrender.
Following the debacle at Kuat, Caedus targeted the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, both to force the Confederation to withdraw from the Core and to eliminate the Wookiees as a potential threat to the Galactic Alliance. Through planetary bombardment, the GAG Star Destroyer Anakin Solo unleashed a firestorm that engulfed much of the planet's vast forests. As Kashyyyk burned, Ben Skywalker attempted to assassinate Darth Caedus, convinced that his cousin was responsible for his mother's death. Despite the failed attempt on his life, the Dark Lord was pleased, as his hopes of turning Ben to the dark side were rekindled. However, while torturing the young Jedi to amplify his rage, Caedus failed to detect Luke Skywalker's infiltration of the Anakin Solo. The ensuing duel between the Dark Lord and the Grand Master was evenly matched, with both duelists sustaining debilitating injuries. The duel nearly ended in Caedus's death when Ben Skywalker stabbed him in the back with a vibroblade, seeking vengeance for his mother's death. Luke, believing that both he and Ben were on the verge of succumbing to the dark side due to Mara Jade's death, spared Caedus and departed. Despite being outnumbered and betrayed by the Hapes Consortium, Caedus and his remaining forces successfully withdrew to Coruscant.

The failure to convert Ben Skywalker forced Darth Caedus to seek a worthy Sith apprentice elsewhere. He focused his attention on Tahiri Veila, whom he began seducing by exploiting her feelings for the late Anakin Solo. Using a rare Force technique called Flow-walking, Caedus and Veila revisited moments in the past before Anakin's death. Veila was overwhelmed by the temptation of seeing her childhood friend again but was also captivated by her misinterpretations of Flow-walking. She believed that the ability could be used to alter past events. To secure her allegiance against the Jedi Order, Caedus allowed Veila to persist in her mistaken belief.
Although she was not yet an official apprentice, Caedus began sharing his personal views with Veila, hoping that she would prove more successful than Ben Skywalker. However, Veila's obsession with Anakin Solo and her inability to move on from his memory frustrated Darth Caedus. Furthermore, Veila lost credibility in the Dark Lord's eyes due to her repeated failures to locate the Jedi's secret base. Despite Caedus's criticism, Veila strived to prove her worthiness to him. When the Anakin Solo traveled to the Confederate world Fondor, a group of Fondorian starfighters moved to intercept the GAG Star Destroyer. Caedus delegated the decision of whether the Anakin should fire first to Veila. With their shields lowered, the Anakin's personnel risked losing many lives if the fighters attacked first. After a moment of hesitation, Veila ordered the Star Destroyer's gunners to destroy the enemy targets. As the Anakin Solo returned to Coruscant, Veila struggled with the thought that she might have killed innocent opponents who had not initiated the attack. However, her willingness to exert destructive power ruthlessly when necessary redeemed her in the eyes of Darth Caedus.
To further test his prospective protégé, Caedus dispatched Veila on a diplomatic mission to Bastion to propose an alliance with the Imperial Remnant. Although Gilad Pellaeon, the Imperial Head of State, despised Caedus, the influential members of the Moff Council were intrigued by the prospect of joining the Galactic Alliance, particularly if it meant expanding their diminished empire. Despite Pellaeon's objections to committing Imperial forces to the Alliance's war, the Remnant ultimately agreed to Caedus's proposal.
Tahiri Veila's successful mission to Bastion and her involvement with Darth Caedus transformed her into a rising star within the Galactic Alliance. After being recruited into the Galactic Alliance Guard as a junior lieutenant, many within the Alliance, including Cha Niathal, viewed Veila as Ben Skywalker's replacement at the Dark Lord's side. Her final test came during the Second Battle of Fondor. While the Moffs' ambitions could be relied upon to work in Caedus's favor, Pellaeon's blatant hatred for him posed a threat to Caedus and his plans. Therefore, he ordered Veila to remain on Pellaeon's flagship, Bloodfin, as his emissary and to ensure the Remnant's continued loyalty to the Alliance.
When the battle commenced, Admiral Niathal attempted to undermine her colleague's authority by accepting Fondor's surrender without consulting her Joint Chief of State. In response, Caedus denounced her as a traitor and declared himself the sole Chief of State of the true Galactic Alliance. Due to his immense popularity within the military, the majority of the Alliance fleet sided with Caedus. To the dismay of the Moffs, Pellaeon ordered the Remnant fleet to join Niathal's forces. However, Veila intervened on Caedus's behalf, arguing that without him, the Galactic Alliance would fall and the war would be lost. When Pellaeon refused to rescind his order and rejoin Caedus, Veila fatally wounded the aging Imperial Head of State with a blaster shot through the chest. With Pellaeon dead, the Moffs hastily assumed command and instructed all Remnant starships to fight for Caedus and the Alliance once more.

Upon learning of Gilad Pellaeon's assassination, Darth Caedus immediately congratulated Tahiri Veila on saving the Galactic Alliance. Instead of feeling pride, Veila admitted her guilt for shooting an elderly man. Despite this, Caedus approved of her actions and the fact that she did not revel in the act of killing. In many ways, the two former Jedi had followed a similar path to the dark side. Like Veila, Caedus had endured sacrifice and agony to become a Sith Lord. He had suffered betrayal by his family and had been forced to kill those who once trusted him. Like Caedus, Veila severed her ties to the Jedi and embraced the philosophy of Lumiya's Sith Order. She killed Pellaeon, not out of anger or cruelty, but to ensure that Caedus would not fall at Fondor.
At that moment, Darth Caedus fully believed that he was destined to rule the galaxy with Tahiri Veila at his side. The Dark Lord had finally found a worthy apprentice, and Veila's ascension as a Sith Lady restored the Rule of Two as a practiced tradition. Despite the losses at Fondor, Caedus and his new apprentice successfully withdrew their remaining forces back to Coruscant. With the galactic capital under their control, the legitimate Galactic Alliance fell under complete Sith dominion, while Niathal and her faction of deserters were forced into exile.

Even without the Jedi Order's backing, the Galactic Alliance was still poised to win against the Confederation and the Jedi's coalition of rebels, mainly because of Darth Caedus' leadership and the Imperial Remnant's military support. However, Caedus then had a realization. He failed to live by the principles of his deceased master, Lumiya. He had forgotten that, as Jacen Solo, he became the Dark Lord of the Sith to benefit the galaxy, not to rule it with tyranny. Lumiya had warned Caedus when his training commenced that the path to the dark side would inflict pain. To become a more powerful Sith Lord, Caedus needed to embrace the suffering of betrayal and sacrifice. But without Lumiya's guidance, Caedus understood that he became increasingly consumed by vanity, despair, and a thirst for revenge. In essence, he mirrored the vast majority of Sith Lords, all of whom were destroyed because they could only serve their own selfish desires.
His inability to manage his anger also tarnished his image among the Galactic Alliance Guard, the Imperial Remnant, and the Galactic Alliance as a whole. As a result, Caedus felt personally responsible for some of the Alliance's most devastating defeats, including the losses at Kuat and Kashyyyk, as well as the disaster at Fondor, which almost cost him both the war and his own life. While he endured betrayals from his family members, the betrayal of his young daughter, Allana, pushed Caedus to the verge of insanity. Consequently, he even murdered Lieutenant Patra Tebut, a dedicated officer in the GAG, by using the Force to choke her to death.
The revelation of his volatile actions, along with their repercussions, gave Darth Caedus a fresh perspective. Therefore, he engaged in an internal battle to regain control of his emotions so he could lead the Galactic Alliance without being hindered by trivial grudges and feelings of self-importance. He concluded that, as a Sith Lord, he would harness the dark side by embracing his love for his family, his sense of obligation to the galaxy's inhabitants, and the sacrifices he had made to become the Dark Lord of the Sith. From that moment forward, Caedus wielded his powers with considerable restraint and, because of his newfound resolve, struggled to keep his temper in check.
After finally locating the Jedi base's whereabouts on the planet Shedu Maad, Darth Caedus took the Anakin Solo and a squadron of Imperial starships to force a final confrontation with the Galactic Alliance's enemies. It was also at this time that he chose to correct his apprentice's misconceptions about Flow-walking. Tahiri Veila was enraged by the revelation of her master's deception; she had succumbed to the dark side of the Force after placing all her hopes on the misguided notion of preventing Anakin Solo's death in the past. Caedus knew that Veila would likely never forgive him. Nevertheless, he hoped that Veila's newfound anger and hatred would strengthen her role as a Sith Lady, as well as her connection to the dark side.
Although Caedus foresaw a victorious end to the war for the Galactic Alliance, the Battle of Uroro Station proved his vision accurate, but in an unexpected way. While Veila led the shock troopers of the Imperial Elite Guard on a mission to infiltrate and destroy the Jedi base on Shedu Maad, Jaina Solo infiltrated the heavily damaged Anakin Solo and confronted her twin brother in a final duel to the death. She inflicted numerous injuries on the Dark Lord, but she also sustained serious wounds in the process. Amid their fierce battle, Darth Caedus was ultimately killed when Jaina, driven by an overwhelming need to kill her own brother, pierced his heart with her own lightsaber. On the planet's surface, Ben Skywalker successfully exploited Tahiri Veila's disillusionment and convinced her to renounce the ways of the Sith. Without the Dark Lord and his apprentice, both the Alliance and the Remnant were compelled to surrender to the Jedi Order.

By the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War, many lives had been lost on all sides of the conflict, including prominent figures such as Mara Jade Skywalker, Lumiya, Gilad Pellaeon, Cal Omas, Dur Gejjen, and Prince Isolder. With Caedus dead and Veila in Jedi custody, the Galactic Alliance regained the support of the Jedi and their allies. The Moffs were also forced to surrender and accept Jagged Fel as the Imperial Remnant's new leader. The combined strength of the Alliance, the Jedi, and the Remnant forced the Confederation to surrender as well, thus ending Corellia's galaxy-wide rebellion. Among the concessions made to strengthen the bond between the new allies, Natasi Daala, a former officer in the Imperial Navy, was appointed as Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance. Although his vision of a New Order perished with him, Darth Caedus' actions united the enemies of the Sith, creating a stronger and more unified galaxy.
With Darth Caedus' death and Tahiri Veila's redemption, Lumiya's Sith Order came to an end, mirroring the downfall of Darth Bane's Order. After being practiced for over a thousand years, the Rule of Two was abolished. The Order of Darth Krayt continued to expand its numbers while concealing its presence on Korriban. Under the Rule of One, Krayt prepared for the day when the galaxy would be ruled by thousands of Sith warriors, all of whom would answer to his ultimate authority. With Caedus gone, the title of Dark Lord was Krayt's alone.
Natasi Daala, Caedus' successor as Chief of State, greatly undermined the short-lived galactic unity that Caedus had died to create. Many of her actions in office were clearly influenced by her Anti-Jedi sentiment, which created renewed tensions between the Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance government. Despite her promises to forge a galaxy that didn't require the Jedi to resolve issues and dilemmas, Daala's campaign and open hostility against the Order failed to gain widespread support among the Senate and the people of the Alliance. Many sympathized with the besieged Order, which Daala threatened several times with her Mandalorian mercenaries.
The standoff between the Jedi Order and the Daala administration reached a critical point when the Jedi Council was forced to take preemptive action against the Chief of State. With Plan Delta activated, the Council stormed the Executive Building on Coruscant and arrested Daala. Following the Jedi coup d'état, the office of the Chief of State was suspended indefinitely, and a constitutional replacement was created in the form of the Triumvirate. Among the first three triumvirs was Acting Grand Master Saba Sebatyne, who represented the Jedi's interests within the new executive office.
Meanwhile, the Galactic Alliance's political system was infiltrated by the ancient entity Abeloth and members of the Lost Tribe of Sith, an organization loosely descended from the Old Sith Empire. However, their attempt to conquer the galaxy through the Alliance was ultimately thwarted by the New Jedi Order, following the return of their exiled Grand Master, Luke Skywalker.

Nearly a century after Darth Caedus' death and the collapse of Lumiya's Sith Order, the Galactic Alliance was dissolved after its devastating defeat in the Sith–Imperial War. Having regained its lost power, the Imperial Remnant, now the resurgent Galactic Empire, restored Imperial sovereignty over the known galaxy under the leadership of Emperor Roan Fel and the Moff Council. Fel's victory was short-lived, however, when his "allies" within the One Sith betrayed the Imperials and forced the emperor into exile. With Coruscant secured, Darth Krayt seized the Imperial throne and declared himself emperor of the New Galactic Empire. As Fel and his loyalists disappeared into hiding, much like the remaining forces of the former Galactic Alliance, a new civil war erupted across the galaxy as the Sith and their empire faced adversaries from various sides, such as the Jedi Order, ex-Alliance soldiers, and Fel-Imperialists.
While the Order of the Sith Lords ceased to exist with Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, Lumiya made sure that the Rule of Two continued as a practiced tradition. According to the ancient edict of the Sith Lord Darth Bane, which had been in place for over a millennium, only two Sith Lords were permitted to exist at any given time. By limiting the number to a pair, the dark side of the Force would be concentrated into two beings, thus ensuring that its power would not be diluted among too many Sith Lords.
Therefore, Lumiya's Sith Order had only two ranks: a Master to embody the power of the dark side, and an apprentice to crave that power. Unlike Bane's Order, however, the term "Sith Lord" was not used in a gender-neutral way (for example, for both males and females). When Lumiya inherited the Sith legacy of Sidious and Vader, she adopted the title "Dark Lady of the Sith." Similarly, Tahiri Veila became known as a "Sith Lady" during her time as the apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Caedus.
- Lumiya (killed by Luke Skywalker ) [21]
- Flint (redeemed by Luke Skywalker, later killed by Lumiya) [3]
- Carnor Jax (killed by Kir Kanos ) [17]
- Vergere (possibly) (died during the Yuuzhan Vong War ) [2]
- Darth Caedus (killed by Jaina Solo ) [8]
- Tahiri Veila (taken into Jedi custody by Ben Skywalker ) [8]