The assault on the New Jedi Temple on Coruscant occurred in 40 ABY during the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. After the New Jedi Order opted to pull out of the conflict and refused assistance to Jacen Solo, the Colonel gave the order for the Galactic Alliance Guard to take control of the Jedi Temple and take all Jedi present into custody.
Following the Jedi's withdrawal from the Galactic Alliance at Kuat, the Jedi who were still on Coruscant began preparations to evacuate the temple.
As the GAG launched their assault on the Jedi Temple's Main Entrance, the Jedi successfully fought off the attacking forces and started carrying out procedures for evacuation and abandonment. Jedi Apprentice Seha Dorvald, despite being a known traitor and spy working for Colonel Solo, destroyed a pair of Jedi Archives' data storage units after copying all the information onto a holodisk. Subsequently, she escaped with two other Knights through the lower levels of the city-planet, guiding her companions and the disk to a secure location.
The majority of the Order successfully escaped the planet with minimal losses. All StealthXs were flown out of the hangars by their respective pilots, along with any other valuable items. The Temple Caretakers accompanied the Jedi in their escape, leaving their homes and possessions behind to assist the fleeing Knights.
The Order later met at the Jedi Outpost located on the Sanctuary Moon of Endor, where they established temporary training facilities before moving to a secret location on Shedu Maad.