Shedu Maad, a planet situated in the Hapes Cluster within the Transitory Mists region, was one of its many worlds.
Shedu Maad's past includes a period of mining operations that exploited its resources. During this time, Uroro Station functioned as a central hub for Hapan vessels traversing the Throat on their way to Shedu Maad. Ultimately, the planet's mining resources were depleted, leading to its complete abandonment.
Following the evacuation of their temporary base on Endor, the abandoned mining facility on Shedu Maad became a clandestine headquarters for the Jedi Coalition. This was the location where the Coalition defeated Darth Caedus, bringing an end to the Second Galactic Civil War. Subsequently, a Jedi academy was founded on the planet after the conclusion of the war.
In 43 ABY, during the events of the Lost Tribe of Sith emergence, Leia Organa Solo transported four Jedi afflicted with Force psychosis — Natua Wan, Seff Hellin, Yaqeel Saav'etu, and Bazel Warv — to the academy. This action was taken to prevent Daala, the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, from having them frozen in carbonite.
After defeating Abeloth and the Lost Tribe of Sith, the New Jedi Order withdrew from the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. They then relocated to a secret base on Shedu Maad, from which they initiated their quest to locate Kesh, the homeworld of the Lost Tribe.