Jedi Coalition

The Jedi Coalition represented a unified governing body. It consisted of the New Jedi Order, the Alliance-in-exile, the Maw Irregular Fleet, the Mandalorians, and even the Imperial Remnant. Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Grand Master, orchestrated its formation following the Battle of Kashyyyk. This was a direct reaction to the oppressive reign of Darth Caedus over the Galactic Alliance.

The Coalition's central goal involved ousting Caedus from his position of authority, with the intent of achieving a peaceful resolution to the Second Galactic Civil War.


Retreat from Kuat

For nearly a week, the Battle of Kuat raged on. Darth Caedus was determined to secure victory by deploying Jedi pilots in their StealthX fighters to execute a clandestine bombing run against the Confederation Fleet, aiming for its complete annihilation.

Luke Skywalker engaged in discussions with fellow Jedi, seeking a viable course of action. While there were no grounds for arresting Jacen Solo, Skywalker also opposed supporting the Confederation. Nevertheless, Skywalker recognized the imperative to prevent Solo from pushing the Jedi beyond their limits; action was necessary. Skywalker questioned his fellow Jedi about the point at which they would draw the line, but they deferred to his judgment.

Subsequently, Cilghal arrived, bearing the news of Chief of State [Cal Omas]'s assassination, implicating Ben Skywalker as the perpetrator. Luke confronted Jacen immediately, declaring the end of the Jedi's support. After Jacen threatened the Jedi hostages on Ossus, Luke returned to his StealthX and departed.

Caedus perceived the Jedi's departure as unofficial and remained prepared to exploit their abilities to conclude the conflict. Following the Jedi's launch, he contacted them, imploring them to initiate their attack. However, they responded with waves of anger, and left the system. Caedus then understood that the Jedi had abandoned him. He commanded the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be seized and the Jedi on Ossus to be slaughtered.

Despite the Alliance's eventual triumph at Kuat, the battle failed to produce the desired impact on the Confederation, resulting in substantial losses for both sides.

The Kashyyyk Conflict

Skywalker before fighting Darth Caedus.

After the events at Kuat, Skywalker guided the Council Masters to Kashyyyk to engage with the Rock Council. He revealed Solo's orchestration of Cal Omas's assassination and requested the Wookiees' allegiance in their opposition to him.

Upon learning of the Jedi's presence on Kashyyyk from Ben, Caedus journeyed to Kashyyyk to present the Wookiees with an opportunity to surrender the Jedi, fully anticipating their refusal. Upon the arrival of his fleet, a squadron of Owools approached, listening to his demands.

Caedus harbored ulterior motives, aiming to compel the Confederation to halt their military advance toward Coruscant. The Wookiees' denial of harboring the Jedi provided Caedus with justification to assault the planet, intending to draw the Confederation away from the core and compel them to aid the Wookiees. He initiated an Orbital bombardment of the planet. The Owools, under the leadership of Lowbacca, promptly launched a Jedi shadow bomb targeting the Anakin Solo's bridge. Simultaneously, Ben Skywalker attempted to assassinate Caedus. Both Lowbacca and Ben failed in their attempts, and Caedus immobilized Ben with Force lightning, subjecting him to the Embrace of Pain in hopes of converting him to the dark side.

On Kashyyyk, Han and Leia Organa Solo departed for Hapes to enlist the support of Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. Meanwhile, Skywalker led a squadron of StealthXs in an assault on the Anakin Solo's long-range turbolaser batteries, which were bombarding the planet. With the Wookiee fleet still organizing, the Jedi remained the planet's sole defense. Caedus piloted his own StealthX, engaging his sister, Jaina, and his uncle.

After being shot down by friendly fire, Skywalker feigned his demise and boarded the Anakin Solo. Following the disabling of the long-range turbolasers, he engaged Caedus in a fierce duel. The fight between the Grand Master and the Dark Lord of the Sith was intensely brutal, with the advantage shifting continuously until the younger Skywalker escaped the Embrace, assisted his father, and stabbed Caedus with a vibroblade. Believing that his son's act of killing Caedus would lead him to the dark side, Skywalker took Ben and departed.

Negotiations Aboard the Dragon Queen

Darth Caedus, the target of the Jedi Coalition

Following the duel, Tenel Ka Djo arrived with her forces, launching an assault on Caedus's fleet after he rejected her offer of surrender. Faced with overwhelming opposition, the Fifth Fleet appeared destined for destruction. However, the arrival of Alema Rar and her Sith Meditation Sphere, combined with Caedus's own Sith Battle Meditation, empowered him to break through the Bothan forces and escape.

Subsequently, Confederation and Jedi leaders convened aboard the Dragon Queen to deliberate on the stance of the Jedi, the Wookiees, and the Hapans in the conflict. The Jedi declared their neutrality toward the Confederation, opting instead to establish their own faction dedicated to removing Solo from power, with the intention of rejoining the Galactic Alliance upon achieving their objective. Both the Hapans and Wookiees resolved to align with the Jedi. The Jedi Coalition was officially established, agreeing not to interfere with the Confederation or its strategies against Solo.

Ambush within the Undercity

After the events on Kashyyyk, Luke took Ben as his apprentice and established a temporary base for the Jedi Coalition on Endor. Recognizing the necessity to take action against Jacen, he tasked Kyp Durron with devising a mission. Kyp formulated a plan to capture Caedus outside the Senate Building and escape into the undercity with their captive while a diversionary shuttle misled security forces. Kyp and Luke agreed that if they failed to capture Jacen, they would resort to killing him. Following a meeting with Seha Dorvald, the team's guide through the undercity and a former spy for Jacen, he endorsed the plan. Kyp proposed that Luke lead the ambush, but Luke declined, fearing that he would act out of hatred, and appointed Kyle Katarn as the leader. The team comprised Katarn, Valin Horn, Thann Mithric, Kolir Hu'lya, and Seha. They journeyed to Coruscant and strategized for Seha to attach a tracking device to Caedus's cloak to monitor his movements. The mission achieved only partial success. Seha successfully planted the device on Caedus, but at a cost. Jacen, now a formidable Dark Lord of the Sith, emerged triumphant from the ambush after decapitating Mithric and impaling Kyle Katarn through the chest. Seha and Horn managed to evacuate Katarn to safety, escaping with the remainder of the team.

Destruction of Centerpoint Station

Ben Skywalker during the Battle of Centerpoint Station.

During a visit from Tenel Ka Djo, Luke Skywalker offered to rescue her daughter Allana from Jacen, who was using her to maintain Hapan involvement in the war. Luke devised a plan to destroy Centerpoint Station, deeming it too hazardous for any entity to control. The Jedi task force would infiltrate both Centerpoint Station and the Anakin Solo, where Allana was being held. During the battle, Jedi Master Kyp Durron and his team infiltrated Centerpoint disguised as GAG troopers, while Luke, his son, and Saba Sebatyne diverted Jacen's attention as Han and Leia retrieved Allana. Wedge Antilles and the Rakehells defended the transports and shuttles carrying the strike teams. The Skywalkers would board the Anakin Solo using General Tycho Celchu's shuttle.

The Jedi task force exited hyperspace near Centerpoint Station. Rakehell Squadron advanced toward the Anakin Solo, firing upon the Reveille to facilitate the shuttle's landing on the Star Destroyer. As the shuttle landed inside the hangar, Tycho alerted GAG forces to the presence of Jedi onboard. Caedus immediately sensed the Jedi and dispatched YVH droids to delay them. Rakehell Squadron replicated their previous tactic with a fabricated strike on Broadside, granting them permission to land on Centerpoint. Aboard the transport were Doctor Toval Seyah and Kyp Durron, tasked with disabling and destroying Centerpoint. As Luke's team entered the Anakin Solo's bridge, Caedus deployed his YVH droids to engage them. Meanwhile, Han, Leia, and Iella navigated through secret shafts on the Anakin to reach Allana undetected by Caedus. They eventually located Allana and proceeded toward the Millennium Falcon. During the skirmish on the bridge, Darth Caedus witnessed his droids being destroyed and used the Force to hurl Saba into a fiery pit before slamming her against the port-side wall. The team was compelled to retreat when Caedus departed after sensing Allana's abduction. Luke warned Leia of Jacen's pursuit, and they headed toward the air lock. Luke, Ben, and Saba, pursued by Caedus, finally arrived and departed the Anakin Solo with Allana. Simultaneously, Doctor Seyah sabotaged Centerpoint Station, leading to its destruction.

Allies Secured at Fondor

Fondor, the capital of the Coalition following the Second Battle of Fondor

Following the Jedi's escape with Allana, Darth Caedus demanded an explanation for their boarding of the Anakin Solo. When Lieutenant Patra Tebut admitted fault, despite adhering to protocol, the Dark Lord Force choked her to death before the entire bridge crew. This event sent shockwaves through the Galactic Alliance Navy and prompted Cha Niathal to initiate clandestine communications with Luke Skywalker. Niathal provided Luke with details regarding the impending invasion of Fondor, revealing his nephew's identity as a Sith Lord and his enlistment of the Imperial Remnant for the upcoming conflict. Luke Skywalker alerted the Fondorians to the space mines to be deployed around the planet, resulting in the minelayer crew's demise. This significantly impacted the battle against the Alliance forces, as the mines could have swiftly neutralized numerous ships and reduced Alliance casualties. The Jedi refrained from direct combat, focusing instead on safeguarding unarmed civilians in the orbital yards and concealing the Fondorian navy until they ambushed the Alliance/Imperial fleet. Despite the Fondorians' surrender, the battle ultimately proved to be a major triumph for the Coalition after Caedus refused to accept the surrender and continued to bombard Fondor. Admiral Niathal attempted to relieve Caedus of his command, leading to a schism within the Galactic Alliance. One faction remained the official GA, supporting Darth Caedus and comprising a substantial portion of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. The other faction, Niathal's Alliance-in-exile, consisted of defectors from the Third and Fouth fleets. They joined the Coalition alongside the Maw Irregular Fleet and the Mandalorians under Boba Fett. Luke Skywalker negotiated with the president of Fondor to utilize the planet as the Coalition's base of operations, providing a rallying point for all adversaries of Darth Caedus.


The Coalition dissolved when the Sword of the Jedi confronted and killed her brother, the Dark Lord of the Sith, effectively ending the war. All participants returned to their respective factions, splitting the Jedi Coalition back into the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order once more.

Known planets, organizations, and factions of the Jedi Coalition


Organizations and factions

