Alema Rar

Alema Rar

Alema Rar was a Twi'lek Jedi Knight of Rutian descent, and female, who served within the New Jedi Order. Her life's trials and internal darkness ultimately led her to embrace the dark side of the Force. Born into poverty on Ryloth, Rar and her sister, Numa, were enslaved and forced to work as dancers to survive in the [ryll](/article/ryll/legends]-infested drug dens of Kala'uun, a major subterranean city on that planet. The cruelty and hardship within these dens were constant realities. The two Force-sensitive Twi'lek girls were eventually saved from this grim existence by Jedi Knight Daeshara'cor, who brought them to Yavin 4 for training in the ways of the Force. In 25 ABY, when the galaxy faced invasion by the alien Yuuzhan Vong, the Rar sisters fought on the front lines against this aggressive species, leading a resistance movement on the occupied world of New Plympto. Following the devastation of New Plympto, her sister met her death after being struck by corrosive acid. After she recovered from her injuries, Alema grieved deeply for her sister, and began to be drawn towards the dark side. When the Yuuzhan Vong unleashed the voxyn creatures against the Jedi Order, the Twi'lek joined the Myrkr strike team, where many perished during the Mission to Myrkr. During this mission, Alema developed feelings for Anakin Solo, finding him attractive. After her elevation to the rank of Jedi Knight, Rar served alongside the New Republic Defense Force as a starfighter pilot, flying with Twin Suns Squadron and participating in battles at locations such as Ylesia, Ebaq 9, Bilbringi, and the final battle of the war, the Recapture of Coruscant.

However, six years after the war's conclusion, Rar and the remaining members of the Myrkr strike team received a Force-based communication from Raynar Thul, who had been captured by Dark Jedi Lomi Plo and Welk during the Myrkr mission and was presumed dead. Alema Rar journeyed to the Unknown Regions, where she found Thul, now the leader of the insectoid Killik species, embroiled in a border dispute with the Chiss Ascendancy. Like Rar's Jedi companions, the Killik hive mind soon transformed the Twi'lek into a Joiner, with her individual identity largely taken over by the Killiks' inherent telepathic connection. However, unlike the other Jedi who became Joiners, Alema Rar became aware of the Gorog nest, secretly controlled by Lomi Plo, which was manipulating Thul and the Killiks. Plo, actually a Sith Master, exploited Rar's still-powerful emotions of grief and anger over her sister's death, pushing the Jedi Knight to fully embrace the dark side. The Twi'lek then took on the title of Night Herald of the Gorog, turning against her former allies and becoming Plo's right-hand during the ensuing Swarm War. By the end of the conflict, Rar's mental state had deteriorated significantly. After fighting the Jedi Order on the front lines and being wounded in lightsaber duels with Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo, Rar descended into complete madness following Plo's death and the destruction of the Gorog nest.

Although presumed dead on the planet Tenupe during the final battle of the Swarm War, the Twi'lek survived. In 40 ABY, after spending two years in Tenupe's untamed jungles, she returned to civilized space. Her continued existence was known only to Jagged Fel, a Chiss-aligned bounty hunter and former comrade. Rar was determined to seek revenge on Organa Solo and Skywalker. After aligning herself with Lumiya, the resurgent Dark Lady of the Sith, Rar pursued her targets during the Second Galactic Civil War. Upon her unexpected return, she engaged the Skywalkers and the Solos in a series of skirmishes. When Mara Jade Skywalker was killed by Lumiya's new Sith apprentice, Jacen Solo, the blame fell on the Twi'lek, leading to the formation of a Jedi strike team to eliminate her. Despite a brief association with the One Sith, possession of the ancient Meditation Sphere Ship, and knowledge of advanced Sith techniques, Rar was ultimately unable to protect herself. The fallen Jedi was tracked down to Lumiya's former retreat, where she died at the hands of Jagged Fel.


Early years

Around 10 ABY, Alema Rar was born in one of the most dangerous ryll dens of Kala'uun, the largest underground city on Ryloth, the homeworld of the Twi'lek. The Force-sensitive Twi'lek had a sister, Numa Rar, and they developed a close bond as they worked together as enslaved dancers, earning money to survive. They matured together in the cave warrens of Ryloth, and throughout her life Rar maintained a preference for confined spaces. Together, they witnessed much of the cruelty and hardships of the galaxy. As a dancer on Ryloth, Rar would learn the grace and dexterity which would aid her in lightsaber combat in years to come, as well as the feminine charm found alluring by so many males. She came to love dancing, despite her status as a slave. Eventually, Daeshara'cor, a Jedi Knight, discovered the Rar sisters and recognized their innate talent in the Force, purchasing their freedom from their difficult existence.

Daeshara'cor, although not a Jedi Master, began training the two Twi'lek girls, bringing them to the Jedi Praxeum on the moon of Yavin 4. On Yavin 4, Rar and her sister were educated in the Jedi arts, with Rar receiving instruction in lightsaber combat, galactic history, and the uses of the Force. She constructed her own lightsaber, which had a silver blade. Around 25 ABY, Rar encountered Leia Organa Solo, the sister of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and former Chief of State of the New Republic. That same year, when the Yuuzhan Vong, aliens from another galaxy, invaded the Outer Rim Territories, Alema and Numa Rar joined the fight against this new threat.

The Yuuzhan Vong War

New Plympto and the Nebula Chaser

Alema Rar

The Rar sisters experienced personal tragedy during the first year of the war when Daeshara'cor died fighting the Yuuzhan Vong at Ithor. Alema Rar mourned her fallen protector but also developed an angry focus that persisted over time. Alongside Numa, Alema became a founder and leader of the resistance force against the Yuuzhan Vong on the occupied planet New Plympto. On New Plympto, Rar's anger and grief were tempered by her sister's presence. The resistance, supplied by maverick Jedi Kyp Durron, achieved many successes against the invading Yuuzhan Vong. As the leaders of the movement, Rar and her sister used their physical similarities to masquerade as a single Twi'lek woman, or even a Human with suitable disguises. At resistance meetings, only one of the two sisters would ever be present, maintaining the charade that only one leader existed.

This deception fooled the Yuuzhan Vong, but Rar was faced with other, more personal issues. Her partisan war against the enemy was drawing her close to the dark side of the Force, and Master Skywalker, the head of the Jedi Order, felt that Rar was putting her integrity as a Jedi at risk. The Rar sisters soon suffered another loss; the New Plympto resistance became successful enough that the frustrated Yuuzhan Vong decided to raze the planet, rather than continue to attempt subjugation. All life was wiped from the surface of the planet, rendering it uninhabitable and killing seven million sentients. The Rar sisters were only just able to flee in time, hiding with several thousand other beings aboard a fleet of intrasystem ore miners until help arrived in the form of the Corellian cruiser Nebula Chaser, already loaded with refugees. The captain of the Nebula Chaser, Pollux, promised the Jedi sisters safe asylum. Many during the war had sought personal gain in turning wanted Jedi over to the Yuuzhan Vong, but the Rar sisters accepted the captain's offer and boarded the cruiser.

In a deserted star system, the Nebula Chaser was intercepted by a Yuuzhan Vong frigate, which dispatched a boarding craft to dock with the cruiser. As the captain of a civilian refugee starship, Pollux was not immediately under risk, but it soon became apparent that the Yuuzhan Vong were seeking Jedi. The Rar sisters hid in Pollux's cabin, observing via a console feed as a group of Yuuzhan Vong warriors questioned the captain and his crew. With the Yuuzhan Vong, however, they sensed an unfamiliar, feral presence, somehow attuned to the Force. The Yuuzhan Vong boarding party had brought with them a voxyn, a bio-engineered creature bred from the vornskrs of Myrkr, able to hunt using the Force. Captain Pollux had claimed that there were no Jedi aboard the Nebula Chaser; Rar and her sister, suspecting the voxyn's ability to sense Jedi, were aware that if detected they would be placing their protector's life in danger. With their power to shut down their presences in the Force having no effect, Rar wished to confront and kill the voxyn. Her sister, on the other hand, knew that the Yuuzhan Vong would kill the crew once they discovered Pollux's lie.

The sisters removed their lightsabers' Adegan crystals and used fleshglue to attach them in their navels. Disguised as innocent belly dancers, the Rar sisters fled toward the cruiser's escape pods. On the way they had to abandon their lightsabers, in order to trick the Yuuzhan Vong who questioned them, and thus when the voxyn intercepted the Rar sisters as they entered an escape pod in one of the cruiser's launch bays, they had only the Force to defend themselves against the creature's many natural weapons. In the ensuing chaos, Numa was struck in the face by corrosive acid, spewed from the voxyn's mouth. Rar held her sister as Numa died, suffering severe acidic burns in the process, and before long the escape pod launched into space. There, it was eventually picked up by the Jade Shadow, a starship piloted by fellow Jedi Mara Jade Skywalker and her niece, Jaina Solo.

The path to Myrkr

Alema Rar was taken to Eclipse Station, the secret Jedi base in the Deep Core, in a state of nervous collapse. At the station, she healed in a bacta tank, unaware that as an act of reprisal the Nebula Chaser had been destroyed, with ten thousand refugees lost. Even without this knowledge, Rar was raging inside with grief and anger. While the Twi'lek recovered the threat of the voxyn grew greater. Several Jedi fell to the creatures, which were deposited on worlds and relay junctions across the invasion corridor to seek out hidden Force-wielders. Eventually, Jedi healer Cilghal discovered that the voxyn were being cloned from a single female, which was subsequently referred to as the voxyn queen. A mission to Froz was organized to retrieve more of the creatures for study and Anakin Solo and a squadron of fellow Jedi managed to return with several dead voxyn. By the time Alema Rar was out of the bacta tank, and informed of the destruction of the Nebula Chaser, it had been discerned that the voxyn queen was located on or nearby the planet Myrkr, which was itself deep within Yuuzhan Vong territory.

Rar attended a meeting to discuss the threat, where she began to inveigle her way into the affections of Anakin Solo, whom she found attractive. Using her feminine charms, Rar soon entered into a subtle rivalry with Tahiri Veila, a childhood friend of Solo's, over the young man's affections. Sexual pursuits, however, were soon put aside as the gathering descended into an argument. Anakin Solo had raised the idea of a team of Jedi turning themselves in to the Yuuzhan Vong, thus gaining access to Yuuzhan Vong occupied space, before traveling to Myrkr and ending the voxyn threat. Jacen Solo, who was pursuing a pacifistic approach to conflict, claimed that the Yuuzhan Vong would retaliate for any attack on Myrkr, killing the millions of refugees currently held hostage over the planet Talfaglio. Unable to bear responsibility for the deaths of her sister and the thousands of refugees who had died indirectly due to her actions, Rar took the line of blaming any innocent death on the Yuuzhan Vong themselves, and renounced any culpability for possible Yuuzhan Vong reprisals at Talfaglio.

The Mission to Myrkr was given approval by Luke Skywalker and other authority figures at Eclipse Station, and the team of Jedi was quickly composed. Anakin Solo was to be in charge, with experienced Jedi Knight Ganner Rhysode as a decoy leader. Along with Jacen and Jaina Solo were three Barabel hatchmates, Bela and Krasov Hara and Tesar Sebatyne, and several other students—Tahiri Veila; the Bith musician Ulaha Kore; Rodian sniper Jovan Drark; the spacewise Eryl Besa; the Wookiee Lowbacca; Hapan Chume'da Tenel Ka Djo; Chadra-Fan healer Tekli; Zekk, a close friend of the Solos and a staunch opponent of the dark side; and finally Raynar Thul, the scion of the House of Thul, which headed a major trading company. The seventeen Jedi members of the team were supported by two Yuuzhan Vong Hunter S-series battle droids, recently developed by Tendrando Arms. On the Lady Luck, the private yacht of entrepreneur Lando Calrissian, the owner of Tendrando Arms and a friend of the Jedi Order, Alema Rar and the rest of the strike team rehearsed the plan formulated by Anakin Solo and others.

Calrissian, masquerading as Fitzgibbon Lane, planned to surrender the Jedi to a Yuuzhan Vong vessel. Once the team was aboard, it was to escape with the aid of the hidden YVH S-series battle droids, take over the ship and journey to Myrkr. Among the diverse group, however, differences were already arising. Jedi such as Jacen Solo, Zekk and Ulaha Kore felt that it was imperative that the Jedi should not go into the mission feeling that any action was necessary so long as it enabled success. Alema Rar, on the other hand, was the principal adherent of the view that the ends justified the means—if the dark side was to help them complete their mission, then Rar felt it was a simple choice to take up its power and save the New Jedi Order from the voxyn. The Twi'lek was supported in her views by Raynar Thul, who had recently lost his friend Lusa to voxyn and desired revenge. It was decided that the Jedi, in an attempt to promote team unity and uphold each other's spirits during the coming stress of interrogation, death, and battle, would form a Force meld. With such a tactic in mind the Jedi set off with Calrissian.

The Lady Luck, with the Jedi on board, traveled to the edge of the invasion corridor and was soon intercepted and boarded by the Exquisite Death, a Yuuzhan Vong vessel. Calrissian did not inform Rar and the other Jedi that the Yuuzhan Vong were aboard the yacht, so that their surprise would appear genuine. Rar, however, sensed the presence of a voxyn, and the specter of another encounter with the beast filled the Twi'lek with fear. Rar was frightened less of the creature itself than what her own reaction would be—letting the team down, and having their deaths on her conscience, was in her opinion worse than any voxyn. Soon, Yuuzhan Vong warriors stormed into the galley where the Jedi were eating. To grant the YVH droids time to attach themselves to the hull of the Exquisite Death, docked to the Lady Luck, the Jedi team created a disturbance, as part of the plan.

Using the Force, the Jedi tore weapons lockers open and took up arms while Tesar Sebatyne held Duman Yaght, the Yuuzhan Vong commander, hostage. As expected, Calrissian had rendered the blasters useless—the Jedi team needed to be deep behind enemy lines before the takeover of the vessel, and thus it was not conducive to the plan's success if Yaght and his warriors were killed so early. As the Yuuzhan Vong retaliated against the unarmed Jedi, and led them all too quickly through the docking membrane to their vessel, Ulaha Kore attempted to buy more time for the YVH droids to complete their clandestine mission. For her efforts, the Bith was stabbed through the back with a coufee blade by one of the warriors. Rar and every other member felt Kore's pain, but the Twi'lek was relieved that no one had actually died, and that she had not broken down. Calrissian, forced either to depart or to call off the mission entirely and rescue Kore, chose the former option, leaving the Jedi to secure the situation.

With her fellow Jedi, Rar was incarcerated on the Exquisite Death, as Yaght selected members of the strike team for torture sessions with one of the voxyn. Kore was tortured extensively; already suffering from the severe wound to her back and the puncture to her single lung, the Bith was supported by the Force Meld as best the Jedi could manage in their weakened state. Commander Yaght questioned Kore continually on the existence of the secret Jedi base, and when the other members of the strike team began to feel that it would be easier on the wounded Bith if she relinquished the name and location, Rar grew worried, able to see that Yaght's goal was not to break Kore's spirit, but the spirit of the strike team. When she communicated this fear to Jaina Solo, Rar was struck and rendered unconscious by her captors. Despite her wounds, Kore soon managed to bring about the death of the voxyn, and the Yuuzhan Vong commander became aware that the Jedi were too dangerous to be incarcerated for a long period of interrogation. The Exquisite Death traveled faster toward Myrkr.

The time for the takeover was soon at hand and Anakin Solo transmitted a signal to the two YVH droids which brought them out of hiding to rescue the Jedi strike team. The Yuuzhan Vong warriors in the immediate area were killed by the droids, but the number of enemies aboard the Exquisite Death presented a daunting task for the strike team. Ganner Rhysode was also being held hostage in an unknown part of the vessel, adding further complications. With Anakin Solo in the lead, Rar and the other Jedi worked their way through the vessel. The Twi'lek provided advice to Solo, careful to make her interest in him apparent, as well as going on point with the young man, using her lightsaber alongside his to cut a path toward Rhysode. The strike team reached the bridge, where they killed Duman Yaght and rescued Rhysode. With the Exquisite Death now in their hands, the Jedi prepared either to enter hibernation trances to recover from their trauma, or to hunt down the remaining voxyn roaming the vessel's ventilation ducts. After several days of travel through hyperspace the strike team reached their destination.

Insertion onto the Baanu Rass

Alema Rar and Jacen Solo in combat with a voxyn.

As soon as Solo reached the Myrkr system, he realized other Jedi were present on the worldship Baanu Rass, circling the planet. Rar advised against saving the Force-sensitive prisoners, instead advocating for the planned destruction of the voxyn project's worldship using a powerful baradium projectile. This became irrelevant when Yuuzhan Vong forces ambushed them, diverting the missile to destroy a matalok cruiser leading the enemy. Rar and the team entered escape pods and landed on the worldship. In the void, the YVH droid 2-1S was lost. Ulaha Kore remained to pilot the Exquisite Death as a diversion, playing a final tune on a basic instrument for Rar and the other Jedi before her demise. Upon landing, the team navigated various traps, which Rar's experience on New Plympto helped them evade. As Yuuzhan Vong warriors began to patrol the area, the team used holoshrouds to disguise themselves as warriors, with Rar, a skilled insertion agent, taking the lead.

Rar guided the Jedi to a warren containing Force-negating ysalamiri and the Jedi presences Solo had sensed. Using her new silver-bladed lightsaber, Rar eliminated two warriors during the assault on the ysalamiri warren. She then observed, captivated, as a Human woman held captive against the back wall demonstrated her dark side strength, using a Force web to obliterate a Yuuzhan Vong shaper into pieces. Rar freed the woman, who identified herself as Lomi Plo. Sensing Alema Rar's inner turmoil and desire for revenge, Plo appealed to Rar's darker emotions. Despite Solo's warning against such Force usage, Rar dismissed the team leader, confronting him and declaring that only after experiencing her wartime horrors could he criticize her dark side choices. As Plo and another Dark Jedi, a younger man named Welk, pledged their loyalty and assistance in destroying the voxyn, the strike team learned that a Yuuzhan Vong frigate orbiting the worldship had deployed over a hundred warriors onto the surface.

Lomi Plo offered to guide the team through the voxyn training warren, causing divisions among the Jedi regarding the best course of action. Zekk opposed accepting assistance from dark side followers, while Rar viewed Plo and Welk as their best chance for survival. When two coralskipper fighters attacked the strike team's location, YVH 2-4S was lost. Rar gave her breath mask to Plo during a brief gas attack by a Yuuzhan Vong pilot. Unprotected from the gas and pursued through a lake by a voxyn, Rar barely escaped before succumbing to the gas. Veila and Tekli rescued her and the comatose Welk, while the team ambushed the pursuing Yuuzhan Vong warriors. The unconscious Twi'lek remained hidden and unharmed as the warriors were successfully ambushed and routed.

The voxyn training warren was perilous, filled with feral creatures, traps, and pursuing Yuuzhan Vong warriors. The strike team grew accustomed to the constant attacks, and while no one else perished during their escape, weapon supplies dwindled. During their passage through a slave commune within the voxyn warren, the team was ambushed. Rar fought fiercely alongside her companions; Eryl Besa was killed, and Jovan Drark was mortally wounded. Rar seized the fallen Rodian's longblaster to defend against the approaching Yuuzhan Vong, many disguised as slaves, adding to the chaos. During the conflict, Anakin Solo was injured. With a punctured spleen, the team leader needed immediate medical attention. Rar bought time by using concussion grenades to seal off a passage. Bela Hara died soon after, and the Twi'lek used her keen sense of direction, honed in the Ryloth warrens, to guide the strike team to their next objective: the voxyn caves.

In the caves, the team faced attacks from wild voxyn. When Raynar Thul was stung by a tail, Rar helped him reach safety, but he was soon injured again. As casualties and injuries mounted, Rar once again took the lead, guiding the team through the maze-like warren. The Twi'lek led the team to safety and a damaged Corellian Engineering Corporation YV-888 light freighter, the Tachyon Flier. While Lowbacca repaired the ship, Raynar Thul remained asleep inside. Rar and the rest of the team prepared to assault the cloning lab, a massive organic structure called a grashal that housed the voxyn queen. At this moment, Lomi Plo and Welk stole the light freighter with Thul still aboard and fled the Myrkr system. Rar and the others were shocked by the Dark Jedi's betrayal, as it meant Anakin Solo, due to his internal injuries, could never leave the worldship.

With limited options, they focused on completing the mission as quickly as possible. Rar, armed with Drark's longblaster, prepared for the attack on the cloning grashal. She supported her teammates as they entered, using the longblaster to eliminate approaching Yuuzhan Vong warriors. Ultimately, Anakin Solo surrendered to the Force, allowing its energy to control him. He used its immense power to repel the Yuuzhan Vong and destroy all the voxyn cloning tissue reserves. At some point, Rar passed the longblaster to Jaina Solo, who protected her brother as he died. With the voxyn queen fleeing, the surviving team members retreated to a hidden warren while Tesar Sebatyne searched for the queen. Lowbacca reported that the Yuuzhan Vong were moving Solo's body, and Alema Rar, along with Zekk, Jaina Solo, and Tahiri Veila, set out to recover the young Jedi's remains.

Recovering Solo's body proved relatively easy. The Twi'lek used her longblaster to eliminate Yuuzhan Vong warriors before approaching the corpse with Jaina Solo, who tapped into the dark side of the Force and unleashed Force lightning to kill the last guardian. Disturbed by Solo's anger, Rar led her companion from the chamber, along with Veila, Zekk, Lowbacca, and the body of the deceased Anakin. While Jacen Solo and the others hunted the voxyn queen, Rar and her companions stole a Yuuzhan Vong shuttle and attacked the frigate docked on the worldship's surface. Despite Jaina Solo's skill, the shuttle was shot down and crash-landed near the frigate. Rar's hatred and anger towards the Yuuzhan Vong intensified as she fired upon the approaching aliens, laughing as the longblaster's laser beams eliminated several of them. Jacen Solo ventured off alone to hunt down the voxyn queen, while Sebatyne and the others captured the Yuuzhan Vong frigate, the Ksstarr.

Rar boarded the Ksstarr with the others and they escaped, attempting to extract Jacen Solo, who had defeated the voxyn queen and ended the threat. Unfortunately for the strike team survivors, a Yuuzhan Vong fleet entered the system, forcing them to abandon Jacen Solo and retreat. The Yuuzhan Vong warships relentlessly pursued the frigate, seeking to capture Jaina Solo for sacrifice alongside her brother. This objective prevented the Yuuzhan Vong vessels from significantly damaging the Ksstarr, and Solo soon jumped the frigate into hyperspace, heading for Coruscant, the New Republic capital. Of the strike team's original seventeen Jedi, nine escaped the system aboard the Ksstarr. During the battle in the cloning grashal, Rar and the others sensed Raynar Thul's departure from their Force awareness. The heir of House Thul was presumed lost, killed aboard the Tachyon Flier, becoming another casualty of the costly, yet ultimately successful, Mission to Myrkr.

From Coruscant to Borleias

Upon arriving in the Coruscant system, the Ksstarr entered the final stages of the Battle of Coruscant. The Yuuzhan Vong had seized the New Republic capital, and Rar quickly warned her companions against firing on any Yuuzhan Vong vessels, as the Ksstarr was already under attack from elements of the New Republic Defense Force. Jaina Solo, piloting the frigate, identified it as a New Republic ally through a series of unique maneuvers recognized by her father, Han Solo, who was also present at the battle. Spared destruction, but heavily damaged, the Ksstarr jumped into hyperspace, deciding to seek refuge in the Hapes Cluster. There, Tenel Ka Djo departed in an escape pod to prepare the way for the strike team's arrival, as the next in line for the Hapan throne. However, the Ksstarr was attacked by pirates, and Djo's escape pod was intercepted. Rar joined the others to rescue their friend. En route, the strike team felt the apparent death of Jacen Solo in the Force, adding to their grief. Rar accompanied the grieving Jaina Solo and her fellow Jedi as they boarded the pirate starship where Djo was held, helping to rescue the Chume'da. As Jaina Solo continued down a path towards darkness, Rar began to see her as a kindred spirit.

After rescuing Djo, the Jedi survivors reached Hapes and were welcomed as royal guests. Sometime later, amid the political intrigue and subterfuge on the planet, Alema Rar attended the funeral of Anakin Solo, where the young Jedi's body was cremated. The leader of the Jedi Order, Luke Skywalker, and Anakin Solo's parents also attended. The Myrkr survivors returned to Eclipse Station with them, leaving Jaina Solo, Tenel Ka, and Lowbacca in the Hapes Cluster. Rar next saw action in the Pyria system, where elements of the New Republic Third Fleet, commanded by General Wedge Antilles, had established a defense on the planet Borleias, hoping to delay the Yuuzhan Vong fleet until the New Republic government could effectively organize its wartime capabilities. The Twi'lek traveled aboard the Solos' freighter, the Millennium Falcon, serving as a gunner alongside Rhysode, Sebatyne, Zekk, and Veila. When the Millennium Falcon arrived in the Pyria system amidst a fierce space battle, Rar prevented coralskippers from attacking the freighter. Han Solo landed the starship at the New Republic base on Borleias, where Rar and the others were greeted with cheers by the waiting personnel.

Several Pyrian days after arriving on the planet, Alema Rar accompanied Lando Calrissian, also present with the garrison, on a mission to uncover how the Yuuzhan Vong were tracking and intercepting refugee ships. Calrissian enlisted the aid of Rogue Squadron, an elite starfighter unit, and the resources of smuggling and intelligence kingpin Talon Karrde. A Gallofree transport, the Jeolocas, carrying refugees, was selected, and Rar infiltrated the crew. Rogue Squadron hid in a cargo container attached to the transport, and YVH droids waited in crates within the vessel's holds. When the Jeolocas exited hyperspace and encountered a waiting Yuuzhan Vong frigate analog, Rar initiated the plan. She subdued the ship's captain, breaking his wrist when he resisted, and greeted the Yuuzhan Vong boarding party dressed in his uniform. After tricking the Yuuzhan Vong leader into believing the Jeolocas was transporting vital supplies for the Jedi Order, she led the warriors to the cargo bay. There, Rar killed the officer and began fighting the remaining command, aided by the YVH droids. Simultaneously, Rogue Squadron destroyed the Yuuzhan Vong frigate. Rar finished fighting and casually killed surviving Yuuzhan Vong technology. Despite the mission's partial success—the method of tracking refugee ships remained unknown—the Twi'lek suggested a celebration to Calrissian, making suggestive advances. The gambler politely declined Rar's offer.

Knighting and service under Kre'fey

The Borleias campaign was ultimately successful, giving the New Republic government time to establish its new headquarters on the water world of Dac, home to the Quarren and Mon Calamari species. The Myrkr survivors were further reduced by the death of Ganner Rhysode on occupied Coruscant, before being joined by Jacen Solo, whose life Rhysode had fought to save. Rar, leading a small group with Tahiri Veila and Zekk, took her group to Dac on a refugee convoy, lacking duties or a Jedi Master to guide her. On Dac, Luke Skywalker, alongside the new Chief of State, the Alderaanian Cal Omas, created a High Council, with equal representation from Jedi and non-Jedi. Rar contacted Jedi Master Tresina Lobi, a Council member, asking the Chev woman to inquire with Skywalker about her next steps. Omas and Skywalker decided to hold a ceremony honoring the Myrkr strike team, elevating the survivors to Jedi Knight status.

The ceremony arrived, and Rar and the others waited on a stage as Chief of State Omas gave a speech honoring the fallen Jedi. Luke Skywalker then took the podium and called individual Jedi forward to be knighted. Rar was the third to receive her new robes. In a brief, personal address, Skywalker told Rar she would always find love and friendship with the Jedi, bringing the Twi'lek to tears. After an evening reception, the new Jedi Knights traveled to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, where Bothan admiral Traest Kre'fey was planning minor offensives against the Yuuzhan Vong to train new recruits. Admiral Kre'fey was particularly interested in the Jedi art of battle meditation and the Force Meld, believing they could be crucial in coordinating strikes against the Yuuzhan Vong. Rar was also sent to Kashyyyk in hopes that her companions and the Force Meld could help her manage her grief and anger until she could overcome them.

Alema Rar participated in several raids alongside Kre'fey's forces, led by the admiral aboard his flagship, the Bothan Assault Cruiser Ralroost. Soon, Jedi Master Kyp Durron presented Kre'fey with a plan to attack the headquarters of the Peace Brigade, a Yuuzhan Vong collaborator, on the planet Ylesia in the Cha Raaba system. By the time of the Battle of Ylesia, Rar was a squadron commander alongside Veila and Zekk. During the battle, Rar, Veila, Zekk, and Durron, along with Saba Sebatyne, held back their squadrons, as Kre'fey's remaining task forces were enough to defeat and force the Peace Brigade Fleet to surrender. The Twi'lek shared her strength with Jacen Solo, who was flying with his sister's Twin Suns Squadron, through the Force Meld, which proved successful throughout the Cha Raaba system conflict. Peace City, the Ylesian capital, was stormed, and the surviving members of the Ylesian Senate, including Pwoe, a pretender Chief of State, were taken into custody. Although the arrival of a Yuuzhan Vong fleet threatened Kre'fey's departure, the hostile force was repelled, and the New Republic ships left the system victorious.

The Twi'lek later attended an emergency gathering of Jedi aboard the Mon Adapyne, a MC80B Star Cruiser attached to Admiral Kre'fey's fleet. Jedi Masters Durron and Sebatyne had received an urgent message from Luke Skywalker warning all Jedi that the Old Republic Jedi Vergere, who had seemingly protected Jacen Solo as a Yuuzhan Vong ally, had fled and was to be captured and detained if encountered. As Kre'fey's forces and the Jedi were preparing to attack poorly defended Yuuzhan Vong worlds, Rar and the others could not spare time to hunt for Vergere. Strikes were conducted at Gyndine, Nal Hutta, and Wayland, all Yuuzhan Vong occupied worlds, before Kre'fey led his forces into the Deep Core. There, on the moon of Ebaq 9, a secret New Republic base had been established. The centerpiece of an elaborate trap conceived by Admiral Ackbar, the base on Ebaq 9 had been rapidly constructed, and its construction deliberately leaked to the Yuuzhan Vong spy network. Defending Ebaq 9 were the forces of Agamarian General Keyan Farlander, along with Twin Suns Squadron. The Yuuzhan Vong arrived as planned and engaged this small defense force. Jacen Solo, on the bridge of the Ralroost, was alerted by Farlander's forces and informed Kre'fey that the time was right to strike.

The Bothan admiral emerged from hyperspace and began attacking the Yuuzhan Vong fleets. Alema Rar, along with Kyp Durron, Saba Sebatyne, the Corellian Jedi Master Corran Horn, and the other Jedi she had fought alongside for months, piloted their starfighters into the battle. The battle quickly turned in the New Republic's favor, as more fleets exited hyperspace, forcing the Yuuzhan Vong warmaster, Tsavong Lah, to order a suicidal attack on the base on Ebaq 9, where Jaina Solo, Lowbacca, and the rest of Twin Suns Squadron were sheltering. The Yuuzhan Vong warmaster landed 10,000 Yuuzhan Vong warriors on the moon, declaring that only Jedi could approach and land. Through the battle meld, Skywalker informed Rar and the other Jedi that they were to land on Ebaq 9 and extract Solo and her pilots. Ultimately, Rar did not need to descend to the moon and fight against overwhelming odds. Vergere, who had been hiding aboard the Ralroost, boarded an RZ-1 A-wing interceptor and sacrificed herself to ensure Jacen Solo, who had gone ahead to save his sister, survived. In the process, she eliminated the 10,000 warriors on the moon, saving Jaina Solo and the rest of Twin Suns Squadron. Following the successful Battle of Ebaq, during which Lah, the Yuuzhan Vong's top military leader, was killed, Rar continued to pilot a starfighter alongside the New Republic military.

The Battle of Bilbringi

By the final year of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Rar was fighting in Twin Suns Squadron under Jaina Solo's command. The New Republic, now reorganized as the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, had made progress against the Yuuzhan Vong and, in a campaign to retake key worlds and systems around Coruscant, was tightening the noose around the lost galactic capital. Rar flew with Twin Suns Squadron at the battle of the Duro system, again under General Wedge Antilles' command. As part of a carefully laid plan to retake Fondor, Antilles led his forces on an extended advance through the Duro system. A day of heavy fighting ensued, with more and more Yuuzhan Vong forces arriving to reinforce their holdings. When the Yuuzhan Vong garrison at Fondor had departed for Duro, Antilles trapped the Yuuzhan Vong arrivals with interdiction generators, leaving Fondor undefended for General Garm Bel Iblis.

Jaina Solo, Rar, and the rest of Twin Suns Squadron, along with Antilles' forces, were unaware that the attack on Duro was a diversion, as was a task force of Duros, who broke formation and continued the battle against orders. The Duros contingent of the Galactic Alliance fleet was wiped out, casting a shadow over the victory celebrations, which Rar attended. In a cantina with her squadmates, Rar witnessed a Duros, Lensi, who had flown with Rogue Squadron during the battle, confront Solo and accuse her of lying about the battle's objectives. Solo defused the situation, reminding Lensi that everyone had suffered losses during the war. Originally intending to resign from the military, Lensi was persuaded by Solo's arguments and remained with Rogue Squadron.

Jaina Solo, Alema Rar's friend, fellow Jedi and leader of Twin Suns Squadron.

Following the triumph at Fondor, along with the reclamation of other significant planets like Thyferra and Yag'Dhul, an offensive was initiated against the strategically vital Bilbringi system. This operation, shrouded in absolute secrecy, was designated Operation Trinity. Twin Suns Squadron was slated to accompany General Antilles' command into the fray, marking the inaugural entry of three Galactic Alliance fleets assigned to the operation within the Bilbringi system. Simultaneously, the Yuuzhan Vong disrupted the HoloNet, the communication network utilized by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. Consequently, Alema Rar and her Twin Suns Squadron cohorts found themselves isolated with Antilles' fleet within the system, awaiting the opportunity to dispatch a distress signal to Admirals Kre'fey and Gilad Pellaeon for reinforcement.

Despite half the Yuuzhan Vong fleet departing to reinforce other planets, under the assumption the Bilbringi assault was a diversion, two interdictors and additional warships remained for combat. Furthermore, the coralskippers deployed against Twin Suns Squadron and fellow starfighters began releasing grutchins, insect-like entities capable of infiltrating ship hulls, compromising structural integrity, and assailing the crew. Rar detected this new addition to the coralskippers' arsenal and voiced her concerns to Solo, but her warnings were disregarded. However, as grutchins inundated the Galactic Alliance capital ships, Twin Suns Squadron received directives to fly over the besieged vessels and incinerate the grutchins clinging to the hulls using their exhaust.

Rar, collaborating with other pilots, successfully and meticulously purged the creatures from the hull of Mon Mothma, Antilles' command ship. As the opposing fleets drew closer, Antilles issued new orders to Rar's squadron. His crew had discovered an antiquated Golan II Battle Station situated within an asteroid belt on the system's periphery. Twin Suns Squadron, weakened by a flight detachment, including Chiss-aligned pilot Jagged Fel and two others, sent to notify Admiral Kre'fey, was tasked with scouting the station and evaluating its military potential for integration into the battle.

However, upon disengaging from the main conflict, the squadron was pursued by a substantial contingent of coralskippers. As they approached the station, Solo instructed Rar and her wingmates to jump to the system's edge while she docked with the Golan for reconnaissance. When the plan proved untenable due to the rapid approach of the coralskippers, Rar prepared for renewed combat; unexpectedly, the Golan station's turbolaser batteries, previously thought dormant, activated and obliterated the Yuuzhan Vong starfighters. Solo received a hail from the station's captain, Erli Prann, and docked inside the platform while Rar, Lowbacca, and the remainder of Twin Suns Squadron remained in space. Prann, however, had no intention of relinquishing control of his prized, cloaked Golan II Battle Station to the Galactic Alliance. After stunning Solo with blasters, his crew unleashed ion cannons upon Twin Suns Squadron.

Rar's fighter, along with the others, was ensnared by the station's tractor beams, and the Twi'lek was subdued using sonic weaponry. The X-wing starfighter she piloted, along with the other squadron vehicles, had their motivator units removed; these eight devices were then cannibalized to repair the Golan II's damaged hyperdrive. Prann intended to evacuate the space station from the system, but Jaina Solo employed a tricked Force technique to alter his destination to the heart of the battle. Upon the station's re-emergence from hyperspace, its crew was compelled to assist Antilles' forces by destroying an interdictor; subsequently, Han Solo and his wife boarded the station in the Millennium Falcon. Rar and her fellow pilots were liberated by the elder Solos and directed to rescue Jaina Solo. The Twi'lek Jedi confronted the Golan Station's crew with her lightsaber, prompting their swift surrender, while Lowbacca dealt with Prann. The space station was then utilized to cover Antilles' withdrawal. Although the operation to reclaim Bilbringi had failed, the Galactic Alliance remained, albeit precariously, positioned to initiate a final campaign against the Yuuzhan Vong.

Approaching the War's Conclusion

Rar continued her service with Twin Suns Squadron, leading Three Flight as Twin Suns Nine, and she, Lowbacca, and Jaina Solo soon cultivated a powerful Force Meld to enhance their combat effectiveness. In the war's final months, Rar accompanied Twin Suns Squadron to the Tantara system, where intelligence indicated a Yuuzhan Vong and Peace Brigade convoy was transporting numerous Galactic Alliance members for mass sacrifice on Coruscant, which the Yuuzhan Vong had renamed Yuuzhan'tar. Upon entering the system, Rar was promptly drawn into the Battle of Selvaris, as her squadron was tasked with preventing the Peace Brigade freighters from escaping. Once the majority of the convoy's vessels were immobilized, Rar joined the assault on the coralskippers guarding the convoy. The Twi'lek and her pilots achieved rapid success; although many Yuuzhan Vong starfighters remained, Galactic Alliance troops soon boarded the convoy. Twin Suns Squadron provided cover for the rescue transports while fending off the attacking coralskippers.

However, as the Galactic Alliance prisoners were being transported to safety, Yuuzhan Vong reinforcements arrived. Piloting new craft, the newcomers caught the Galactic Alliance starfighter squadrons off guard. Rar joined Solo in covering the Millennium Falcon's escape, which proved successful, but Twin Suns Squadron suffered the loss of five pilots. The battered squadron protected the surviving transports during their retreat. Traveling from the Tantara system to Kashyyyk and then to Dac, Rar's arrival, along with the rest of the squadron, went largely unnoticed by the public. The Galactic Alliance military was preparing for the campaign to retake Coruscant from the Yuuzhan Vong, but the diminished Jedi Order had its own agenda. Luke Skywalker, his wife, Corran Horn, Tahiri Veila, and others had been incommunicado while searching for the living world Zonama Sekot, believed to hold the key to understanding the Yuuzhan Vong, given its successful defense against a previous Yuuzhan Vong invasion fifty years prior.

With the Order's leader absent and the whereabouts of the missing Jedi unknown, a meeting was convened in Master Tresina Lobi's apartment within Coral City's Quarren Tower. Rar attended alongside a gathering of available Jedi, and Master Kenth Hamner addressed the assembled Knights and Masters regarding the Skywalkers and their companions. The group discussed the possibility of deploying a strike team onto Coruscant to interrogate a mysterious figure, the Prophet Yu'shaa, who led a resistance movement against the Yuuzhan Vong rulers and was suspected of possessing knowledge about Zonama Sekot's location. The plan's similarity to the Mission to Myrkr was evident, as were the inherent risks; it was intended as a last resort. If Skywalker and his companions failed to establish contact within a week, Hamner intended to assemble the Jedi strike team, of which Rar would be a member.

However, the war was progressing beyond the Jedi's influence, and as preparations were underway to retake Coruscant from the Yuuzhan Vong, the new warmaster, Nas Choka, appeared as anticipated in the Calamari system. During the subsequent Defense of Mon Calamari, Rar did not fly with Twin Suns Squadron; instead, she commanded her own squadron. The battle was intense, with the Yuuzhan Vong armada arranging its vessels in the form of a multi-tentacled yammosk, constantly rotating fresh craft into attack runs while withdrawing damaged ships to its center. As the fighting took its toll on the Galactic Alliance forces, half of Choka's flotilla abruptly departed the battle. Shortly thereafter, with the revelation that the living planet Zonama Sekot had materialized in the Coruscant system, Choka's remaining ships retreated. The Galactic Alliance fleets mobilized, while a significant portion of the Jedi Order journeyed to Zonama Sekot, which remained unscathed in its new orbit around Coruscant.

Master Skywalker greeted Rar and the other Jedi on Zonama Sekot's surface and elucidated the planet's significance to a gathering of Jedi Masters and Knights. The consciousness of the living planet, known as Sekot, had consented to assist the Jedi in resolving the Yuuzhan Vong War. While the Galactic Alliance military finalized preparations for the assault on Coruscant, Alema Rar and several other Jedi, including Kyp Durron, Corran Horn, and Kyle Katarn, underwent a ceremony to create living Sekotan starships for the planet's defense. The Twi'lek participated in the ritual, which involved a specialized diet, ceremonial attire, and the offering of gifts to Sekot, the planet's spirit. Having completed the ritual elements, Rar bonded with two seed-partners, small organisms that attuned themselves to their host and subsequently developed into an organic starship—resembling the organic technology of Yuuzhan Vong vessels. The final stages of the Yuuzhan Vong War were unfolding rapidly, and it soon became apparent that the Yuuzhan Vong leader, Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane, was assembling his forces for the decisive battle, which might include an attack on Zonama Sekot.

The Battle of Coruscant

The Jentari cyborgs responsible for constructing the Sekotan ships worked quickly to complete the vessels, and Alema Rar soon admired her craft alongside the other Jedi tasked with defending the living world. Upon Master Skywalker's arrival, Rar joined the others present to hear a brief address from the revered warrior. Skywalker assigned groups and individuals to their respective tasks; he himself planned to lead his nephew and niece against Shimrra Jamaane and his bodyguards to eliminate the Yuuzhan Vong leadership. With words of encouragement, Skywalker urged the Jedi to remain true to the Force before the group dispersed. Shortly after Skywalker's speech and departure, Rar took to the skies and engaged the coralskippers attacking the living planet. The remainder of the Yuuzhan Vong task force maintained their distance from the planet, supported by a yammosk-bearing clustership. However, the Twi'lek and her Jedi companions soon realized that the Sekotan ships appeared hesitant to engage the coralskippers.

Rar and her fellow pilots observed as the Sekotan ships seemingly refused to respond aggressively to the Yuuzhan Vong starfighters, which, in turn, acted in a similarly confused manner. When coralskippers managed to breach Rar and the other Jedi's defenses, Zonama Sekot's static defenses repelled them. The Jedi remained uncertain about the reasons behind Sekot's constraints. Eventually, Yuuzhan Vong capital ships began advancing upon Zonama Sekot, only to be confronted by a Hapan task force under the command of Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. The coralskippers were swiftly overwhelmed, and Zonama Sekot's defenses began launching volleys of energy at the Yuuzhan Vong warships. However, it became clear that the Yuuzhan Vong were planning to employ another tactic. A slayer ship, infected by the Galactic Alliance at Caluula with the re-developed Alpha Red pathogen, was inbound for Zonama Sekot—the Yuuzhan Vong intended to poison the world.

Sekot recognized the deadly threat posed by Alpha Red and unleashed massive columns of energy against the approaching Yuuzhan Vong as the space battle over the living world intensified. The Jedi fighters were overwhelmed, and Rar engaged in numerous dogfights with Yuuzhan Vong coralskippers, defending the planet's settlements and attempting to repel the waves of attackers. Suddenly, all twelve Sekotan craft became sluggish and unresponsive. The planetary defenses ceased firing upon the Yuuzhan Vong, and waves of coralskippers and picket ships broke through to the surface. Durron and Horn believed that Alpha Red had already reached the planet and infected it; Rar and the rest of the Jedi were left with no choice but to abandon their craft once the Sekotan vessels had landed on the planet.

A hasty conference with Zonama Sekot's spokesperson, Magister Jabitha; Cilghal; scientist Danni Quee, and others yielded little progress. Rar suggested using the Jade Shadow, docked on the planet, to locate and destroy the infected vessel, but Cilghal reminded the Twi'lek that such an action would result in atmospheric dispersion of the pathogen. The Jedi grew frustrated, with Rar subtly criticizing what she perceived as the planet's self-appointed role as caretaker of the Force. Their deliberations were interrupted by Jabitha's report that Sekot wished to confer with Danni Quee. Quee departed with Jabitha and several Ferroan natives to communicate with the world's consciousness; Rar, Durron, Horn, Cilghal, and the others could only watch as the Yuuzhan Vong continued to assault the planet and bring the infected vessel ever closer. Despite the elimination of Shimrra Jamaane by Skywalker and the Solo twins and the surrender of the warfleet by Nas Choka, Zonama Sekot was clearly in peril.

Alema Rar was present when Luke Skywalker addressed the Jedi Order on Zonama Sekot at the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Despite the desperate efforts of Corellian smuggler Booster Terrik and his converted Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, the Errant Venture, the infected Yuuzhan Vong vessel seemed unstoppable. At the last moment, Sekot unleashed a swarm of insect-like ships into the skies. Using gravitic singularities to pull both Yuuzhan Vong and Galactic Alliance ships down to the planet's surface, half a dozen vessels converged upon the infected slayer ship and dragged it out of the atmosphere into deep space. Rar and the other Jedi watched in awe from their vantage point near their docked starships. Quee and Jabitha returned, and the former informed the assembled Jedi that Sekot was returning the Yuuzhan Vong to their home.

In disbelief, Rar and her companions watched as coralskippers were pulled from orbit by the insectoid craft toward the ground, over two kilometers away. Sprinting toward the impromptu landing zone, joined by Wedge Antilles and several Smugglers' Alliance pilots, Rar and the others arrived in time to witness the coralskippers making contact with the ground. As the Yuuzhan Vong pilots emerged from their craft wielding amphistaffs, the group prepared for a confrontation. However, they were astonished as the Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology became docile and peaceful. Danni Quee and Sekot later revealed that the living planet was a seed of the ancestral homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong—the belligerent species had returned home, and the conflict that had ravaged the galaxy since the Yuuzhan Vong invasion had ended.

In the weeks following the Sekot Accords, which addressed the immediate issues arising from the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi remained on Zonama Sekot in the Coruscant system. The entire Yuuzhan Vong species, disarmed, were to be transported to the living world in the coming days to live peacefully in symbiosis with the planet. Chief of State Cal Omas thanked the Jedi for their assistance, and Master Skywalker called for a convocation of the Order on Zonama Sekot. Once the surviving members of the Order had flocked to the living world, Skywalker gave everyone a day to rest before summoning all present to the same glade where Rar had first witnessed the coralskippers landing.

Once assembled, Skywalker delivered a speech concerning the role of the Jedi and their relationship with the Force. Rar, along with everyone else present, was encouraged to prevent the rise of darkness and to fight injustice, which Skywalker believed was the will of the Force. He also urged the Order to consider the future without surrendering to it completely and to assist others on that path. Four days after the convocation, Rar departed the living world before it transported the Yuuzhan Vong to the Unknown Regions. The Yuuzhan Vong War left scars on both the galaxy and Alema Rar that never healed; grief over her sister's death aboard the Nebula Chaser and the other losses of the war haunted the Twi'lek, leading to an internal darkness that persisted even after the conflict ended.

Manipulation and Decline

The Summons

For six years, the galaxy enjoyed relative peace. The Reconstruction Authority made progress, as did the rest of the galaxy, in repairing—to some extent—the damage caused by the Yuuzhan Vong War. However, Alema Rar continued to suffer from the grief of her sister's death, and anger continued to control her actions. Other events, now distant, also influenced the Twi'lek Jedi Knight. During the mission to Myrkr years earlier, the Jedi had formed a close-knit Force Meld to aid their survival, inadvertently creating a mental bond so strong that it had not faded over time. After the war, whenever members of the strike team were in close proximity, they experienced mood swings and shared emotions and feelings. Cilghal, the Jedi Order's primary healer, diagnosed the phenomenon as a delayed reaction to the Myrkr battle meld; the mental boundaries between the survivors had been eroded by the strength of the meld, causing them to share emotions. This made close interaction difficult, and the survivors generally attempted to move on with their lives individually.

Tenel Ka Djo remained the Hapan Queen Mother, Jacen Solo had disappeared on a five-year journey to explore the Force, and Tekli and Tahiri spent the years on Zonama Sekot. For Rar, as with Jaina Solo, Zekk, Lowbacca, and Tesar, moving on was difficult. The Jedi Knight conducted an extensive intelligence-gathering mission on the Bothans, who, since the death of Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya during the Battle of Coruscant, sought to commit genocide against the Yuuzhan Vong. A Bothan politician, Reh'mwa, formed a faction of fundamentalists known as the True Victory Party to hunt down Zonama Sekot and eliminate the species. By 35 ABY, Rar had discovered that Reh'mwa and his followers had intelligence about the living planet's location and were preparing a cruiser, the Avengeance, for an attack on the exiled Yuuzhan Vong. The Twi'lek duly reported this to the Jedi High Council.

Unbeknownst to Alema Rar or the other Myrkr team survivors, another member of the strike force, the long-lost Raynar Thul, had survived his mid-mission abduction by Lomi Plo and Welk. From the distant Unknown Regions, Thul exerted his presence in the Force, summoning the other strike team survivors to him. At first, the call was vague and unclear, and the Jedi informed Luke Skywalker and the other Jedi Masters of the mystery. As the weeks passed, it became more compelling until Rar abandoned her investigation into the True Victory Party's activities and met with Lowbacca, Zekk, Jaina Solo, and Tesar. Together, the five Jedi traveled to an asteroid colony in the Unknown Regions, offering no explanation for their sudden departure. There, they were greeted by the Lizil, a nest of insectoid creatures belonging to the Killik species, a race thought to have become extinct millennia before. The Jedi were then met by guards from the Unu nest, the primary Killik nest, led by Raynar Thul. A day after their arrival at the asteroid colony, the Jedi group departed.

The situation became clear to Rar and her companions; the Killiks were a species of insects organized by a hive mind. There were hundreds of different nests, which together formed The Colony, headed by Raynar Thul, who had survived the crash of the Tachyon Flier and been absorbed into the Killik hive mind. Prolonged exposure to Killiks resulted in decreased individuality due to the power of the hive mind. All those who became Joiners in this way shared a telepathic connection, thoughts, and emotions, similar to the Myrkr battle meld. The Killiks had been expanding since Raynar Thul's arrival, who had taught them the principles of healing and caring for one another. Soon, Killik expansionism encroached upon the border of the Chiss Ascendancy, and a conflict erupted. Raynar Thul had recruited his old friends to aid in the war against the Chiss, who fiercely defended their territories, aware of the subversive power of the Killik hive mind. Rar was particularly eager to help the insectoid race defend itself against what she saw as blatant Chiss aggression. The Jedi group quickly became Joiners, and their numbers were bolstered by the arrival of Tekli and Tahiri Veila.


The conflict's flashpoint was in the Gyuel system, where Killik colonies had been established on the moons of Qoribu, the system's gas giant. The Jedi were dispatched to Jwlio, one of Qoribu's moons, where the Taat nest was located. However, Rar's experience living among the Killiks differed from that of her companions. Lomi Plo and Welk had also survived the crash of the Tachyon Flier and had been subsumed into the Killik hive mind along with Raynar Thul. Unlike Thul, who had used his Jedi knowledge to impart ideals of care and healing, Plo and Welk had sought survival at any cost. Influencing the Killiks to aid her and creating a sense that she and Welk were never to be discovered, Plo initiated the construction of the Gorog, a secretive, hidden nest of Killiks dedicated to preserving Plo and implementing her will. The rest of the Killiks, including Thul, were unaware of the Gorog; Plo, who essentially controlled the Killik hive mind, censored the nest's existence from the rest of the species. The Gorog acted as the "unconscious" part of the Killik hive mind, influencing its decisions without its knowledge.

As a nest ruled by the dark side of the Force, the Gorog saw in Alema Rar the emotions that would enable it to recruit the Jedi Knight as its agent. Lomi Plo sought to corrupt the Twi'lek through Alema's anger and grief over Numa's death. Under the powerful influence of the hive mind, Rar, like her companions, was unable to resist. The Twi'lek's long-held raw emotions from her sister's death caused her descent into the dark side of the Force, and Lomi Plo became Alema Rar's master. To some extent, this occurred without Rar's knowledge. The Twi'lek was not initially a direct, knowing agent of the Gorog nest but rather its tool. Rar felt compelled to defend the Killik nests, especially Gorog, at all costs. As time passed, however, Rar became aware of her true allegiance to the Gorog. On the front lines at Jwlio, Rar continued to fight off the Chiss alongside her companions. Defending against the Chiss was Plo's immediate objective; in the long run, however, the leader of the Gorog wished to expand the Killiks across the galaxy, subsuming all sentient life as Joiners to achieve galactic dominance.

Alema Rar fought on behalf of the Killiks against the Chiss Ascendancy.

The Taat nest, struggling under the Chiss's aggressive campaign, extended a generous welcome to the Jedi. Despite the frequent assaults by Chiss defoliators—vehicles deploying chemical weapons to decimate the moon's plant life—the nest was resolute in its determination to nourish their Jedi protectors. As the Joining deepened, the Jedi experienced a growing interconnectedness of senses and emotions; Rar, along with Solo and Zekk, embraced the Joining and the sensation of belonging to a larger entity. This mental connection became most apparent during battles with the Chiss, when the Jedi nearly achieved complete mind-meld. During one meal, Jaina Solo announced that Jacen Solo, another survivor of Myrkr, was on his way to Jwlio, concluding his five-year voyage of self-discovery. Rar, harboring a special interest in Jacen, was particularly anxious to learn of his arrival time.

Shortly after the news of Jacen Solo's imminent arrival, word came of an approaching Chiss defoliator squadron. Alongside the Taat dartships—simple, single-pilot craft used by the Killiks—Rar and the other Jedi boarded their StealthX Jedi starfighters, preparing to defend against the Chiss. Four defoliators, each guarded by four Nssis-class Clawcraft, were advancing on Jwlio, Ruu, and Zvbo; the latter two moons housed the Saras and Alaala nests, respectively. As was their custom, the Jedi aimed to neutralize the defoliators. Rar, however, was inclined to launch an attack, destroying the invading ships to send a clear message to the Chiss. However, such open hostility against the Chiss would almost certainly ignite a full-blown war, a course of action Solo and Zekk strongly advised against.

Working in tandem with Zekk and Lowbacca, while the Saras dartships engaged one defoliator and the rest of the Jedi focused on the others, Rar swiftly disabled the vessels as they neared the Killik nests. Before long, the Jedi realized they had fallen into a well-laid trap. A Chiss Victory-class Star Destroyer, previously hidden by a cloaking device, decloaked, effectively cutting off the Jedi's return to Jwlio and the Taat nest. The Star Destroyer launched its fighter complement and targeted the Jedi's StealthXs with tractor beams. One of the tractor beams immediately locked onto Lowbacca's craft, and clawcraft began to overwhelm Jacen Solo and Tahiri Veila, pulling them toward the Chiss vessel. Killik dartships attempted to protect the besieged Jedi, but it wasn't until Rar and Zekk started attacking the clawcraft that Solo and Veila were able to break free. Instead of retreating, the vengeful Twi'lek continued her assault, taking out three clawcraft in rapid succession.

Rar's actions triggered an immediate wave of anger and disapproval from her companions, but the Rutian felt her actions were justified—a necessary warning to the Chiss. The Taat dartships quickly followed Rar's example, immolating themselves against the clawcraft, dramatically escalating the conflict. In response, the Star Destroyer locked onto Rar, Zekk, Jacen Solo, and Veila with a tractor beam, pulling them toward its hangar bays. Tesar Sebatyne and Jaina Solo flew in to attack the Star Destroyer, but were unable to disable the tractor beam emitter. Solo instructed the Jedi to prepare to eject from their fighters, but before Rar had to do so, Killik reinforcements arrived in the form of hundreds of Mueum nest dartships, which plunged in a concentrated formation into the capital ship's upper deck. The sheer force of the Mueum assault caused the Star Destroyer to rapidly disintegrate, and the tractor beams failed. During the final moments of the battle, Lowbacca ejected from his StealthX to avoid capture. The remaining Chiss clawcraft prevented Rar and the other Jedi from rescuing the Wookiee, so the group returned to Jwlio to refuel and rearm before launching their rescue operation.


Intervention from the Jedi Order, which the Jedi group had so abruptly abandoned, disrupted this plan. Jedi Masters Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker and Saba Sebatyne, along with Han and Leia Organa Solo, arrived in the Gyuel system to investigate the activities of Rar and the other missing Jedi Knights. Rar and her companions met the Jedi Masters in the same hangar where they were waiting while their StealthXs were being refueled and rearmed. After the Solos and the senior Jedi arrived and exchanged greetings, Mara Jade Skywalker confronted the Jedi group about their abandonment of their duties. Rar argued that she and the other Jedi were trying to bring an end to the conflict between the Chiss and the Killiks. In an attempt to justify their actions, the Jedi group showed their critics the Killik infirmary and nursery, while Rar bitterly condemned Chiss aggression.

Luke Skywalker remained unconvinced and requested that the Jedi return to Galactic Alliance space, citing their perceived lack of impartiality as detrimental to preventing further conflict. The Jedi Master's request prompted Rar to assert that the Jedi were not beholden to the Galactic Alliance, but Skywalker remained firm. When it became clear that the Solos also believed that Rar and the others had only made the situation worse, the Twi'lek became visibly angry. Nevertheless, Veila, Zekk, Tesar Sebatyne, Tekli, and Jacen Solo agreed to leave Killik space, leaving Rar with little choice but to comply. Before their departure, however, the two generations of Jedi made it clear that they would cooperate to rescue Lowbacca.

Alema Rar, along with Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Saba Sebatyne, formed a quartet of escorts for the Millennium Falcon, which was to spearhead the search and rescue operation. Aboard the light freighter, which lacked stealth capabilities but had enough space to transport an adult male Wookiee, Organa Solo negotiated with the Chiss search craft to allow the Millennium Falcon to join their search pattern. Meanwhile, Rar and the escorts used the Force to reassure the stranded Lowbacca. The Solos soon realized they were being lured into a trap, as the Chiss were eager to capture more of the "rogue Jedi" they blamed for escalating the border conflict. Jaina Solo seemed unconcerned and led the four StealthXs closer to Lowbacca's location. The Wookiee, fearing his friends would be captured, activated his emergency beacon, revealing his location to the Chiss and allowing them to apprehend him.

The rescue mission was aborted, and Rar returned with the others to the Taat nest on Jwlio, leaving Lowbacca in the hands of the Chiss commander, who turned out to be Jagged Fel, Rar's former comrade from the Yuuzhan Vong War. Upon the rescue mission's return to Jwlio, Rar and the other Joiners resumed their lives among the Killiks. Meanwhile, Gorog launched several attacks on the Skywalkers and Solos. On the morning before Sebatyne's serious injuries were discovered, Rar, Zekk, and Jaina Solo were participating in the Dawn Rumble, a communal Killik dance. The dance was interrupted by the news that Sebatyne had been wounded in a lightsaber duel. The Jedi and the Solos rushed to the infirmary, where the gravely injured Sebatyne warned them about the Gorog assassin bugs and claimed that she had fought Welk, who she insisted had survived the crash of the Tachyon Flier. Despite the Barabel's certainty, Rar remained skeptical of Sebatyne's story.

The Solos demanded that the younger Jedi leave with them, but Zekk and Jaina refused, stating that they would not leave without Lowbacca and that they would investigate the attack on Sebatyne. Organa Solo promised to initiate negotiations with the Chiss, but Rar argued that the defoliators would have inflicted even greater damage on the Gyuel system nests by then. With the argument unresolved, the Solos decided to return without the young Jedi. With Lomi Plo and the Gorog having decided that it was time for another attempt on the Solos' lives, coinciding with an attack on the Jade Shadow, Rar was dispatched to eliminate the couple, along with Sebatyne, C-3PO, and the Noghri bodyguards. To the surprise of Zekk and all three Solos, Rar announced that she would be accompanying the Solos and their companions aboard the Millennium Falcon, under the guise of acting as a guide.

Assault on the Solos

The Twi'lek joined the Solos on the Millennium Falcon and departed from Jwlio, with a comatose Master Sebatyne on board. Rar's goal was to ensure that the Solos would no longer interfere with Lomi Plo's plans, even though the Twi'lek was still mentally unstable, only partially aware of why she was being instructed to carry out the task. To Rar's dismay, while sitting in the galley with Leia Organa Solo, the older woman asked her why she had come along on the Millennium Falcon. The Twi'lek tried to avoid the topic, but revealed much about her nature as a Joiner in the process and was soon questioned by the older woman about the Gorog attacks on the Skywalkers and the Solos, and later on Master Sebatyne. Organa Solo skillfully countered Rar's denials and attempts to change the subject, persistently questioning her about Welk, why the Killiks would attack Sebatyne or the Solos, and whether or not both Dark Jedi—Lomi Plo and Welk—had survived the crash of the Tachyon Flier.

Rar became increasingly disoriented as she tried to satisfy Organa Solo with a plausible explanation. Eventually, the Twi'lek lost her composure and snapped at the older woman, shouting that the Solos would be safe as long as they did not interfere with Lomi Plo's plans, although she only alluded to Gorog indirectly. However, Plo did not believe that the Solos' departure from Colony space was enough security; if the Solos reported the Gorog attack on Sebatyne to Skywalker, Plo feared that her scheme would be compromised. Therefore, the Twi'lek was instructed to sabotage the Millennium Falcon and eliminate the Solos from the Gorog nest once and for all. While the light freighter was in hyperspace, Rar sabotaged the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive, causing it to drop out of hyperspace in Colony space, where a swarm of Gorog dartships began to converge on the light freighter. To Rar's surprise, and despite her attempts to convince Han Solo that the dartships were harmless, the Corellian engaged lightspeed at half power.

With her initial plan thwarted, Rar attempted to separate Solo from his wife so she could carry out Plo's orders, but she failed. Further complications arose when the Millennium Falcon was blocked in hyperspace by a nebula; normally, it would have been a simple matter of disengaging the hyperdrive and avoiding the nebula, but Rar's sabotage prevented this. The light freighter's destruction was imminent; fortunately for its occupants, Organa Solo spun the Millennium Falcon around in hyperspace and fired the sublight engines. Time and space were briefly distorted before the freighter dropped out of hyperspace, pulled out by the mass shadow of an unknown planet. Solo managed a landing, and Rar and Organa Solo exited the Millennium Falcon wearing full hazmat gear to drain contaminated coolant into collection buckets. Jae Juun, the Sullustan who had been serving as the Solos' guide, brought out Rar's utility belt with her lightsaber attached; the Twi'lek and Organa Solo then began draining the coolant from the freighter into the buckets.

When Solo emphasized that they must not spill any of the coolant, Rar saw an opportunity to strand the Solos on the unknown planet, removing them from interfering with Lomi Plo's plans. She deliberately broke a handle on one of the buckets, spilling eighty liters of coolant on the ground, and claimed it was an accident. To her surprise, she immediately had to dodge a barrage of stun blasts from the Solos' two Noghri bodyguards, Cakhmaim and Meewalh. She evaded the follow-up blasts and ignited her lightsaber, protesting her innocence. However, the Solos had detected the Twi'lek's deception, and as Organa Solo ignited her own blade, Rar realized she had to neutralize some of her enemies. Abandoning all pretense of not trying to end the threat the Solos posed to Plo's expansionism, she accused them of betraying the Colony.

In the ensuing skirmish, Rar managed to defeat Meewalh before being at the mercy of Cakhmaim. An order from Organa Solo prevented Cakhmaim from killing Rar, and the Twi'lek used the momentary distraction to hurl the Noghri away with the Force and attack Organa Solo. The two women exchanged words briefly until Organa Solo realized that the Twi'lek, through her allegiance to the Gorog nest, was a full-fledged enemy of the Jedi Order, at which point the combatants re-engaged each other. Rar soon had Organa Solo on the defensive, but was tricked by the Human woman and her husband, who lured her under the discharge point for the aft escape pod. From within the cockpit, Han Solo then fired the pod, slamming the discharge hatch into the Twi'lek and knocking her down. Rar was then tranquilized by Organa Solo and taken back on board the freighter.

Confrontation at Kr

Drugged and heavily restrained in one of the light freighter's cargo holds, the unconscious Twi'lek was constantly watched over by Meewalh and Cakhmaim on the journey back to Ossus. During the journey, Rar spoke in her sleep, revealing her close ties to the Gorog nest to her captors by mentioning the Night Herald—a title held by Welk. When the Millennium Falcon arrived on Ossus, the Twi'lek was taken to the Jedi Academy. There, drugged with tranqarest, bound by nylasteel restraints, and connected to diagnostic systems monitoring her brain activity, Rar was imprisoned alongside a Gorog assassin bug that Mara Jade Skywalker had incapacitated on the Jade Shadow. Cilghal soon discovered that areas of Rar's brain that regulated emotional activity were linked to those of the Gorog assassin, providing empirical proof to the Jedi Order that the Twi'lek was a Gorog Joiner. Through further experiments, Luke Skywalker and Cilghal were able to understand the nature of the Gorog nest as the unconscious part of the Killik hive mind.

Shortly after the experiment, Rar regained consciousness and managed to escape. She fled the Jedi Academy with the Gorog assassin bug, stealing a skiff from the complex's repair hangar and some supplies. In the stolen vessel, Rar sped away from Ossus, cutting through the spaceport's primary approach lane in her haste. Two Jedi pilots in T-65XJ3 X-wing starfighters pursued the Twi'lek, but she successfully jumped to lightspeed. Rar raced back to the Gyuel system and the Gorog headquarters on the moon of Kr. There, the Dark Nest Crisis had escalated into open war, with Jacen Solo having secured the support of Tenel Ka Djo and a Hapan warfleet to defend the Killiks against the Chiss, who had brought a large invasion fleet into the system. As Rar sped toward Kr and safety, eager to join Lomi Plo and Welk in defending the Gorog nest against any intruders, the Battle of Qoribu began.

Kr quickly became the focal point of the conflict, with the Chiss and Hapan fleets clashing over the surface of the icy moon. The arrival of Jedi Masters Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, along with several other leading members of the Order and the Solos, confirmed that Rar had been tracked to Kr. Jade Skywalker launched a pair of proton torpedoes into the Gorog nest's hangar, where the Twi'lek had fled. Rar survived the explosion and ventured deeper into the nest. Waves of Gorog soldiers were dispatched against the two Jedi Masters, who landed in their StealthXs and followed the Twi'lek's path toward the center of the moon. Eventually, after the Skywalkers reached the area where black membrosia, the Gorog's source of sustenance, was being produced, Rar revealed herself and declared that the two Jedi Masters would not be allowed to leave the moon. Summoning a horde of Gorog warriors, the Twi'lek sprung her trap and prepared to engage the Skywalkers.

Rar's opponents proved more than capable of withstanding the masses of warriors, and despite the Twi'lek's best efforts, Luke Skywalker was soon pursuing her. The former Jedi Knight retreated up a tunnel but was eventually forced to turn and face the Jedi Master. Skywalker offered leniency, giving Rar the opportunity to return to the Jedi. In response, the Twi'lek launched a furious attack on the Jedi Master. Overmatched, she was easily held at bay while Skywalker urged her to reconsider her actions and to think about her long-dead sister and how Numa would view Rar's current actions. This approach further enraged Rar, though she was unable to penetrate Skywalker's defenses. The Jedi Master then knocked the Twi'lek's blade aside, pulled Rar toward him with the Force, and struck down into her left shoulder with his own weapon. Rar instantly lost the use of her sword arm. Skywalker took her lightsaber and went back to help his wife, while Rar retreated to safety.

Before long, the Jedi Masters were pursuing the Twi'lek again. Rar prepared herself, lying in wait in the nest's innermost chamber, where Lomi Plo, Welk, and the Gorog larvae were present, with a rifle. When the Skywalkers entered the chamber, Rar readied herself to shoot Mara Jade Skywalker, but the older woman fired Force lightning at the Twi'lek, throwing off her aim and briefly rendering her unconscious. Welk stepped forward to engage the Jedi Masters openly, while Lomi Plo remained unseen and hidden, providing support through the Force and weakening the Jedi Masters' weapons when she could. Welk did not last long against Luke Skywalker and was killed by the veteran Jedi Master. Alema Rar and Lomi Plo escaped, leaving Kr in the hands of the Jedi.

Night Herald

The queen's machinations

Night Herald of the Gorog.

In the wake of the Kr conflict, the Jedi Order brokered an agreement with Raynar Thul. This accord stipulated that, in exchange for the cessation of hostilities with the Chiss, the Killiks would take up residence on the planets discovered by the Solos within the Utegetu Nebula. The Killik Qoribu nests were subsequently transported via Hapan fleet vessels to what became the Woteba system, nestled within the Utegetu Nebula. There, fourteen planets were ceded to the Killiks, contingent upon their promise to cease expansion into the Chiss Ascendancy. However, Lomi Plo's ambitions remained unfulfilled, and alongside Alema Rar, whom she designated as the second Night Herald of the Gorog, she relentlessly pursued her designs for galactic dominance. The Gorog hive established itself on a fifteenth planet situated near the Tusken's Eye, a corona formed by a star located deeper within the nebula.

The truth was that Lomi Plo was actually a Sith Master, a reality that Rar never grasped during her training under the Human woman. Plo imparted to the fallen Twi'lek Jedi numerous advanced Force abilities, empowering her to function as a highly effective operative. Rar swiftly mastered the art of cultivating an elusive presence in the Force, enabling her to conceal herself and erase herself from the memories of those she encountered. She replaced the lightsaber she had lost to Luke Skywalker on Kr with a weapon that emitted a dark blue blade. Her left shoulder, severely injured by Skywalker's lightsaber, resulted in a lopsided posture, and her left arm atrophied and became unusable. Nevertheless, Rar remained steadfast in her opposition to her former Jedi Order friends and allies. Her allegiance lay solely with the Gorog and Lomi Plo.

With Alema Rar's support, Plo devised a scheme to turn the Galactic Alliance against the Killiks, anticipating that Chief of State Omas would grant the Chiss carte blanche in dealing with the insectoids, thereby triggering an all-out war between the Chiss and the Killiks, which Plo intended to win. To bolster her prospects of success, Plo manipulated Thul and the Killiks into constructing colossal nest ships. This was so the Killiks could abandon the planets of the Woteba system, which were plagued by a problematic ancient environmental defense system that hindered effective colonization, and invade the Chiss Ascendancy. One year after the conclusion of the Dark Nest Crisis, the Skywalkers and Solos returned to Woteba to consult with Raynar Thul regarding the issues plaguing the Woteba system's planets. Alema Rar was present to observe their interactions. At the Saras hive on Woteba, where the Millennium Falcon was docked, Rar's adversaries prepared to depart following their discussions with Thul. Apprehensive about potential Jedi interference, Plo and Rar had devised a strategy to weaken the Jedi Order and planned to disseminate disinformation and sow doubt among its highest echelons of leadership.

The Gorog hive possessed certain insights into the inner workings of the R2-series astromech droid. Luke Skywalker owned such a droid, R2-D2, which had previously belonged to Anakin Skywalker, the young Jedi Knight who succumbed to the dark side during the birth of the Galactic Empire and transformed into Darth Vader. R2-D2 held recordings of the events leading up to Anakin Skywalker's pivotal duel on Mustafar with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, a duel that resulted in the loss of his wife, Padmé Amidala, and several of his limbs. Plo recognized the immense value of these recordings to Skywalker and believed that their delivery could be used to exert influence over the Jedi Master. Plo and Rar also plotted to exploit Mara Jade Skywalker's past against her husband. Prior to renouncing the Galactic Empire and the dark side, Jade Skywalker had served as an Emperor's Hand, one of a select group of servants to Emperor Palpatine.

As part of their scheme, Skywalker would be informed that the Gorog hive possessed the key to unlocking the information stored within R2-D2, and that Mara Jade Skywalker may have been implicated in the circumstances surrounding Padmé Amidala's death—a falsehood, but one rendered somewhat plausible by Jade Skywalker's longstanding reluctance to discuss her past. Raynar Thul had already been manipulated into believing that Welk was actually Beda Ies, the wife of Daxar Ies, an accountant who had been targeted by Jade Skywalker during the Imperial era, and a Gorog Joiner. Consequently, Thul shared this "knowledge" with Skywalker and his wife, introducing a degree of doubt between the couple regarding Daxar Ies. It fell to Rar to amplify this development. Lurking in the Saras hangar, Rar was detected by Skywalker and emerged from the shadows.

By this point, Solo had departed from the hangar. Rar engaged in a brief conversation with Skywalker, dismissing his inquiries about her return to the Jedi Order and denying the survival of Welk and Lomi Plo. The Twi'lek maintained her claim that Welk was Beda Ies, but Skywalker refuted it and confronted Rar about her descent into the dark side and her departure from the Jedi Order. He held her responsible for the events on Kr and offered her redemption. However, as Rar responded, she was stunned from behind by Han Solo and disarmed. Upon regaining consciousness, she promptly reminded the pair that she controlled all the Killiks present. Skywalker persisted in reminding Rar that she was mentally enslaved to the Gorog and that she could resist the Joining process.

Rar responded with disdain to Skywalker's overtures and instead initiated a discussion about R2-D2, Skywalker's parents, and the sequestered recordings held by the droid. Despite Solo's skepticism, Skywalker granted Rar a hearing, and the Twi'lek explained that she could reveal the identity of the Jedi Master's mother through the codes she possessed. She issued a code to R2-D2, and the droid played a holorecording of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala together in the latter's apartment, recorded days before the implementation of Order 66 and the near-annihilation of the Jedi Order.

Once the holorecording had concluded, Rar suggested that she could enable the viewing of additional recordings—provided that Skywalker refrained from interfering in the affairs of the Gorog hive. The Jedi Master expressed surprise that the Twi'lek and her master believed he would agree to such a compromise. However, when Solo informed Rar that they had no interest in investigating Gorog, the Dark Jedi allowed the two men to leave. When Rar requested her lightsaber, she was angered when Skywalker removed the crystal and crushed it with the Force before returning the useless weapon to her. Despite her fury, the Twi'lek allowed them to depart and had a new crystal installed in the lightsaber within the next few days.

Raising the Stakes

Around the same time as Rar's encounter with Skywalker, Gorog launched an assassination attempt on Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo of Hapes, Rar's former comrade during the Yuuzhan Vong War, partly due to Djo's involvement in the Dark Nest Crisis the previous year. Although the attempt failed, Gorog discovered the existence of Allana—the Force-sensitive child of Tenel Ka Djo and Jacen Solo. This information was subsequently relayed to Alema Rar through the telepathic link shared by the hive. The Twi'lek became one of the few individuals in the galaxy to learn of the closely guarded secret of Allana's parentage. Lomi Plo's plans were further complicated when Chief of State Cal Omas dispatched the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet to blockade the Utegetu Nebula, securing the Murgo Choke, the only exit from the nebula, which the Killiks would be compelled to use.

When a group of Gorog insects and criminals engaged in smuggling reactor fuel for the nest ships was discovered on Woteba by Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, Alema Rar traveled to locate Raynar Thul in order to prevent the news from alerting the puppet Killik leader to the Gorog's machinations. Although Skywalker and Solo, who arrived first, initially succeeded in convincing Thul of the truth, Alema Rar telepathically persuaded Thul that the Jedi, not the Gorog hive, had brought the reactor fuel to Woteba, and that he was being deceived. Thul ordered his guards to converge on Solo and Skywalker, but the Jedi Master realized that Rar was present and forced the Twi'lek to reveal herself. Reluctantly acknowledging Skywalker's abilities, the Twi'lek emerged and proceeded to inform Thul and the Unu nest that the Jedi were sabotaging the Killiks and sought the species' eradication. Under the mental influence of the Gorog hive, Thul disregarded Skywalker's counterarguments.

Raynar Thul, leader of the Killiks and the unwitting servant of Lomi Plo.

Rar then resumed her efforts to sow doubt in Skywalker's mind regarding his wife's loyalty, hinting that the former Emperor's Hand was concealing something significant from the Jedi Master. She provided C-3PO, who was accompanying Skywalker, with another code sequence, despite Solo's objections, before implying that Mara Jade Skywalker may have been involved in Padmé Amidala's death and subsequently departing. Moments after her departure, Gorog exerted its influence and erased the memory of Rar's presence from the minds of Thul and the Killiks present. Skywalker and Solo were subsequently imprisoned. The code sequence Rar had given C-3PO contained a holorecording from the Jedi Temple during Operation: Knightfall, when Anakin Skywalker, newly appointed as Darth Vader, had led the 501st Legion into the Jedi headquarters and massacred the Jedi present, including younglings.

Following her second encounter with Skywalker, Alema Rar returned to the Tusken's Eye, where the fifteen nest ships had been completed and were ready for departure. With little time to spare, Rar prepared for an assault on the Galactic Alliance blockade. The fifteen nest ships initiated the hyperspace jump to the Murgo Choke, where the Fifth Fleet awaited. Rar boarded the Gorog nest ship, which housed a docked Lancer-class frigate, along with Raynar Thul and a contingent of Gorog and Unu guards. Lomi Plo's mental control over Thul and the Killiks was so strong that she had persuaded them to fight directly alongside the Gorog without hesitation. Simultaneously with the nest ships engaging the Fifth Fleet, Gorog assassin bugs, which had been concealed throughout the Galactic Alliance vessels, were unleashed.

With its crew largely incapacitated, the Admiral Ackbar, the flagship of the Fifth Fleet's commanding officer, Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, was swiftly overwhelmed by the nest ships. The Mon Mothma—the second Star Destroyer—and its escorts retreated. Rar boarded the Lancer-class frigate with Thul, and they embarked on a mission to capture the Admiral Ackbar. As the Star Destroyer fired upon the frigate, Thul used his powers to deflect the turbolaser strikes. The assassin bugs remaining inside the capital ship proceeded to disable the access terminals, preventing Bwua'tu from activating the vessel's self-destruct mechanism. Rar and the Killiks accompanying her boarded the Star Destroyer and engaged the remaining crew in combat.

The Twi'lek led a small team of Gorog warriors but was soon discovered by Leia Organa Solo, who was aboard the Star Destroyer defending Admiral Bwua'tu. The two women engaged in a lightsaber duel in the corridors. Rar was initially at a disadvantage, as Organa Solo had spent the past year training as a Jedi under Saba Sebatyne. During the duel, however, Rar managed to prevent Bwua'tu and his crew from reaching an undamaged access terminal, but suffered significant injuries at the hands of Organa Solo, losing her left lek to the Human woman's lightsaber blade. The Twi'lek managed to overpower Organa Solo and incapacitate her with a seemingly fatal kick to the throat. As Rar approached the downed Jedi to deliver the final blow, Master Sebatyne and the two Noghri bodyguards launched an attack, forcing the Twi'lek to retreat.

The Jedi, Bwua'tu, and his remaining crew escaped the Admiral Ackbar, leaving it in the hands of the Killiks. The Star Destroyer and four of the nest ships breached the blockade and departed the Utegetu Nebula for Chiss space, with Rar on board. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, however, had successfully disabled the Gorog nest ship's hyperdrive, leaving Lomi Plo's flagship, along with ten other nest ships, stranded in the Murgo Choke in a standoff with the remnants of the still-powerful Fifth Fleet, which opened fire upon them. Meanwhile, an attack on Supply Depot Thrago prompted the Chiss to launch a preemptive strike against the Killiks, igniting the conflict known as the Swarm War.

The Tenupe Battle

As the Swarm War intensified and the fighting escalated, Alema Rar relocated to Tenupe, a jungle planet situated on the war's front lines, where a trap was being laid for Captain Jagged Fel's fleet. Raynar Thul and an army of Killiks concealed themselves on the Shattered Moon of Tenupe, awaiting the arrival of the Chiss fleet. Piloting a stolen StealthX, the Twi'lek Night Herald prepared to prevent the Chiss from deploying parasite bombs, which would decimate the Killiks, against the insectoid species. As it became clear that the Chiss intended to deliver the payload on Tenupe using defoliator vehicles, Raynar Thul deployed the Moon Swarm fleet, and Rar flew her StealthX into Tenupe's atmosphere. Zekk and Jaina Solo, still under the influence of the hive mind, were dispatched against the defoliators as distractions, while Rar waited to strike once the Chiss believed the danger had passed. The two Jedi sustained significant damage while attacking the defoliators, but Rar did not intervene.

Once Solo and Zekk had successfully drawn away the clawcraft escorts, the Twi'lek launched her attack and destroyed both defoliator vehicles. However, one intact wing, with two parasite bombs attached, was dislodged and plummeted toward the surface of the jungle planet. Chiss forces, the Millennium Falcon with Leia Organa Solo, her husband, and Jedi Master Sebatyne aboard, and the Twi'lek in her StealthX all raced toward the planet's surface—the Chiss intending to detonate the bomb, and Rar and the Solos aiming to destroy them, in order to prevent the wholesale extinction of the Killik species. Rar sped toward the planet's surface, aware that she was being pursued by Organa Solo and her allies. Landing swiftly, Rar concealed her StealthX within a mogo tree and camouflaged the starfighter with a curtain of beard-moss. She then commenced her search for the bomb but quickly hid upon sensing the approach of Solo and her Jedi Master, Saba Sebatyne.

Despite Rar's attempt at concealment, she was discovered by Organa Solo and forced to confront the Human woman. Before engaging, Rar attempted to use a mind trick on Organa Solo, suggesting that they collaborate to destroy the parasite bombs. In response, the Twi'lek's opponent attempted the same tactic on her and similarly nearly succeeded. With Force powers proving ineffective, the two engaged in battle on the treetop branches. Initially successful in her first assault and able to parry Organa Solo's attacks, Rar was nevertheless too slow to evade one lunge and lost half of her foot to the Human woman's blade. Failing to gain ground, Rar lured Organa Solo into the range of a hidden spidersloth—a massive creature indigenous to Tenupe. Just as the spidersloth was about to strike, Organa Solo Force-jumped over Rar and kicked the Twi'lek into the spidersloth's open maw. Before Rar could react, the massive creature seized her right arm in its mouth and bit down, fracturing the limb. It then consumed the top half of the struggling Twi'lek's body into its mouth.

Organa Solo then severed the tree branch and the spidersloth's tail—with Alema Rar still inside its mouth, the creature plummeted to the river below. Despite the fact that the spidersloth had bitten Rar nearly in half, fracturing six ribs in the process, the desperate former Jedi managed to slit the creature's throat from the inside with her lightsaber and emerge from the river. In space, the Battle of Tenupe concluded—Luke Skywalker defeated and killed Lomi Plo, Raynar Thul was imprisoned, the Gorog nest was destroyed, and Killik expansionism was curtailed. Although the parasite bombs were not unleashed, and the Killiks survived the attempted genocide, the battle marked the end of Rar's association with the insectoids. Deprived of Force-sensitive leadership, the Killiks reverted to their primitive ways.

The Wilderness and Return

Alema Rar after losing her left lekku.

Wounded and clinging to life, Rar sought refuge within a cave. The Twi'lek's condition was dire, marked by a fractured arm, six broken ribs, and grievous wounds across her abdomen and back. To expedite her healing, she channeled the Force, beckoning the surviving Killiks from the battlefield. A swarm of these insects responded, tending to her needs throughout the year. As each insect reached the end of its natural existence and perished, Rar meticulously documented their passing on a Twi'lek story-chain. By 37 ABY, the Twi'lek's injuries had mended. Though her physique remained asymmetrical and etched with thick scars, she regained the ability to walk. The restoration of her physical form did not diminish Rar's obsession with those responsible for her suffering. The Twi'lek succumbed to madness, her thoughts consumed by vengeance against Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo, leading her to formulate a peculiar doctrine known as the Balance. Her conviction was that every action within the galaxy demanded an equal and opposite reaction; consequently, she felt compelled to inflict equivalent pain upon Leia Organa Solo and her brother. Rar did not perceive herself as the originator or controller of the Balance, but rather as an instrument guided by this ethereal force in her actions. The Twi'lek rationalized that she remained a Jedi, albeit one now devoted to the service of the Balance.

Rar meticulously chronicled her injuries—her disfigured shoulder, severed lekku, missing instep, and contorted torso—repeatedly on the memory cord, all the while contemplating the most fitting means of repaying her adversaries in kind. Despite her desire to inflict physical torture upon Organa Solo, the Twi'lek believed that losses surpassing the physical realm should befall those she deemed to have wronged her. She resolved to eliminate members of the Solo and Skywalker family to cause anguish to her enemies—Rar envisioned Organa Solo witnessing the demise of her spouse and son, and the murder of Mara Jade Skywalker before the eyes of her husband, Luke. Rar meticulously recorded a comprehensive catalog of potential retaliatory measures on the memory cord. The majority of her animosity was directed toward Leia Organa Solo—in the Twi'lek's perception, her nemesis had rendered her unsightly, crippled her to the point of being unable to dance, severed her lekku, thereby depriving her of communication and emotional connection with her species, and annihilated the Gorog nest, robbing her of the sanctuary and security she had discovered with Lomi Plo and the hive. As her initial act of vengeance upon her return, Rar plotted to assassinate Jacen Solo, her former acquaintance and the surviving son of Han and Leia Organa Solo.

Beyond her fixation on avenging herself against her enemies, Rar also exhibited several other distinct characteristics. She persisted in referring to herself using the first-person plural pronoun, a practice she believed honored the Gorog nest. As the sole survivor of the hive, the Twi'lek reasoned that employing the singular pronoun would signify the complete destruction of the nest. She also began engaging in audible self-conversation. While stranded on the planet, Rar fashioned a blowgun and procured potent toxins from the untamed Tenupian jungle, including a lethal poison and a flesh-eating bacteria. She meticulously categorized the various substances she gathered into vials, which she kept close at hand. Nearing the end of her initial year marooned in the Tenupian jungle, Rar succumbed to a fever and entered a hallucinatory state, envisioning herself exploring the Massassi temples on Yavin 4 alongside her long-deceased sister, Numa. Upon awakening, the Twi'lek found herself stranded atop a mountain on the planet.

Eventually, an opportunity for the Twi'lek to escape Tenupe presented itself. Unbeknownst to Rar, Jagged Fel was also stranded on Tenupe, and his father, Soontir Fel, had deployed a commercial search party to locate his son. In some manner, Rar encountered the search team and eliminated all of its members. The Twi'lek then commandeered their starship and fled the jungle planet sometime between 37 ABY and 38 ABY. By 40 ABY, the Twi'lek was prepared to commence her pursuit of Jacen Solo. Alema Rar's resurgence was destined to coincide with significant developments on the galactic stage. Following four years of peace after the Swarm War's conclusion, conflict was once again brewing.

Resentful of the Galactic Alliance's governance, the proud world of Corellia emerged as an opponent to Chief of State Cal Omas' administration. Corellia's defiance garnered considerable sympathy, and before long, the Galactic Alliance launched a preemptive military operation against the planet and its surrounding territories as a warning. The situation rapidly escalated, and within weeks, a full-blown civil war was imminent. Jacen Solo, Rar's intended target, assumed leadership of the Galactic Alliance Guard, a clandestine police force operating on Coruscant to thwart hostile actions undertaken by adversaries of the Galactic Alliance.

Quest for the Balance

Hunting Solo

Rar arrived on Coruscant just under three months into the year. Driven by her eagerness to initiate her quest for the Balance, the Twi'lek swiftly located Jacen Solo and commenced stalking him. On one occasion during her pursuit of Solo, Rar trailed her former companion from his apartment through Coruscant's perilous undercity, teeming with Yuuzhan Vong creatures, Ferals—the inhabitants of the region—and remnants of Yuuzhan Vong growths and plant life. Despite being presented with an opportunity to fire her blowgun at Solo and assassinate the Jedi as he traversed the undercity, the Twi'lek opted against it, preferring instead to confront and eliminate Solo in a face-to-face encounter. Rar experienced two distractions caused by the inhabitants of the undercity—and on both occasions, she dispensed the particular brand of justice she found in the Balance—but managed to maintain Solo within her sights for a period. However, before long, her quarry vanished, and Rar found herself positioned outside a cavernous entrance. A Nikto guard prevented Rar from entering, but she refrained from forcing her way inside when she sensed the presence of a dark side Force-wielder some distance behind her.

The presence dissipated from her perception as quickly as it had appeared, leading the Twi'lek to believe that another individual was pursuing Solo. This realization prompted her to enter swiftly, and she killed the Nikto guard after a brief interrogation regarding Solo's whereabouts. To subdue the two Quarren guards who emerged to confront her, Rar employed a potent mind trick and memory rub, instructing them to prevent the Force-wielder she had sensed following Solo from entering. The Twi'lek then navigated through the chambers within, uncertain of the structure's purpose. Soon, however, Rar overheard the unknown Force-wielder assassinating the two Quarren guards at the entrance; determined to ascertain the identity of Solo's other pursuer, she concealed herself. When Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith and a long time adversary of Luke Skywalker from the era of Palpatine, appeared in the corridor, Rar was taken aback.

The Twi'lek surmised that Lumiya, an enemy of the Jedi, had targeted Solo and intended to steal Rar's kill. To avert this unwelcome outcome, Rar resolved to eliminate the Sith Lady. Upon discovering that Lumiya had disappeared, she raced through the corridors and rooms in search of Solo, eliminating anyone who provided false information and evading the guards searching for her. Eventually, she emerged onto a balcony overlooking a slime pool shrouded in fog. Through the mist, Rar heard Jacen Solo addressing what turned out to be the World Brain, a Yuuzhan Vong creature still present on Coruscant that had been installed as the organic controller of the planet. Not wanting to waste time, Rar fired one of her blowgun's darts at Solo. To her astonishment, an unidentified female warned Solo of the incoming projectile before using the Force to whisk him out of harm's way. Rar attempted to flee the botched assassination, but was struck by Force lightning and incapacitated. Wounded and concealed within the chamber's thick fog, Rar listened as Solo approached. Meanwhile, the World Brain—the unintended recipient of Rar's poison dart—began to convulse and die. To her renewed shock, Rar soon realized that Lumiya was not only the woman assisting Solo, but that he was also obeying her commands. Due to Lumiya's ability to direct Solo's attention to the dying World Brain, Rar managed to escape the scene without revealing her identity, leaving her to grapple with the revelation of Solo's apprenticeship to a Sith.

A new ally

Over the ensuing days, Rar surveilled Solo and Lumiya, captivated by the notion that Leia Organa Solo was in the process of losing her sole surviving son to the Order of the Sith Lords, a reality that the Twi'lek believed could only have been orchestrated by the Balance. Three days after the incident involving the World Brain, Rar tracked Solo to Fellowship Plaza, where her quarry was meeting with Ben Skywalker, his Jedi apprentice. The Twi'lek observed the meeting covertly, as did two others—Lumiya, and a powerful Jedi who had followed Ben Skywalker to the meeting and concealed his or her presence in the Force. Rar listened to Solo and Skywalker's conversation, admiring the Balance even more as she discerned that Solo was corrupting his cousin with dark side teachings, thereby inflicting pain upon Luke Skywalker. The Twi'lek remained to eavesdrop on Lumiya after Ben had departed. As the Dark Lady and her apprentice began to confer, Rar recognized the identity of the other Force-user present—Tresina Lobi, the Chev Jedi Master with whom Rar had served during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Determined to prevent Lobi from informing the Jedi Order of the alliance between Solo and Lumiya, as Rar believed such a development would disrupt the Balance by alerting Organa Solo to her son's corruption prematurely, the Twi'lek lunged at Lobi with her lightsaber. Lobi immediately parried Rar's surprise attack, injuring the Twi'lek and retreating. The former Night Herald utilized the distance to remove the Jedi Master's headset with the Force, preventing Lobi from recording the duel. Rar swiftly enlisted Lumiya to her cause, and together they pursued Lobi. The ensuing fierce battle saw Rar and Lumiya initially overpowered; Lumiya lost an arm, and Rar was dragged into the path of the Sith Lady's signature lightwhip by Lobi's command of the Force. Lobi continued to dominate until she hesitated; Rar seized the opportunity and forced the Chev back, whereupon Lumiya severed the Jedi Master's legs. In what she perceived as an act of mercy, Rar then decapitated the helpless Chev.

After Rar explained her desire to ally with Lumiya to further Jacen Solo's corruption, the Sith Lady accepted the Twi'lek's assistance. Over the following days, Rar aided Lumiya in assassinating several members of the True Victory Party, the same faction she had observed as part of her Jedi duties following the Yuuzhan Vong War. Reh'mwa and the True Victory Party had become adversaries of Jacen Solo, and thus the aspiring Sith had requested Lumiya to eliminate its leading members. Following the execution of several assassinations, Rar traveled with her new ally to the Anakin Solo, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer bestowed upon Solo by Cha Niathal, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance forces. The Anakin Solo journeyed from Coruscant to the Hapes Cluster to safeguard Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo from a potential coup d'état. However, even while collaborating with Lumiya, the Twi'lek was not privy to the full extent of the Sith Lady's plans, and similarly, her explanations of the Balance were met with disinterest.

It was only when the two infiltrated the Missile Hold of the Anakin Solo that Rar began to comprehend the nature of Lumiya's mission. The Sith Lady commenced the task of removing the proton detonator from one of the Star Destroyer's baradium missiles, enlisting Rar's assistance in this perilous endeavor. The Sith Lady's secrecy regarding the purpose of the proton detonator frustrated Rar, and she placed them both at risk of death when Lumiya persisted in ignoring her inquiries. When her ally finally responded, explaining that Solo was dispatching her to Roqoo Depot, a nearby station, to confront Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, Rar was shocked that Lumiya acknowledged the suicidal nature of the mission. Either the Sith Lady would perish in combat against the Skywalkers, thereby eliminating her as a now-redundant master to Solo, or she would assassinate Luke Skywalker, enabling Solo to seize control of the Jedi Order. Lumiya resigned herself to the fact that she was serving Solo's Sith destiny regardless, and acted to ensure Skywalker's death whether she succeeded in killing him or not—she strapped the proton detonator to her chest as a combat fail-safe, linked to her heart.

Alema Rar remained unable to fully grasp Lumiya's scheme, assuming that Lumiya sought Skywalker's death as retribution for her scarring at his hands during the Galactic Civil War. Furthermore, Rar desired Luke Skywalker to live long enough to witness his nephew's further descent into the dark side. The two argued again, before Lumiya revealed a plan to ensure the Sith would rule the galaxy even without her, hinting at the existence of more Sith waiting to act. Rar was incredulous, given her Jedi training and knowledge of the Rule of Two, which stipulated that only two Sith could exist at any given time. Lumiya remained evasive, offering only further hints, and began preparing a second proton detonator for Rar—the Twi'lek was to travel to Roqoo Depot wearing the same combat fail-safe.

The Duel on Roqoo Depot

Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, two of Alema Rar's targets in her quest for the Balance.

Rar and Lumiya journeyed from the Anakin Solo to Roqoo Depot, where they lay in ambush for the Skywalkers. Once Luke Skywalker and his wife had lingered in the station's cantina for some time, awaiting their son, Rar and Lumiya initiated their trap. Her presence in the Force masked, and her identity concealed by a bulky cloak, Rar hurled a grenade down a corridor toward Skywalker, destroying the intersection and sealing off the passage, thereby herding the Skywalkers further into the cantina. There, Lumiya revealed herself and engaged Luke Skywalker in a fierce lightsaber duel. Skywalker was immediately hampered by the presence of numerous other beings in the cantina, and was compelled to adapt his fighting style to prevent collateral damage. Rar lay in wait at one of the cantina's other entrances, anticipating an opportunity to assassinate Skywalker with her blowgun. Lumiya continually held Skywalker in position, awaiting Rar's chance to shoot a dart at the Jedi Master, but the Twi'lek hesitated—she wanted Luke Skywalker to witness his wife's death first, before his own demise, so that he would end his life in grief and agony. Alema Rar's hesitation persisted for too long, and the opportunity to assassinate Luke Skywalker was lost; she instead redirected her focus toward the nearby Mara Jade Skywalker.

Before attacking Jade Skywalker, Rar reached out to Luke Skywalker in the Force and shared with him the grief, misery, and anguish she had endured since her fall. The mental outpouring alerted Skywalker to the threat posed by Rar but also distracted him, allowing Lumiya to sever his hand while he sent a warning to his wife. Rar concealed herself as Jade Skywalker approached to investigate, but was unable to assassinate the Jedi Master when she sprang her ambush. The two opponents confronted each other; Rar mocked Jade Skywalker's offer of surrender and briefly overpowered the Human woman, before being tripped and knocked unconscious by her enemy. Upon awakening, she had been disarmed, bound, and gagged, with her fail-safe bomb disabled. Rar managed to flee the scene, securing a Galactic Alliance message dinghy to facilitate her escape. Before departing, Rar ruptured a containment line on the Jade Shadow to delay the Skywalkers while she traveled to speak with Jacen Solo. The cantina exploded as Lumiya's fail-safe detonated, and Rar presumed that her ally was dead.

The Twi'lek piloted the message dinghy to the Hapes system, where the Anakin Solo was engaged in a battle to protect Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo from a hostile faction of her nobility. Landing in one of the Star Destroyer's hangars, Rar requested an immediate audience with Jacen Solo, and traveled up to the Command Salon to meet him. Her identity concealed by the pilot's jumpsuit and helmet she wore, Rar was ordered by Solo to reveal herself. Once Rar clarified that her death aboard the Star Destroyer would have unwelcome consequences for Solo, his lover Tenel Ka Djo, and Allana, her survival was assured—Solo could not risk knowledge of Allana's parentage becoming public. The Dark Jedi then addressed Solo's questions regarding the events at Roqoo Depot and recounted her alliance with Lumiya since the Duel in Fellowship Plaza. The Twi'lek eventually convinced Solo and explained that she had come to the Anakin Solo and had disabled the Jade Shadow to forewarn him of, and prepare him for, the Skywalkers, who knew that Solo had orchestrated the confrontation with Lumiya.

Once Rar had delivered her warning, she perceived another avenue for exacting revenge upon the Solos and Skywalkers. On Jacen Solo's tactical display screen, the Millennium Falcon was shown to be on the verge of collecting several extravehicular beings from vacuum. Both Solo and Rar recognized that among those beings were Ben Skywalker, Jaina Solo, and Zekk, recently evacuated from a doomed vessel. The Twi'lek heavily implied that Han and Leia Organa Solo were attempting to take Ben Skywalker hostage, to plant seeds of doubt in the aspiring Sith's mind. With a final, off-hand comment about Solo having to be able to sacrifice anything to secure peace for the galaxy, Rar departed, disguised and accompanied by a Galactic Alliance escort. Moments later, Solo ordered the Anakin Solo to fire upon his parents, who nevertheless managed to escape the battle. Rather than retrieve the message dinghy, however, Rar chose to remain aboard the Star Destroyer. The Battle of Hapes concluded, and Solo and his Star Destroyer resumed policing the Corellian system, where a Galactic Alliance blockade had been established.

Aboard the Errant Venture

While Rar was hiding in the Star Destroyer's Delta Hangar, she chose to stow away aboard a starship, the Duracrud, after observing Galactic Alliance agents sabotaging the vessel. Having witnessed the agents' actions, she brought replacement parts on board before concealing herself. Soon, a smuggler who had been working for Jacen Solo, Uran Lavint, boarded the Duracrud and departed the Anakin Solo, unaware that the hyperdrive had been sabotaged on Solo's orders. Hoping to gain an ally in her quest to track down her target, Rar remained hidden until Lavint had made a jump, which left the Duracrud stranded in deep space due to the sabotage. Once Lavint had lost hope, Rar revealed herself to the incredulous woman and made it clear that in return for her assistance in repairing the hyperdrive, she would require the smuggler's services in locating her long-time adversaries, Han and Leia Solo.

The two women forged a deal, and together they repaired the sabotaged hyperdrive. For their destination, Lavint set her sights upon the Errant Venture, Booster Terrik's starship. Rar was uncertain about the Bespinite smuggler's choice, but acquiesced. Lavint flew the Duracrud back to the Corellian system, where Terrik had stationed the Errant Venture to capitalize on the business from the soldiers aboard the Galactic Alliance blockade. At Lavint's request, Rar entered one of the freighter's smuggling compartments and awaited her partner's contact before leaving the berthed vessel to travel to the smuggler's cabin. It was not long before Rar detected the faint presence of a Jedi aboard the Star Destroyer and suspected that it was Leia Organa Solo.

Leia Organa Solo, Alema Rar's primary target, and her husband Han Solo, both of whom Rar hunted during the Second Galactic Civil War

Over the ensuing days, Rar began sneaking around the Star Destroyer's hangars in search of the Millennium Falcon, or moving stealthily through its day cabins, casinos, and shopping areas, all the while erasing evidence of her passage by wiping her image from holocam recordings. Meanwhile, Uran Lavint gambled, returning in the evenings to the cabin, where Rar would deliver threats and reports of her search. Occasionally, when the two women were in the same casino, Rar would use her abilities in the Force to aid the Bespinite smuggler's gambling success, keeping tabs on her partner. The Twi'lek's lack of success soon began to grate, and it was only a brief conversation with Lavint that reaffirmed the possibility of her righting the Balance—the smuggler lectured Rar on the lofty connections possessed by the Solos, reminding the Twi'lek that Han and Leia Solo would be in the private areas of the vessel with Terrik, rather than frequenting casinos and shopping areas.

As such locations had proven to be dead ends in terms of her quest for the Solos, Rar began venturing into the crew quarters and the administrative regions of the ship, such as the bridge and even the cabins of Captain Terrik and his daughter Mirax, the wife of Jedi Master Corran Horn. Yet, despite these frequent investigations, Rar's search still proved fruitless, and after another unsuccessful day, she decided to aid her partner at gambling in the Maw Casino. There, she noticed Jacen Solo in a discussion with two Humans, who turned out to be Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. Eager to eliminate Jade Skywalker, Rar was preparing her blowgun when a disturbance in the Force provoked Jacen Solo and the Skywalkers to depart the casino in a rush, followed shortly thereafter by most of the military personnel; Bothan and Commenorian fleets had attacked the Galactic Alliance blockade in an attempt to liberate the Corellian system.

In the ensuing chaos, Rar managed to fire a dart at Jade Skywalker, only to have her projectile accidentally eliminate an Ortolan. Just as she was giving up in frustration, she noticed Lando Calrissian. Realizing that Calrissian's presence indicated that of the Solos, she pursued the Socorro native into a turbolift. Surprised, Calrissian drew his blaster, only to have it telekinetically whisked from his hand by Rar. The Twi'lek interrogated Calrissian calmly, ignoring his claims that the Solos were not aboard the Errant Venture and assuring him that she would not take his life. When Calrissian raised his cane at her, she suspected a concealed blaster and used the Force to take it off him as well. At a voiced command, the cane electrocuted Rar, who collapsed to the floor of the lift semi-conscious. Calrissian fled the scene, but as he escaped, Rar exerted her will in the Force and erased the chance meeting from the gambler's memory, retaining the secrecy of her presence aboard the Star Destroyer. The combined Bothan, Corellian, and Commenorian forces breached the Galactic Alliance blockade and henceforth declared themselves to be the Confederation.

Flight to Gilatter VIII

The Errant Venture had fled the engagement over the Five Worlds and had set up shop in the Coruscant system, with Rar and Lavint still aboard. Unbeknownst to Rar, however, a holocam had recorded her in the corridors outside the Maw Casino and transferred this information to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant several days after the events in the Corellian system. There, the Alema Rar Task Force, consisting of Zekk, Jaina Solo, and Jagged Fel, received the data and departed the surface of the galactic capital for the nearby Errant Venture. They were shortly thereafter joined by the Solos, who returned to the Star Destroyer from Gyndine. Rar detected Leia Organa Solo's presence clearly and grew excited at the prospect of righting the Balance. Meeting with Lavint briefly in the cabin, Rar assured her partner that their deal was concluded, aware that Lavint was still a potential target for elimination if her plans went awry. The ex-Jedi made her way to a data kiosk to download information on recent arrivals to the Errant Venture.

Alema Rar engages Leia Organa Solo during the Battle of Gilatter VIII

Soon after, she sensed Zekk's presence as he navigated the adjacent lobby. Identifying him as a convenient target, Rar prepared her blowgun, only to find Jedi Master Corran Horn behind her. Horn demanded she surrender, casually intercepting her dart mid-air when she attacked. They both activated their lightsabers, with the lobby's occupants applauding, anticipating a staged duel. As Zekk approached, Rar threw her lightsaber at a chandelier, compelling Zekk and Horn to rescue several people from being crushed. The Twi'lek escaped, only to be confronted by Organa Solo in a lengthy hallway, with Jaina Solo closing in from behind. In a panic, abandoning her plan to assassinate Han Solo before his wife, Rar shot her blowgun at Organa Solo, but the dart was Force-pushed back into her mouth, nearly killing her. The cornered Twi'lek fled towards a cargo bay, where Jagged Fel shot her in the left clavicle. In agony, she hurled her former comrade into a pile of cargo crates and dashed into the hangar bay. Frantically seeking a ship, Rar boarded the Duracrud, knowing the access codes. Despite Terrik's efforts, Galactic Alliance regulations allowed the ship to depart since it was officially a military vessel. Rar escaped the scene of her recent conflict in the YV-666.

A few days later, she contacted Lavint for the last time, demanding the Solos' location. The smuggler revealed that a Confederation leadership meeting was scheduled in the Gilatter system, at a resort satellite orbiting the gas giant Gilatter VIII, where the Solos would likely be present. Rar traveled to the resort satellite, leaving the Duracrud in orbit with a command code set to trigger the YV-666's kamikaze dive into the resort satellite upon her signal. With this plan in place, the scarred Twi'lek easily infiltrated the station, using her Killik abilities to conceal herself. Shortly after her arrival, Jacen Solo, disguised, entered the resort's main hall, intending to eliminate the Confederation leaders. However, Gilatter VIII was a trap, and security forces surrounded Solo. Disappointed, Rar was about to leave when she sensed Organa Solo, as well as Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. With all her targets about to converge, Rar initiated the Duracrud's final descent, preparing to emerge from hiding to attack her enemies.

To Rar's surprise, Lumiya, who had survived Roqoo Depot, appeared beside her, questioning her presence on the satellite. Despite their differing objectives—Lumiya wanted to aid her apprentice, while Rar wanted Jacen Solo to remain in danger to draw out his relatives—the two women allied once more and entered the battle, confident that their actions would guarantee the Solos and Skywalkers' presence at the duel. As anticipated, all four of Rar's targets arrived. Lumiya engaged Luke Skywalker, while Rar emerged to confront Han and Leia Solo. Deflecting a blaster shot from Han Solo, the Twi'lek crossed blades with Organa Solo for the first time since their crucial duel at the Battle of Tenupe. Rar, however, did not intend to defeat her opponent with her lightsaber; instead, she fought to stall Organa Solo as the Duracrud approached. Forced to deflect Han Solo's persistent blaster fire, Rar kept Organa Solo at bay. At the last moment, the Solos noticed the approaching freighter. Rar put on an emergency decompression helmet and fled, hoping the Duracrud would eliminate all her enemies. The ploy failed, and all her adversaries escaped unharmed. Rar escaped the resort satellite herself aboard an old Conqueror-class assault ship.

Lumiya and her legacy

After the events over Gilatter VII, Rar began tracking the Anakin Solo, believing that working with Jacen Solo against his parents would increase her chances of confronting her targets. It wasn't long before the Twi'lek noticed Lumiya leaving the Star Destroyer in an exotic, ancient vessel. Rar followed Lumiya to the MZX32905 system and then to an asteroid habitat, where the Sith Lady allowed her to land. After Rar disembarked and greeted Lumiya, she began examining the ancient vessel. A Sith Meditation Sphere, it was an ancient Sith artifact capable of telepathic communication with its pilot and possessed its own Force presence. Rar found it fascinating, but Lumiya was unwilling to let Rar have the Sith vessel or interfere with her plans for Jacen Solo. The Twi'lek, despite her obsession, recognized Lumiya's threats and attempted to equate Lumiya's quest with her own, framing it as one of revenge.

The Sith Lady grew impatient with Rar and warned her to back off or face death. Rar relented when she understood the depth of Lumiya's drive and agreed to delay meeting with Solo and help the Sith Lady track her apprentice's movements. Rar's ally gave her a courier shuttle for this purpose and sent her to follow the Anakin Solo. Before she left, Rar tried to explain the deeper reason for her desire for revenge—Leia Organa Solo had isolated her from other Twi'leks because of her lost lekku, the destruction of the Gorog hive, and potential romantic partners—in response to one of Lumiya's earlier comments. She then embarked on her new mission. Later, the Sith Lady asked her to monitor Mara Jade Skywalker's movements, as she had begun hunting Lumiya.

Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith with whom Alema Rar sided to achieve her own goals

As Rar carried out Lumiya's orders, events unfolded rapidly. Soon, Jacen Solo ousted Cal Omas as Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance and took the position alongside Cha Niathal. Ben Skywalker assassinated Five Worlds Head of State Dur Gejjen on Solo's orders, and Mara Jade Skywalker vowed revenge against her nephew for his actions. In the Hapes Cluster, Solo, Lumiya, and Jade Skywalker, with Ben Skywalker close behind, briefly clashed. Solo dueled his aunt on Kavan and killed her, while Ben Skywalker forced Lumiya down to the planet's surface. Both Solo and Lumiya escaped, and the Sith Lady claimed responsibility for Jade Skywalker's death. Rar's ally awaited a vengeful Luke Skywalker at Terephon, a nearby world, where Skywalker killed Lumiya. When it became clear that Lumiya could not have killed Jade Skywalker, the Jedi Order searched for another suspect.

Believing herself to be Lumiya's successor in Sith schemes, Rar acted quickly to make the Jedi believe she had killed Jade Skywalker. The Twi'lek felt it was now her duty to help Solo achieve his Sith rule over the galaxy. Already in Hapan space at the time of Jade Skywalker's death, she acquired the Sith Meditation Sphere, which, though distrustful, agreed to transport her to her destinations. Rar traveled to Roqoo Depot again. There, she provoked a confrontation with a freighter captain. When the man mocked Rar's deformities, she inflicted similar deformities on him and his crew, leaving sufficient evidence for the Jedi to follow her trail. Soon, Rar became aware that Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Jagged Fel were tracking her. From Roqoo Depot, Rar went to Ossus to gather more information on the Sith Meditation Sphere.

Sith menace

With Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Fel still tracking her, Rar knew she had to act quickly on Ossus. She left the Meditation Sphere in a ravine and went to the Jedi Academy. Once there, Rar was surprised to find that Jacen Solo had sent Galactic Alliance Guard soldiers to secure the academy, hoping to gain leverage over the Jedi Order. The Twi'lek felt this made her mission to help Solo even more important, as she believed he was already making mistakes. Distracting the guards in the Ossus library, Rar downloaded all data on Sith Meditation Spheres to her datapad. Much of the limited information was already known to her, but the fact that the vessel was a powerful tool for battle meditation, capable of turning the tide of battles, was new to the Twi'lek. Rar returned through the forests to the ravine and ordered the Meditation Sphere to take her back to Lumiya's asteroid hideout in the Kanz sector.

The ancient vessel initially refused to allow Rar access to its former master's home, but she wore down its resistance with deceptive arguments. Finally, Rar promised that by helping Solo, she would strengthen a Sith bid to dominate the galaxy. The ship relented and took her to the MZX32905 system. Throughout the journey and during the landing on The Home, the Meditation Sphere attempted to unnerve the Twi'lek by making its bulkheads transparent and rapidly descending towards Lumiya's former residence. Once inside the hangar, Rar had to quickly deal with a baradium bomb trap left by Lumiya, as well as other traps leading to the late Sith's private sanctum. As she disarmed or evaded each trap, the Dark Jedi became increasingly convinced that Lumiya had been guarding advanced Sith technology, such as a superweapon, which Rar believed she could use to help Solo.

An extensive search of Lumiya's home failed to uncover any Sith artifacts, and Rar eventually found only one last room, which she blasted open with a concussion grenade. Inside was a food and spare parts storage pantry. The Twi'lek flew into a rage and began destroying the contents with her lightsaber but soon found a datachip hidden in one of Lumiya's cybernetic arms. After unsuccessfully searching for more, Rar inserted the chip into a datapad and watched a prerecorded message from a hooded figure—the other Sith Lumiya had mentioned weeks earlier—to the Sith Lady. The cloaked man instructed that a navigation string attached to the datachip could guide Lumiya to the hideaway of this new Sith Order.

Encouraged that the Sith themselves, not their artifacts, would aid Solo, Rar ordered the Meditation Sphere to follow the coordinates. Upon arriving at Korriban, the ancestral homeworld of the Sith, Rar was disappointed. She had long known of the world, where travel had become extremely difficult after Luke Skywalker tried to have it removed from the Jedi Order's navigation databases. A dilapidated spaceport and an equally run-down village were the only population centers on the planet. Rar decided to try her luck and interrogated a motley ground crew for the location of the Sith. Skeptical that they were in the Valley of the Dark Lords or even on the planet, Rar nevertheless took a swoop she commandeered from one of the workers and set out across the wastes.

When the Twi'lek reached the buildings she was told were the Sith headquarters, she presented herself at the gate, armed only with a poison dart. A cloaked Togorian emerged and dragged Rar inside to a courtyard, promising her death for finding the Sith and demanding to know how she had discovered their hideout. The Twi'lek stalled by mentioning the datachip, but as the Togorian began to choke her, she stabbed him in the leg with her dart. A woman intervened, ending the fight, and Rar was surprised to see over thirty hooded figures watching from the courtyard balconies. Another unknown figure spoke to her from a balcony and used the Force to take the datachip when Rar presented it. To prevent the Sith from killing her, Rar claimed to be Lumiya's apprentice and, to gain their respect and prolong their attention, identified herself as Mara Jade Skywalker's killer.

With her audience now listening, Rar explained why she had come to Korriban—she sought help and guidance in aiding Jacen Solo. To her shock, she was told that the Sith before her were not responsible for Jacen Solo; the fallen Jedi was the project of Lumiya and Vergere alone, the former of whom had been approached by the Sith in the first year of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Even more surprising for Rar was that the main figure in the Sith delegation sent to meet Lumiya had been Lomi Plo. The revelation that the former queen of the Gorog hive had been a Sith Master led to more questions, which in turn led to Rar trying to explain the Balance. The Twi'lek's unique view of the Force was not well-received—Morto, the Togorian, was ordered to kill Rar.

Alema Rar avoided death by reminding the Sith that Skywalker's Jedi would likely track her to Korriban and that her death at the hands of the Sith would be discovered. Relenting, the Sith allowed Rar to stay the night. In fact, the Twi'lek remained on Korriban for three nights, during which the Sith taught her how to use the Meditation Sphere and gave her a gift for Jacen Solo. The gift was the holocron of Darth Vectivus, which the Sith considered useless and intended as an insult to Solo's status. Rar then traveled to Kashyyyk, where the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet, under Solo's command, was bombarding the planet in a brutal assault because the Wookiees were sheltering the Jedi Order, now fugitives from Solo's government.

The Bothan and Corellian fleets, along with a wing of Jedi, Hapan forces, and the Wookiee defense fleet, had surrounded Solo's fleet and were destroying it when Rar arrived. The Meditation Sphere's consciousness told a skeptical Rar that it could influence one of the fleets attacking Solo to let him escape. To Solo—now Darth Caedus, a Sith Lord—Rar projected hope, promises of victory and safety, and her usual sexual advances. With the power of the Sith Meditation Sphere reinforcing her strength in the Force, Rar urged Caedus to advance towards the Bothan fleet. As the remnants of the Fifth Fleet moved towards the Bothans, Rar and the Sith Meditation Sphere projected uncertainty and suspicion to the Bothan commanders. The Bothan fleet broke formation and attacked Caedus, who slipped past them and escaped into hyperspace.

Alema Rar later returned to the Home with the Sith Meditation Sphere, turning the asteroid habitat into her base of operations. Unbeknownst to the Twi'lek, the Holocron of Darth Vectivus, which she never gave to Caedus, was a tracking device, and her location soon became known to the new Sith Order. In fact, Rar planned to destroy the new Sith Order after she had restored the Balance by killing the Solos and Skywalkers, who remained her primary targets. The Twi'lek made her home in Lumiya's former quarters and read the Sith Lady's extensive notes on an arcane Sith technique—creating Force phantoms. This Sith art would allow Rar to temporarily transcend her mutilations and deformities by transmuting her consciousness across the galaxy to hunt her enemies. The technique required a presence for the user to anchor their projection or to take control of entirely. Discovering this power led Rar to believe she had become a deific being.

Rar's first attack using this technique was sending a doppelgänger of herself, in her younger, unblemished form, to Kashyyyk, where the Millennium Falcon was trying to combat the forest fires caused by Darth Caedus' orbital bombardment. Rar's doppelgänger appeared in the cockpit of the YT-1300 light freighter and threatened Han Solo, surprising him by using telekinesis to take the blaster from his hand. As Solo threw the freighter into emergency maneuvers, Rar's doppelgänger was largely unaffected, as the phantom was not subject to the same laws of physics. She then directed the phantom to attack the light freighter's hyperdrive but had to battle both the rapidly changing gravity and Leia Organa Solo's lightsaber. Once they engaged in battle, Rar could not sustain the phantom long enough or control its movements adequately. Exhausted and vulnerable, the Twi'lek withdrew the illusion and slept for days in Lumiya's quarters.

Several days later, Rar used the dark side power of the asteroid to augment her own and searched for the Solos throughout the galaxy. The Twi'lek discovered their presences aboard the Anakin Solo and used the technique to anchor her phantom's presence to a young girl also aboard the vessel—Allana, the Hapan Chume'da. Rar set out after Han Solo and brought her phantom to the yacht Love Commander, which Solo, his wife, Jagged Fel, and Zekk had used to board the Anakin Solo. The Twi'lek Dark Jedi revealed herself to Fel and Zekk but was immediately engaged by Organa Solo. Rar's opponents soon proved unwilling to harm the phantom, realizing after Rar's projection at Kashyyyk that all was not as it seemed. As Rar understood that her phantoms were no longer credible and her attack was futile, the frustrated and angry Dark Jedi withdrew the doppelgänger.

Intrusion and demise

Jagged Fel, Alema Rar's former comrade, who tracked the Twi'lek down to the Home along with Zekk and Jaina Solo, and ended her life.

Now targeted for capture or execution by both the Alema Rar Task Force and the new Sith Order, which wanted to destroy the Home, Rar's base in the MZX32905 system was invaded by both groups some days later. The Twi'lek was alerted to her enemies' presence by subtle tremors in the Force and went to the habitat's observation dome to prepare her defense. Confident in her ability to eliminate her opponents, Alema Rar was unaware of the true nature or agenda of the Sith intruders, who planted high-yield explosives on the Home. Moving quickly to the hangar, Rar left several bombs to trap and kill the three pilots—Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Jagged Fel—upon their arrival. Retreating into the asteroid's depths via a mine cart network, Rar used her Force senses, amplified by the habitat's dark side power, to locate the Millennium Falcon and the three members of the Alema Rar Task Force moving through the asteroid. The Twi'lek drew on the dark side and created flocks of Force Phantoms in the form of parasitic mynocks to attack her enemies. She linked the phantoms to her opponents, forcing them to harm themselves if they wanted to harm the mynocks.

Rar's traps and phantoms were largely unsuccessful in slowing her opponents down. Han Solo, in the Millennium Falcon, evaded the mynock phantom linked to his life force, and although Jagged Fel was separated from his fellow hunters by the winged creatures, Rar's opponents kept advancing. The Twi'lek sent the Sith Meditation Sphere against her enemies, which she sensed incapacitated Zekk soon after. As Rar focused on Jaina Solo, attacking the Jedi Knight with phantoms, her former friend gave Rar a final ultimatum of surrender or death, which the Twi'lek refused. When she realized that the Sith Meditation Sphere had left the asteroid after its confrontation with Zekk, Rar despairingly abandoned her use of Force phantoms and tried unsuccessfully to recall the ancient vessel.

To escape the worsening situation, Rar decided to steal either the Millennium Falcon or one of the starfighters Solo, Zekk, and Fel had arrived in. She ascended the asteroid in a mine cart, exhausted and cloaking herself in the Force. However, the Twi'lek was forced to engage Jaina Solo, who ambushed her in the tunnels and demanded her surrender again. As Rar tried to evade her former friend, the explosives planted by the Sith began to detonate, venting the mine shaft's air. Unaware of who was destroying the asteroid, Rar swatted Solo aside with the Force and continued to ascend, only to be confronted by Jagged Fel. Below, Solo escaped, while Fel, using a jetpack built into his modified armor, pursued the Twi'lek up the mine shaft. Evading explosives detonated by Fel, Rar used the Force to strike Fel with a spar of the mine rail until he crashed into the wall a short distance from her.

Having refused Solo's earlier offer of surrender, Rar was told by Fel that her life would soon end, along with the last trace of the Gorog hive. Despite her rage and the collapsing mine-track, Rar used the Force to pull Fel's blaster from his hand into her own. Triumphant, Rar gave Fel a short speech on his errors, telekinetically advancing her lightsaber towards him. Just as the Twi'lek sensed Fel's anticipation, the Human's rigged blaster exploded in her hand, blowing off her good arm below the elbow and leaving her defenseless and in shock. Fel closed the distance and gripped the Twi'lek's neck with one of the Mandalorian crushgaunts he was wearing. Aware that she was about to die, Rar looked to Fel for clemency. Her former comrade-in-arms denied Rar's unspoken plea, and the Twi'lek became fearful—not for her life, but for the memory of herself she would leave behind. Having once been a dancer, a Jedi warrior, a friend to those she fought alongside, and admired by her fellows, Rar feared that people would remember her not as her youthful self, but as the Dark Jedi she had become. In her last moments, Rar used the Force to speak directly into Fel's mind, urging him to remember the person she had been before her turn to the dark side. He vowed to honor the Twi'lek's final wish, allowing Rar to let go of her fear and return to the light. As Fel's grip tightened, the vertebrae in Alema Rar's neck shattered, and she died.


The Twi'lek's lifeless body was destroyed along with the Home, as the high-yield explosives planted by the Sith and their acolytes continued to detonate. Fel, Zekk, and Solo all escaped, as did Organa Solo and her husband. Alema Rar's quest to bring Balance to the galaxy ended with her death. Darth Caedus's tenure as Dark Lord of the Sith, though secured by Rar at the Battle of Kashyyyk, ended shortly after the Twi'lek's own demise. Jaina Solo, using the experience she had gained while hunting Rar, ended her brother's life and the war itself when she killed Caedus during the Battle of Shedu Maad. However, it was later revealed to the Jedi that Alema Rar had not killed Mara Jade Skywalker—Darth Caedus's involvement was discovered by Ben Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, as the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, felt that Alema Rar's madness had precluded any chance of her recovery or rehabilitation; he believed that while the Twi'lek's death was regrettable, it had been necessary. The phantom technique of Darth Vectivus was lost along with the Home and the Sith Lord's holocron. Rar also took the secret of the new Sith Order to the grave, and its existence was never disclosed to Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order until almost a century later, when the One Sith defeated and nearly exterminated the Jedi.

Personality and traits

Alema's sister Numa Rar, whose death started the Twi'lek on her long road to darkness.

Alema Rar's descent into darkness and madness transpired amidst a galaxy embroiled in three significant galactic conflicts, during an era saturated with death and suffering. Though hardship was not novel to the Twi'lek, Rar's individual experiences within these wars had a profound and enduring impact. Despite a love for dance offering some solace, Rar's troubled and embittered upbringing left her with a fragile connection to both her sister and her Jedi mentor. The galactic conflicts in which Rar became involved placed additional strain upon her, gradually transforming her courage and bravery into vengefulness, anger, and emotional instability.

By 27 ABY, Rar's personality exhibited a noticeable streak of selfishness and narcissism. Furthermore, the Twi'lek embraced a perspective that prioritized pragmatic action. The deaths of loved ones inflicted wounds upon Rar's emotional state, which the Sith Master Lomi Plo readily exploited. Plo effectively nurtured Rar's rage and grief, allowing them to become dominant forces in her character. Even though she remained consumed by vengeance for the remainder of her life, Rar demonstrated at the moment of her death that she had not entirely forgotten the person she was before the Yuuzhan Vong's arrival.

Rar's early life and enslavement on Ryloth fostered a strong dependence on her sister's presence. These two former slaves shared a close bond and fought side by side during the initial years of the Yuuzhan Vong War. When Rar's teacher, Daeshara'cor, was killed over Ithor, Numa's presence helped Alema control her anger. However, once she lost both Daeshara'cor and Numa, Alema Rar became isolated. She also mourned the loss of Anakin Solo, a young Jedi for whom she had feelings, during the Mission to Myrkr. Subsequently, she developed a closer friendship with Jaina Solo, bonding over their shared grief and anger. Recognizing that the former slave's emotional instability was worsened by her isolation, Rar's Jedi Masters encouraged her to join her companions in a Force meld on Kashyyyk.

During the Dark Nest Crisis, Rar ultimately replaced the void left by her sister's death with the Gorog hive. She reveled in the sense of belonging to a collective consciousness, even at the expense of her mental autonomy, and deeply regretted the deaths of the Killiks who had nursed her back to health after the Battle of Tenupe. Despite her desire to safeguard Killik lives and protect the Gorog hive, Rar was nonetheless prepared to exploit the insectoids for her own purposes. Following the Swarm War's conclusion, once Rar was once again isolated from the collective, she became fixated on preserving the Gorog hive's existence, referring to herself in the plural and acting as its final protector.

Rar deeply resented the loss of connection and belonging. She had grown to enjoy collaboration and was particularly intrigued by the sentient Sith Meditation Sphere. Yet, despite these rare connections, Rar became accustomed to a solitary existence. With both longing and regret, the Twi'lek recalled a time when she felt loved, before her fall to the dark side.

The absence of loved ones fueled Rar's bitterness and anger, traits that intensified as time passed. Daeshara'cor's death had a profound impact on Rar, as did the loss of her sister Numa, which she found particularly devastating. The deaths of millions on New Plympto and the Nebula Chaser also caused Rar great distress. Unable to cope with the grief and the possibility of her own responsibility, Rar chose to blame the Yuuzhan Vong, focusing on defeating them rather than directly saving lives. Grief and anger became the defining emotions of Rar's life, and she struggled to come to terms with the deaths of her loved ones, even nearly a decade later.

The horrors Rar witnessed during the war instilled a savage nature within her. Although disturbed by Jaina Solo's use of Force lightning during the Mission to Myrkr, Rar was greatly impressed by Lomi Plo's deadly Force web technique on the Baanu Rass. She also relished the killing she participated in during that mission, as well as during the Borleias campaign. The Twi'lek evolved into a fierce warrior. Once under the influence of the Gorog nest, Rar's enjoyment of killing and savagery in battle intensified. The lives of her comrades became insignificant to her. Her anger and bitterness cultivated a desire to "teach lessons" to her adversaries, eventually leading her to target those who had caused her minor offense or were completely innocent. Vengeance became Rar's driving force for survival, and, shaped by her own personal philosophy, it became the central focus of her existence.

Despite exhibiting characteristics commonly associated with the dark side for much of her life, Rar's courage and bravery remained constant. However, they gradually shifted from being qualities used to serve others to traits that aided her personal quest for revenge. Cunning and dedicated, Alema Rar managed to survive numerous encounters with her enemies, though not always unscathed. Just as she willingly served on the front lines of the Yuuzhan Vong War against overwhelming odds or joined a second strike force to track down the Skywalkers, despite the harrowing experience of the Mission to Myrkr, she was equally willing to attack opponents with superior Force abilities and combat experience.

Alema Rar maintained a degree of honor in combat, as demonstrated when she executed the maimed Jedi Master Tresina Lobi. She was independent, fixated, and highly driven. Rar's overconfidence and sense of self-importance fueled her desire to wage war single-handedly. She considered herself an expert fighter and a master of surveillance and assassination, often adopting an arrogant demeanor towards others. This sense of self-worth contributed to her recklessness. Furthermore, upon learning the techniques of Darth Vectivus, the Twi'lek would later believe herself to be a divine being. Rar feared death, and the prospect of it was one of the few things that could momentarily break through her insanity. Facing her imminent demise, she requested that Jagged Fel remember her bravery and strength from her earlier life.

The Twi'lek's bitterness was amplified by a sarcastic and cynical outlook. Her fellow Jedi noticed her sarcasm after the Mission to Myrkr, and she was the one who questioned Zonama Sekot's role in the Yuuzhan Vong War. She often behaved in a vain, sulky, and childish manner, contrasting with her ferocity and resilience during the war. Skilled in deception, Rar became secretive and was later deemed untrustworthy by many. Although the Force aided her in many ways, she possessed a way with words and could exploit the doubts and fears of her opponents to gain an advantage.

Rar was also acutely aware of her sexual allure to males of various species. She enjoyed the attention and pleasure, leading to a promiscuous and flirtatious side to her personality. While Luke Skywalker believed her feelings for Anakin Solo were based on love rather than mere pleasure, Rar confidently pursued males ranging from Jacen Solo to the much older and married Lando Calrissian. She once considered engaging in sexual activity with a Rodian and flirted with the mutilated Raynar Thul. The Twi'lek could be both seductive and coy, as well as crude and libidinous. She dressed provocatively to attract male attention, wearing revealing clothes and sometimes forgoing undergarments, even while performing repairs or after suffering physical injuries that left her maimed and disfigured.

The Twi'lek woman placed great value on her physical beauty. Even after her torso and limbs were scarred and damaged, she took great care to preserve her face. In fact, the injuries inflicted by Leia Organa Solo, which Rar believed had deprived her of the chance to be intimate with others, were a primary motivation for her revenge campaign. The fallen Jedi Knight became obsessed with her wounds, punishing those who mocked her disfigurements and seeking to inflict similar injuries on others. She became enraged when further mutilated, such as on the Errant Venture by Fel. Rar reveled in the opportunity to present herself in her unscarred physical form using Vectivus's arcane phantom powers. At the time of her death, she wished to be remembered as she had been when she possessed the physical beauty she had so prized.

Alema Rar's insanity twisted, suppressed, or amplified certain aspects of her personality, giving the mutilated Twi'lek a contradictory nature and a number of eccentricities. Force-sensitives who could perceive Rar's mind found it fragmented and broken. The Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya believed that by 40 ABY, Rar had developed delusions of grandeur and that remnants of her hive mind personality had unnaturally merged with her individuality. Her adoption of the Balance as a belief system, and her conviction that it was a substitute for the Force, exemplified Rar's damaged psyche. The Twi'lek maintained the belief that she was still a Jedi serving a higher power. However, at the time of her death, Rar proved that she had not completely forgotten the person she was before her fall. In the brief moments before her death, she was able to abandon her insanity and appealed to Jagged Fel to remember the qualities of her younger self.

Physical appearance

Alema Rar, a slender and fit Twi'lek female, maintained a lithe figure throughout much of her life. Her background as a dancer and her Jedi training contributed to her physical well-being. As a Rutian Twi'lek, Rar had deep blue skin. Her almond-shaped eyes were a dark green, but their shade varied with her mood, appearing pale at times and darker at others, especially when she was angry. Once Rar embraced the dark side, the sclera of her eyes developed a yellowish tinge, a common characteristic of those who remained under its influence for an extended period. As a Killik Joiner, Rar also acquired some insectoid physical traits; she rarely blinked and was observed to "scuttle" when she walked.

From her initial duel with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Kr, Alema Rar's beauty and sensuality began to diminish. The Jedi Master used his lightsaber skills to deflect Rar's blade and strike her left shoulder, severing deep into the clavicle and rendering her left arm useless. The arm gradually withered and atrophied. Occasionally, Rar used the Force to manipulate the inoperable arm, but it created challenges for her in combat and maneuverability. This was not the end of Rar's mutilations. During her duel with Leia Organa Solo aboard the Admiral Ackbar, the Twi'lek lost her right lekku to a blaster bolt. The brain tail, crucial for communication among Twi'leks, was severed just above the shoulder by Organa Solo's blade. The loss of half of the lek cost Rar dearly in terms of her social interactions, even though she occasionally felt sensations in the amputated stump. On Tenupe, Rar also suffered during a fight with Organa Solo in the treetops. The fallen Jedi did not retreat quickly enough from one of her opponent's strikes and lost half of one foot to the lightsaber, causing her to limp.

The Twi'lek's most severe mutilation occurred when she was nearly bitten in half by the Tenupian spidersloth. The creature initially seized Rar's sword arm in its jaws and fractured the limb, but the Rutian suffered no lasting damage to her right arm. It then forced the struggling Dark Jedi into its mouth. Rar managed to slit the spidersloth's throat, but not before it had bitten down, fracturing six of her ribs and inflicting deep wounds on her back and abdomen, which healed into thick, vivid white scars. Her body became twisted and lopsided. Rar's deformities made her easily identifiable once holocam images of her were obtained. As one of the few unaffected areas of her body, Rar's face, with its thin, straight nose and high cheekbones, remained her last prized feature. However, the coy smiles and suggestive looks she once favored became cold expressions despite her efforts, due to the severe psychological and physiological trauma she had endured. Rar's body sustained further damage during the Second Galactic Civil War. During her escape from the Errant Venture, Jagged Fel broke her left clavicle with a blaster shot. Shortly before her death, Rar also lost her working arm to explosives in Jagged Fel's custom-built blaster. The limb was severed below the elbow by the blast, but by that point, further mutilation was irrelevant, as Rar died moments later.

Powers and abilities

Alema Rar was a skilled Jedi, proficient in her use of the Force. She regularly employed telekinesis, using the Force to batter her enemies in lightsaber duels, hurl them away, retrieve her weapons, seize those of others, or throw her lightsaber and other objects at her adversaries. She later used the technique to manipulate immovable parts of her body. The Twi'lek also possessed a heightened danger sense, a common Jedi ability that enabled her to survive numerous assassination attempts, such as on Woteba and Kr, and avoid potential threats while remaining hidden. This ability was greatly enhanced by the Force nexus at the Home. However, it did not always prevent her from harm; Han Solo and his wife were able to lure her into a hastily prepared trap on Woteba, and Jagged Fel concealed his intentions as she held his customized blaster moments before her death.

By the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Rar had also learned to mask her presence in the Force, although this failed to deceive the voxyn aboard the Nebula Chaser. She was able to participate in the Force Meld during the Mission to Myrkr without difficulty but subsequently tended to unintentionally project her emotions into the perceptions of her comrades. Her fear, grief, and anger were often easily discernible to those who fought alongside her. Like most Jedi, Rar could recover from unconsciousness more quickly than a normal being. Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, she demonstrated an extraordinary recovery time, with stun blasts, concussions, and electric shocks having only a fleeting effect. She could also use the Force to jump and leap long distances and often enhanced her physical actions, such as punches or kicks, with the Force. Another technique she developed was the ability to project her voice with the Force, making her words a subtle whisper that seemed like a thought to her enemies.

After falling to the dark side, Alema Rar began using abilities not sanctioned by the Jedi Order. She was skilled with Force lightning, able to hurl bolts of electric energy at her enemies to incapacitate or kill them. She used Force lightning to bring down the escaping Jedi Master Tresina Lobi and attempted to kill Admiral Nek Bwua'tu and Mara Jade Skywalker in this way. Rar also used abilities like Force crush to dispatch or wound her enemies. She learned to use the Force to deepen shadows, darkening her surroundings to hide, often effectively, enabling her to evade visual detection by Luke Skywalker on the Errant Venture. Another technique Rar favored was the Jedi mind trick, where she exerted her Force presence on the weak-minded to sway them to her will.

Rar learned a more potent version of the mind trick as a member of the Gorog nest. She could exploit her target's doubts and create or distort truths effectively, skewing logic and convincing herself that what she said was true. Combined with a powerful use of the Force to support these lies, Rar could convince others that she spoke reasonably, with her deception undetected. She influenced Luke Skywalker and Raynar Thul with this technique during her time with the Killiks and later suborned the Sith Meditation Sphere, a powerful and ancient artifact, to her purposes. Ultimately, however, her control over the sentient vessel proved too weak. Using the same technique, Rar encouraged Jacen Solo to fire upon his parents during the Battle of Hapes, twisting the facts until he believed they posed a threat to him. Similarly, she was able to falsely claim to be Mara Jade Skywalker's killer to a group of thirty Sith without being exposed as a liar. On one occasion, however, Rar nearly succumbed to a mind trick herself during her duel with Leia Organa Solo on Tenupe. To aid her stealthy passage through areas under surveillance, Rar would also use the Force flash technique, creating brief static interference in visual recording devices as she passed.

Darth Vectivus' arcane Force phantom technique was adopted by Alema Rar during the Second Galactic Civil War.

Rar amassed a collection of other mysterious and distinctive skills during her lifetime. Through Lomi Plo's teachings, she mastered the art of cultivating an elusive presence in the Force, allowing her to fade from the memories of individuals she encountered shortly after leaving their presence. This ability proved effective against individuals with strong minds, such as Lando Calrissian, as well as entire groups of sentient beings, like the Unu nest, although on that specific instance, Rar's power was amplified by the Gorog hive. However, Jedi possessed the ability to resist this power. The Twi'lek had the capability to discern who retained memories of her and who did not, as it was not an automatic process. Later on, she honed the skill of completely concealing herself within the Force, but she occasionally betrayed her presence through moments of carelessness or because of the void in the Force that the technique created.

The most remarkable and unusual skill that Rar acquired was undoubtedly Darth Vectivus's Force phantom technique. The Twi'lek meticulously studied Lumiya's notes on the technique and manifested her initial phantom shortly after the Battle of Kashyyyk. To accomplish this, she needed to tap into the vast reservoir of dark side power residing in the Home. While this initial attempt left Rar drained for several days, she gradually increased her stamina through dedicated practice. Shortly before her demise, the Dark Jedi was capable of conjuring multiple phantoms simultaneously, engaging in combat with different opponents in various locations. This ability granted Rar the power to shed her physical form and traverse the galaxy, eventually latching onto a sentient being and utilizing their life force to project phantoms of herself, which remained under her direct control. On one occasion, Rar exploited the energy of Allana, the daughter of Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka Djo, while the young girl was asleep on the Star Destroyer Anakin Solo, despite the girl's substantial Force potential. In combination with the powers of the Sith Meditation Sphere, Rar became exceptionally skilled in the art of battle meditation.

Alema Rar's prowess in lightsaber combat was enhanced by the grace and fluidity of movement she had cultivated as a dancer. She engaged Yuuzhan Vong warriors in battle during the war, emerging from the Mission to Myrkr without injury. However, against other adversaries such as Noghri, Rar experienced less success. Despite possessing knowledge of lightsaber techniques, including the proper guard to adopt against a more skilled opponent, the Twi'lek was no match for Luke Skywalker during their confrontation on Kr and suffered the consequences. In a state of frenzy, Rar proved to be an ineffective fighter against a skilled opponent, often leaving herself vulnerable to attack. Against a Jedi-in-training like Leia Organa Solo, Rar fared better. Against a Jedi Master such as Tresina Lobi, Rar faced a challenging battle and sustained injuries while fighting alongside Lumiya. Nevertheless, Rar managed to wait for an opportunity before eliminating the Jedi Master, employing Dun Möch in conjunction with her lightsaber technique to erode her opponent's confidence.

During her battle against another Jedi Master, Mara Jade Skywalker, at Roqoo Depot, Rar managed to surprise the woman with her skill. The Twi'lek demonstrated the ability to maintain a defensive stance for an extended period, either to restrain her opponent or delay their departure. While doing so, she could deflect blaster bolts from a skilled shooter like Han Solo with relative ease. Rar also possessed proficiency in the fourth form of lightsaber combat. She frequently incorporated hand-to-hand combat techniques into her fighting style, employing kicks or even utilizing her sharp Twi'lek talons as weapons. During duels, Rar could harness the power of Force speed, augmenting the swiftness of her actions.

In addition to her considerable abilities in the Force, Alema Rar also possessed a wide array of other talents. During the Mission to Myrkr, she demonstrated her proficiency with blasters and grenades. The Twi'lek was a skilled sniper, employing a longblaster to eliminate opponents with headshots. She possessed knowledge of demolitions, utilizing them herself to gain entry to Lumiya's quarters, and was capable of disarming high-yield explosives, possessing familiarity with both Imperial and Galactic Alliance detonators. Her knowledge of traps led the other Jedi to place her in the lead position on several occasions during the Mission to Myrkr, and while infiltrating Lumiya's home, she was able to detect and disarm numerous snares and traps.

When defending the Home against intruders, Rar also set up a variety of her own traps in order to eliminate some of her adversaries. Rar was also a proficient gunner, proving her skills on the Millennium Falcon during an engagement at Borleias. She was a skilled user of a blowgun, although several of her crucial shots missed their intended targets. During her tenure as a leader of the New Plympto resistance, Rar also utilized her skills of subterfuge and was well-versed in interrogation techniques, as evidenced by her ability to discern Duman Yaght's objective during the torture sessions aboard the Exquisite Death, as well as in guerrilla tactics and strategy.

Rar excelled at disguise, and could act when the situation demanded it, deceiving Yuuzhan Vong and others on numerous occasions during the war. She possessed the ability to repair a hyperdrive and could pilot a diverse range of spacefaring vessels, including ancient Sith craft, Sekotan starships, and a Yuuzhan Vong frigate, along with starfighters and other vehicles such as skiffs and swoops. The Twi'lek was a skilled pilot, serving in an elite unit such as Twin Suns Squadron and commanding her own squadron during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Rar's knowledge of starships and mechanics aided her in subtle acts of sabotage, such as the damage she inflicted upon the Millennium Falcon when she attacked the Solos in 35 ABY and upon the Jade Shadow at Roqoo Depot five years later. Her time spent in the caves of Ryloth during her youth provided her with a strong sense of direction, which proved useful during the Mission to Myrkr when she guided the team through the voxyn warrens. However, her self-proclaimed strongest talents, following her turn to the dark side, lay in the areas of surveillance and assassination. Combined with her extensive Force abilities, and her time spent with Lomi Plo and the Killiks, these talents made Rar a formidable adversary to her enemies.


Throughout her thirty-odd years of life as a Knight of the New Jedi Order, a pilot, Dark Jedi, and assassin, Rar possessed a number of lightsabers and other weapons. The Twi'lek's initial lightsaber, which she constructed herself, was powered by an Adegan crystal and emitted a silver blade. When fleeing the Yuuzhan Vong aboard the Nebula Chaser, both Alema Rar and her sister were compelled to abandon their signature Jedi weapons. The lightsabers were discarded into a disintegration chute, and the Rar sisters retained only their crystals, which they attached to their navels as decorative jewelry. By the time of the Mission to Myrkr, Rar possessed another silver-bladed lightsaber, which served her throughout the duration of the war and beyond.

However, in 35 ABY, upon Rar's fall to the dark side, she wielded the blade against the Solos in an attempt to strand them. Luke Skywalker later confiscated the silver-bladed lightsaber from her during their duel on the moon of Kr. Subsequently, Skywalker employed the weapon in his battle against Welk, but Lomi Plo utilized her abilities to deactivate the weapon, rendering it useless. Rar soon constructed another Jedi signature weapon, once again powered by an Adegan crystal. When she confronted Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in the Saras hangar on Woteba, the Jedi Master seized her blade for a second time. Following their negotiations, Rar demanded the return of her lightsaber and was incensed when Skywalker removed the crystal and crushed it with the Force, before returning the hilt to the Twi'lek.

When Rar constructed her next lightsaber, she abandoned the silver-colored blade she had previously favored and created a weapon that emitted a deep blue blade, which almost appeared black. It was with this weapon that Rar engaged Leia Organa Solo aboard the Admiral Ackbar and again on Tenupe at the war's conclusion. When Rar was consumed by the spidersloth, her sword arm was the first to be taken. Rar managed to use the blade to slit the creature's throat and retained the weapon until her duel against Mara Jade Skywalker on Roqoo Depot, using it to decapitate Tresina Lobi in Fellowship Plaza.

When the Twi'lek was knocked unconscious by Jade Skywalker outside Roqoo Depot's cantina, her weapon was once again taken from her. For the final time, Rar rebuilt a new lightsaber, again with a dark blue blade, which she wielded against her opponents at Gilatter VIII and at the Home. The members of the Alema Rar Task Force did not recover Rar's last lightsaber, and therefore it was destroyed along with the Twi'lek's corpse when the asteroid habitat was obliterated.

Following her two years in the Tenupian jungle, the fallen Jedi's other signature weapon was her blowgun and poison darts. Rar acquired many of her toxins during her time on Tenupe, most notably a small quantity of Tenupian flesh-eating bacteria, which she presented to the Togorian Morto as a "salve" for the poison-induced pain she had inflicted upon his leg. She utilized potent poisons to eliminate her enemies, with one dart containing enough to eliminate the World Brain on Coruscant and assumed by her to be fatal to an extremely powerful Jedi like Jacen Solo. The poison rapidly eliminated any beings unfortunate enough to be struck by the darts.

Along with her lightsaber, Rar lost her blowgun to Jade Skywalker on Roqoo Depot, but she soon acquired another, which she wielded against the Jedi who attacked her on the Errant Venture. However, the darts lacked the strength to penetrate armor. Alema Rar's use of poison was well known to her adversaries, and as such, Jacen Solo eliminated his aunt with a poison dart on Kavan, knowing that investigations would point towards the rogue Twi'lek.

Aside from the Sith Meditation Sphere unwittingly bequeathed to her by Lumiya, Rar was not known to possess a personal vessel, although she piloted X-wings in the Yuuzhan Vong War and a StealthX in the Dark Nest Crisis and the Swarm War. The Twi'lek favored wearing tight-fitting jumpsuits as her customary attire, even after her numerous physical mutilations, typically under a hooded traveler's cloak which she used when attempting to remain incognito.

During her time with the Killiks, Rar wore close-fitted chitin armor for protection during combat. She was also equipped with other weapons such as concussion grenades and carried with her equipment to be used in infiltration and reconnaissance, such as her datapad. Following her exile from the Jedi Order and her stint in the Tenupian jungles, the Twi'lek lacked access to funds, nor did she retain credits, choosing to abandon even large sums of cash when she discovered them at Lumiya's retreat during her search for the Sith.

Behind the scenes

Star Wars author Troy Denning, who created the character of Alema Rar.

Alema Rar was first seen in The New Jedi Order: Star by Star written by Troy Denning, with Luke Skywalker, a key Star Wars character, predicting her eventual fall to the dark side. This prediction made Rar's later actions during the Mission to Myrkr storyline more meaningful, highlighting Rar's internal darkness and fears. Rar's character, as shown in later books in the New Jedi Order series, consistently displayed this gradual descent. In The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey, which focused on Jaina Solo's similar fall to the dark side, Elaine Cunningham portrayed the Twi'lek as Solo's kindred spirit. In Aaron Allston's The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream, Rar's enthusiasm for killing Yuuzhan Vong became a defining characteristic.

The Twi'lek also appeared in Walter Jon Williams's The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way and The New Jedi Order: Ylesia, fighting as a pilot. Rar was also in Greg Keyes' The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy and James Luceno's The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force, the last two books in the series, as a supporting Jedi character in a minor role. Alema Rar didn't become a main character again until the Dark Nest Trilogy, written by Troy Denning.

In the first book of the Dark Nest series, The Joiner King, Rar's turn to darkness happened, with the Dark Nest Crisis providing the final reason. Denning had Luke Skywalker remember his prediction from Star by Star, and the author portrayed the Twi'lek as Leia Organa Solo's dark side enemy, who was developed as a Jedi Knight throughout the trilogy. Organa Solo's growth into a skilled Jedi was shown as she fought better against Rar, leading to her defeat of the Twi'lek at the end of the last book, The Swarm War. When asked on TheForce.Net's Jedi Council Forums if he planned Rar's many injuries as a "running gag", Denning said he didn't and only noticed the character's tendency for injury while writing Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen.

Denning intentionally left Alema Rar's fate unclear, with her death not confirmed. He didn't answer questions about whether Rar would appear again after Dark Nest III: The Swarm War was published. Rar was later included in the Legacy of the Force series as an enemy with her own goals. Although she was brought back in Denning's first book of the series—Legacy of the Force: Tempest, the third book in the series—readers already knew she survived because of an excerpt from Tempest in Karen Traviss' Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, the previous book.

In his book, Denning kept focusing on Rar's darkness but gave the character her own morals and goals, while having her fight with Lumiya, a returning villain from Marvel Comics. Denning thought that Rar's philosophy of the Balance showed that she saw the "good" and "evil" parts of Star Wars more clearly than other characters and that her belief in Balance was a natural response to her hardships. Denning also said that by the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, Rar had replaced her anger and grief over her sister's loss with the destruction of the Gorog nest.

While some saw her as Denning's "pet character", like Boba Fett for Traviss and Wedge Antilles for Allston, Alema Rar's role was also taken up in Legacy of the Force: Exile, the book written by Allston that took place after Tempest. In Exile, a story was developed where Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel, and Zekk hunted down the Dark Jedi. Allston said in an interview that he didn't initially like Rar's character but later enjoyed the Twi'lek's quirks and traits, as well as her fighting spirit. Alema Rar had a small role in Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, the next book. After Mara Jade Skywalker's death, the Twi'lek became the focus of the Solo, Zekk, Fel story again, which was expanded in Inferno.

In Inferno, a scene where Rar meets with the One Sith, the villains of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, connected the Legacy of the Force series and the comics, which are set in and after 130 ABY. The Alema Rar Task Force story was a precursor to Jaina Solo's later targeting of her fallen brother in Legacy of the Force: Invincible and a way to develop the long-running Solo-Fel-Zekk love triangle, but it also brought Alema Rar's story to an end. Contrary to the idea that Rar was Denning's pet character, the Twi'lek was actually killed off in the second half of Legacy of the Force: Fury, which was written by Aaron Allston.

