Froz, a pristine, low-gravity planet, served as the original home world for the Frozian species. Its location was along the Corellian Run.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Froz suffered significant devastation due to an orbital bombardment. This bombardment was ordered by Naomi Dargon, the Grand Moff of the Corellian sector, as punishment for the planet's support of the Rebel Alliance.

After the New Republic liberated the planet, efforts to restore it were undertaken, successfully revitalizing much of its natural environment. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the New Republic, along with the Jedi, utilized asteroids within the Froz system as communications bases to monitor the presence of the Yuuzhan Vong in the Corellian sector. However, the extra-galactic invaders eventually seized control of the planet, enslaving its inhabitants. Although the Yuuzhan Vong did not remain on Froz, they abducted numerous Frozians for experimentation, attempting to "shape" them into a servile species, much like they had done with the Rodians. Frozians from all over the galaxy then returned to their home planet and actively resisted the alien invaders.