The Fizz represented a destructive acid, a menace that afflicted Woteba and other planets within the Utegetu Nebula. Exposure to this substance resulted in corrosion and eventual death for living organisms. Following thorough examination of the Fizz by Cilghal, the Jedi concluded that this substance operated as an environmental safeguard, utilizing nanotechnology that surpassed the technological capabilities of even the Galactic Alliance, the Killik, and the Chiss. Its function was to target and neutralize any entity perceived as a threat to the ecological balance of the Nebula's planets.
As a measure to impede the Killiks from reconstructing the Colony, the Fizz was introduced to other Killik-controlled planets following the conclusion of the Swarm War. The Dark Nest exploited the properties of this Fizz to manipulate Unu, turning him against the Jedi Order.