Seed-partners were diminutive, spiky beings that came from within the tampasi of the arboreal boras located on the sentient world of Zonama Sekot. These seed-partners, who considered themselves Sekot's "children ... cells in my body," were presented to a spacer wanting to own a living ship of Sekot. Should the seed-partners choose to bond with the spacer, a starship would be created through the collaboration of these partners alongside Ferroan designers, Langhesi forgers, and the enormous Jentari shapers.
The seed-partners would affix themselves to a spacer via a spike, resulting in an irritating connection, but without causing any injury. Typically, three seed-partners would choose each spacer, but in the unique situations of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, fifteen seed-partners decided to integrate into their new ship, the Jabitha.