Sekotan Personal Starship

Organic starships from Sekotan, uniquely crafted by the skilled ship builders of Zonama Sekot, were called Personal Starships.

Rumors circulated that the Zonama Sekotan vessels possessed unparalleled speed within the galaxy. Being truly alive, they shared similarities with the craft used by the Yuuzhan Vong.


Despite variations in design, each ship possessed shared characteristics due to Sekot—the planet's collective consciousness—having the final say, even though customers could personalize their ships.

Typically, a ship featured three lobes: a central lobe forming the main body and flanking lobes housing the engines. Additionally, most had long, squared wings tipped with sensors, though deviations from this standard existed.


Reaching Zonama Sekot required a specially arranged and authorized voyage due to its remote location. Wealthy patrons were greeted and shown to their lodgings upon arrival.

After paying Sekot's hefty fee, sometimes surpassing 4 billion credits, the customer was escorted to a large chamber. The walls were adorned with small, spiked spheres—bora seeds—known as seed-partners by the Ferroans. These seed-partners would then decide whether to bond with the customer and become their ship. This selection process typically involved all the seed-partners detaching from the walls and engulfing the customer in a dramatic cascade.

Once the chaos subsided, the customer would discover that a select few seed-partners had chosen them, indicated by their adherence to the body. The pods attached via a small spike, causing slight discomfort but no injury. Three seed-partners were typical, but exceptions occurred. Anakin Skywalker's ship, the Jabitha, was formed from an unprecedented fifteen seed-partners: twelve chosen padawan Skywalker, and three chosen Obi-Wan Kenobi.

After a day or two, the Ferroans would remove the seed-partners, and the customer would meet the designer to discuss their ship's specifications. A few days later, the customer would be taken to a vast ravine containing "forging pits"—a natural cathedral, kilometers across, bordered and roofed by giant boras—where the ship would be constructed. In this "factory valley," Langhesi forgers would utilize fire and lightning to cook and "pop" the seeds, transforming them into disk-like shapes.

These "seed-disks", still viable, were transported via carapods to a shaping warehouse made of lamina. Special translucent fruits containing thick "sparkling" fluids (agitated by an internal screw-like organ) would be harvested. Jentari shapers would use these globular substances to mold the seed-disks into the ship's flesh and structure. Customers were required to sit within pre-made frames as the Jentari positioned the seed-disks and pre-fabricated (expensive, state-of-the-art) engines, molding the ships around them: organoform circuits; engines (preferably "type-seven" engines from Haor Chall's Silver-class light starships line); and hyperdrive core units were integrated into the living ship. Globs of fruit juice served as a binding agent, merging the seed-disks (now sprouting "sinuous, questing pseudopods") and organoform circuitry. As the Jentari shaped and merged the seed-disks, the seeds communicated telepathically with the customer, seeking input on final design choices. The customer, in turn, had to influence the ship's final design, yielding to Sekot's subtle guidance while directing the seeds' input during these final production stages. Customers were also asked to stay with the ship for at least a few days after her birth—as she was being fitted and finished with "non-Sekotan instrumentation" to align her with Republic standards—to comfort her in her early life.

Once equipped with transponders, communication and control panels, seating, and other accessories, the living ship's interior displayed smooth, iridescent lines of "green and blue and red, gleaming like a coat of ruby and emerald mineral enamel, yet not just dead brilliance, but a pulsing quality of light that signified youth and life." The starship "glowed faintly from within, and pools of deep-sea luminosity seemed to come and go under its shiny green skin."

Upon departure, the pilot(s) of the now sentient ship had to pledge absolute secrecy regarding Zonama Sekot. Breaking this oath would sever the bond between owner and ship, leading to the ship's swift demise.


Most Sekotan ships functioned as high-speed transports, designed for rapid and efficient passenger conveyance. However, these ships possessed independent thought and a near-telepathic connection with their owners. Sekot, the planet's intelligent essence, could also assume complete control of a ship—typically in emergencies, as a last resort for planetary defense; the planet's large reserve of native defense ships lacked pilots and were directly controlled by Sekot.

Historical Context

When the planet, utilizing its massive hyperdrive engines with 300-kilometer-high field guides, broke from its Gardaji Rift orbit in the galaxy's Tingel Arm in 29 BBY, all remaining ships off-world perished.

Following the destruction of all off-world ships, the planet adopted Yuuzhan Vong technology to cultivate its own fighters during the Yuuzhan Vong War. However, after Zonama Sekot helped end that conflict, the planet resumed the manufacture and sale of living ships.

