Battle of Borleias (Yuuzhan Vong War; Second)

The Battle of Borleias encompassed a collection of final defensive stands executed by what remained of the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War, after the loss of Coruscant. It began when the New Republic's Fleet Group Three successfully reclaimed the planet of Borleias from a Yuuzhan Vong occupation force after the latter's withdrawal from Coruscant, the galactic capital. Subsequently, Senator Pwoe and his advisors journeyed to Borleias and instructed General Wedge Antilles, the commander of Fleet Group Three, to defend Borleias through a delaying action. Antilles agreed, but only on the condition that his defensive strategies would remain free from political interference, and he requested additional military resources for his command.

Predictably, the Yuuzhan Vong dispatched a fleet under the command of Wyrpuuk Cha to recapture Borleias. While Antilles initially intended to gradually weaken Cha's forces through attrition, the unexpected arrival of the Star Dreadnought Lusankya as part of Antilles' reinforcements inflicted substantial damage on Cha's fleet. In response, the Yuuzhan Vong deployed a significantly larger force, led by the renowned strategist Czulkang Lah, to seize the planet. Lah's objectives included capturing the planet, destroying a supposed New Republic superweapon known as the Starlancer Project, and taking Jedi Knight Jaina Solo prisoner. Antilles' strategic use of orbital bombardment to impede a ground assault initially thwarted the Yuuzhan Vong's plans, but Lah soon received reinforcements and began to gradually overwhelm the garrison.

However, Antilles had cleverly deceived Lah, as Project Starlancer was merely a ruse designed to manipulate Lah's actions. Although the Yuuzhan Vong successfully retook Borleias from the New Republic garrison, they suffered considerable casualties, including the death of Czulkang Lah and the destruction of a Koros-Strohna worldship, achieved by using the Lusankya as a ramming vessel. Antilles and his forces evacuated the planet after a prolonged defense that inflicted heavy losses on the Yuuzhan Vong. Due to the efforts of New Republic personnel, volunteers, and Jedi such as Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, and Jagged Fel, the New Republic gained crucial time against the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, which ultimately facilitated the election of Cal Omas and the establishment of the Galactic Alliance. Furthermore, the battle contributed to enhancing Solo's reputation as an avatar of Yun-Harla, a deity in the Yuuzhan Vong pantheon.


In 25 ABY, the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong launched an invasion of the galaxy, immediately initiating a campaign characterized by horrific acts, such as the destruction of the planet Ithor. This alien species aggressively advanced through the galaxy, seizing numerous worlds and devastating others. The New Republic engaged the Yuuzhan Vong in combat, but was unable to prevent the invaders from penetrating the Core Worlds. Borleias, situated at a hyperlane intersection within the Pyria system in the Colonies region and in close proximity to Coruscant, was among the worlds seized by the Yuuzhan Vong to serve as a staging ground for their eventual assault on Coruscant, the galactic capital. The planet was granted to Domain Kraal, which proceeded to demolish the remnants of the New Republic facilities and construct living grashal structures over the ruins.

In 27 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Coruscant, facing resistance from New Republic Fleet Groups One, Two, and Fleet Group Three in a major confrontation. The fleets engaged in space, but the defenses of Coruscant were breached, and the planet fell to the invaders. Borsk Fey'lya, the Chief of State of the New Republic, died during the battle, leaving the government without leadership. Surviving New Republic forces, along with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and a substantial number of Jedi who were present on Coruscant when it fell, abandoned the capital to the Yuuzhan Vong and retreated. Upon seizing control of the planet, the Yuuzhan Vong initiated the process of terraforming the galactic capital to resemble Yuuzhan'tar, their original homeworld.

The battle

New Republic capture of Borleias

Following their expulsion from Coruscant, the galactic capital, elements of the New Republic's Fleet Group Three, acting independently, launched an attack on Borleias. General Wedge Antilles, the commander of Fleet Group Three, recognized that refugees from Coruscant would seek refuge on Borleias and intended to use the planet as a temporary haven for these civilians, as well as to divert the attention of the Yuuzhan Vong. Two Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper starfighters on patrol identified the lead ship of Antilles' force, the Mon Mothma, and attempted to engage it, but Twin Suns Squadron, under the command of Master Skywalker, destroyed one and forced the other to retreat. Other coralskippers launched from Borleias were quickly defeated, and Antilles ordered Twin Suns to escort three transports to the surface for an assault on the Domain Kraal installation.

Flying the armed freighter Record Time to the surface, Lando Calrissian deployed twenty of his new YVH 1 battle droids. Initially, the Yuuzhan Vong utilized the foliage for cover, launching thud bugs and razor bugs at their adversaries. However, Calrissian had programmed his droids with a unique battle cry: "We are machines! We are greater than the Yuuzhan Vong!" Enraged by this, the warriors immediately abandoned their cover and assaulted the droids in direct combat, but the YVH 1s easily defeated them. Nevertheless, the Yuuzhan Vong summoned a rakamat creature to aid in their defense. Calrissian, along with a team of engineers, buried explosives in the rakamat's path and detonated them as the creature passed overhead, while the rakamat was distracted by X-wings from Twin Suns Squadron providing close air support. The remainder of the battle primarily involved mopping up operations, as the Kraal survivors were compelled to retreat and regroup. The New Republic swiftly overran their facility, but Antilles chose not to use it as his base of operations on Borleias. He also declined to utilize the remnants of the previous New Republic outpost, which the Yuuzhan Vong had destroyed and built their structures over. Instead, he decided to renovate the abandoned Alderaan Biotics facility that had been used years earlier by Imperial General Evir Derricote. The Yuuzhan Vong installation was stripped of equipment for study and then destroyed, while New Republic forces cleared a kill zone around the biotics facility and established starship repair operations, living quarters, and command facilities inside the building.

Holding the line

In the chaos that ensued after the hasty retreat from Coruscant, several remaining members of the Advisory Council and a substantial portion of the New Republic military forces reconvened at Borleias. Pwoe, who had newly appointed himself as Chief of State, instructed Antilles to sacrifice Borleias in a delaying action to allow the Advisory Council sufficient time to escape to the heavily fortified Kuat. Antilles, unaware that the surviving members of the Senate were gathering at Mon Calamari, reluctantly accepted the order, but adhered to its literal meaning rather than its intent, using it as authorization to strike against the centralized Yuuzhan Vong forces. Antilles also ensured that he received the resources necessary to complete his mission by stipulating to Pwoe that any volunteers from the scattered New Republic Defense Force who wished to join would be permitted to do so, that no politicians would return to oversee his efforts, and that the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Lusankya would be assigned to his command. In return, Antilles agreed to defend Borleias and relinquish command of Fleet Group Three.

During a meeting on Borleias, Antilles, Calrissian, Colonel Tycho Celchu, and other notable veterans from the Galactic Civil War, eventually including Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, agreed to establish a network of Rebellion-style cells on various worlds to ensure that the ideals of the Alliance/New Republic would survive both the devastation caused by the Yuuzhan Vong and the failing New Republic government. As part of his planning, Antilles also arranged to role-play the Yuuzhan Vong commander, while Celchu assumed the role of Antilles, in order to develop a strategy for a punishing defense of Borleias against the inevitable Yuuzhan Vong response. Upon Antilles' request, Skywalker took it upon himself to heavily involve the Jedi present in both the defense of Borleias and the establishment of the resistance network. However, the Jedi Master began to experience disturbing visions of darkness on Coruscant.

On the fifth day of the New Republic's reoccupation of Borleias, Wolam Tser, a holodocumentarian, and his aide, Tam Elgrin, arrived on Borleias from Coruscant. They provided Antilles with updates on the Vongforming occurring on Coruscant and decided to remain on Borleias to document the defense. Unbeknownst to Tser and the other New Republic officers, Elgrin had been captured by the Yuuzhan Vong while on Coruscant and forced into service as a spy through mental conditioning that caused him severe headaches if he failed to comply with their demands.

Another arrival on Borleias following its occupation was Wraith Squadron, a New Republic Intelligence unit that Antilles had founded years earlier. The Wraiths, under the command of Garik Loran, also brought Antilles' wife and two children to Borleias. Their arrival eased Antilles' mind and allowed him to transfer command of intelligence operations to his wife, knowing that she possessed considerable experience in that field.

An unexpected victory

Jaina Solo as a starfighter pilot in Twin Suns Squadron

In response to the New Republic's seizure of Borleias, Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah and his analysts concluded that Borleias held some significance for the New Republic. In a slight against Domain Kraal, which had lost the world, the warmaster dispatched a fleet under the command of Wyrpuuk Cha, a member of a rival domain, to reclaim the planet. Cha arrived in the Pyria system and was informed by his spies that Antilles was defending two locations: the biotics facility on Borleias and a sensor station on one of its moons. Cha launched an aggressive assault on both locations with coralskippers, and while his forces attacking the biotics facility were repelled with heavy casualties, the sensor station's defense proved far more vulnerable to his onslaught. Unbeknownst to Cha, the weak defense of the sensor station was a ruse orchestrated by Antilles to lull Cha into a false sense of security and reinforce the impression that the biotics facility was the only location of strategic importance.

However, while Antilles had planned for an inconclusive engagement to prolong Cha's involvement in a war of attrition, he did not anticipate the arrival of the Lusankya amidst Cha's fleet. The massive warship, under the command of Commander Eldo Davip, immediately crippled Cha's flagship and killed the Yuuzhan Vong leader. Accompanying the Lusankya was the Millennium Falcon, newly arrived from Hapes, and both ships immediately came under Yuuzhan Vong assault. Antilles dispatched two Star Destroyers, the Mon Mothma and the Rebel Dream, along with starfighter units including Twin Suns and Rogue Squadrons, to clear a path for the new arrivals. The Lusankya and its escort inflicted severe damage on the Yuuzhan Vong fleet until its remnants retreated. Meanwhile, the Millennium Falcon and its passengers, Jedi from the Mission to Myrkr, outmaneuvered coralskipper pursuit to escape unscathed. The Jedi aboard the Millennium Falcon remained on Borleias, adding to the garrison's complement of Jedi.

Antilles and his defense had defeated the initial Yuuzhan Vong response to the seizure of Borleias, but he was not pleased, knowing that the Yuuzhan Vong would return with greater force. Furthermore, while Pwoe had delivered the Star Dreadnought as promised, he had staffed it with an ill-trained and underqualified skeleton crew. The commanding officer, Eldo Davip, was merely a commander on a ship that warranted a full admiral as its commander.

While much of the remainder of Wyrpuuk Cha's fleet had withdrawn, some of it had been commandeered by Charat Kraal, a rogue pilot from the original Domain Kraal occupiers, in a harassment and intelligence-gathering campaign against the New Republic. Kraal's intelligence would later be utilized in further Yuuzhan Vong responses against the garrison.

In the lull following Cha's destruction, Tam Elgrin was employed as a spy by the Yuuzhan Vong. He received orders remotely from Viqi Shesh, the traitorous New Republic senator, who instructed him to get close to Danni Quee, a scientist who was a lead developer of anti-Yuuzhan Vong technology. Shesh also had Elgrin plant listening devices that suggested that high-ranking members of the garrison were spying on each other in an effort to sow distrust. Antilles and his wife were perplexed by the appearance of the devices but countered them by scripting conversations for people to say around them. Eventually, Danni Quee deduced from a recording Elgrin had made on Coruscant that he had been captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. She reported this finding to Iella Antilles, who began monitoring Elgrin.

To distract members of the garrison, lingering Yuuzhan Vong forces under Charat Kraal, based out of the captured lunar station, harassed the Borleias garrison to test its weaknesses. Their assaults targeted both the ships in orbit and the biotics facility but were fended off by the garrison. Kraal's intent was not to inflict harm but rather to obtain information to deliver to the next Yuuzhan Vong commander sent to reclaim Borleias.

Crafting a goddess

Shortly thereafter, Jaina Solo, a Jedi Knight, arrived on Borleias from the Hapes Cluster, accompanied by fellow Jedi Kyp Durron and starfighter pilot Jagged Fel. After meeting with Antilles and her parents, Solo stated her intention to assist on Borleias. She also expressed her desire to form a new starfighter squadron to experiment with tactics utilizing Force-based coordination. As Luke Skywalker wished to visit Coruscant to investigate his visions of darkness, he relinquished command of Twin Suns Squadron to Solo, and Durron and Fel joined the unit as well. Another idea Solo proposed was cultivating the notion among the Yuuzhan Vong that she was the personification of Yun-Harla, the Yuuzhan Vong goddess of deception. During actions at Hapes, Solo had used trickery to thwart the Yuuzhan Vong and implied that she was associated with Yun-Harla. With the assistance of Wraith Squadron's psychological warfare experts, Solo decided to intensify her efforts. To facilitate this deception, she was given top priority in weapons and repairs for her unit, as well as special command privileges, including a porter.

To prepare for the arrival of more Yuuzhan Vong, Antilles deployed a wide sensor net to augment his ground patrols, enlisting the help of the Jedi in doing so. Luke Skywalker, his wife Mara Jade Skywalker, and the newly arrived Tahiri Veila roamed the jungle, planting stakes containing gravitic sensors, knowing that they were being observed by the Yuuzhan Vong. While the Yuuzhan Vong dug up the stakes, they failed to notice that the three Jedi were also deploying portable burrowing droids containing the same sensors. Attempts to engage the Jedi were unsuccessful and resulted in the deaths of several Yuuzhan Vong warriors. To manipulate the next Yuuzhan Vong commander, Antilles developed a scheme that would dictate the Yuuzhan Vong's reactions according to his desires. The "Starlancer Project" was a fabricated long-range weapons system supposedly created by merging Yuuzhan Vong lambent crystals and superlaser technology. The project was allegedly facilitated by crudely constructed spacecraft dubbed pipefighters. Their test flights were closely monitored by the Yuuzhan Vong.

Arrival of Czulkang Lah

The Yuuzhan Vong responded, and in force. Advised by Maal Lah, one of his aides, that Garm Bel Iblis, the tactician most respected by the Yuuzhan Vong, was likely in collusion with the garrison on Borleias, Tsavong Lah felt he needed a mind of equal strategic prowess to command the counterattack and did not have the time to attend to the conquest himself. Lah personally visited his father, the retired warmaster Czulkang Lah, to enlist his help. The elder Lah, a warrior considered among the greatest strategists of the Yuuzhan Vong but relegated to training duties due to his age, agreed to take command as long as he was allowed to remain on the front lines after the recapture of Borleias. The warmaster agreed, and Czulkang Lah departed to retake Borleias with the entire force of Domain Hul.

Upon arrival, Lah released a number of civilian prisoners into space in ooglith cloakers from a Yuuzhan Vong vessel, condemning them to a fiery reentry into Borleias's atmosphere. At the time of his arrival, Solo, Fel, and Durron were in space, practicing Force-based coordination of their starfighters' weapons to fire synchronized laser blasts. Several coralskippers were dispatched to distract Solo and her flight from attacking the larger ship. They succeeded in doing so, but all of the Yuuzhan Vong starfighter analogs were destroyed. As the hostages floated toward Borleias on a trajectory that would cause them to burn up during reentry, Fel innovated a tactic to save them. With precise, low-powered maneuvering, he used his starfighter to alter their momentum away from Borleias, buying time for shuttles to arrive and save most of the hostages. While his actions were applauded, Antilles and Celchu interpreted this as a sign that the Yuuzhan Vong had returned with a more formidable fleet and commander.

Upon arrival, Lah was briefed by Charat Kraal on the disposition of the New Republic garrison, including the pipefighters. Rather than executing him for suborning elements of Cha's fleet, Lah promoted Kraal for his initiative and assigned him to assist in capturing Jaina Solo. As her twin brother, Jacen Solo, was in Yuuzhan Vong custody and twins held special significance for the Yuuzhan Vong, her capture was deemed an important war objective to facilitate a twin sacrifice.

Han and Leia Organa Solo during the battle

During a test flight, the pipefighters were escorted into the vastness of space. Their protectors included Rogue Squadron, Twin Suns Squadron, Blackmoon Squadron, and the Wild Knights. Simultaneously, the Millennium Falcon transported several Jedi initiates to a clandestine Jedi sanctuary located within the confines of the Maw Cluster. Two squadrons of coralskippers targeted each pipefighter, only to be met by the defending forces of the New Republic, with Twin Suns engaging the last of these attackers. The New Republic's defense proved remarkably simple, but the lack of significant opposition made Voort saBinring, Wraith Squadron's tactical genius who was flying alongside Twin Suns, suspicious of an impending ambush. His intuition proved accurate when two Yuuzhan Vong interdictors and additional coralskipper squadrons materialized, aiming to ensnare Solo. A creature launched by Elgrin had identified her X-wing.

Isolated from support, Jagged Fel executed a daring and unconventional maneuver. He flew in a way that provided cover for shadow bombs, which were under the control of Solo and Fel. This allowed them to obliterate one of the interdictors and divert the Vong forces, creating an avenue for the rest of the squadron to escape. However, Fel's actions left him vulnerable and encircled, prompting Jaina to defy direct orders and refuse to abandon him. To rescue Fel, Kyp Durron manipulated the dovin basal on an interdictor, causing it to self-destruct and allowing the three pilots to escape as New Republic reinforcements arrived. Despite Antilles' initial intention to discipline Solo for her insubordination upon their return to Borleias, Fel intervened on her behalf after discovering her feelings for him, resulting in her actions being overlooked.

However, Antilles had orchestrated an additional objective during the engagement. During the test flight, the pipefighters emitted a blast supposedly directed at the Yuuzhan Vong worldship hovering over Coruscant. In reality, the damaging beam aimed at the Yuuzhan Vong vessel originated from a long-range turbolaser on a New Republic warship, but Tsavong Lah was tricked into believing his worldship had been attacked by a new, formidable weapon. The Yuuzhan Vong's conviction deepened when Tam Elgrin observed Danni Quee working on blueprints for the large lambent crystals essential to the pipefighter. Elgrin felt compelled to eliminate Quee but found himself unable to do so. His forced espionage caused him immense guilt, but he felt trapped by his painful conditioning.

Emperor's Hammer

Reacting to the assault on his worldship, Tsavong Lah commanded his father to obliterate the garrison in a swift and decisive attack. Czulkang Lah reluctantly complied, despite disagreeing with the warmaster's hasty orders. Thanks to both manned patrols and the sensor network established by Antilles, the New Republic garrison was aware of Lah's impending assault but chose not to engage the landing forces, preferring to allow the Yuuzhan Vong to come to them.

As the opposing forces prepared for battle, Tam Elgrin mustered the courage to confess his role as a spy to Jaina Solo, even as his conditioning induced cranial hemorrhaging due to his disobedience. He was then taken for medical attention. Simultaneously, Luke and Mara Skywalker, accompanied by members of Wraith Squadron and Tahiri Veila, embarked on an intelligence-gathering mission to Coruscant, exploiting the chaos of the assault to evade the defenses. They were transported aboard the Record Time by Lando Calrissian and covertly inserted into orbit before the Record Time was destroyed. Calrissian then returned to Borleias in a B-wing starfighter.

On the forty-eighth day of the New Republic's occupation of Borleias, Lah initiated a combined ground and space assault on the Borleias garrison, deploying troops to various locations to encircle the biotics facility. Lah's initial strategy involved diverting the garrison with a space assault while his troops advanced on the biotics garrison with minimal detection, but he failed to achieve the element of surprise. Antilles deployed his ground and some starfighter forces, including Twin Suns, to defend the garrison. Under Solo's command, the squadron successfully navigated through the tree canopy and placed a pair of shadow bombs beneath two rakamats, destroying them. However, their success was curtailed when Antilles ordered a retreat to align with the rest of the defensive perimeter. The overwhelming number of troops and rakamats overwhelmed the beleaguered defenders and their accompanying dozen starfighter squadrons.

Antilles continued to withdraw his forces, consolidating them into a tight perimeter around the old Alderaanian Biotics facility, which was gradually surrounded by concentrated Yuuzhan Vong ground troops. Many of his pilots grew restless with the continuous retreat until the Yuuzhan Vong were in close proximity to the biotics facility. At that moment, despite Eldo Davip's reservations, Antilles initiated Operation Emperor's Hammer—the utilization of the Lusankya to deliver an orbital bombardment upon the massed Yuuzhan Vong ground troops, a tactic unfamiliar to them. Following the significant loss of ground troops, the Yuuzhan Vong temporarily retreated.


Both sides, weakened by the significant clash on Borleias, soon received reinforcements. The volunteer starfighter unit Taanab Yellow Aces led by Wes Janson arrived, along with the supply transport Reckless Abandon, escorted through a wave of coralskippers by Rebel Dream and Twins Suns Squadron. Janson had previously served with Antilles in Rogue Squadron, and Antilles welcomed the veteran pilot's assistance.

Czulkang Lah also received reinforcements in the form of a substantial Yuuzhan Vong force dispatched by his son. Tsavong Lah also sent a priest devoted to Yun-Harla, Harrar, to aid in the capture of Jaina Solo. Upon Harrar's arrival, the elder Lah placed Charat Kraal under Harrar's command. With his forces strengthened, Lah prepared to launch his next sortie, which would both assess the defenders and introduce a new intelligence asset following the neutralization of Tam Elgrin.

Two matalok capital ships were deployed to attack the biotics facility from low altitude and were engaged by New Republic starfighters, including Twin Suns and Rogue Squadrons. Several coralskippers rammed the protective shield around the biotics facility, allowing one to crash-land and deposit a disguised Yuuzhan Vong agent onto the biotics facility grounds. However, Solo deployed her newest weapon, a missile that launched numerous decoy projectiles designed to mimic proton torpedoes and confuse the Yuuzhan Vong defensive dovin basals. With the defenses distracted, the real torpedoes fired by her squadron were able to fatally damage the matalok, destroying the vessel. The Yuuzhan Vong, demoralized by the loss of the warship, withdrew, having successfully inserted their operative.

The Yuuzhan Vong operative, tasked with locating and destroying Project Starlancer, managed to infiltrate the biotics facility and even captured a Bothan mechanic who had been working on the pipefighter. However, he was discovered by a newly-freed Elgrin, who recognized the Yuuzhan Vong biots that the operative was using for espionage. Elgrin followed the agent into a tunnel where the Yuuzhan Vong was torturing the mechanic for information. Elgrin distracted the warrior and freed the mechanic but was unable to subdue the Yuuzhan Vong. However, security forces arrived and eliminated the infiltrator before he could kill Elgrin or escape.

Solo continued to develop innovative methods for confusing and deceiving the Yuuzhan Vong. Having received a B-wing starfighter from Antilles, she recruited a shuttle pilot named Beelyath to pilot it as an assault starfighter. However, the special privileges and resources granted to Solo and her unit caused resentment among some of the other pilots. Furthermore, Jagged Fel was encouraged to return to Chiss space, from where he and his subordinate Shawnkyr Nuruodo had come, by Nuruodo, who believed their mission to report on the Yuuzhan Vong threat was complete. Although he decided to remain on Borleias and assist in the defense, Nuruodo made him promise that if she died, he would return in her place.

While Solo was occupied with aiding the defense of Borleias, her parents were establishing resistance cells on other planets. Upon their return to Borleias, they discovered the planet under siege by the Yuuzhan Vong, who had layered dovin basal minefields and coralskipper patrols around the world. They also informed Antilles that the dovin basals were now capable of tracking specific spacecraft deemed valuable by the Yuuzhan Vong, such as the Millennium Falcon.

Despite his success in defending the besieged Pyria system against Lah's initial major assault, Antilles realized he could not withstand a full-scale assault by the Yuuzhan Vong forces. In the ensuing skirmishes, the Yuuzhan Vong targeted the space fleet, gradually depleting the numerically inferior New Republic forces. The Lusankya was heavily targeted, sustaining significant damage, and Antilles chose to repurpose the Star Dreadnought rather than continue repairing it. The return of Luke Skywalker and his party from Coruscant coincided with the near-constant bombardment of the biotics facility and ships in orbit. Due to casualties in Blackmoon Squadron, Skywalker and his wife were appointed as the replacement commander and executive officer respectively.

As Antilles prepared for the final confrontation with Lah, he had his wounded secretly transported to ships in orbit in preparation for an escape. The general also revealed his battle plan and the true nature of Project Starlancer to his staff. While Pwoe had insisted on holding Borleias to the end, Antilles had decided to inflict heavy losses on the Yuuzhan Vong and then retreat with as much of his command as possible.

Final engagement

The Yuuzhan Vong had steadily tightened their grip around the Borleias garrison, but Antilles dictated the timing of the final assault by launching his pipefighters and evacuating the installation. Convinced of the validity of the threat posed by Project Starlancer, Czulkang Lah dispatched his forces to destroy the pipefighters before they could fire. Charat Kraal and a significant force of specially trained coralskipper pilots were sent to attack the elite squadrons protecting the pipefighters, with the specific objective of capturing Jaina Solo. As the pipefighters reached orbit, Antilles also ordered the Lusankya to break orbit and head for space. While the Yuuzhan Vong focused on the pipefighters, Antilles had different objectives for the battle.

Wedge piloting his X-wing during the battle

The escort starfighters guarding the pipefighters jumped to hyperspace to meet up with Lusankya, which had been pulled from hyperspace near a dovin basal mine and close to the Domain Hul worldship. While the Yuuzhan Vong easily destroyed the pipefighters, they were caught off guard when Lusankya appeared so close to the worldship. Another surprise for the Yuuzhan Vong occurred when the Star Destroyer Errant Venture, which had been augmented with defensive batteries removed from Lusankya, destroyed two mataloks before escaping to hyperspace. In reality, Lusankya was only lightly armed and crewed by a single individual. The entire final engagement was a elaborate ruse orchestrated by Antilles, who had transformed Lusankya into an explosive-laden ramming ship intended to destroy the worldship in a plan he called "Operation Emperor's Spear." Utilizing technology developed by Danni Quee, Han Solo launched four missiles that replicated the gravitic signature of the Millennium Falcon, prompting dovin basals to enter the system in an attempt to capture the Falcon. This prevented the Yuuzhan Vong worldship from withdrawing.

Coralskippers from the Yuuzhan Vong worldship, soon reinforced by Charat Kraal's force, engaged the six squadrons protecting Lusankya, but suffered heavy losses. While Lusankya sustained significant damage, its engines remained operational, propelling it towards the worldship, which was hindered from jumping to hyperspace by the dovin basal mines. While the Yuuzhan Vong attempted to capture Solo, members of Twin Suns Squadron imitated her behavior and ship's gravitic signal so she could evade Yuuzhan Vong attacks. In another deception designed to exploit the Yuuzhan Vong's obsession with Solo, she developed a weapon called the goddess missile, which had the same gravitic signal as her X-wing. Wraith Squadron pilot Sharr Latt controlled the missile from the B-wing flown by Beelyath and used it to lure numerous Yuuzhan Vong pilots, including Charat Kraal, to their demise in a dovin basal minefield.

The battle reached its climax when Luke Skywalker signaled for reinforcements to support Lusankya as the Star Dreadnought approached the worldship. The Mon Mothma arrived, activating its gravity well projectors to further impede the worldship's movement. Quee's advancements also enabled the Mon Mothma to jam the yammosk war coordinators, disrupting Yuuzhan Vong synchronization. The New Republic forces pinned the worldship in place and defended Lusankya while Eldo Davip piloted the massive Lusankya deep into the heart of the worldship, where it detonated. Lah realized that his vessel was doomed and contacted his son in his final moments, informing the warmaster of the Yuuzhan Vong's success in retaking the planet and his impending death. Having locked Lusankya into a collision course, Davip escaped from the massive suicide vessel in a BTL Y-wing starfighter that had been concealed within Lusankya for his escape just as the prow of Lusankya rammed into the worldship and destroyed it. For his efforts, Davip was promoted to major general.

Meanwhile, having coordinated the evacuation from the biotics facility, Wedge Antilles found himself as the last person remaining on the planet's surface. With Yuuzhan Vong forces approaching, he took off in a remaining X-wing and set out to join the fleet when he encountered a stranded transport undergoing repairs. Risking his life to defend the evacuees, Antilles single-handedly held off Yuuzhan Vong ground forces and coralskippers. The pilot managed to add over a dozen coralskipper kills to his record and ensured the transport's safety before his ship succumbed to battle damage. As his fighter was about to be destroyed, Rogue and Blackmoon Squadrons returned and drove off his attackers.


The Yuuzhan Vong were thrown into disarray by these losses, and the surviving New Republic forces withdrew without any further major engagement. While they succeeded in retaking Borleias, the Vong suffered significant losses in terms of ships and personnel, including the esteemed Czulkang Lah. This blow was substantial enough to undermine the confidence of Warmaster Tsavong Lah and weaken the Yuuzhan Vong offensive. Left in command of the remnants of Charat Kraal's group, Harrar chose not to pursue, preferring to retreat to Coruscant.

Antilles and his fleet withdrew and continued to serve throughout the Yuuzhan Vong War. Jaina Solo's reputation among both the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong grew significantly as a result of the engagement. The Yuuzhan Vong began to perceive her as an avatar of Yun-Harla, a concept she exploited. The resistance network established by the Solos and other defenders of Borleias would also prove beneficial to the war effort.

Both Wolam Tser and Tam Elgrin escaped Borleias after staying for most of the siege to record holo footage of the battle and the defenders. This footage was later transformed into a holodocumentary titled Battle of Borleias. This documentary depicted the defenders of Borleias as heroic figures and boosted both morale and recruitment for the New Republic's defense forces.

The time it took the Yuuzhan Vong to recover allowed the New Republic to regroup, recover, and reorganize itself into the Galactic Alliance while planning new engagements against the invaders. The election of Cal Omas as Chief of State over other contenders like Pwoe ensured that the galaxy could be unified against the Yuuzhan Vong, and the respite gained from the previously relentless Yuuzhan Vong offensive allowed the New Republic to implement a strategy of harassment and training until the Yuuzhan Vong ready fleet could be smashed at the Battle of Ebaq 9, which would also see the death of Tsavong Lah.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Borleias was created for the Enemy Lines Duology by Aaron Allston as part of the New Jedi Order novel series. According to Allston's website, the first book, Rebel Dream begins a few days after Luke and Mara Skywalker's departure from Hapes as recorded in The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey, while the end of Rebel Stand overlaps the beginning of the next book in the series, The New Jedi Order: Traitor. Despite the backdrop of war and in particular the Battle of Borleias throughout the duology, Allston said that both novels are about families.

Allston also stated on his website that he did not specifically name Operation Emperor's Hammer, which was featured in the Battle of Borleias, after the Emperor's Hammer fan group, but acknowledged the possibility of a connection. Allston also provided some backstory for the Yuuzhan Vong military commander in charge for most of the Battle of Borleias, Czulkang Lah. Lah was established as having earned his military reputation during internal conflicts within the Yuuzhan Vong, wargames, and against any other enemies encountered by the Vong during their journey to the galaxy.

The Battle of Borleias was referenced numerous times in later New Jedi Order books and also in several subsequent reference works, including The New Essential Chronology, The New Essential Guide to Droids, and the The Essential Atlas. References in other works have also been made to Battle of Borleias, an in-universe documentary produced by Wolam Tser about the course of the battle.

