Beelyath, a Mon Calamari by species, flew as a pilot in the Yuuzhan Vong War. Having begun as a shuttle pilot, he was recruited into Twin Suns Squadron to operate the B-wing starfighter, which functioned as a mobile command center. This was done so that Sharr Latt could oversee the Goddess missile, and it was Jagged Fel who proposed Beelyath. This particular missile was utilized to bait and ultimately kill numerous Yuuzhan Vong pilots, Charat Kraal included, who was a formation leader. He was picked instead of Zekk. Not long before he joined Twin Suns Squadron and participated in the Battle of Borleias, Beelyath assisted in the rescue of civilians ejected into space by the Yuuzhan Vong, preventing them from either suffocating or burning up upon re-entry into Borleias' atmosphere.