Wyrpuuk Cha

Wyrpuuk Cha, a member of the Yuuzhan Vong warrior caste, achieved the rank of commander during his species' invasion of the galaxy. During the conflict known as the Yuuzhan Vong War, after elements of the New Republic Defense Force managed to retake Borleias from Yuuzhan Vong control, Warmaster Tsavong Lah selected Cha to lead an assault with his fleet on the planet, with the objective of expelling the New Republic forces from the Pyria system.

Upon the system's entrance of Cha's fleet, an engagement with the New Republic forces commenced. Cha's strategy involved establishing a staging area on the planet Pyria VI before launching an attack on Borleias. However, before Cha could initiate the withdrawal, the Lusankya, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, materialized amidst his fleet. The commander met his death when the enormous warship unleashed its firepower upon his matalok cruiser.


Domain Cha commander

Hailing from Koros-Strohna, Wyrpuuk Cha was a Yuuzhan Vong commander who commanded a substantial fleet throughout the Yuuzhan Vong War. He commanded from his flagship, a matalok cruiser. Subsequent to the capture of the planet Coruscant by Warmaster Tsavong Lah, the galaxy's New Republic defenders were pushed back and established a defensive perimeter on Borleias, forcing Domain Kraal, the Yuuzhan Vong domain previously guarding the planet, into retreat.

Wyrpuuk Cha participated in the Battle of Borleias.

Given the rivalry between domains Kraal and Cha, Warmaster Lah dispatched Wyrpuuk Cha in 27 ABY to Borleias, leading his fleet with the intention of reclaiming the planet and embarrassing the Kraal for their territorial loss to the New Republic. Despite being a relatively seasoned warrior, Cha was eager to prove his value to the warmaster. Consequently, he entered the Pyria system anticipating a swift triumph.

He was surprised to discover that Borleias appeared to lack sufficient defenses. Cha's fleet included two yammosks, creatures utilized by the Yuuzhan Vong empire for coordinating forces and gathering intelligence on the enemy. However, the presence of numerous gravity wells within the Pyria system disrupted the gravitic signals used by the yammosks to communicate with the commander, preventing Cha from acquiring adequate data on the New Republic forces.

Defeat at Borleias

Instead forced to rely solely on blaze bugs, insectoid creatures that provided a visual representation of the immediate battlefield, Cha's perception was limited. The commander became intrigued by the concentration of visible New Republic starships over a specific point on Borleias's surface, seemingly focused on a small outpost on the moon Pyria VI. Cha surmised that Borleias and its moon held a secret interest for the New Republic. Consequently, his initial action involved dispatching probing yorik-et squadrons to scout the system.

Wyrpuuk Cha was defeated due to the arrival of the Lusankya.

Cha intended to leave his command vessel vulnerable, hoping to lure the New Republic forces in before eliminating them efficiently. While awaiting this opportunity, he deployed a force of yorik-et to assault the installation on Pyria 6, and a frigate with its fighters to probe Borleias' defenses. Although Cha's forces overwhelmed the outpost on the outer planet, they suffered losses at Borleias. The commander then decided to concentrate on Pyria VI as a staging area, calling off the failing assault on Borleias. However, his tactical considerations were interrupted by the arrival of the Lusankya, a New Republic Executor-class Star Dreadnought, which emerged from hyperspace directly within his fleet.

The powerful warship swiftly overpowered Cha's cruiser, devastating it with a crippling barrage of turbolaser and ion cannon fire. Cha was in the process of issuing the order to retreat when the bridge of the matalok was struck. A massive breach formed in the hull, and he was pulled out to his death into the vacuum of space. In his absence, the remainder of his fleet attacked the Lusankya, only to be destroyed and routed by the combined forces of the Star Dreadnought and the New Republic battle groups that had been concealed throughout the system.

Personality and traits

Wyrpuuk Cha was eager to prove himself to his superiors, displaying caution and reluctance to commit his forces to a potentially losing battle. A capable tactician, Cha maintained a confident demeanor, never showing doubt in front of his subordinates. While the arrival of the Lusankya was beyond his control, Cha was not a master strategist, as he was deceived by the apparent importance of Pyria 6 and the concentration of ships in orbit over Borleias, both of which were decoys set up by the New Republic commander, Wedge Antilles.

Behind the scenes

Wyrpuuk Cha made his debut in the 2002 novel The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream, penned by Aaron Allston.

