Iella Wessiri Antilles, a female hailing from Corellia, began her career as an agent within CorSec. Later, amidst the Galactic Civil War, she transitioned into the role of a spy for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Progressing further, she became part of New Republic Intelligence, and subsequently, she entered into marriage with Wedge Antilles.

Iella's journey with the Corellian Security Force commenced in 1 BBY. Subsequently, she formed a partnership with Corran Horn that spanned two years, functioning as a guide to the impetuous young officer, and also collaborated with seasoned investigator Gil Bastra. Wessiri and Horn successfully thwarted multiple abduction attempts, including those targeting Siolle Tinta and Wynssa Starflare (though the revelation of Starflare's true identity came much later). Following an intense operation at a glitterstim distribution center, she and Corran came close to engaging in a romantic encounter. However, the arrival of Kirtan Loor—the Imperial Liaison officer—for debriefing disrupted the moment, and the opportunity faded upon their next meeting.
Corran discovered Kirtan Loor's scheme to have them unjustly arrested, leading him, Gil Bastra, Iella Wessiri, and Iella's spouse Diric Wessiri, to devise an escape plan. Corran managed to escape just as Loor intended to have him killed. Diric and Iella Wessiri fled to Coruscant.
Upon arriving on Coruscant, Iella aligned herself with the Rebellion, operating as an intelligence operative and frequently undertaking extensive undercover assignments that lasted for months. In 7 ABY, she played a crucial role in assisting Rogue Squadron during their clandestine mission to reclaim Coruscant, which was under the control of Ysanne Isard's regime.
Due to their respective work commitments, Iella and Diric were often separated. Unbeknownst to Iella, Diric was a sleeper agent, having been captured and subjected to brainwashing by Isard while imprisoned at the secret Imperial facility known as Lusankya. While Iella was in the process of escorting former Imperial Intelligence officer Kirtan Loor into Republic custody, they were ambushed by an Imperial assassin. The assassin fatally wounded Loor before Iella managed to eliminate him. In a heartbreaking revelation, she recognized the assassin as Diric, who, with his final breath, expressed gratitude for her freeing him from Isard's control.
She took part in the Bacta War by infiltrating Thyferra together with Elscol Loro and her team with the goal of organizing the local Vratix to overthrow the Bacta Cartel. Utilizing the alias Hook, she was instrumental in several covert operations. One notable operation involved joining a strike team that executed a raid on the Dlarit estate with the intention of publicly shaming Aerin Dlarit, which included stripping him of his uniform and disseminating holos of their actions. Ultimately, the planet was liberated following the Battle of Thyferra.
In 9 ABY, Iella achieved retribution by fatally shooting Isard amidst the Rogues' conflict with Imperial admiral/warlord Delak Krennel.

During the Rogues' assignment on Coruscant, Wessiri and Wedge Antilles found themselves drawn to each other. Despite acknowledging that her affection for Diric lacked intensity, her strong sense of loyalty initially prevented her from pursuing a relationship with the esteemed Alliance hero. Later, during the Zsinj campaign following Diric's demise, their romantic involvement began as their duties converged on Coruscant. However, their relationship experienced a lull due to their demanding careers, only to be rekindled during a mission aimed at integrating the Outer Rim planet Adumar into the New Republic. During this clandestine operation, Iella adopted the pseudonym Fiana Novarr. Her fabricated identity was that of a Corellian slicer contracted by the Cartann government to facilitate compatibility between their computer protocols and the standards of the New Republic and Imperial. Wedge proposed marriage before their time on Adumar concluded.
By the time of Luke Skywalker's wedding to Mara Jade, it was revealed that Iella and Wedge had been married for some time and were parents to two daughters, Syal and Myri. The specifics of Iella's career with New Republic Intelligence after the Adumar mission remain largely undocumented. She initially retired after the Galactic Civil War, but, alongside Wedge, she returned to service during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Both she and Wedge retired again following the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.
At the start of 40 ABY, Iella, Wedge, and their youngest daughter, Myri, resided in Coronet City on Corellia. During her retirement, Iella had begun preparing Myri to follow in her footsteps as an intelligence operative. As tensions escalated between the Galactic Alliance and Corellia, Iella and her husband found themselves compelled to come out of retirement. Wedge openly declared his allegiance to Corellia after the Galactic Alliance's unsuccessful attempt to prevent his involvement in the conflict. In contrast, Iella continued her work as an intelligence agent.
Following Wedge's departure from the Corellian military, Iella, Myri, Corran, and Mirax orchestrated his rescue from CorSec officers who were attempting to assassinate him. Subsequently, the group sought refuge aboard the Errant Venture, where they reunited with familiar faces. On the ship, Iella and Myri worked as dealers in the gambling area, using this as a cover to gather intelligence.
Iella dedicated herself to analyzing holonews and sharing her insights with Booster Terrik, Talon Karrde, her husband, and, once Wedge assumed the role of his military advisor, Luke Skywalker. During the Battle of Centerpoint Station, she accompanied a Jedi strike team aboard the shuttle Reveille to infiltrate the Anakin Solo, and she joined Han and Leia Organa Solo in rescuing Allana. Meanwhile, Luke, Saba Sebatyne, and Ben Skywalker created a diversion for Jacen by confronting him on the bridge. She, along with the rest of the strike team, successfully escaped on the Millennium Falcon, with Jagged Fel at the controls.

Iella herself had admitted to being quite stubborn, particularly in her younger years. She also demonstrated exceptional competence in nearly everything she undertook, even suggesting that she could outperform Corran in areas where their skills overlapped.
Iella maintained a close friendship with Corran Horn, her partner in the Corellian Security Force. During a specific mission at a glitterstim dealer's storage facility, she was responsible for saving his life. Horn's gratitude led him to believe he was in love with Wessiri, a sentiment she reciprocated. Following the mission, they were separated for debriefing and did not see each other for two days. Horn subsequently realized that his attraction was a consequence of the emotional aftermath of combat. Ultimately, their relationship remained platonic, and they continued to be friends.
She entered into marriage with Diric Wessiri at some point during her service in the Corellian Security Force. While their marriage lacked intense passion, it was characterized by stability and affection. They soon departed from Corellia and sought refuge on Coruscant, living under false identities provided by Gil Bastra. Diric was apprehended during a routine sweep, prompting her to join the Rebel Alliance. They were reunited when Coruscant was liberated from Isard's control. It was revealed that Diric had been subjected to Evir Derricote's experimentation with the Krytos virus. She endeavored to nurse him back to health while also contributing to the prosecution team during Tycho Celchu's trial. After being assigned to protect Kirtan Loor, who was scheduled to testify, she successfully shot the assassin who fatally wounded Loor. Tragically, the assassin turned out to be Diric, who had been brainwashed by Isard on Lusankya. He passed away in her arms.
Iella was an incredibly skilled spy for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Her analytical capabilities were invaluable for tracking down criminals, identifying moles, pinpointing vulnerabilities in organizations she aimed to infiltrate, and devising strategies to ensnare her adversaries. She could also predict, with remarkable accuracy, the trajectory of Corran's romantic relationships. Iella also demonstrated exceptional proficiency with a blaster, consistently hitting her targets at both close and long ranges.