Battle of Centerpoint Station (Second Galactic Civil War)

title: Battle of Centerpoint Station

The Battle of Centerpoint Station marked a crucial turning point during the Second Galactic Civil War. It was a conflict involving the Galactic Alliance, the Confederation, and the Jedi Coalition. The Galactic Alliance initiated an assault with the aim of seizing control of Centerpoint Station. This ancient artifact, constructed by the Celestials around 1,000,000 BBY, was sought for its potential use against the Confederation. Simultaneously, the Jedi's objective was the station's destruction, coupled with rescuing Tenel Ka Djo's daughter, Allana, from her father, Jacen Solo. Ultimately, the Jedi succeeded in rescuing Allana, and Centerpoint Station was obliterated.


The Corellian leadership, under the guise of negotiations, previously utilized Centerpoint Station to decimate a significant portion of the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet. However, they failed to eliminate their primary target: the Anakin Solo, the flagship commanded by co-Chief of State Jacen Solo. Upon discovering Centerpoint's reactivation—the station had been inactive since the war's commencement—Solo devised a strategy for the Galactic Alliance to capture it. This capture would, in turn, compel the Confederation-aligned worlds into surrender. Corellia's independent use of Centerpoint Station had isolated it from the rest of the Confederation, a move deemed detrimental to the overall war effort by Supreme Commander Turr Phennir. Consequently, Solo determined that the opportunity was ripe and assembled a fleet to invade the Corellian system and secure the ancient space station.

In parallel with Solo's preparations, Grand Master Luke Skywalker and the Jedi Order, supported by Hapes and the elite starfighter squadron known as the Rakehells, were preparing to strike Centerpoint Station. Skywalker believed the station needed to be neutralized entirely as a threat. They also planned to strike the Anakin Solo, where Hapan Chume'da Allana was being held captive. Solo, Allana's father (a fact concealed from many), had abducted the young girl from her mother, Queen Tenel Ka Djo of Hapes, and confined her aboard his flagship to ensure Hapan cooperation. Following the Queen Mother's visit to Skywalker and the Jedi at their hidden base on the forest moon of Endor, the Jedi Order committed to launching a rescue operation. Jedi Master Kyp Durron and his team infiltrated Centerpoint Station to destroy it, while Skywalker, his son and Saba Sebatyne aimed to neutralize Jacen. Simultaneously, Han and Leia Organa Solo would extract Allana. To provide cover for both missions—given the Jedi faction's opposition to both the Confederation's and the Galactic Alliance's objectives—Wedge Antilles and the Rakehells would defend the various transports and shuttles responsible for delivering and extracting the strike teams. Galactic Alliance General Tycho Celchu was "compelled" to allow the Skywalker team to board the Anakin Solo aboard his shuttle, the Reveille. Durron's team disguised themselves as troopers for their mission to destroy Centerpoint Station. The Jedi were fortunate to learn the Anakin Solo's location through a holocomm beacon planted aboard the Star Destroyer. Therefore, the Jedi Order closely followed when Solo's battle group materialized in the Corellian system.

The battle

Boarding the Anakin Solo and Centerpoint

The Jedi, Rakehell Squadron, the Reveille task force, and the troop transport Broadside, emerged from hyperspace in proximity to Centerpoint Station. The Reveille and Rakehell Squadron advanced toward the Anakin Solo and the ongoing battle between the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation. The squadron fired upon the shuttle, intentionally missing, while the shuttle received emergency authorization to land in the Star Destroyer's hangar. Turbolaser fire narrowly missed the starfighters, but the skilled pilots evaded them. As the shuttle began its landing sequence inside the hangar, Tycho, defying Wedge's orders, also landed in the hangar. Tycho alerted the GAG forces to the presence of a Jedi team inside the shuttle, identifying himself as being in the starfighter. Suddenly, smoke billowed from the shuttle, confusing the GAG troopers in the hangar. One trooper alerted the others to the shuttle, and as they turned to look, one, startled by the shout, shot Tycho. Jacen was immediately informed of the Jedi's presence and sensed Luke, Ben Skywalker, Saba Sebatyne, and his mother. YVH droids were dispatched throughout the ship to delay or eliminate the Jedi, as Jacen knew he could not defeat both Luke and Saba simultaneously.

With their initial objective achieved, Rakehell Squadron embarked on another task. They approached the troop transport, Broadside, en route to Centerpoint, and once again opened fire, intentionally missing their target. Aboard the transport was Doctor Toval Seyah, disguised as a GAG trooper, who possessed several plans to disable and destroy Centerpoint. Kyp Durron, also disguised as a GAG trooper, commanded the Jedi forces during this phase of the mission.

Betrayal on Corellia

During this period, Corellia's Minister of Information, Denjax Teppler, conspired with Corellia's Admiral Delpin to become co-Chiefs of State of Corellia. This idea arose after contacting General Turr Phennir to request additional military supplies and materials. Phennir replied that he could not collaborate with Corellia's Prime Minister, Sadras Koyan. Teppler discussed this with Delpin, who initially opposed the idea but was eventually persuaded to remove Koyan from power.

Teppler, stationed on Corellia, contacted Koyan, who was overseeing operations aboard Centerpoint during the battle. He informed Koyan that GAG troopers had infiltrated the station and were heading directly towards him. He also stated that a shuttle was waiting for him in one of the hangars and that he needed to evacuate immediately. Koyan initially hesitated but eventually departed, leaving Teppler and Delpin in charge of deciding when to engage the Galactic Alliance forces. Koyan sprinted through the station's corridors to reach the shuttle in time. Unbeknownst to him, the shuttle in the hangar was not a Corellian shuttle but a Galactic Alliance shuttle. He boarded the shuttle and was shot by a Galactic Alliance officer.

The conflict escalates

Once Broadside was on course for Centerpoint, Rakehell Squadron remained in space, engaging both Galactic Alliance and Confederation ships. Soon, Twool detected incoming starfighters on his sensor board. The legendary Rogue Squadron was approaching the squadron. Syal Antilles experienced a sense of unease and guilt as Rogue Squadron approached. She disliked fighting against her own side but recognized the necessity, as the Rakehells were soon pursued by enemy pilots. When one pilot approached Syal's father, Wedge, from behind, she intervened to assist him. Again reluctant to engage her own side, she knew her father required assistance. She positioned herself behind the starfighter pursuing her father and opened fire. As the fighter exploded, Syal turned her attention to the other fighters, aiming to destroy them as well.

Rescuing the Chume'da

Luke and Ben Skywalker, Saba Sebatyne, Leia and Han Solo, and Iella Antilles exited the Reveille and departed from the hangar. Luke, Ben, and Saba headed towards the bridge of the Anakin Solo to distract Jacen, while Han, Leia, and Iella sought to rescue Allana. Jacen sensed Luke, Ben, and Saba in the Force and occasionally observed them on security holocams, but he could not detect his mother. However, she briefly brushed against him in the Force, leading him to suspect that she had been wounded or killed by one of the YVH droids. Soon, Luke, Ben, and Saba encountered four YVH droids. The droids, as always, posed a challenge to the Jedi. Luke engaged two, while Saba engaged the other two. At one point, however, one of the droids shifted its attention to Ben. Ben needed to act swiftly, raising his lightsaber to deflect blaster bolts, but he knew he couldn't sustain the defense for long. He used the Force to spin the droid around, causing it to shoot one of the other droids, destroying it. The Jedi then eliminated the remaining three and proceeded to the bridge. Jacen watched as the three Jedi approached the bridge doors and realized that his chances of defeating both Jedi Masters and Ben were slim. Ben began to force his lightsaber into the doors, but Jacen opened them himself. Declaring that he would never surrender, he ordered the YVH droids stationed on the bridge to kill the Jedi.

While Luke, Ben, and Saba battled the YVH droids, Han, Leia, and Iella crawled through secret shafts containing cables filled with electric currents to reach Allana without Jacen's knowledge. They periodically stopped to contact the droid R2-D2 to verify their direction. Leia also used Allana's strong Force presence to determine the correct path. They eventually located a room adjacent to Allana's, and Leia cut a hole above her head into the floor. They climbed out of the hole, and suddenly, one of the walls collapsed inward, revealing a YVH droid. The droid aimed its blaster at Han. Hundreds of shots were fired at him, but Leia deflected the bolts, while Han shot the droid. He continued shooting until it caught fire. It then raised its other arm, preparing to electrocute Han, but Leia severed it with her lightsaber. With the droid finally destroyed, they found Allana two rooms over, who initially distrusted them. They showed her a holorecording of her mother instructing her to go with them. With limited time, the four headed towards the air lock where the Millennium Falcon awaited their pickup.

Luke and Saba flanked Ben, intercepting blaster bolts fired by the droids. Ben threw grenades into the officers' pits, where some of the droids were shooting at them. The explosions destroyed the droids, while also damaging officer stations and setting personnel on fire. Ben repeated this tactic, but it eventually backfired when Jacen used the Force to redirect the grenades back at the Jedi. Luke and Saba jumped away from the grenades, but Jacen used the Force on Saba, causing her to slip and fall into one of the pits. She attempted to jump away at the last moment, but was too late, and she was slammed into the port-side wall on fire. Although she remained standing, she was severely injured, and Luke instructed her to leave the bridge and seek safety. Consequently, Luke and Ben were left to fight Jacen and the remaining droids. However, the odds shifted when a surge of emotion, a joyful girl knowing she was going home, permeated the Force. Jacen, realizing that Allana was being taken from him, fled the bridge to find her.

Luke warned Leia that Jacen was approaching and instructed her to reach the Falcon as quickly as possible. Luke and Ben left the bridge and headed towards the air lock. Jacen reached the room where Allana had been hidden, but he only found the wrecked YVH-908 and a hole in the floor. Leia, Han, Iella, and Allana reached the air lock just as the Falcon arrived. Kyle Katarn greeted them as they boarded the ship. Luke, Ben, and Saba, pursued by Jacen, finally reached the air lock as well. Jacen chased after them but was too late, witnessing the air lock close and the Falcon depart. Deeply saddened and gasping for air, he felt Allana's Force presence receding as the Millennium Falcon entered hyperspace, and his world crumbled.

Sabotaging Centerpoint

The landing in the hangar of Centerpoint Station was not smooth, and Seyah was jostled around. He and Kyp exited the transport into blasterfire, forcing them to return fire, but their mission was to sabotage the station, so they fled. His initial plan (programming the station to reverse its spin, generating artificial gravity) failed, Seyah implemented his second plan, tapping into Centerpoint's star map databases and resetting all coordinates to the precise center of Hollowtown. This would cause the station to fire upon itself, destroying everything within kilometers, instead of its intended target. However, in case this plan failed, he had a third: reaching the fire-control chamber and inputting programming that would theoretically cause Glowpoint, at the center of Hollowtown, to overload and explode.

As they approached the fire-control chamber, they encountered a battle between GAG troopers and CorSec troopers. Suddenly, the air vibrated, and a hum emanated from the fire-control chamber, signaling to Seyah that something was amiss. Kyp knew that entering the chamber would be difficult, and using his lightsaber would reveal his Jedi identity, prompting GAG troopers to attack him. Seyah informed Kyp that the primary weapon was being charged, and both realized that they lacked the time to enter the chamber. Hoping that Seyah's second plan would succeed, they abandoned their third plan and sprinted back toward the Broadside to evacuate the station immediately.

Destruction of Centerpoint Station

A technician named Rikel sought revenge against the Galactic Alliance for his wife's death on Coruscant at the hands of the GAG. To exact his revenge, he entered Coruscant's coordinates and fired Centerpoint's primary weapon. He believed that destroying Coruscant would cripple the Galactic Alliance, enabling the Confederation to win the war. However, Seyah's second plan had succeeded, transforming Coruscant's coordinates into Hollowtown's coordinates. When the station fired, it was literally targeting itself, resulting in its destruction along with most of the Confederation's fleet. The Galactic Alliance's fleet was also destroyed, but the Anakin Solo was fortunate to be outside the explosion's range. The Falcon also escaped to safety, along with Rakehell Squadron and the Reveille.


The destruction of most of the Confederation and Alliance forces significantly depleted both sides' naval strength. After her rescue, Allana revealed to Leia and Han that they were her grandparents. Jacen had told her this to regain her trust and affection. Meanwhile, Jacen was barely functional after losing his daughter and executed Lieutenant Patra Tebut for allowing the Reveille to board the Anakin Solo. Back on the Forest Moon of Endor, Ben finally informed Leia and Jaina that Jacen must have killed his mother. Leia countered that even though Jacen had committed dark deeds, it didn't necessarily mean he had killed Mara. Ben replied that he had told his mother about the missions Jacen had assigned him and that it was too coincidental that Jacen knew his exact location on Kavan. Ben then vowed to use his investigative skills to uncover his mother's true killer and punish them, even if it wasn't Jacen. An unexpected consequence of Centerpoint Station's destruction was the release of the Dark Side being known as Abeloth, who was imprisoned by the Station.

Behind the scenes

The events at Centerpoint Station constitute the final portion of Legacy of the Force: Fury by Aaron Allston, the seventh novel in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series.

