Turr Phennir

Turr Phennir, a Human male from the Valahari Provinces, distinguished himself over years as an exceptional starfighter pilot within the Galactic Empire's renowned 181st Imperial Fighter Group. Around 1 ABY, Major Soontir Fel personally recruited him. For several years, Captain Phennir battled the Rebel Alliance, who were the Empire's adversaries in the Galactic Civil War. By 4 ABY, he had risen to the rank of major, serving as the fighter group's executive officer. Phennir and the 181st participated in aerial combat during the Battle of Endor that year. This battle was the one in which Galactic Emperor Palpatine met his death aboard the Empire's second Death Star battle station.

The Empire splintered following this defeat. However, the 181st remained faithful to the throne and was tasked with defending the planet Brentaal IV from the New Republic, which was the successor to the Alliance. Phennir, lacking confidence in the Empire's new leadership, implored Fel to claim the planet as his personal warlord domain. Instead, the 181st engaged in a battle pre-determined to be lost by the scheming Imperial Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard. Following the New Republic's capture of Brentaal IV and Fel, Phennir assumed command of the 181st.

When the Empire's last remnant disappeared in 11 ABY, the Imperial Remnant emerged from the territories of various warlords. Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon then recruited Phennir and the 181st to assist in the Orinda campaign of 12 ABY. The fighter group and the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Reaper fought against New Republic forces in multiple engagements across the Mid Rim, ultimately driving them back in the Orinda system and securing the Remnant's borders.

A year later, General Phennir and three other pilots from the 181st embarked on a diplomatic mission to Adumar, a neutral planet that had also invited representatives from the New Republic. Phennir and his team gained the favor of the local population by frequently participating in their traditional aerial duels to the death. They pledged their allegiance to the nation of Cartann when its leader declared war against the rest of the planet. However, Phennir was forced to flee Adumar in his TIE interceptor after New Republic pilots, fighting for the opposing Adumari Union, shot down all three of his comrades. Cartann was defeated in the war, and Adumar joined the New Republic.

Following the events on Adumar, Phennir remained inactive for several years. He resurfaced in 40 ABY to join a Confederation of planets that had seceded from the Galactic Alliance, the successor to the New Republic. As the Supreme Commander of the Confederation military, he directed their war effort against the Alliance. His initial strategy involved luring enemy forces into a trap at Gilatter VIII, where mines awaited their ships. Later, Phennir had a disagreement with Sadras Koyan, the Prime Minister of the Corellian system's Five Worlds government.

Despite the Five Worlds being members of the Confederation, Koyan independently deployed their Centerpoint superweapon against the Alliance. Phennir responded by cutting off Confederate aid to the Corellians until Koyan was removed from his position by his Minister of Information, Denjax Teppler. As the war neared its end in 41 ABY, the Confederation surrendered when the Alliance allied with the Imperial Remnant and the Jedi Coalition. Phennir remained the leader of the independent government and represented them at a Unification Summit on Coruscant in 43 ABY.


Rising in the ranks

Joining the 181st

Turr Phennir is accepted into the 181st.

Turr Phennir, a Human male, existed during the Galactic Empire's era. He was born within the Valahari Provinces and was brought up by his stepfather, Count Phennir, a well-known hunting pilot. As the Galactic Civil War raged between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, both Phennir and his brother, "Chaser" Cartha, served as starfighter pilots in the Imperial Navy. However, Cartha was killed during the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY by Rebel pilot Wedge Antilles.

Phennir continued his service, achieving the rank of captain by approximately 1 ABY, and acquiring a scar on the left side of his face. At this time, Major Soontir Fel recruited him into the 181st Imperial Fighter Group on Coruscant, the Imperial capital. Phennir had declined an offer to join the Imperial Black Squadron to join the 181st. Fel had recently transformed the 181st from a fighter wing into an elite three–squadron fighter group, and he saw in Phennir a genuine desire to further the glory of the Empire. Although Colonel Evir Derricote was the official leader of the 181st, Fel took control of the group's training and spent the next two years preparing his pilots for various missions. Flying TIE fighters, Phennir and his comrades engaged and destroyed Rebel forces on many occasions.

Fame and glory

Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Phennir encountered a lone Rebel pilot in space. A dogfight broke out, and although Phennir was defeated, he managed to escape in his damaged TIE fighter. Around the same time, Phennir participated in several space battles between Imperial and Rebel forces. These battles, fought in the Corellian, Dantooine, Karthakk, Naboo, and Tatoo systems, each involved Phennir and other Imperial pilots supporting an Imperial Lancer-class frigate against a Rebel EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate.

Turr Phennir during the Galactic Civil War

In 3 ABY, the pilots of the 181st were briefed by Darth Vader, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, about a planned strike on a Rebel fleet transporting supplies to and from Derra IV. An Imperial strike force brought Phennir and his comrades to their target, where the 181st participated in an attack on an Alliance supply convoy and its starfighter escort. Phennir personally destroyed four transports as the Empire routed its enemies, thus denying them a crucial munitions shipment.

After returning to Coruscant, the pilots of the 181st were debriefed and then received medals in a lavish ceremony presented by Galactic Emperor Palpatine. For his actions, Phennir was promoted to commander and given control of the fighter group's second squadron, the 2/181st. Derricote was promoted to general, removing him from pilot duty, which made the newly–dubbed Baron Fel a colonel and the commanding officer of the 181st.

Shortly after Derra IV, the 181st was assigned to Death Squadron, the personal fleet of Lord Vader. When the Empire discovered a hidden Rebel base on the remote world of Hoth, Vader immediately brought the fleet to his enemies. AT-AT walkers attacked the base on the ground, and Death Squadron remained in orbit as Rebel transports evacuated the planet. On Vader's orders, the 181st engaged the transports, and after significant casualties on both sides, the Rebel base was destroyed. However, a number of Alliance ships managed to escape.

Battle of Endor

By 4 ABY, Phennir had been promoted to major and made the 181st's executive officer. Following the Battle of Hoth, the group's starfighters had been upgraded to the TIE interceptor, and Phennir flew the interceptor Saber 2, from which he oversaw the logistics of the 181st's Saber Squadron. His wingman used the call sign DS-181-4.

Phennir flies in the Battle of Endor.

In 4 ABY, the 181st was stationed with Death Squadron at the Empire's second Death Star battle station in the Endor system. The [Emperor](/article/emperor-legends], personally overseeing the final stages of the station's construction, moved the Imperial fleet to the far side of the moon Endor and lured the Rebel Alliance to the incomplete superweapon with the intention of destroying them. When the Alliance Fleet attacked, Death Squadron sprang the trap.

Flying in Saber 2, Phennir was tasked with protecting the Imperial II-class Star Destroyers Avenger and Chimaera during the ensuing battle, as well as the battlecruiser Pride of Tarlandia. Despite the 181st's efforts, the latter ship was destroyed by overwhelming Rebel starfighters. Although the Death Star was protected by a deflector shield, Rebel commandos on the moon destroyed the planetary shield generator. Rebel fighters, led by General Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon, then entered the battlestation and raced toward its reactor core. Phennir was among the TIE pilots who chased them through the incomplete station. After one of the Rebel ships was destroyed, Calrissian ordered some of the Alliance fighters to split up and head back to the surface, in order to draw off some of the Imperials. Phennir was among the pilots who broke away to pursue the A-wing of Rebel pilot Jake Farrell. The Rebels ultimately crippled the reactor core, causing the station's destruction. The Imperial fleet fought for several more hours before retreating to the planet Annaj.

Brentaal IV

The Emperor died at Endor, and without his leadership, many Imperial officers seceded from the Empire and declared themselves warlords. The 181st remained loyal to the Imperial throne, seized by Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, but Phennir believed the Empire he had served was gone.

Phennir is awarded the Vuultin Starburst.

The Rebel Alliance reorganized into the New Republic and began pushing into Imperial–held systems in the Core Worlds. Nine months after Endor, the 181st was sent to defend Brentaal IV. Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard orchestrated the battle, secretly intending for Brentaal IV to fall and discredit her political rivals. Initially, only the 181st's third squadron was sent, but when they were wiped out and the world's moonbase was taken by the New Republic task force, Phennir and the rest of the fighter group were sent to defend the planet.

After Phennir and his comrades arrived, Fel received orders from Admiral Lon Isoto to protect his capital city of Vuultin. Fel convinced him to allow all but one flight of the 181st to defend the strategic spaceport facilities in Oradin. Phennir saw Isoto as an incompetent coward. The 181st established a base in an Oradin hangar, preparing to defend against a New Republic attack. Before launching, Phennir told Fel that the entire fighter group would follow him if he ignored Isoto's commands, suggesting Fel usurp Isoto and become a warlord based out of Brentaal IV. Although sympathetic, Fel dismissed the suggestion and remained committed to defending the planet's citizens.

Over Oradin, the 181st resisted an attack by the Y-wing fighter group Aggressor Wing. Fel led Alpha Squadron in destroying them, while Phennir took the rest of the fighter group to attack Bantha-class troop carrier assault shuttle|assault carriers. Phennir singlehandedly brought one of the carriers down. When Isoto commed Fel and demanded he retreat to the besieged Vuultin, Phennir urged him to ignore the command, but Fel relented to his superior officer and took Alpha Squadron to defend the capital. He ordered Phennir to leave nothing for Oradin's conquerors, and the Major inflicted heavy damage on the city before following the Baron. However, the attack at Vuultin had been a feint, and the New Republic forces retreated to a defenseless Oradin.

The fall of Vuultin

In Vuultin, the members of the 181st were invited into the throne room of Isoto's lavish palace, where the Admiral celebrated the city's survival and presented Phennir with an award for his destruction of the carrier: The Vuultin Starburst, created specially for the occasion by Isoto himself. Save for Fel, who refused any reward, the rest of the fighter group received Oradin Diamond awards, which Isoto also gave to himself. Despite Fel's humility, Isoto declared the day "Fel's Day," and a round of wine drinking ensued.

Phennir spoke with Fel and dismissed his medal, believing that the battle had been just another day to kill their enemies. Fel suggested that Isoto's overconfidence was affecting Phennir, and opined to the shocked Major that the entire incident was a game orchestrated by higher powers. At that moment, Grania—one of Isoto's concubines—approached the two and offered herself to them. Phennir followed Fel's lead in politely refusing, but his reluctance showed to the Baron, who gave him the go–ahead. Phennir and Grania then proceeded to a more private location.

Phennir pursues Tycho Celchu over Brentaal IV.

Not long after this event, the New Republic launched an assault on Vuultin. While Rogue Squadron's X-wing starfighters attacked the city's defenses, the 181st was deployed to intercept them, and the conflict rapidly escalated from the planetary atmosphere to the vastness of space. The Rogues managed to shoot down several interceptors, but the remaining members of the 181st turned their attention to the Y-wings of Aggressor Wing.

Driven by a desire to eliminate one of the New Republic's most skilled pilots, Phennir engaged Rogue pilot Tycho Celchu. However, with Vuultin already lost, the battle's outcome was inevitable. Consequently, Fel allowed Phennir only a single attack run on Celchu before ordering the 181st to regroup with the Star Destroyer Eviscerator. As Celchu reversed his engine power and maneuvered behind Phennir, the Major executed a sharp turn to port and retreated towards the Eviscerator. Simultaneously, Fel's interceptor was disabled by an ion cannon blast fired by Colonel Horton Salm of Aggressor Wing. After being captured by the New Republic, Fel, disillusioned with the Empire, defected. Command of the 181st was then transferred to Phennir.

Acknowledged Imperial Pilot

Expansion of the New Republic

Over the subsequent two years, the New Republic persistently advanced toward Coruscant. By 6 ABY, Phennir and the 181st were stationed at the Bilbringi Shipyards, under the command of Admiral Teren Rogriss. When Admiral Nammo of the New Republic brought the MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser Defiance to the Bilbringi system, Phennir and the 181st assisted Rogriss in defeating their adversary. Despite this, the New Republic successfully conquered Coruscant in 7 ABY, causing significant upheaval in Imperial leadership. The following years saw a succession of rulers, with Phennir and the 181st maintaining their loyalty to the throne.

During Grand Admiral Thrawn's defense of Bilbringi against the New Republic in 9 ABY, the 181st participated in the battle. However, the Imperial fleet was forced to retreat following Thrawn's betrayal and assassination by his bodyguard, Rukh. By 11 ABY, the entire Imperial Ruling Council had been either killed or captured, effectively marking the end of the Galactic Empire. The territories of various warlords were unified to establish the Imperial Remnant in 12 ABY. At this point, Phennir, now recognized as the Empire's most accomplished starfighter ace, was stationed with the 181st on the planet Borosk within Remnant territory.

Recovering Territory

Turr Phennir in a celebration

Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon of the Remnant aimed to expand the new government's domain through conquest. He deployed the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Reaper to Borosk to retrieve Phennir and the 181st. Together, the fighter group and the Star Dreadnought initiated their Orinda campaign, swiftly capturing the Orinda system in the Mid Rim and securing six coreward systems along the Entralla Route. Their ultimate victory occurred in the Lonnaw system, from which Pellaeon dispatched envoys to the New Republic, declaring that further offensives would cease if the new Imperial borders were respected.

In response, the New Republic deployed a fleet to the front lines under the command of General Wedge Antilles, consisting of Rogue Squadron and the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Lusankya. Before Antilles could intercept Pellaeon's fleet, the 181st, accompanied by a contingent of Imperial-class Star Destroyers, captured the vulnerable systems of Hewett and Tartaglia system. Upon Antilles' arrival in the Mid Rim, Phennir led the 181st to assist the Reaper as the fleet engaged Rogue Squadron and the Lusankya in the Darkon and Traval-Pacor systems. The New Republic emerged victorious in both engagements, securing control of these systems.

The 181st and the Rogues then fought to a standstill in the Orocco system. Subsequently, the 181st and the Lusankya clashed for dominance of the Tyan system, with the 181st ultimately prevailing. At this juncture, the fleet carrier Endurance was integrated into the New Republic's forces, joining Antilles's fleet in defeating the 181st and the Reaper in the Obredaan system. Pellaeon's fleet retreated to Orinda, where Phennir, leading the 181st alongside the Reaper, defended the planet against Antilles's entire force. Pellaeon executed a strategic trap by deploying six interdictor cruisers and the Star Dreadnought Dominion from hyperspace. The Endurance was destroyed, and the Lusankya withdrew with the Rogues. Orinda was secured as the boundary of the Imperial Remnant's territory, although subsequent border skirmishes with the New Republic became commonplace.

Representative of the Empire

Phennir drinking wine

In 13 ABY, both the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic turned their attention to the neutral planet of Adumar. Situated in Wild Space, Adumar possessed abundant ordnance-producing resources and had only recently been exposed to the broader galaxy. Its inhabitants held fighter pilots in high regard. When the Imperial Remnant learned of Adumar's interest in joining them, Phennir, now holding the rank of general, and three other members of the 181st were dispatched on a diplomatic mission. The mission was to a world that insisted on negotiating with the Remnant's most skilled pilots. Admiral Rogriss transported them to Adumar aboard the Star Destroyer Agonizer. After landing in the nation state of Cartann, the pilots were greeted with elaborate fanfare by the nation's government.

That evening, they attended a reception at the palace of Cartann's perator, Pekaelic ke Teldan, in the nation's capital, Cartann City. After surrendering their blasters at the entrance, Phennir and his team were welcomed by a large gathering of government officials and pilots in the palace's outer hall. Phennir was taken aback to encounter Wedge Antilles. After realizing he was unarmed, he understood that Adumar had also invited the New Republic's top pilots—Antilles, Celchu, Wes Janson, and Derek Klivian—to assess both governments. In a tense moment, Phennir and Antilles shook hands, acknowledged each other's objectives, and separated. Later that night, the pilots witnessed a culturally significant duel between two locals, Cheriss ke Hanadi and Depird ke Fanax, who fought using Adumar's traditional blastsword weapon.

Competitive Rivalry

With Phennir and Antilles now aware of each other's presence, Rogriss was compelled to pledge to Cartann's government that he would peacefully depart the system should they choose to align with the New Republic. Over the following days, Phennir and his men frequently tested Adumar's Blade-32 superiority fighters in aerial exercises. After taking off from the Cartann Bladedrome military base, they were consistently challenged to dogfights by local pilots seeking to gain honor by defeating them, in accordance with local customs. They accepted and won each challenge, eliminating their opponents and earning considerable respect from their hosts.

Phennir's TIE interceptor

Their popularity in Cartann surpassed that of Antilles and his three Rogue Squadron pilots, who exclusively used simulated weapons in their aerial engagements. Phennir and his men were frequently invited to dinner by Cartann nobles, and as time passed, the invitations came from nobles of increasing prestige, who favored Phennir's adherence to local customs over Antilles's efforts to avoid fatalities. On one occasion, the 181st pilots accepted challenges from and shot down two half squadrons of experienced pilots. As they returned from the base to the city, their transport was surrounded by admiring locals who showered them with praise and gifts. The procession obstructed Antilles' own transport, and Phennir offered his rival a mocking smile.

As the prospect of joining the galactic community became increasingly likely, Cartann's government invited representatives from the world's other nations to Cartann City to discuss the possibility of forming a unified planetary government. A reception was held at the Perator's palace, and Phennir and his men attended in Adumari attire. Phennir closely observed Antilles's men, who stood out in their New Republic uniforms, while the other 181st pilots entertained admiring nobles with tales of their dogfighting exploits.

Before the Perator spoke, ke Hanadi accepted and won two consecutive challenges from blastsword duelists. Perator ke Teldan then delivered a speech in front of a flatcam that was broadcast throughout Adumar. He declared that Cartann would become the center of an Adumari government led by himself, and after the flatscreens were turned off, he informed the visiting dignitaries that they had one day to formally agree. Two more blastsword duels concluded the night. The following evening, Phennir and his men followed the New Republic pilots' example and arrived at the Perator's palace in formal Imperial dress. Ke Teldan announced that the Yedagon Confederacy and the nation of Halbegardia had issued statements of defiance. He asked the eight visiting pilots if they would fly with Cartann in a war against these two nations. Phennir immediately pledged his men to the Perator's cause, but Antilles refused, leading to the New Republic pilots being exiled from Cartann.

Fighting for Cartann

Phennir's interceptor in flight

The 181st pilots assisted Perator ke Teldan in preparing for war. A surprise attack on Cartann occurred just before dawn two days later, with Antilles and his pilots leading the forces of Yedagon and its allies into battle. Phennir and his men launched in their interceptors, joining the Blade fighters in defending the nation's capital. They engaged the Adumari Union above a forest canopy several minutes outside Cartann City. One of Phennir's men was killed when Antilles and his Rogues focused their Blades' laser fire on his interceptor. The remaining three Imperial pilots subsequently disabled Celchu's craft but were forced to scatter from the guns of a Meteor-class Aerial Fort.

The Union advance continued, but Phennir and his men destroyed numerous enemy Blades, retreating unpredictably whenever approached by a large formation. The battle eventually reached the city itself, and the New Republic pilots retrieved their captured X-wing fighters from the Perator's palace. While the Imperials were targeting enemies in the skies above the city's west end, Antilles arrived in his X-wing and killed another of Phennir's men. Phennir and his remaining pilot damaged Klivian's fighter before pursuing Antilles and Celchu, but a laser salvo from Antilles reduced their number to just Phennir. Outgunned, he ascended rapidly and returned to the Agonizer. Without the skill of their Imperial allies, the Cartann defense collapsed, and they surrendered.

Admiral Rogriss joined Antilles on the ground, having lost faith in an Empire he believed would force him to break his word and punish the Adumari for siding with the New Republic. As the Agonizer departed the system, its crew found themselves unable to contact the Imperial Remnant due to a holocomm Rogriss had disabled. After returning to Imperial space, Phennir gathered the rest of the 181st and joined a task force dispatched to Adumar to attack. Falsified local news reports suggested that Adumar was still at war, but the task force instead found several New Republic capital ships orbiting a unified world. Nevertheless, Phennir led elements of the 181st from a Star Destroyer's hangar bay, escorting numerous TIE bomber squadrons into Cartann airspace. Phennir and several others piloted advanced TIE Defenders.

The group was met by New Republic and Adumari fighter squadrons, initiating a series of dogfights. Phennir engaged Antilles in a head-on pass, scoring a hit that damaged his enemy's X-wing. Antilles gained the upper hand in the next pass, destroying one of the solar wing arrays of Phennir's Defender. With his fighter losing atmosphere, Phennir retreated to the Agonizer, which had sustained heavy damage. The task force quickly fled the system, leaving Adumar to the New Republic.

Resumed Conflict


Phennir's hologram observes a lightsaber duel aboard the Gilatter VIII resort satellite.

Following the Adumar incident, Phennir remained inactive for many years. In 19 ABY, the Imperial Remnant signed a peace treaty with the New Republic, bringing the Galactic Civil War to a close. The New Republic was restructured into the Galactic Alliance in 28 ABY. By 40 ABY, tensions arose between the Alliance and the planet Corellia.

The Alliance imposed restrictions on the military capabilities of its member worlds, and the independent-minded Corellians challenged these restrictions while secretly constructing a fleet. As the Second Galactic Civil War erupted between the Galactic Alliance and the Five Worlds leadership of the Corellian system, other planetary governments rallied to the Corellians' cause, including those of Commenor, Bothawui, Fondor, Bespin, Adumar, and Atzerri. The newly formed Confederation sought a wartime leader, and Phennir reemerged to become a general and the Supreme Commander of the Confederation military, the highest position within the organization. In this role, he aimed to lure the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet into a trap, devising a plan to draw the enemy to the gas giant Gilatter VIII.

Knowledge of Phennir's appointment was kept highly confidential. Instead, information was leaked to Galactic Alliance Intelligence that an upcoming face-to-face meeting of Confederate delegates at an abandoned resort satellite orbiting Gilatter VIII would elect a Supreme Commander, who would then lead a fleet action against an Alliance target. Confederate forces conducted minor raids on Alliance shipyards for several days, leading Alliance Intelligence to conclude that a major shipyard offensive would follow the meeting. In reality, actors were sent to the resort satellite disguised as government officials, and the surrounding space was filled with mines. Confederate capital ships lay in wait nearby. On the day of the staged meeting, Phennir projected his presence into the satellite via hologram.

After drawing the actors' attention to the arrival of Alliance forces, visible through the viewport, he acknowledged the presence of Alliance Colonel Jacen Solo, whom Phennir had discovered had infiltrated the meeting. He then personally taunted Solo for falling for the trap. However, the Force-sensitive Colonel was able to telepathically warn his allies about the minefield before escaping from the resort. In the ensuing chaos, Phennir's hologram observed a lightsaber duel aboard the resort satellite between Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his sister Leia Organa Solo against the Sith Lady Lumiya and the Dark Jedi Alema Rar. The duel ended in a stalemate. A concurrent space battle between the Confederation and the Alliance resulted in moderate losses for both sides, leading to a mutual retreat.

The Confederation celebrated the engagement as a victory for Phennir, and their ranks were strengthened by new governments, including that of Hutt Space. Shortly thereafter, Confederate forces began to advance toward the enemy's capital world of Coruscant. Hutt and Commenorian fleets captured Balmorra, and a joint Corellian–Bothan force engaged the Galactic Alliance in a week–long struggle at Kuat.

Warfare and Politics

The Confederation abandoned Kuat to assist the neutral planet of Kashyyyk when it was bombarded by Jacen Solo—now the Alliance Chief of State—who accused the native Wookiees of harboring a group of Jedi that had withdrawn from the Alliance due to Solo's increasingly brutal war tactics. Solo's Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet retreated from the combined forces of the Confederation, the Wookiee fleet, the New Jedi Order, and the Hapes Consortium. Following the battle, the latter three groups formed the Jedi Coalition in opposition to Solo, and the Confederation agreed not to interfere in their affairs. However, Phennir's coreward advance stalled.

Turr Phennir celebrating one of his triumphs

Following the bombardment that devastated Kashyyyk, the vessels of the Confederacy lingered, assisting in the suppression of the raging forest fires. It was during this period that Phennir discovered the Corellians were secretly planning a meeting with Solo; upon questioning their motives, he received the explanation that they sought to distract him for a short duration. The reality was that Five World Prime Minister Sadras Koyan had brought back online Centerpoint Station, a long-dormant superweapon situated within the Corellian system. When Solo arrived at the designated rendezvous point for negotiations, Centerpoint unleashed its powerful repulsor weapon, firing upon his fleet. Solo's flagship managed to escape without damage, prompting an enraged Phennir to contact Koyan. He sharply criticized Koyan for utilizing a Confederate asset independently and for revealing the existence of a strategic weapon to the Alliance. When Koyan remained defiant, Phennir retaliated by cutting off all Confederate support to Corellia, encompassing essential resources such as medicine, supplies, intelligence, and coordinated fleet movements.

Shortly thereafter, Denjax Teppler, Corellia's Minister of Information, reached out to Phennir, imploring him to lift the imposed embargo. Phennir likened Koyan to a poison that threatened to contaminate the entire Confederation unless its arm—Corellia—was severed. He stated he would only grant Teppler's request if the "poison" was eliminated. Later, when Centerpoint Station came under attack by both the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi Coalition, Teppler once again contacted Phennir, requesting Confederate reinforcements and assuring him that Koyan's influence would soon be nullified. Upon receiving confirmation that Koyan was no longer in power, Phennir deployed warships to assist the struggling Corellian fleet. During the ensuing battle, a Jedi strike team infiltrated and sabotaged Centerpoint Station, leading to its self-destruction and the annihilation of the majority of Confederate and Alliance vessels present in the system.


As the war extended into 41 ABY, the Galactic Alliance's attack against the Fondor Shipyards proved to be a turning point. Despite the Imperial Remnant's entry into the war on the Alliance's side, Solo's co–Chief of State Cha Niathal seceded from the government, establishing an Alliance-in-exile that subsequently aligned with the Jedi Coalition, along with Mandalorian forces and the Maw Irregular Fleet commanded by the rogue warlord Natasi Daala. A subsequent clash within the Roche system resulted in a significant loss for the Confederation when Bothan and Corellian fleets were ensnared by Alliance Admiral Nek Bwua'tu. The war's concluding battle witnessed Solo's demise at the hands of his twin sister Jaina in a lightsaber duel, prompting the Jedi Coalition to unite with the Galactic Alliance and the Imperial Remnant in an effort to force the Confederation to negotiate. The Confederation capitulated to the combined strength of its adversaries, bringing the war to a close. Nevertheless, the organization maintained its independence from the Alliance, with Phennir remaining in his leadership role during the aftermath of the conflict.

Around the middle of 43 ABY, Phennir received an invitation to Coruscant to participate in a Unification Summit. Organized by the Galactic Alliance, its purpose was to examine the relationships between the Alliance, Confederation, and Imperial Remnant, with the ultimate goal of reestablishing a robust planetary union. Upon arriving on the galactic capital world, Phennir joined Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala and Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel at the main table within a large chamber inside the world's Senate Building. Senator Tiurrg Drey'lye of the Senate Unification Preparations Committee presided over the summit's opening session, during which various parties delivered speeches. Following the initial session, the summit continued over the following weeks, but in 44 ABY, Daala was deposed and taken into custody, and Fel departed Coruscant to address Imperial matters.

Personality and traits

Phennir urges Soontir Fel to rebel against Admiral Isoto.

In his early days serving the Empire, Turr Phennir was deeply committed to enhancing its prestige. Despite his noble origins, he placed little value on rank or family status, focusing instead on the number of Imperial adversaries he could eliminate. These convictions also led him to decline an offer to join Black Squadron when he enlisted with the 181st. However, his confidence in the Empire's leadership waned after the Battle of Endor, as he came to believe that the Empire had perished along with its Emperor.

Phennir questioned Admiral Lon Isoto's abilities and repeatedly encouraged Soontir Fel to disregard Isoto's directives at Brentaal IV, arguing that ignoring an incompetent superior's orders did not constitute mutiny. He proposed that Fel instead seize control of the planet and declare himself a warlord, with Phennir, driven by ambition, hoping to serve as Fel's second-in-command. Nevertheless, he yielded to Fel's decision to adhere to Isoto's commands and protect Brentaal IV's inhabitants. Despite his declining faith in the Empire, Phennir continued his service for another nine years.

Phennir possessed a strong desire for recognition, briefly deviating from his assigned mission on Brentaal IV to challenge Tycho Celchu, one of the New Republic's most skilled pilots. Despite his aspirations, Phennir remained uninterested in the medal he received from Isoto, maintaining his earlier belief that his actions during the battle were simply another opportunity to eliminate his enemies. He had no moral qualms about killing, and he readily participated in Cartann's customary duels to the death while stationed on Adumar. His conduct and respect for Adumari customs earned him considerable respect among the locals, which Phennir was quick to flaunt smugly to Wedge Antilles, his counterpart.

Phennir held a low opinion of New Republic forces and resented it whenever Antilles overshadowed him in the presence of their Adumari hosts. Convinced that it would lead to Adumar joining the Empire, he swiftly pledged his support and that of his men to Cartann's war effort when the nation's Perator declared his intention to conquer the planet by force. While Phennir's reputation during his Imperial career was marked by combat ferocity and political treachery, by 43 ABY, it had evolved into one of honorable service and practicality.

Phennir held politicians in contempt, and during his tenure as Supreme Commander of the Confederation military, he openly insulted both Sadras Koyan and Denjax Teppler to their faces. He reprimanded Koyan for utilizing Centerpoint Station without his authorization, and he severed all Confederate aid to the Corellian system due to what he perceived as gross incompetence on Koyan's part. However, Teppler earned both an apology and a degree of Phennir's respect when he displayed candor while requesting the lifting of the embargo. Phennir attributed Koyan's "mental deficits" to the Corellian spirit of freedom, and he insisted that Koyan be removed from power by any means necessary, lest the entire Confederation collapse.

Phennir was of shorter-than-average stature and had light, blond hair that appeared naturally disheveled despite being styled in a military cut. With dark brown eyes that hinted at sharp intelligence, fair skin, prominent cheekbones, and refined, lean features, he possessed a handsome appearance, marred only by a scar that curved across his left cheek, and his overall demeanor lacked warmth.

Skills and abilities

Turr Phennir and Soontir Fel on Brentaal IV

Throughout his career as a pilot, Phennir achieved considerable fame. He was personally responsible for the destruction of four Rebel transports at Derra IV and, acting alone, downed a New Republic assault carrier at Brentaal IV. During the Orinda campaign, he led the 181st to victory over the Lusankya, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. By 12 ABY, he was regarded as the Empire's most accomplished starfighter ace, and by the following year, the most renowned surviving Imperial pilot. However, Wedge Antilles defeated him in a dogfight over Adumar during that year.

Phennir held the position of executive officer in the 181st, where he oversaw squadron logistics. Following Fel's defection, he was promoted to command of the group, leading them to several victories in the years that followed. As the leader of the Confederation military, he demonstrated skill as a tactician, successfully drawing the Galactic Alliance into a trap at Gilatter VIII.


Phennir's TIE interceptor was adorned with bloodstripes.

During his time as an Imperial pilot, Phennir was equipped with the standard Imperial TIE pilot flight suit and helmet while in flight, and otherwise wore an Imperial officer's uniform, complete with a rank insignia plaque. Throughout his career, Phennir piloted a variety of Imperial starfighters, including the TIE fighter, TIE interceptor, and TIE Defender. Phennir's fighters typically featured red stripes on the wings, signifying at least ten kills. His flight suit and uniform also bore red stripes. Phennir carried a holster capable of holding a blaster pistol.

Upon his initial appointment as Supreme Commander of the Confederation military, Phennir wore a white admiral's uniform reminiscent of the early days of the Empire. He was also known to wear the dark uniform of a Confederation general during this period of his career.

Behind the scenes

Turr Phennir was conceived by author Michael A. Stackpole as a character in the X-wing Rogue Squadron comic series, making his debut in the series' twenty–second issue, which was illustrated by John Nadeau and released in September 1997. He also appeared in the next three issues, the first two of which were penciled by Nadeau and the last by Steve Crespo. Stackpole wrote all four issues, which formed part of the larger "Rise of Isard" story arc developed by Stackpole and editor Peet Janes.

One of Phennir's cards in Death Star II Limited, a 2000 expansion set for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, uses a screenshot of a TIE pilot from 1983's Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi to represent Phennir. While the pilot in the film flies a TIE fighter, Phennir has been established as flying a TIE interceptor during the battle. In the 2015 StarWars.com article "Death Star II Personnel: An Imperial Human Resources Guide," Tim Veekhoven used a screenshot of the same pilot to represent Phennir. In the same article, Veekhoven identified Phennir as the pilot of the lone TIE interceptor seen pursuing Jake Farrell's A-wing out of the Death Star in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

Phennir also featured in The Essential Guide to Warfare in 2012, although some content written about him was ultimately omitted. In 2014, the StarWars.com article "Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut" released some of the cut content related to Phennir, along with other material removed from the book. Author Paul R. Urquhart further noted that his endnotes indicated that Phennir was the son of Omi and Tofen Vane, who were introduced in the Hero of the Confederacy story arc of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic-book series. In the comic, Tofen dies fighting for the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Urquhart stated that Omi Vane remarried Count Phennir, a nobleman from Eiattu IV and Turr simply adopted the "Phennir" surname to avoid raising too many questions. Although published sources only refer to Cartha as Turr Phennir's brother, Urquhart stated that Cartha was intended to be Count Phennir's son and Turr's stepbrother.

