Blade-32 superiority fighter

The Blade-32 superiority fighter served as the preferred starship for numerous pilots hailing from Adumar.


Measuring 18 meters long, the Blade-32's classic "razor-wing" configuration provided it with exceptional maneuverability within a planet's atmosphere. Its pair of engines could reach top speeds of 900 kilometers per hour while flying in-atmosphere, although it was generally considered less effective in space combat compared to similar New Republic ships. Broadly speaking, the Blade-32 was thought to be on par with the Z-95 Headhunter, but it boasted heavier armament and stronger armor. Furthermore, it was comparable to the BTL Y-wing starfighter regarding maneuverability, resilience, and the quantity of its weapons, even though it lacked both proton torpedoes and shields. The Blade-32's standard arsenal consisted of two pairs of linked laser cannons and two concussion missile launchers, each with an impressive capacity of eight missiles. Unusually, one laser cannon pair was mounted to fire rearward. As was typical for fighter craft, cargo capacity and consumables were kept to a minimum, with 150 kilograms of cargo and three days of supplies, respectively. For engagements in space, Blade-32s were upgraded with a pressurized atmosphere system and two proton torpedo launchers, each holding eight torpedoes. A Class 2 hyperdrive could also be installed. The original Blade-32 was designed purely for atmospheric combat, with the Blade-32 Alpha serving as the starfighter version, and the Blade-32 Beta being the hyperdrive-equipped variant. Although he generally considered it inferior to the X-wing as a fighter, Tycho Celchu believed the Blade-32 could be a good bomber if it was modified with shields and a gunner's station.


The Blade-32, the product of design, development, and production by Tarrvin-on-Kallik, was deployed for both planetary defense and support of capital ships. As a direct successor to the highly sought-after Blade-28 and Blade-30 fighters, the ship was often seen in jet black, and after Adumar's unification in 13 ABY, also in red to honor Red Flight. New units were priced at 82,000 credits, while used models typically cost 46,000. However, the ships were not available for purchase outside of Adumar until after the treaty with the New Republic. Despite this limitation, they still found their way into private collections and mercenary squadrons that were willing to accommodate the craft's use of Adumari measurements instead of standard units. As late as 18 ABY, the Blade-32 remained Adumar's premier strike craft while the development of its successor, the Blade-34 fighter, continued.

