Red Flight

Red Flight over Adumar.

In the year 13 ABY, the New Republic dispatched a short-term group of four pilots in T-65 X-wing starfighters, known as Red Flight, on a diplomatic assignment to Adumar. General Wedge Antilles was selected by the New Republic to act as their ambassador to the planet Adumar and led this group. He was tasked with bringing three of the New Republic's premier starfighter pilots, and he selected Colonel Tycho Celchu, Major Wes Janson, and Major Derek "Hobbie" Klivian. Red Flight was based on the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer called the Allegiance.

Given the Adumari's high regard for fighter pilots, the New Republic Defense Force's most celebrated pilots were sent, even though they lacked formal diplomatic training. The mission deviated from its original plan, but Red Flight ultimately achieved success through unconventional, undiplomatic methods. They collaborated with several smaller rival nations to overthrow Perator Pekaelic ke Teldan of Cartann, the most influential nation on Adumar. General Turr Phennir, the Imperial representative to Adumar, supported Cartann and commanded a squadron from the 181st Imperial Fighter Group. Red Flight ultimately defeated this squadron, with only Phennir's TIE/IN interceptors surviving out of the four.

Three days later, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Agonizer arrived, leading a substantial Imperial fleet with the objective of conquering Adumar. However, a joint force of New Republic and Adumari soldiers, capitalizing on disinformation provided to the Imperials regarding the situation on the planet, successfully repelled the Imperial forces in the Battle of Adumar. Following this battle, Red Flight was dissolved, and its pilots returned to their active roles within Rogue Squadron.


