The Battle of Adumar represents a military engagement between the New Republic and the forces of the Imperial Remnant. This battle unfolded as a defense of the New Republic's ally, the recently established Adumari Union.
Following the defeat of the Imperial-supported Cartann during the Adumari civil war, the Star Destroyer known as the Agonizer departed from Adumar. Its mission was to summon an Imperial fleet for the purpose of conquering the planet. This plan experienced a setback when Admiral Teren Rogriss, before his defection to Adumar, utilized his command codes to disable the Agonizer's holocomm system. Given that no one else aboard, including General Turr Phennir, possessed the necessary authority to override Rogriss's security measures, General Wedge Antilles gained crucial time. This allowed him to request reinforcements and adequately prepare for the impending conflict.
Upon the Agonizer's return, it was accompanied by the Star Destroyers Retaliator and Master Stroke, along with a number of smaller warships. The New Republic Star Destroyer Allegiance had received reinforcements in the form of the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Mon Casima, as well as its own complement of cruisers and frigates. Furthermore, three "flightknives" consisting of Adumari Blade-32 fighters had been deployed into space to participate in the battle. False news reports were intentionally disseminated to create the illusion that Adumar was still embroiled in a civil war. Consequently, the Imperial forces dispatched a significant portion of their fighter complement, including the majority of their TIE/sa bombers, towards the planet's surface. Their objective was to overwhelm the supposedly disorganized Adumari forces and install Cartann's perator as a figurehead ruler. These fighters were caught off guard by the unified Adumari forces, resulting in substantial losses.
In the space arena, the X-wings, A-wings, and shield-equipped TIE/LN starfighters of the New Republic engaged the enemy starfighters. Simultaneously, the Y-wings and Blade-32s executed coordinated attacks, employing concussion missile and proton torpedo weaponry against the Agonizer. The B-wings divided their efforts between attacking the Agonizer and providing support to the more agile, but less heavily armed, New Republic fighters against the opposing TIE fighters. The capital ships of the New Republic concentrated their firepower on the Master Stroke. While the fighter engagements resulted in considerable losses for both sides, particularly against a squadron of four TIE/D Defenders, the Imperials suffered even greater casualties. Ultimately, they opted to retreat after the Agonizer and Master Stroke experienced shield failures and began sustaining significant damage. During the battle, General Antilles successfully shot down one TIE Defender and inflicted severe damage upon another in a one-on-one confrontation with General Turr Phennir.
Given the Imperial fleet's compromised fighter screen and the significant damage sustained by their Star Destroyers from the combined efforts of the New Republic reinforcements and Adumari flightknives, the order for withdrawal was issued. The Imperial vessels attempted to retrieve their remaining fighters before initiating a jump to hyperspace. This action left the Adumari Union free to formally align itself with the New Republic.