Unidentified 181st pilot 2

In the year 13 ABY, a male Human served as a pilot within the Imperial Remnant's 181st Imperial Fighter Group, engaging in flight operations. During that year, he, along with three fellow pilots from the 181st, journeyed to the planet of Adumar as representatives of the Empire. Turr Phennir, the commander of the 181st, headed the delegation, seeking to persuade the government of the Cartann nation state to align with the Empire. Their mission was complicated by the presence of four pilots from the New Republic in Cartann City, who were advocating for the New Republic's cause.

While on Adumar, the Imperial pilots spent their days participating in deadly aerial duels with local pilots, a practice that earned them significant honor according to local traditions. Eventually, Cartann initiated war against other Adumari nations, and the Imperials fought on their side against the attacking forces of the Yedagon Confederacy. This male Human became the second Imperial pilot to perish, after being shot down by the guns of Wedge Antilles, a New Republic pilot.

Behind the scenes

In the novel X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar, one of Phennir's subordinates is depicted as a towering man with red hair. Whether this individual is the same pilot described in this article, or one of the two other members of Phennir's ambassadorial team, remains ambiguous.

