Five Worlds

Sometime in the period from 36 to 39 ABY, a governmental entity known as the Five Worlds emerged within the Corellian system. This entity openly questioned the advantages of belonging to the Galactic Alliance.


In the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the Galactic Alliance showed its appreciation to Corellia by abolishing the position of Governor-General. The Five Brothers region was united through a system of governance, where each planet chose its own Head of State, and the entire system was overseen by Five World Prime Minister Aidel Saxan.

While much of the galaxy suffered greatly during the war, Corellia remained largely untouched. This allowed it to further strengthen its already significant economy and provide reconstruction loans to planets that were less fortunate. Corellia's prosperity led it to pardon wartime criminals, including Thrackan Sal-Solo, who was then elected as the system's Minister of War and Head of State of Corellia. Corellia began to resent the Galactic Alliance, just as it had previously resented the New Republic and the Galactic Republic.

In the decade following the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, Corellia's yearning for independence grew stronger and more widespread, fueled by the inherent pride of its people. Corellia started to delay its contributions of conscripts and tax payments to the Alliance, all the while continuing to benefit from the Alliance's infrastructure and trade agreements. It also resisted the defense limits set by the Alliance, though it did so without making any public declarations. Gradually, other industrialized planets, such as Commenor, Fondor, and Bespin, began to exhibit similar tendencies of open defiance.

Corellia secretly began to construct a fleet that could rival a planetary assault force. This fleet was supplied by planets like Adumar, which produced weapons in violation of Alliance regulations. Simultaneously, Corellian scientists worked on reactivating Centerpoint Station, with the intention of using it as a bargaining chip once again. As tensions escalated, Corellia's subtle rebellion resulted in the imprisonment of prominent Corellians like Wedge Antilles, whom Alliance Intelligence considered to be a potential danger.

In 40 ABY, these simmering tensions finally boiled over into open conflict. Following the successful assassination of Thrackan Sal-Solo by Han Solo, Boba Fett, and Mirta Gev (who were working as mercenaries for Dur Gejjen), the Galactic Alliance offered peace terms to the newly formed government, but these terms were rejected. Cal Omas reluctantly declared war on Corellia and its allies.

Unbeknownst to most, except for a select few high-ranking military officials, Thrackan Sal-Solo had secretly constructed a powerful, top-secret fleet in the shipyards of the Kiris Asteroid Cluster. The day after Sal-Solo's assassination, the new Corellian Government appointed Wedge Antilles to command this fleet, which included several newly built Corellian Dreadnaughts. They also requested that Han and Leia Solo travel to the Kiris Asteroid Cluster to receive instructions. Much to Han's surprise, they were asked to travel to Hapes to negotiate an alliance with Tenel Ka, the Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium. Unfortunately for the Corellian government, they uncovered a plot to overthrow Tenel Ka and felt compelled to intervene.

They succeeded in thwarting the plot and uncovered information about the "Heritage Council," the group of would-be usurpers. This group had hired Aurra Sing, the infamous Jedi killer and former Jedi Padawan. They met with Lady Morwan, the Heritage Council's representative, and agreed to escort her to Hapes to meet with the leader of the Heritage Council, Aleson Gray. During the subsequent battle between loyal Hapan forces (including the Anakin Solo) and the Heritage Council Armada, Aurra Sing managed to breach the Anakin's defenses with the intention of assassinating Allana, Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka's daughter, and the Chume'da of the Cluster. Jacen intercepted her (with assistance from Allana) and took her into custody.

Following the failure of the assault fleet at Hapes, Dur Gejjen and his government replaced the hesitant Wedge Antilles with Admiral Genna Delpin, and waited for other worlds to pledge their support to the cause. Fortunately for Gejjen, the Sith Lumiya was pursuing her own agenda, seeking to draw the Galactic Alliance into a larger conflict. Through manipulation, she incited Bothawui and Commenor, two planets that had already expressed support for Corellia's situation, to attack the GA blockade. After the Alliance forces under Jacen Solo and Admiral Tarla Limpan were successfully defeated, Corellia secured its home system. The Five Worlds government was dissolved, and the region declared itself the Corellian Confederation, which was later renamed the 'Confederation' at the request of Bothawui and Commenor.

When the Second Galactic Civil War concluded in 41 ABY, the Confederation surrendered to the Galactic Alliance but opted not to rejoin.

Military forces

The military of the Five Worlds was comprised of the re-established CorSec and the Corellian Defense Force, both of which were overseen by the Ministry of War and commanded by a Minister of War. Later, the title of Supreme Commander replaced Minister of War as Commander-in-Chief, and Corellian High Command took over the oversight responsibilities of the Ministry of War.

After the war began, the Corellian leadership devised a strategy to bring the Hapes Consortium into their alliance. By the time the Battle of Hapes occurred, Bothawui was equipping three cruiser fleets with Corellian crews, and Nal Hutta was not far behind.

