Mirta Gev, who lived around the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, was a Mandalorian bounty hunter and a female member of Clan Fett. She was born on Mandalore and was the daughter of Ailyn Vel, who was also a bounty hunter. Gev took up the same mission her mother had started: to locate and eliminate her grandfather, the renowned bounty hunter Boba Fett, who had left Ailyn Vel when she was very young. Gev finally found Fett in 40 ABY, and instead of killing him, she joined forces with the dying bounty hunter to discover a cure for his ailment. Gev aided Fett in his search for a bounty hunter named Skirata, who possessed the medical data needed to treat Fett.
After that, she kept working with Fett, including a mission to locate Gev's grandmother and Fett's wife, Sintas Vel, who had been frozen in carbonite since 1 ABY. Later, Gev cared for Vel as she recovered from being in carbon freeze. Once Vel was able to care for herself, Gev fought on the front lines during the Mandalorian involvement in the Second Galactic Civil War, including the Second Battle of Fondor and the First Battle of Roche. After the battle at Roche, she was captured by Darth Caedus, a Sith Lord who was also the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, and was interrogated.
Following her interrogation, the Moffs belonging to the Imperial Remnant released a nanovirus into the atmosphere of Mandalore, her home planet, preventing her from going back. Later, Gev collaborated with the Columi brothers, Craitheus and Marvid Qreph, to find a cure for the nanovirus. However, the Qrephs were unsuccessful in their search for a cure and deceived Gev to keep her working for them. When Gev discovered their deception, she left the Qrephs and joined Vestara Khai, still determined to find a cure that would allow her to return to Mandalore.
On the planet of Mandalore, Mirta Gev was born. Her parents were Ailyn Vel, a bounty hunter, and Makin Marec, a Mandalorian warrior. Although Marec and Vel's relationship ended, Gev remained close to both parents, spending two summers with her father on Null, where Marec taught Gev everything he knew about combat and bounty hunting. Not long after, Marec died when his ship experienced a hull breach, leaving Vel to raise Gev on her own. Vel, however, was constantly searching for Boba Fett, the famous bounty hunter and leader of the Mandalorian clans, who had abandoned Vel and her mother Sintas when Ailyn was a child, creating a desire for revenge in his daughter. This made it difficult for her to raise Gev. As Gev grew older, Vel passed her hatred of Fett on to Gev.
While Gev was still a child, her home planet of Mandalore was devastated during the Yuuzhan Vong War, when the Yuuzhan Vong, an invading extragalactic species, bombarded the planet's surface, resulting in the deaths of one-third of the planet's population. When Gev grew up, she followed in the footsteps of her mother and grandfather, becoming a bounty hunter. At one point, Gev encountered Jaing Skirata, a former ARC clone trooper, during a failed mission, though Gev only knew him by his last name. Skirata and Gev were both after the same target, and eventually met. When they met, Skirata claimed that he had fought in the Clone Wars. At one point prior to 40 ABY, Gev was married, but that relationship ended. Gev also helped her mother search for Boba Fett, hoping to assist Vel in her revenge. Ailyn Vel gave Gev a Heart of Fire pendant, a Kiffar jewel that had once belonged to Sintas. Vel told Gev to use the pendant to draw Fett's attention should she ever find him.
In 40 ABY, Gev finally located Fett on Taris, a world in the Outer Rim, where he was meeting with Goran Beviin, his second-in-command. Upon seeing Fett, she observed and followed him, keeping a careful distance. When Fett finally noticed her, Gev approached him. She revealed her name, and told him she knew Vel, claiming Vel was her client. Gev showed Fett the Heart of Fire pendant that had once belonged to his wife, intriguing him, and convincing Fett to allow her to stay. Fett wanted to see his daughter Ailyn and apologize for leaving her. First, though, Fett needed to find his one-time caretaker, the Kaminoan Taun We, since he was dying due to numerous tumors in his body, and believed that We had the solution to his ailments. The two left the planet Taris in Fett's starship, Slave I, in search of the elusive Kaminoan.

First, the pair traveled to Roonadan in the Corporate Sector, where Gev had to remain in the cargo bay of the Slave I while Fett searched for Taun We. Fett returned to the starship empty-handed and changed course to Vohai, in the Outer Rim Parmel sector, where Fett believed they were. While traveling from Roonadan to Vohai, Gev told Fett about her encounter with Skirata. Fett believed he could be healed by obtaining scientific data gathered by Ko Sai, a dead Kaminoan cloner who had specialized in aging. Upon hearing Gev's story about Skirata, Fett realized that Skirata must have had the missing Ko Sai data. Once they reached Vohai, Gev was once again forced to remain aboard Slave I, despite her attempts at convincing Fett to allow her to accompany him. Once Fett returned to the ship, having found We, Gev directed them to Coruscant, where she believed that her mother was. However, when Gev attempted to contact her mother, she was unable to get through.
Before they were able to venture to Coruscant and Ailyn Vel, Fett and Gev were contacted by Thrackan Sal-Solo, the Corellian Head of State, who offered them a job defending repair teams working on Centerpoint Station, an ancient space station that had been previously damaged by Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker, Jedi Knights. Afterwards, Gev, and a group of Mandalorian commandos assembled by Goran Beviin met in the Zerria's Bar bar on Drall two days later. While the rest of the Mandalorians were hostile towards a stranger such as Gev, once Fett mentioned her Mandalorian heritage, they immediately thawed and welcomed her into the group. It was in the Zerria bar that Gev met her future husband, Mandalorian warrior Ghes Orade, for the first time. The two went to Corellia, where they were met at the spaceport by Dur Gejjen, a rising Corellian politician, who took them to Sal-Solo's office. During the meeting, Fett told the Mandalorians of Sal-Solo's offer. Gev, Fett, and the rest of the Mandalorians went to Corellia to speak with Sal-Solo, who outlined the offer. On the way out of their meeting with Sal-Solo, they were pulled aside by Gejjen, who made a counteroffer. Gejjen was scheming to eliminate Sal-Solo, and needed a contract killer. He offered Fett the job, and Fett accepted, bringing Gev along with him. Afterwards, Gev and Fett approached ex-smuggler and Sal-Solo's cousin, Han Solo, offering their help to assassinate Sal-Solo, as Han Solo was already plotting to kill him. However, due to the history that Solo had with Fett, he was mistrustful of the bounty hunter. Solo became convinced that Fett was trying to trap and kill him when he saw Gev and recognized her as Ailyn Vel's daughter, who had previously been after Solo and his family. He attacked Gev, but Fett hit him in the back of the head with his blaster. After the brief fight, Solo and the Mandalorians were able to reach a working agreement to kill Sal-Solo.

Gev, along with Fett and Solo, went back to Sal-Solo, pretending to negotiate the offer to defend Centerpoint Station. Solo went along wearing Mandalorian armor, so his cousin wouldn't recognize him. When Sal-Solo revealed that he had given Vel up to the authorities on Coruscant to distract attention from other bounty hunters he had hired to kill Solo, Gev realized that the politician had betrayed her mother. Solo jumped at Sal-Solo and began to choke him, and Gev shot Sal-Solo in the head, killing him. Gev, Solo, and Fett quickly left the scene of the crime and returned to Gejjen, who rewarded them with one million credits. After the assassination, Gev asked Solo for information about Ailyn Vel's location. Han Solo contacted his wife Leia Organa Solo for more information on Vel, who informed them that Vel had been killed under interrogation by Leia's son Colonel Jacen Solo of the Galactic Alliance Guard, robbing Gev of her mother. Devastated, Gev pulled out her blaster, aiming it at Fett. However, Organa Solo used the Force to pull the blaster away from Gev before she could fire. After losing her blaster, Gev revealed her true reason for traveling with Fett: she wanted to return him to Vel so she could kill him once and for all. Since Vel was dead, Gev wanted to kill Fett to complete her mother's mission. Gev broke down in tears upon revealing her motives and had to be calmed down by the Solos. Afterwards, Vel's body was returned to Fett and Gev, and Gev decided to bring her mother's corpse back to Mandalore. Before they could return to Mandalore, however, the pair traveled to Geonosis to retrieve the body of Fett's father, Jango Fett, so the two bodies could be laid to rest on Mandalore.
Mirta Gev and Boba Fett, with heavy hearts, returned to Mandalore with Jango Fett's body. They buried Jango next to Ailyn Vel, his granddaughter. Gev and Fett remained on Mandalore for some time, with Gev staying in the home of Novoc Vevut, a Mandalorian warrior who had attended the meeting on Drall. During her stay with Vevut, she fell in love with Vevut's adopted son, Ghes Orade. Later, Gev and Fett attended a meeting of the Mandalorian clans, held in a hall donated to the people of Mandalore by MandalMotors, the main arms company in the Mandalore sector. The Mandalorians were eager to fight in the escalating conflict between the Galactic Alliance, the dominant galactic government, and a breakaway group of systems called the Confederation. Under Mandalore Boba Fett's leadership, the economy had suffered greatly, with a need for credits to import food. The meeting concluded with Fett deciding not to support either side in the war and calling two million Mandalorians back to Mandalore to strengthen their homeworld after the devastation of the Yuuzhan Vong War. After the meeting, Gev and Fett left to search for the missing clone, Skirata.

Since Skirata worked as a bounty hunter, Fett devised a plan to find him. Gev would pretend to be a client looking to hire a bounty hunter and would enlist Skirata's services. The grandfather and granddaughter traveled in the Slave I to Bador, in the Kuat system of the Core Worlds. After landing on Bador, they went to a local establishment called the Paradise Cantina. However, the barkeeper and employees of the cantina were hostile to them because Skirata, the last Mandalorian to enter the cantina, had killed a local crime boss named Cherit. The hostility from the bartender led to a brawl, which the Mandalorians won. After the fight, the bartender told Gev and Fett that Cherit's successor, Fraig, might know Skirata's whereabouts and could be found at the Tekshar Falls Casino.
Upon reaching the Tekshar Falls Casino, Gev introduced Fett to the receptionist as the "President of Mandalore," gaining them entry. Once inside, Gev intimidated Fraig's Hamadryas bodyguard into letting them see him by threatening to cut his carotid artery. When they gained access to Fraig's private suite and tried to question him, Fraig resisted. Gev and Fett were forced to extract Skirata's location from Fraig by attaching him to a fibercord and throwing him off a balcony. Facing death, Fraig revealed that Skirata had a grudge against a Twi'lek clan named Himar, giving Gev and Fett information on Skirata's activities and whereabouts. Gev and Fett had to fight their way out of the building against a wave of bodyguards after Fraig's interrogation but were victorious and escaped the casino. While heading to the Slave I, pursued by patrol vehicles, Gev was attacked by a large Strill named Mird. After the Strill was neutralized, Skirata, its owner, appeared, ending their long search.
Fett asked Skirata for Ko Sai's data, but Skirata said that the research had been destroyed after it was used on him and his brothers, and he no longer had a copy. Skirata feared that if he gave Fett a blood sample, Fett might sell it to the Kaminoans. However, he relented and agreed that if Fett gave him a sample of his blood, he might be able to return with a cure. Skirata's only condition was that Fett go back to Mandalore and follow a man named Kad'ika's advice. Fett agreed, and Gev took a sample of his blood for Skirata.

With the search for Skirata over, Gev and Fett went back to Mandalore, where Gev continued to stay with Vevut and her new love, Ghes Orade. By this time, Gev had begun to think about marrying Orade. Gev and Orade would often go for walks on Mandalore, and Orade's adoptive father, Vevut, encouraged the relationship, promising Gev a blaster that "could take the head off a dozen Trandoshans with one shot" if she married Orade. Meanwhile, Fett finally used the Ko Sai data provided by Skirata to overcome his illness. Gev attended his medical procedure with Orade and was introduced to Venku Skirata, also known as Kad'ika. In a meeting with Venku Skirata and his friend Gotab in a Keldabe tapcafe, Fett asked Gotab if he could psychometrically read the Heart of Fire pendant. Gotab read the pendant and discovered the location of Sintas Vel. According to Gotab's readings, Vel had been on the planet Phaeda after a failed fight with a crime lord named Rezodar. Fett, wanting closure with his ex-wife after more than fifty years, commissioned Gev to bring him more information on Vel's situation.
After some research, Gev discovered that Rezodar had died in 2 ABY and had left a large estate. Since the Phaedan government could not claim his possessions, they had been in storage for thirty-eight years, and the Phaedan state lawyer was happy to give away some of Rezodar's possessions. However, by investigating further, Gev found out that Vel's body, frozen in a carbonite slab, was among these objects. Gev and Fett traveled to Phaeda together in the Slave I to bring Vel back to Mandalore and thaw her from her carbonite slumber before helping her rehabilitate. On the way to Phaeda, Gev was excited to meet her grandmother for the first time, while Fett dreaded seeing the woman he had abandoned years before. Once on Phaeda, they went to the planet's Registry of Testaments and Legacies, where Vel had been stored, and retrieved her body. The pair returned to Mandalore, where Vel was unfrozen. Over the next few months, Gev helped care for her grandmother as she dealt with memory loss and dementia caused by her years in carbonite. While Vel was under her granddaughter's care, Gev also gave her the Heart of Fire. Eventually, with the help of Gotab, Vel fully recovered physically and mentally and forgave Fett for leaving her and Ailyn. Around this time, Jaina Solo, a Jedi Knight, came to Mandalore to be trained by Fett for a duel with her brother, Jacen, who had become the Sith Lord Darth Caedus and the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance. Despite her animosity towards Jedi, Gev and Solo became good friends.

In 41 ABY, the Second Battle of Fondor was triggered when Fondor seceded from the Galactic Alliance, leading to a Galactic Alliance effort to retake Fondor's valuable orbital shipyards. The Mandalorians joined the battle after learning that Gilad Pellaeon, a long-time leader of the Imperial Remnant, had been murdered by Darth Caedus' apprentice Tahiri Veila, and his flagship, the Bloodfin, had been taken. As a result, the Mandalorians were ordered to board and take control of the ship. Once Vel was well enough to be left on her own, Gev served on the crew of a Tra'kad with several other Mandalorians and Jaina Solo during the battle. Fighting alongside Admiral Natasi Daala and her Maw Irregular Fleet, Gev and the Mandalorians boarded the Bloodfin.
Following Pellaeon's death, the crew of the Bloodfin had mutinied, leaving Veila trapped on the ship. While Gev, Solo, and the Mandalorians were boarding the Bloodfin, they encountered Veila. Gev snuck up on and attacked Veila, injuring her, before Darth Caedus, who had returned to rescue his apprentice, broke up the fight by Force-choking Gev. Fortunately for Gev, Jaina Solo was able to break Caedus' telekinetic hold on the bounty hunter's throat. Gev lay injured on the deck of the ship until Boba Fett, who had accompanied the assault team, rescued her and brought her to safety. Gev recovered from her injuries, and the Mandalorians succeeded in taking the Bloodfin. Once Gev returned to Mandalore, she and Ghes Orade were married.
After the Second Battle of Fondor, the war continued, drawing the Imperial Remnant in to support Caedus and his followers. Gev fought with Fett and Solo in the First Battle of Roche, again serving in a Tra'kad. The battle was fought to protect the Verpine from the Imperial Remnant, who wanted to control the species' advanced technology. As business partners with the insectoid species, the Mandalorians needed to maintain access to the Verpine technology and rushed to their aid. During the battle, Gev's husband, Ghes Orade, was shot down and injured. Orade survived, and Gev later led an assault team intending to kill important Imperial personnel.

Gev, together with Jaina Solo and a Mandalorian strike force, carried out an infiltration of the Imperial installation located on the Roche asteroid known as Nickel One. Their primary mission was to eliminate the ruling Moff Council swiftly. Eventually, Solo separated from the group to pursue Darth Caedus, who was present within the Nickel One facility. Gev and the Mandalorians successfully reached the Council's meeting chamber, only to be confronted unexpectedly by a significant number of Imperial Elite Guardsmen. The assault rapidly deteriorated for the Mandalorians, resulting in the deaths of nearly all the warriors during the ensuing conflict. Shortly thereafter, Darth Caedus arrived and killed several more Mandalorians. When Gev attempted to engage Caedus, the Sith Lord struck her head, causing a rupture in her spinal cord and temporary paralysis. Jaina Solo later confronted Caedus, severing his arm, although a Force illusion led Caedus to believe that Grand Master Luke Skywalker of the Jedi had delivered the blow. Following the battle, Caedus captured Gev. After the battle, Boba Fett, believing his granddaughter to be dead, became furious with both Jaina Solo and Luke Skywalker. Abandoning his detached demeanor, Fett revealed his concern for his granddaughter, criticizing them for her apparent demise.
Gev was subsequently transported to Caedus' flagship, the Anakin Solo. While still paralyzed, Gev underwent interrogation by Caedus and his apprentice, Tahiri Veila. Caedus promised medical treatment in exchange for information regarding the number of Jedi accompanying the Mandalorian strike team, along with their identities. Specifically, Caedus sought to identify the individual who had severed his arm during the battle. Gev refused to cooperate, but became fearful when Caedus manipulated her into believing that Fett had abandoned her, assigning her a suicide mission that led to her current predicament. When Gev finally disclosed that Jaina Solo, Caedus' sister, was the sole Jedi involved, Caedus dismissed it as a lie, as he was convinced he had fought both Solo and Luke Skywalker. Unsatisfied, he threatened to disfigure Gev and unleash a nanovirus that would kill both her and her grandfather, Boba Fett. To safeguard her family, Gev fabricated a story, claiming that Skywalker had been present with the team. However, Caedus sensed her deception and extracted a blood sample, which he used to create the nanovirus. Despite this, Caedus honored his promise to heal Gev. The nanovirus was subsequently produced by Imperial scientists and dispersed via air over Mandalore, rendering it impossible for Gev or Fett to ever return.
Eventually, Gev gained her freedom when Jaina Solo infiltrated the Anakin Solo, intending to engage Caedus in a second duel and assassinate him. Solo visited Gev in her holding cell. Gev, having internalized Caedus's insinuations about Fett, had become despondent and expressed her desire to end her own life. Gev also instructed Solo that, should she survive her impending confrontation with Caedus, she must warn Fett about the nanovirus. Solo pledged to do so, but was troubled when Gev requested that she inform Fett that he deserved it, as Gev believed that Fett had sent her on a suicide mission and abandoned her. Solo was disturbed by Gev's attitude and puzzled by the extent of Caedus's manipulation. Before leaving, Solo provided Gev with a blaster. Solo would proceed to defeat Darth Caedus in a lightsaber duel, thereby ending both the threat posed by the Sith Lord and the Second Galactic Civil War. Following her brother's defeat, Solo instructed her friend Jagged Fel to rescue Gev from imprisonment and remove her from the Anakin Solo.
By the year 45 ABY, Gev was no longer in captivity. After reuniting with the Mandalorians, Gev ascended to the position of commander of the Mandalorian security force. Nevertheless, Gev remained unable to return to Mandalore due to the nanovirus, and she resolved to eliminate the nanovirus from Mandalore's atmosphere. To achieve this, she entered into an agreement with the Columi brothers, Craitheus and Marvid Qreph, who pledged to eradicate the nanovirus from her homeworld. Leading a contingent of Mandalorian mercenaries, Gev worked for the Qrephs by forcibly removing asteroid miners from the Chiloon Rift, a nebula located in the Outer Rim Territories. Gev's Mandalorian forces were augmented by Nargons, a biotic species created by the Qrephs. The Qrephs sought to seize control of the Rift, and Gev and her forces worked to eliminate any competition. However, the Qrephs proved to be more ruthless than Gev had anticipated, and their unscrupulous tactics led to a conflict with businessman, Lando Calrissian. Gev was present on the planet, Sarnus during a business negotiation between Calrissian and the Qrephs, but when Calrissian refused to sell his holdings in the Chiloon Rift, the Qrephs decided to eliminate him. Aboard the Qreph's Marcadian luxury cruiser, Aurel Moon, Gev convened with her employers to strategize their next move. The Qrephs, determined to eliminate Calrissian, tasked Gev's Mandalorian forces with assassinating Calrissian and his allies, Han and Leia Organa Solo. Gev initially protested the assignment, but the Qreph's assassin, Savara Raine convinced the Mandalorian leader that she would be doing the dirty work.
Although Raine's efforts destroyed Calrissian's refinery on Sarnus, she failed to kill either the Solos or Calrissian. However, the Qrephs intensified their efforts, placing a one million credit bounty on Han Solo. Utilizing information provided by the Qreph's spy, Dena Yus, Gev tracked Solo to the Blue Star casino on the planet Valnoos. After engaging Solo in a game of riftwalker, she declared that Solo was coming with her so that she could claim the bounty. Despite being supported by a dozen Mandalorian commandos, Solo's ally, Omad Kaeg, intervened to prevent Solo's capture, attacking Gev's men. During the firefight that followed, Solo slammed Gev against a sabacc table, fracturing her nose, but the release of several arachnokillers by Dena Yus prevented Solo from gaining control of the situation. As the arachnokillers wreaked havoc on the casino, Gev captured Solo and escaped from the Blue Star in a Tra'kad starship. Her departure was facilitated by Savara Raine, who diverted Solo's Jedi allies, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo, preventing them from rescuing Solo.
Gev transported Solo to the Qreph's mobile base of operations, the asteroid crusher, Ormni, but was unable to claim the bounty, as Savara Raine asserted her entitlement to a portion of the reward for assisting in Solo's capture. As Gev argued with the Qreph brothers regarding the bounty split, Raine presented evidence indicating that the Jedi had placed a homing beacon on Gev's ship. Aware that the Jedi now knew their location, the Qrephs and Gev boarded the Columi's personal vessel, Aurel Moon, and prepared to depart with Solo, while Gev's forces, piloting Bes'uliik fighters, provided escort. Skywalker and Organa Solo, piloting a ScragHull commando boat, arrived before Gev and the Qrephs could escape, but the timely intervention of Raine's starship, the Sith Meditation Sphere, Ship allowed the group to escape. After the group traversed the Chiloon Rift to the Qreph's secret base, the Columi instructed Gev to assist them in interrogating Solo. They connected Solo to sensors that accessed his brain, hoping to extract information. The Qreph brothers engaged Solo in a game of sabacc, wagering information instead of credits. Gev served as the dealer for the game, wearing a plastoid splint to support her fractured nose. The Qrephs posed pointed and personal questions to Solo, aiming to provoke a reaction and facilitate the mapping of his mind, but Solo remained composed and won the hand.
Nevertheless, the Qrephs persisted in playing sabacc against Solo. To counter Solo's gambling prowess, they employed a DSD-1 torture droid to inflict shocks on Solo, weakening his resolve. They also introduced a captured Jedi, Ohali Soroc, a clone of Soroc, Ohali Two, and one of Gev's Mandalorians, Barduun, into the game. These tactics succeeded in disrupting Solo's concentration, but he continued to play the Qrephs' game. Gev continued to deal, reluctantly permitting the torture droid to administer punishment whenever the Qrephs' prisoners lost a game. As the torture intensified, Solo discerned Gev's motivations for working for the Qrephs and sowed doubt regarding the Columi's ability to fulfill their promises. However, Gev angrily continued the game, shocking Solo whenever he attempted to manipulate the other players. When the Qrephs were summoned away from the game due to another matter, Gev was left to continue the game alone, guarded by the Qrephs' Nargon soldiers. The game was interrupted by Barduun. Driven insane by the Qrephs and weary of the game, he attacked his commander and freed Solo from the sensors attached to his brain. Ohali Soroc and her clone incapacitated the Nargon guards, and Solo managed to extract a vibroknife from Gev, using it to slash the Mandalorian's leg and seize her MandalTech W202 holdout blaster. In the ensuing melee, Solo, Barduun, and Ohali Soroc escaped, while Soroc's clone was killed alongside a Nargon guard.
With the game concluded, Gev utilized a 2-1B surgical droid to repair her leg and was present when the Qrephs returned to the sabacc game to discover that their prisoners had escaped. However, the Qrephs faced greater challenges, as the Jedi had located Base Prime and initiated an assault on their compound. The two Columi placed Savara Raine in command of their forces, and Gev agreed to follow her orders—on the condition that she be granted access to the Qrephs' lab, where they were working to counteract the nanovirus. Under Raine's direction, Gev organized her Mandalorian commandos and the Nargons throughout the base to lure the infiltrating Jedi into a trap at the Qreph's space–time-warping gate. However, several of the Jedi's YVH-series battle droids rapidly breached the base, forcing Gev and Raine to evacuate the Qrephs through their residence. During their escape, Craitheus sustained severe injuries when Raine used his body as a shield against blaster fire. Marvid, enraged by the betrayal, attacked Raine and left her for dead. Gev was taken aback by the turn of events, but she still hoped that the remaining Qrephs would assist in addressing the nanovirus. However, Raine managed to convince the Mandalorian that the Qrephs had been deceiving her, a fact that Gev had refused to acknowledge. With the prospect of a nanovirus cure no longer attainable, Gev resolved to turn against her Columi employers.
Although Gev desired to kill the Qrephs for their deceit, she heeded Raine's advice, who urged her to survive and fight another day. With Base Prime succumbing to the Jedi attack, Gev ordered her Mandalorian forces to abandon the base to the Jedi and retreat. She then carried the injured Savara Raine to her ship, the Sith Meditation Sphere, Ship, and the two escaped from the base. Upon demolishing Base Prime, the Jedi found no trace of Gev or her companion, presuming that the two had escaped, with Gev still determined to find a cure for the nanovirus.

Mirta Gev was a physically imposing woman, her physique reflecting her Mandalorian training. She was a skilled and compact warrior, adept at close-quarters combat. She possessed light brown eyes and dark brown hair, which she kept short to fit under her helmet. During her attempt to capture Han Solo, she suffered a broken nose, which, despite being set with a plastoid splint, healed imperfectly, resulting in a crooked appearance. Gev held deep loyalty to her deceased mother, who inspired her pursuit of Boba Fett. Initially hostile upon meeting Fett, Gev eventually developed a close relationship with her grandfather, bonding over the care of Sintas Vel. Despite finding it challenging, Gev sought ways to love her cold and forbidding grandfather, not wanting to harbor hatred. She was curious about her grandmother, whom she had never met, and conducted research to locate Sintas Vel. Upon finding her grandmother, she compassionately cared for Vel. Gev was also a capable warrior and a skilled cook, embodying the two most common traits of Mandalorian women. As a bounty hunter, she excelled at tracking individuals, as demonstrated by her success in locating both Boba Fett and Sintas Vel. Gev had a passion for weaponry and possessed healing abilities, caring for Boba Fett after his surgery and later Sintas Vel.
Like many Mandalorians, Gev harbored suspicion and dislike for the Jedi. However, she forged a friendship with Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, who earned Gev's respect while training under Boba Fett to defeat Darth Caedus. She later expressed her gratitude to Solo for rescuing her from Caedus's clutches. Gev also sought to kill Caedus, driven by her own personal motives—revenge for the death of her mother, Ailyn Vel. She even targeted the Sith Lord's apprentice, Tahiri Veila, attacking her fiercely during the battle over Fondor, despite Veila's lack of involvement in Vel's death. However, Gev's torture at the hands of Darth Caedus ultimately led to the dissolution of her friendship with Jaina, and by 45 ABY, they were no longer in contact. While imprisoned and interrogated by Darth Caedus, Gev refused to divulge information, even when offered medical treatment for the injuries she sustained during the second battle of Roche. However, she eventually relented when her grandfather was threatened and was genuinely terrified by the prospect of a nanovirus attack on Mandalore, which Caedus later ordered despite Gev's desperate pleas to spare her homeworld and family. While incarcerated on the prison deck of the Anakin Solo, the bounty hunter indicated to Jaina Solo that she would prefer to die rather than endure further interrogation.
Mirta Gev was conceived by author Karen Traviss for her novel Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, the second installment in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. Prior to her appearance in Bloodlines, a depiction of Gev was included in the Star Wars Insider 86 article, The Mandalorians: People and Culture, featuring an illustration of a Mandalorian wedding by Tom Hodges. Although the article did not explicitly identify the Mandalorians in the picture, the illustration was later incorporated into The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia as a representation of Gev and her husband's wedding. During the character's development, Gev was initially named Vessin Ghif, but this was changed to Mirta Gev before publication. Following her debut, Gev appeared in Traviss's subsequent two novels, Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice and Legacy of the Force: Revelation. Gev also featured in the final novel of Legacy of the Force, Legacy of the Force: Invincible, penned by Troy Denning. She was later cast as an antagonist in Denning's follow-up novel to the Fate of the Jedi series, Crucible.
Following her initial depiction in Star Wars Insider, several sketches of Mirta Gev were included in Topps' 2011 Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 6. Several sketch cards of Mirta Gev by Shea Standefer depicted her with the braids in her hair, as shown in the original Tom Hodges image. However, this hairstyle was omitted when Gev was illustrated for inclusion in The Essential Reader's Companion. An image of Gev by Brian Rood portrayed her with the dark hair featured in previous illustrations but excluded the braids. An additional image from the book by Joe Corroney, depicting her first appearance in Bloodlines, also failed to include the braids established in previous drawings. In Gev's initial depiction in Star Wars Insider 86, she is shown wearing armor painted orange and yellow, tailored to her feminine figure. However, in Bloodlines, Gev's armor is described as "practical" with "no concessions to feminine fashion whatsoever." In Shea Standefer's sketches, she incorporated the yellow color into Gev's armor. However, this was not included in the illustrations in The Essential Reader's Companion, which depicted her wearing simple gray armor that matched her description in Legacy of the Force. In Crucible, Denning mentions that Gev is outfitted in orange and gray armor.