Clan Fett was a venerable Mandalorian lineage, its origins traceable back to the era of the Mandalorian Wars. The clan's name originates from the Basic rendering of vhett, which translates to farmer in Mando'a. Throughout galactic history, the Fett clan's members have encompassed a wide spectrum of roles, from humble agriculturalists to formidable Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, as well as numerous mercenaries and bounty hunters across the ages. Eventually, Clan Fett became renowned for the exceptional combat prowess and ruthlessness of its members, coupled with their dedication to the advancement of the Mandalorian civilization.
Dating back to the Mandalorian Wars, thousands of years prior to the ascension of the Galactic Empire, the Fett clan stands as an ancient Mandalorian lineage. In Mando'a, the clan is properly referred to as Vhett aliit. Cassus Fett, a Human Mandalorian who rose to prominence as the second-in-command to Mandalore the Ultimate during the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader movement that ignited the Mandalorian Wars against the Galactic Republic, is perhaps the earliest known member of the Fett clan in recorded history. However, the Neo-Crusaders' ambition to dominate the galaxy under Mandalorian authority was thwarted by the Jedi Knight Revan, whose forces achieved victory at the Battle of Malachor V, thus concluding the Mandalorian Wars.

Centuries later, after the founding of the peaceful New Mandalorian faction following the Mandalorian Excision, Clan Fett experienced a division between the pacifist New Mandalorians and the traditional warrior clans. By 60 BBY, a small Fett family was earning a living through agriculture as farmers on the Outer Rim planet of Concord Dawn. Although Concord Dawn was situated within the Mandalore sector and had a long history of association with the Mandalorians, the Fett family residing there did not identify as Mandalorian. The eldest Fett male served as a Journeyman Protector, a law enforcement officer on Concord Dawn. He was married and had two children: a son, Jango Fett, and a daughter, Arla Fett. The family possessed a farm on the agricultural world, along with a landspeeder and a crop harvester used for farm maintenance. Tragedy struck the Fett family when Concord Dawn became the battleground for a conflict between the violent Mandalorian splinter group known as the Death Watch and the loyalist True Mandalorians, each faction including members of the Mandalorian Fett clan among their ranks. Tor Vizsla, the leader of the Death Watch, subjected the elder Fett to torture before killing him for sheltering Jaster Mereel, the current Mand'alor and leader of the True Mandalorians. Fett's son Jango was rescued by Mereel and his soldiers, but his wife was subsequently killed, and his daughter Arla was abducted by the Death Watch. Nevertheless, members of Clan Fett served in both the Death Watch and the New Mandalorian faction.
Under Jaster Mereel's paternal guidance, Jango Fett followed in his forebears' footsteps and embraced the Mandalorian way of life. He matured into a skilled warrior, and by the age of fourteen—considered adulthood in Mandalorian culture—he was actively fighting alongside Mereel. This changed in 52 BBY, when the Death Watch ambushed the True Mandalorian army on Korda Six, during which Vizsla killed Mereel. Following Mereel's death, Jango ascended to the position of Mand'alor and led the Mandalorians throughout the remaining Mandalorian Civil War against the Death Watch until the Battle of Galidraan. There, Tor Vizsla's treachery led a Jedi strike team to attack the True Mandalorians, wrongly believing they were massacring innocent people. The True Mandalorians were defeated, and despite Jango Fett killing six Jedi with his bare hands, he was captured and handed over to the Governor of Galidraan, who then sold him into slavery. However, Jango's enslavement was short-lived, as he escaped during a pirate raid on the ship where he was held. Once free, he retrieved his Mandalorian armor from Galidraan's governor and pursued Vizsla to Corellia. There, Jango destroyed Vizsla's ship and, after a prolonged battle on the planet's surface, left the Death Watch leader to die at the hands of a pack of dire-cats. With the war concluded, Jango turned to bounty hunting to earn a living. In 32 BBY, Count Dooku recruited Jango to serve as the progenitor for a clone army after he proved his worth by eliminating Dark Jedi Komari Vosa. Entering Dooku's service, Jango acted as the Count's bodyguard during his time on Geonosis, and engaged several Jedi Knights on behalf of Dooku's newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Battle of Geonosis. There in the Petranaki arena, Fett faced off against Jedi Master Mace Windu, only to be killed by the seasoned Jedi Councilor.

Jango's death on Geonosis did not signify the end of the Fett bloodline, as part of his agreement with Count Dooku to be the clone army's progenitor, Fett requested a clone of himself in return. This clone, named Boba by Fett, was raised as his own son. Boba Fett was raised on Kamino and received limited early training in the Mandalorian ways from his father before Jango's premature demise. Following Jango's death, Boba claimed his father's ship and armor and embarked on a career as a bounty hunter. At the young age of sixteen, Boba encountered fellow bounty hunter Sintas Vel; they fell in love, married, and settled on Concord Dawn. The Fett clan expanded with the birth of a daughter, named Ailyn. Their happiness was fleeting, as Sintas was raped by a man named Lenovar, whom Fett killed upon learning of the crime. Exiled from Concord Dawn for the murder, Fett and Sintas separated, rarely seeing each other again. Ailyn grew to despise her absent father as she aged and later attempted to kill him. Under the Galactic Empire's rule, Boba evolved into a bounty hunter whose skill and renown surpassed even his father's. He accumulated a substantial fortune, accepting assignments from figures like Jabba the Hutt and anyone capable of paying. While working for Jabba, Fett was knocked into the mouth of a sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon on Tatooine, suffering significant acid scarring that, while fading with time, persisted for the rest of his life. Fett escaped the sarlacc and continued his bounty hunting career for many years before eventually becoming Mand'alor in accordance with the final wish of the dying Fenn Shysa, the previous Mand'alor. While maintaining his bounty hunting career, Fett led the Mandalorians during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy and aided in the reconstruction of Mandalore following the Vong's attack on the planet.
Although Boba had been absent from his daughter Ailyn's life since she was approximately two years old, Ailyn and her mother, Sintas, continued their lives. When Ailyn reached sixteen, Sintas accepted a job hoping to earn enough money to celebrate her daughter's birthday. However, Sintas never returned, having been captured and encased in carbonite. With her mother also gone, Ailyn grew resentful and came to hate Boba Fett for abandoning them. She pursued her father for years, eventually killing a clone she believed to be him. Nevertheless, Ailyn's life was not without moments of solace amidst the hatred. Sometime before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Ailyn met and fell in love with the Mandalorian warrior Makin Marec; they were briefly married, and their relationship produced a daughter named Mirta. Although the relationship was short-lived, Marec began training his daughter as a Mandalorian until he was suddenly killed during a hull breach in space.

Ailyn raised Mirta to despise her grandfather, Boba Fett, and though it was Ailyn's vendetta that cost her her own life, it also served to reunite Fett with his granddaughter. Married once and subsequently divorced, Mirta—by that time using the surname Gev—attempted to reconcile with Fett after her mother's death. She grew closer to Fett as they spent more time together, and as facts about the past Ailyn hadn't known came to light. During this time, Mirta also became involved in a relationship with Mandalorian soldier Ghes Orade, a relationship that brought the Fett clan closer to Clan Vevut. Mirta and Fett were often partners in Fett's endeavors to halt his terminal sickness, and later to recover Sintas Vel from carbonite. Emerging from carbonite after nearly thirty years, Sintas suffered from severe carbon sickness in the form of blindness and amnesia, and Mirta became determined to help her long-lost grandmother make a recovery. With the help of Jedi Knight Jaina Solo—who was on Mandalore seeking the assistance of Fett—and the Jedi-turned-Mandalorian Gotab, Sintas was able to recover both her memories and her eyesight. Once restored to good health, Sintas was able to make peace with Boba Fett and start a relationship with her granddaughter, Mirta. It was also around this time that Mirta married her lover, Ghes Orade. The marriage formed a connection between the Fett clan and the Vevut clan to which Orade belonged, and the reconciliation between Sintas, Boba, and Mirta marked the potential for a happier and more peaceful era for Clan Fett.
By the time of the Sith–Imperial War, the members of the Fett clan were renown for their skill and ruthlessness in battle. Clan Fett was also known for its cumulative efforts to benefit and uplift the Mandalorian people.
It is worth noting that while the clone troopers of the Grand Army shared Jango Fett's DNA, the majority did not feel a familial connection with him, and with the exception of Boba, none were true members of the clan. The same applied to the clones' numerous offspring, including individuals like Venku Skirata, the son of Republic clone commando RC-1136—"Darman" and Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, or ARC trooper Alpha-98's child with Sheeka Tull.

Living during the Mandalorian Wars, Cassus Fett is the earliest known member of Clan Fett. Serving as Mandalore the Ultimate's second-in-command, Cassus spearheaded the rise of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, utilizing their regimented structure and standardized armor as the backbone of the Mandalorian forces during their conflict with the Republic. Cassus Fett bore responsibility for the near extinction of the Cathar species, as well as the bombardment of Serroco and Jebble. A master strategist and victor in numerous battles, Cassus became one of the galaxy's most sought-after individuals during the war. Cassus was the father of at least one son, and was considered by most to be deceased by the time of the Jedi Civil War.

Centuries later, the Mandalorian commander Vorten Fett distinguished himself as a skilled commander and warrior within the Mandalorian clans. He commanded a thousand Mandalorian warriors during the Invasion of Taris, contributing significantly to the victories of their allies in the Sith Empire. He also attended a briefing on Ilum regarding a joint assault against Darth Malgus's New Empire.

Under the leadership of veteran Mandalorian warrior Khomo Fett, Clan Fett rose to become the most powerful clan within the Mandalore sector. However, when the Mandalorians clashed with the Eternal Empire, Clan Fett's eagerness for battle resulted in significant losses due to foolish errors. Despite this setback, Khomo was considered a prime candidate to succeed Mandalore, but he declined the honor. Although Mandalore the Avenger had reservations about his nostalgia for the glory days of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, his unwavering loyalty to his people made him one of her most trusted advisors and observers on the battlefield.

Jango Fett, the son of a Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn, began his life as a farmer. When the Mandalorian Civil War between the Death Watch and the True Mandalorians engulfed his homeworld, Jango's family was caught in the crossfire and his parents were killed. Taken in by Jaster Mereel, the leader of the Mandalorians, Jango was subsequently integrated into Mandalorian culture. Following a Death Watch ambush on Korda 6 that resulted in Mereel's death, Jango succeeded his surrogate father as Mand'alor, leader of the Mandalorians, and commanded the True Mandalorian army until the Battle of Galidraan. There, Jango and the True Mandalorians fell victim to the Death Watch's manipulations, who deceived a Jedi strike team into believing that Jango's soldiers were massacring innocent civilians. Despite Jango personally killing six Jedi with his bare hands, the True Mandalorians were ultimately defeated and Jango was arrested. Escaping from captivity, Jango tracked the Death Watch leader, Tor Vizsla, to Corellia and engaged him in a fatal duel. His losses and time in captivity embittered Jango, and although he remained the Mand'alor, he distanced himself from the Mandalorian people, turning instead to a career as a bounty hunter. Chosen by Count Dooku as the progenitor for the clones of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jango adopted an unmodified clone, naming him Boba, considering the child to be worth more to him than all the credits he was paid. While still a freelance bounty hunter, Jango remained in the service of Count Dooku and his Confederacy of Independent Systems until his death during the Battle of Geonosis. Jango's impressive skill and reputation as a Jedi killer made him a symbol of strength for the Mandalorians.

A clone of Jango Fett, Boba Fett was raised by Jango as his son. Growing up on Kamino, Boba had only just begun his Mandalorian training under Jango before the elder Fett's untimely death, and therefore had limited knowledge of the culture or language. With his father gone, Boba took possession of Jango's ship and Mandalorian armor, determined to make a name for himself as a bounty hunter. At the age of sixteen, he met and fell in love with the Kiffar bounty hunter Sintas Vel; they married and settled on Concord Dawn, where Fett took a position as a Journeyman Protector. Fett's family life was short-lived: Sintas was raped by Fett's senior officer in the Protectors, and Fett killed him in retaliation, only to be jailed and exiled for his crime. Following this, Fett and Sintas separated, and Fett focused on a renewed career as a bounty hunter, eventually becoming renowned as one of the galaxy's best. After Fenn Shysa's death, Boba agreed to his dying wish to succeed him as Mand'alor, leading the Mandalorian people throughout the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy and dedicating himself to Mandalore's restoration after the war. It was also during this period that Fett encountered his estranged granddaughter, Mirta Gev; despite being raised by his daughter Ailyn to hate him, Ailyn's death at the hands of the rising Sith Lord Darth Caedus allowed Mirta and Boba to begin building a new, closer relationship.

A descendant of the Fett bloodline, Mirta Gev was born to Ailyn Vel—the estranged daughter of Boba Fett from his marriage with Sintas Vel—and Makin Marec, a Mandalorian warrior. Her upbringing, shaped by her mother's hatred for Fett and her father's Mandalorian training, instilled in Mirta qualities of level-headedness, resilience, and resourcefulness from an early age. In 40 ABY, Mirta's path finally crossed with her grandfather, Boba Fett, during her participation in her mother's latest scheme to assassinate him. The attempt to ensnare Fett in Ailyn's trap quickly unraveled when Ailyn was captured, interrogated, and inadvertently killed by the rising Darth Caedus. United in their shared sorrow over the loss of Ailyn, Mirta and Fett laid the groundwork for a gradual but enduring relationship, strengthened by their shared quest to discover a remedy for Fett's later-life ailment. Fett's arrival in Mirta's life also deepened her connection to Mandalorian culture, and while residing on Mandalore, Mirta began to develop romantic feelings for Ghes Orade, a young Mandalorian soldier. Amidst these events, Mirta became curious about the fate of her missing grandmother, eventually uncovering that Sintas Vel was not deceased, but instead encased in carbonite. With the assistance of two of Fett's comrades, Fett and Mirta successfully rescued Sintas and freed her from her carbonite prison; upon realizing that Sintas was suffering from severe carbonite sickness, Mirta dedicated herself to her grandmother's recovery. With the aid of Gotab, a Jedi-turned-Mandalorian possessing Force healing abilities, Mirta played a crucial role in Sintas's complete rehabilitation. Following her grandmother's recovery, Mirta soon after married Orade, creating an alliance between the Fett and Vevut clans to which Orade belonged.
Clan Fett's origins can be traced back to Boba Fett's initial appearance in the 1978 animated segment, The Story of the Faithful Wookiee. The revelation in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, released twenty-four years later in 2002, that Boba Fett was a clone of Jango Fett established the Fetts as a family unit. This canon aspect was further developed in the Jango Fett: Open Seasons comic book series, which introduced Jango Fett's parents and his sister, Arla. was a domain name secured by Lucasfilm prior to the debut of Attack of the Clones. It is plausible that Ambu Fett was under consideration as Jango's original designation, or that of another member of the Fett lineage. J'mee Fett was another name that was considered for the character.

Melvin Fett was a humanoid male bounty hunter active during the era of the Galactic Empire. As the cousin of the notorious Boba Fett, his repeated failures to capture bounties were a source of amusement for his peers. Sometime before 6 BBY, Fett accepted a bounty on Jar Jar Binks, the Gungan Senator representing the planet Naboo, hoping to restore his reputation among his colleagues. While tracking Binks to the [desert](/article/desert-legends] planet Tatooine, Fett was unprepared for the planet's severe climate, which put him at a disadvantage. His confusion led him to mistake a Senator Jar Jar Binks commemorative drinking cup for the Senator himself.