Fett (Elder Journeyman Protector)

Fett, a human male Mandalorian farmer belonging to Clan Fett, held the position of constable and Journeyman Protector for Concord Dawn. This role was assumed after Jaster Mereel was exiled from the position. He was related to the renowned Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Cassus Fett. Furthermore, he fathered both Jango and Arla Fett, making him the "grandfather" of Boba Fett, who was Jango's cloned son.


By occupation, Fett was a farmer who possessed a homestead situated on Concord Dawn. He entered matrimony and fathered a minimum of two offspring, namely Jango and Arla. In the year 58 BBY, he provided refuge to Mandalore Jaster Mereel and his Supercommandos to shield them from the Death Watch. However, this act resulted in his demise, along with his wife, during the Battle of Concord Dawn. Jango managed to survive this conflict and was subsequently adopted by Mereel. Arla, on the other hand, was compelled to serve the Death Watch, but she eventually managed to flee and was confined to a mental institution on Coruscant until 19 BBY.

