Senator Jar Jar Binks commemorative drinking cup

A commemorative drinking cup featuring Senator Jar Jar Binks was a type of drinking vessel modeled after the likeness of the Gungan senator, specifically Jar Jar Binks. While on the desert planet Tatooine, the bounty hunter named Melvin Fett, who was attempting to collect a bounty for the senator, stumbled upon a Jawa enjoying soda from precisely this kind of cup. Mistaking the souvenir for the actual Gungan, Fett snatched it, believing he had successfully captured his target.


A Senator Jar Jar Binks commemorative drinking cup was a small, handheld container used for holding beverages, like soda. A flexible straw allowed for sipping the contents. The white cup had "JAR JAR" inscribed on it and an orange lid shaped like the Gungan senator Jar Jar Binks. The sculpted lid showed the Gungan's head and arms, with the straw emerging from the back of his neck. This cup also featured "talking action," reciting phrases in Binks' distinctive voice.


Melvin Fett captures the Senator Jar Jar Binks commemorative drinking cup.

Sometime following the death of Padmé Amidala in 19 BBY, Melvin Fett, a bounty hunter and cousin to the renowned hunter Boba Fett, journeyed to the planet Tatooine. His goal was to claim a bounty on Senator Jar Jar Binks, the Gungan, hoping to prove his value to the bounty hunting community. During his search, he became severely dehydrated. He might have wandered aimlessly through the deserts of the planet if he hadn't encountered a Jawa enjoying a cold, blue soda from a Senator Jar Jar Binks commemorative drinking cup.

Fett, in a case of mistaken identity, believed the drink container was the senator. He drew his blaster, ready to fire at the cup, but instead tripped over a rock, causing the weapon to fly upwards into the air. The blaster struck the Jawa's head, causing the souvenir cup to be launched from the humanoid's grasp and into Fett's waiting hands. Satisfied that he had accomplished his objective, Fett told the cup that no other bounty hunter would mock him ever again and admitted that he, too, was parched.

Behind the scenes

James Kochalka's real-world Jar Jar Binks cup

A Senator Jar Jar Binks commemorative drinking cup was featured in "Melvin Fett," a story within the comic book Star Wars Tales 20. James Kochalka wrote and illustrated the story, which Dark Horse Comics published on June 30, 2004.

The design of the Senator Jar Jar Binks commemorative drinking cup was inspired by an actual product owned by Kochalka. This product was sold by Pizza Hut, a fast-food chain, as part of a promotion for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the 1999 film from the prequel trilogy. Kochalka treasures the cup and has included it in several installments of American Elf, his long-running series of short, autobiographical comics.

