Makin Marec

Makin Marec was a male Human Mandalorian who encountered the bounty hunter Ailyn Vel at some point in time before the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. Although Vel's initial interest in Mandalorians stemmed from a desire to better understand and hunt her estranged father, Boba Fett, Marec and Vel ultimately developed a relationship, married, and had a daughter named Mirta. Despite the eventual end of his relationship with Vel, Marec remained devoted to his daughter. He spent two summers with Mirta on the planet Null, imparting his knowledge of Mandalorian culture and teaching her the Mando'a language. His life came to an end on a starship during a hull breach, leaving his daughter, Mirta, to grieve the loss of her father.


Makin Marec, a male Human, served as a Mandalorian soldier. After the defeat of the Galactic Empire, Marec's path crossed with that of bounty hunter Ailyn Vel. Vel, seeking to better understand and hunt down her estranged father, Boba Fett, began associating with Mandalorians, which led to her meeting Marec. Their relationship blossomed, resulting in marriage and the birth of their daughter, Mirta. However, the relationship between Vel and Marec was not destined to last, and they later separated.

Mirta affectionately called Marec "Papa" and spent two summers with him on the planet Null, located in the Mid Rim of the galaxy. During their time there, Marec shared his knowledge and heritage with Mirta, teaching her about Mandalorian culture. Sadly, Marec's life ended on a starship due to a hull breach, leaving Mirta to mourn the loss of her parent. Years later, following a reconciliation with her maternal grandfather, Boba Fett, Mirta reflected on her father's influence during conversations with him. Fett acknowledged Makin Marec's role in Mirta's upbringing as a Mandalorian.

Behind the scenes

Makin Marec was initially mentioned without a name in Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, a novel by author Karen Traviss published in 2006. Traviss later named and provided more details about Marec in her 2007 novel, Sacrifice, the second installment in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. Marec received an indirect mention in Traviss' subsequent novel, Revelation, and was included in the 2008 reference book, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

