Battle of Korda Six

The conflict known as the Battle of Korda Six transpired during the Mandalorian Civil War, specifically involving the True Mandalorians. Under the leadership of Mandalore Jaster Mereel, the True Mandalorians were caught in an ambush orchestrated by the Death Watch splinter group, commanded by Vizsla, on the planet Korda Six.


The Korda Defense Force had contracted the True Mandalorians to extract a training unit that was pinned down by native forces on Korda Six. However, this was a carefully laid trap by the Death Watch, who the True Mandalorians thought were eliminated. The Death Watch had secretly trained and equipped the Kordans in warfare and then disseminated misleading information to the Korda Defense Force.

The Engagement

The True Mandalorians organized themselves into three distinct units: Vertigo Squad, an aerial assault force led by Montross; Headhunter Company, a cleanup crew under the command of Jaster Mereel; and a standard infantry and security squad, Jango's grunts, under Jango Fett. This marked Fett's initial assignment as a squad leader.

Traveling in Meteor-class Q-Carriers, the True Mandalorians approached Korda Six from their orbiting vessel. The first indication of danger arose when they encountered ion cannon fire during their descent, resulting in one carrier crashing with total loss of life and at least one other landing damaged and inoperable. As the surviving Mandalorians regrouped, they were subjected to intense and coordinated blaster fire from the Kordans, catching them off guard and inflicting significant casualties.

The True Mandalorians deploy amidst heavy fighting on Korda Six

Mereel instructed Vertigo Squad to call off their attack on the Kordan artillery positions, but Montross disregarded the order and led his squad into the thick of the fighting, only to be rescued by Mereel's forces. Fett exploited the aerial assault as a distraction, leading his squad to rescue the besieged Korda Defense Force trainees, only to be ambushed by a Death Watch unit. When Vizsla entered the battle, Montross betrayed Jaster, whom he was guarding, hoping to become Mandalore. This left Jaster exposed, resulting in his death. Fett retrieved Jaster's body, pulling him back to friendly lines. Montross also returned and survived the retreat.


Following their loss, Montross was permanently banished from the True Mandalorians, despite his ambitions to succeed Jaster as Mandalore. The title was instead bestowed upon Fett.

Jango Fett holds a dying Jaster Mereel.



Death Watch

