The Headhunter Company served as a division of True Mandalorian soldiers. They operated under the leadership of Mand'alor Jaster Mereel during the mission to Korda Six, with the objective of extracting Kordan Defense Force personnel who were trapped in hostile territory. Functioning as a robust infantry unit, the Headhunter Company was assigned the task of rescuing the besieged Kordan security team, and eliminating any hostile natives encountered.
Despite initial intelligence suggesting minimal resistance, the True Mandalorian mercenaries were met with a substantial assault by the native Kordans upon planetfall. As Jango Fett's troops found themselves under intense fire, Mandalore Mereel issued orders for Headhunter Company and Vertigo Company to bolster the Mandalorian forces. Montross, the commander of Vertigo, defied these orders and instead continued his offensive against the Kordan natives, resulting in him getting shot down and subsequently rescued by Mereel. Mereel commanded a full retreat of all True Mandalorian units, including Headhunter Company, but the entire operation on Korda Six was soon revealed to be a carefully orchestrated trap by the Death Watch, a rogue Mandalorian faction vehemently opposed to the True Mandalorians. The leader of the Death Watch, Tor Vizsla, slew Mereel on the battlefield, leading to Jango Fett's selection as his successor as Mandalore. The True Mandalorians were compelled to withdraw, and Headhunter Company reintegrated into the broader structure of their military.
The comic book series Jango Fett: Open Seasons first introduced Headhunter Company to the Star Wars universe in its second issue. Hayden Blackman wrote the comic, which was released on June 17, 2002.