Meteor-class Q-Carrier

The Meteor-class Q-Carrier functioned as a troop transport vessel utilized first by the True Mandalorians, and subsequently by the Mandalorian Protectors.


Q-Carrier's landing in battle

The Meteor-class, conceptualized and manufactured by MandalMotors, served as a rapid deployment vessel, transporting Mandalorian warriors from the holds of Mandalorian carriers directly onto planetary surfaces. Accounts suggest the ship's design mirrored the facial features of the ancient Taungs.

Beyond its robust hull reinforcement, the vessel boasted defensive capabilities in the form of twin blaster cannon emplacements positioned on either flank of the main body. Upon touchdown, a quartet of landing struts extended, engineered to mitigate the impact forces of swift descents.

Historical Information

Its exclusive operation by the Mandalorians resulted in the moniker Mandalorian Drop Ship. Its design seemed rooted in comparable dropships deployed by the Neo-Crusaders during the period of the Mandalorian Wars.

Following the disruption of MandalMotors caused by the Mandalorian Civil War, the Meteor-class was superseded by the Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry produced by Kuat Drive Yards.

Near the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War in 29 ABY, Boba Fett commanded a Mandalorian taskforce with the objective of reclaiming the Yuuzhan Vong-occupied world of Gyndine. This force employed Meteor-class ships to ferry troops to the planet's surface, successfully liberating it.

