Omad Kaeg

Omad Kaeg held the position of captain aboard the mining vessel named Joyous Roamer within the Chiloon Rift circa 45 ABY. As a part of the mining cooperative functioning in the Rift, he carried a T-6 blaster pistol.

During the Qreph brothers' attempt to seize control of the galactic economy by force, Kaeg was tricked into participating in a sabacc game against Mandalorians employed by the Qrephs. After losing and being unable to settle his debt, he almost had to sell his stake in the mining cooperative. Luckily, Lando Calrissian had recruited him to work as a messenger, delivering a message to Han and Leia Organa Solo, as Calrissian sought their assistance in addressing the pirate issue in the Chiloon Rift orchestrated by the Qreph brothers.

Once the Solos became aware of Kaeg's difficult situation, they consented to aid him in avoiding the Qrephs' vengeance. Subsequently, he assisted them in their mission to bring about the downfall of the brothers. Three months following the conclusion of that escapade, which resulted in the Qrephs' demise, Kaeg received an invitation to the celebration hosted by the Solos and Luke Skywalker, marking their informal withdrawal from involvement in the galaxy's troubles.

