Drall, part of the Corellian system and one of the Five Brothers, was a temperate and agreeable planet. It was the original homeworld of the Drall species and was well-known for both its excellent cuisine and the Boiling Sea.
It is thought that the Celestials used subterranean planetary repulsors and Centerpoint Station to move the world, along with its four sister planets, from an unknown location into Corell's orbit. The Drall species, who share the planet's name, then populated it, organizing themselves into clans. Despite the presence of a few sizable cities, like Mastigophorous, the planet was never regarded as anything more than an unimportant backwater.
Before 35,000 BBY, Tiran, a Drall scientist, formulated the Theory of Universal Reference.
The Infinite Empire annexed the planet around 36,453 BBY. The Empire started to experience slave uprisings, which resulted in a civil war sometime after 30,000 BBY. A plague spread among the Rakata by 25,200 BBY, which led to the Empire's demise and Drall's liberation.
In 25,053 BBY, Corellia became one of the Core Founders of the Galactic Republic. The Confederation of the Clans governed Drall itself.
Around 312 BBY, King Berethron e Solo eliminated the monarchy, and the Corellian System, including Drall, came under the control of a new government led by a Diktat.
In 19 BBY, the Galactic Empire replaced the Galactic Republic. The Empire seized control of the Corellian Sector and, in 2 BBY, appointed Daclif Gallamby as Diktat.
The Corellian Sector joined the New Republic in 12 ABY, and Governor-General Micamberlecto took Gallamby's place. Because the strict supervision of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire was gone, his influence was minimal, and extremist groups like the Drallist Front, which took power on Drall, started to appear on the worlds of the Corellian System. The Sacorrian Triad backed the Drallists and other organizations in an effort to spark an uprising that would allow them to secede from the New Republic and create an autonomous state. The Triad instructed each group to look for the planetary repulsor on their respective planet to use in the uprisings. Eventually, riots involving various species erupted on every planet in the Corellian System, but the New Republic was able to retake control and prevail.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, Drall was later blockaded.