The estate On the planet Drall, the dwelling known as Marcha's Estate served as the home of Duchess Marcha of Mastigophorous. The property included a twenty-meter-high mansion with a hemispherical dome, an enclosed courtyard, expansive woodlands, riverbanks, and gardens that featured beds of nannariums, Marcha's beloved flowers.
The mansion stood out as one of the most magnificent structures on Drall. Its dome rested on towering white walls and was supported by graceful interior columns. These columns framed the entrances to the mansion's two wings, one crafted from white marble and the other from black ebony. Drallish artisans had meticulously carved figures and mythical creatures into the doorframes and around the columns. The courtyard, situated directly beneath the dome, was adorned with flowers, planters, and a stunning fountain that propelled water almost to the dome's apex. This space reflected Marcha's passion for nature, as she housed numerous exotic aviars and Corellian birds, allowing them to fly freely within the spacious area. A complex maze of hedgerows surrounded the fountain. Each wing of the house had three stories, decorated with lavish bedrooms and amenities suitable for many visiting family members, with some areas specifically designed for Human-sized guests.
From an external perspective, the estate presented an image of grandeur combined with simplicity. Lush green vines climbed the radiant white walls in carefully arranged patterns, and the dark slate roofs of each wing flanked the white dome. A pier along the riverside accommodated a white boat, intended for family leisure.
Ebrihim, who acted as the childhood tutor for Jacen and Jaina Solo, spent his formative years at the estate, playing within the hedgerow maze and along the river's edge. During the First Corellian Insurrection, Ebrihim guided Chewbacca and the Solo children, including Anakin, to land the Millennium Falcon there for refuge. Despite the presence of Drallist riots in various locations across the planet, they remained undisturbed at the estate. It was there that they devised a plan to locate Drall's planetary repulsor.