The Corellian Crisis, which is also known as the Corellian Insurrection, the Corellian Incident, the Centerpoint Station crisis, and the Starbuster Plot, occurred in 18 ABY. During this time, the Sacorrian Triad, along with various allied extremist groups, attempted to take over the Corellian sector, withdraw from the New Republic, and impose their will on the entire galaxy. The Triad planned to establish their own small empire through a series of rebellions across the Five Brothers – Corellia, Selonia, Drall and the Double Worlds of Talus and Tralus – aided by a superweapon located within Centerpoint Station.
The five sister worlds, including Corellia, were once a shining example of the multicultural ideals of the Core Worlds. Corellia played a vital role in the establishment of the Rebel Alliance, thanks to figures like Garm Bel Iblis, Han Solo, and Wedge Antilles. The system's shipyards and the Corellian Engineering Corporation were renowned throughout the galaxy. However, following the Battle of Endor, the Corellian system began to experience significant upheaval and instability.
Six months after the death of Emperor Palpatine, Imperial Grand Admiral's Danetta Pitta and Josef Grunger both desired to control Corellia. Pitta had bribed the Diktat, a 'traditional' Corellian leader appointed by the Emperor, to support her. This led to a massive conflict between the two ambitious warlords above Tralus, which ironically resulted in their mutual destruction, including Pitta's Torpedo Sphere and Grunger's Star Dreadnought Aggressor. This conflict initiated Corellia's gradual decline, and after two subsequent Diktats, the New Republic gained control of Corellia. Corellia became increasingly isolated, experiencing a decline in trade and business activity. The population's morale decreased, and the Sacorrian Triad capitalized on this by funding resistance groups throughout the Five Brothers, such as the Human League on Corellia, led by Thrackan Sal-Solo, Han Solo's cousin. During this period, the Triad also managed to assemble a considerable fleet.
Despite protests from some Drall and Selonians, Corellia was represented by only one member in the New Republic Senate. By 18 ABY, the Corellian Sector was governed by Frozian Governor-General Micamberlecto, whom the native population largely considered an ineffective figurehead. As the remnants of the defeated Empire faded, Chief of State Leia Organa Solo announced a major trade conference on Corellia, hoping to restore the system to its former prosperity. However, unseen forces were at play, and Organa Solo and her family were heading directly into the Triad's trap.
The New Republic Intelligence Service remained suspicious of Corellia, believing the situation there was unstable. Lieutenant Belindi Kalenda specifically cautioned Han Solo and Chewbacca against traveling to Corellia, or at least against bringing his children. Distrustful, Solo dismissed her advice, viewing the trip as a family vacation. A few days later, the Millennium Falcon departed, carrying the Chief of State, Solo, Chewbacca, and the children: Jacen, Jaina, and the youngest, Anakin Solo.
Agent Kalenda arrived on Corellia before the Solos and was immediately shot down by Public Safety Service ships. Barely surviving the crash, Kalenda was determined to reach Coronet before Organa Solo's arrival. Pharnis Gleasry, a Human League agent, watched the Falcon take off, noting Organa Solo wearing a new lightsaber on her belt, a gift from her brother, Luke Skywalker.
Despite a minor altercation with a group of "Uglies" and automated Public Safety Service ships, the Millennium Falcon arrived in the Corellian system without major incident. The Solo family decided to stay with Governor-General Micamberlecto and hired a Drall tutor, Ebrihim, and his droid, Q9-X2, to supervise their children. Meanwhile, [Mara Jade](/article/mara_jade_skywalker], traveling to the trade summit herself, received a timed message addressed to the Chief of State near Talfaglio.

After discovering the planet was on the verge of economic collapse, Captain Solo's tour of Coronet ended with him being assaulted and left at the Governor General's doorstep. Ebrihim took the family on a tour of an 'archaeological dig,' where Anakin Solo discovered a massive underground installation.
Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker, while assisting Lando Calrissian on a 'wife hunt,' ironically landed in the Outlier Worlds of the Corellian sector – specifically, on Sacorria. Despite Calrissian meeting Tendra Risant, the Triad, for reasons unknown to them, chased the duo and their droids off the planet.
The Chief of State's trade summit commenced, but to her dismay, many delegates were absent, having been deterred by the PSS or the overall situation on Corellia. Solo then met with Lt. Kalenda, and they both realized the situation was worsening. Mara Jade delivered a holocube message to Organa Solo, depicting a circle of stars with dates and an image of one star's destruction, indicating a looming deadline and the potential destruction of stars if the messenger's demands were not met.
As planned, the leaders of the Human League and the other rebel factions – the Overden on Selonia, the Drallists on Drall, and the Federation of the Double Worlds for Talus and Tralus – launched their attack. Race riots erupted, plunging the streets into chaos. Coronet House, Micamberlecto's residence, lost all communication. The Human League then bombed Coronet House, destroying the Governor-General's residence. Han and Leia instructed Chewbacca and the Drall to evacuate the children, with the Falcon being pursued by Human League and PSS starfighters.
However, in an unexpected move, Thrackan Sal-Solo, the "Hidden Leader" of the Human League, declared himself Diktat of the Corellian System and announced the system's secession from the New Republic. He also used Centerpoint's power to jam all system-wide communications and demanded that all nonhuman races leave the system within a month, threatening to destroy New Republic planets. This became known as the Starbuster Plot.
Han Solo managed to relay the message to Lt. Kalenda and helped her escape the system just before a system-wide interdiction field was activated. However, Han was captured by Human League thugs in the process. Kalenda escaped. Skywalker and Calrissian, en route to Corellia, were locked out. The Chief of State was trapped in the ruins of Coronet House, and the Republic was stunned by the massive interdiction field. With the fleet largely in drydock and unable to jump in, assistance was not immediately available.

Luke and Lando returned to Coruscant and were promptly taken to an NRI safehouse by Captain Showolter. They met with Mon Mothma and Admiral Gial Ackbar, who informed them that the New Republic was assembling a strike force. However, due to fleet disposition and the reduced Imperial activity, the fleet was mostly undergoing maintenance. Mothma knew of a fleet that could bypass the interdiction field: the fleet of Bakura. Additionally, Nosaurian and Corellian sector world New Plympto also declared their secession from the New Republic, becoming a hub for the newly formed Diversity Alliance.
Gaeriel Captison, a former lover of Skywalker and the former Prime Minister of Bakura, agreed and convinced the Bakuran Senate to lend their four-ship fleet, designed to defend against Ssi-ruuvi attacks, to the Jedi Knight. The four warships—the light cruiser Intruder and Bakura-class destroyers Sentinel, Defender, and Watchkeeper—were equipped with HIMS technology. HIMS created a 'bubble' in hyperspace, allowing momentum to be sustained through an interdiction field. Commanded by Admiral Hortel Ossilege, the fleet departed for Corellia.
Amidst the chaos in the Corellian system, Han Solo was imprisoned with the Selonian Dracmus and forced to fight the female Selonian for Thrackan's entertainment. Fortunately, they managed to escape to Selonia, hoping to persuade the Overden to reconsider their actions.
Meanwhile, in the Corellian capital, the Chief of State, trapped with the deceased Governor-General, conspired with fellow prisoner Mara Jade to escape Coronet House. With the help of Jade's ship, Jade's Fire, and their own clever plan, they successfully retreated to Selonia, hoping her children were safe with Chewbacca.
Chewbacca and Ebrihim arrived on Drall and sought refuge with Ebrihim's Aunt Marcha, a Drall noble. Attempting to find a positive aspect, Ebrihim learned of an archaeological dig on the planet, similar to those on other planets in the system. Investigating, the children discovered a massive repulsor, capable of moving a planet. It became increasingly clear to the Drall team that sinister forces were at play.
During this time, the Bakuran fleet arrived, with the Watchkeeper sustaining some damage in the interdiction field. Three days from Corellia, they launched a diversionary attack against the Triad on Selonia. As the assault force attacked under Admiral Ossilege's command, destroying numerous Triad starfighters, Selonia activated its planetary repulsor, crushing the Watchkeeper. Realizing the entire system was under the control of an unknown force, the horrified Bakurans retreated further into the Corellian system.

Thanta Zilbra was a small world far from Corellia. Following Belindi Kalenda's report of the Starbuster Plot to Admiral Ackbar, General Wedge Antilles was deployed to the planet to coordinate a planetary evacuation. Only a small percentage of the hundreds of thousands of citizens were evacuated, as many did not believe the Republic's warning. Centerpoint Station then unleashed a massive blast, completely destroying the planet while the horrified Republic watched. The threat was now undeniable, and the Republic was determined to end the Insurrection. Even worse, the next target of the Starbuster was a planet with millions of inhabitants.

Centerpoint Station was the key to the Sacorrian Triad's conspiracy. The Bakurans and their allies realized that Centerpoint Station needed to be investigated as the possible headquarters or cause of the Starbuster or insurrectionists. Ossilege's fleet, now consisting of three vessels and a wreck, approached the station. Skywalker, Calrissian, Kalenda, Gaeriel, R2-D2 and C-3PO boarded the station, encountering its only current inhabitant: Jenica Sonsen. Sonsen was unaware of the Starbuster Plot, only of the station's constant flares. These 'flares' had decimated the station's population, and Calrissian deduced that the Station was the Starbuster and was about to fire again.
On Drall, Anakin Solo located the control center for the Drall repulsor, but a Human League team arrived to arrest them. The children, Ebrihim, Marcha, and Chewbacca were imprisoned, and Thrackan personally arrived to deliver a message to Leia Organa Solo.
On Selonia, the situation was equally dire, with Leia, Mara, and Han attempting to convince the Selonians to change their minds, resulting in their brief imprisonment. Thrackan sinisterly dropped the jamming field long enough to show Organa Solo a hologram of him holding her children captive, enraging the Selonians. The Overden immediately released the three, and Luke Skywalker arrived, leading to the formation of a plan.
Q9-X2, Ebrihim's heavily modified droid, independently deactivated the energy field holding the children captive. The three youngsters boarded the Millennium Falcon and remarkably held off Sal-Solo long enough for the Bakuran fleet to rescue them and capture the self-proclaimed Diktat. The Bakuran team seized the Drall repulsor, and the Heroes of Yavin determined that the repulsors were the key to stopping the Starbuster, believing they could deflect the weapon.

The Sacorrian Triad had had enough. Approximately 80 warships, mainly robotic and including Robot ramships, arrived to defend Centerpoint Station. The Battle of Centerpoint Station commenced, and the three Bakuran warships mounted a strong defense as Anakin Solo frantically tried to activate the Drall repulsor. As the Bakurans were overwhelmed, Captison and Ossilege realized the Intruder had been critically damaged by four robot ramships, severely injuring both Captison and Ossilege. Tragically, they initiated a self-destruct, creating a large hole in the Sacorrian fleet. As Centerpoint fired, the Drall repulsor activated just in time. The young Jedi Solo succeeded, and Centerpoint dramatically shut down.
Minutes later, Ackbar arrived with a sizable Republic war fleet, and the Triad surrendered. Bovo Yagen, the targeted system with millions of inhabitants, had been saved, and the rebel groups collapsed.
Despite the Republic's efforts, many Corellians sympathized with the Sacorrian Triad's cause. Despite Leia Organa Solo's courageous actions, the Senate began to criticize her for allowing the Insurrection to escalate, with many seeking to remove her from her position. Following the no-confidence votes during the Black Fleet Crisis and Almanian Uprising, Leia requested an indefinite leave of absence from the Presidency, and Calibop Ponc Gavrisom was elected as caretaker. Agent Belindi Kalenda's role in the conspiracy led to her rapid promotion within the NRI.
Sal-Solo was imprisoned in Sacorria's notorious Dorthus Tal Prison for his crimes, and Marcha was elected the new Governor General of the Corellian sector. New Plympto reluctantly rejoined the Republic, fearing economic collapse, but remained strongly anti-Human. Centerpoint Station was deemed permanently disabled, with scientists suggesting that Anakin Solo had an innate connection to the Corellian repulsor and Starbuster system. This proved to be true during the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Years later, the Corellian Crisis and Sal-Solo's establishment of the Centerpoint Party during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion served as the unfortunate catalyst for the Second Galactic Civil War of 40 ABY, where the Galactic Alliance was forced to attack Corellia to suppress another uprising, triggering a galactic-scale war.