Federation of the Double Worlds

The Federation of the Double Worlds, alternatively known as Fed-Dub or simply the Federation, served as the governing body for both Talus and Tralus, which together formed the Twin Worlds within the Corellian system.


The Double Worlds, Talus and Tralus

The Double Worlds of the Corellian system, namely the planets Talus and Tralus, were governed by the Federation of the Double Worlds, an elected body. The leader of this Federation was known as the Prime Minister. While officially a democratic republic, the Federation had gradually transformed into a plutocracy over time. The Capitol in Dearic, the largest city and capital of the Double Worlds, housed the government's offices. To maintain order on the two planets, the Fed-Dub maintained a small military force.

Furthermore, the Federation of the Double Worlds exercised authority over the enigmatic Centerpoint Station. This massive and ancient space station, situated at the barycenter of Talus and Tralus, had been converted into a habitation sphere and was administered by the Fed-Dub Executive Secretariat.


Around 500 BBY, the Federation of the Double Worlds came into existence when the inhabitants of the Double Worlds, who were dissatisfied with Corellia's central authority, declared their independence. In response, Corellia launched a forceful invasion against the rebellious planets. Despite receiving support from troops from Drall and Selonia, the Corellian forces were unsuccessful in regaining control of Talus and Tralus. The conflict, though prolonged and brutal, solidified the bond between the Double Worlds. The Fed-Dub emerged victorious, establishing itself as the undisputed ruler of the Double Worlds as an independent political entity.

During the subsequent centuries, the Federation maintained generally amicable, albeit often strained, relations with its neighboring systems. Following the war, the Fed-Dub initiated extensive construction projects on Talus to improve the living conditions of its citizens and to impress the entire system. However, the government gradually shifted from a republic dedicated to its citizens to a corrupt plutocracy. The government made efforts to present an image of a progressive, prosperous, and advanced society to both its in-system neighbors and the wider galaxy.

A Fed-Dub captain and a Fed-Dub constable on Talus.

During the Imperial Period, the Galactic Empire maintained a presence in Qaestar Town on Talus to monitor the Fed-Dub. However, the Imperial garrison, which was underfunded, was too preoccupied with combating local criminals who controlled the city to effectively manage the Federation. During the Galactic Civil War, the Diktat of Corellia was compelled to provide elements of the Corellian Defense Force to assist Imperial armed forces against the Rebel Alliance. As the war intensified, Corellian military forces were repeatedly deployed to support the Empire, leaving the Corellian sector vulnerable. Consequently, piracy surged in the sector. On Talus, the Fed-Dub's military force had to contend with numerous criminal and terrorist organizations, including the Binayre Pirates, the Tralus and Talus Liberation Party, the Lost Aqualishs and the Drall Patriots. In response to the escalating insecurity in the sector and the intensification of the Galactic Civil War following the Battle of Yavin, the Corellian government implemented stringent isolationist measures and restricted trade and traffic throughout the Corellian sector. This resulted in an economic downturn in the sector, impacting Talus and Tralus, which relied on tourism. The collapse of the tourism industry and the influx of impoverished migrants from other Corellian worlds destabilized the local economy and society on the Double Worlds. The Fed-Dub proved incapable of addressing the situation, leading to a weak and unstable government. During this period, Hagrin Zeed served as Prime Minister of the Federation, and Haleen Snowline held the position of Minister of Protocol.

Centerpoint Station

Towards the end of the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic assumed control of the Corellian sector following the fall of the Diktat of Corellia. Micamberlecto, the New Republic's appointed Governor-General of the Corellian sector, became the sector's official ruler. While the Governor-General was theoretically in charge of all local governments in the sector, including the Fed-Dub, his actual control was largely limited to the planet Corellia. Around the same time, the Triad of Sacorria discovered that Centerpoint Station was, in reality, a massive hyperspace tractor beam that could be used as a superweapon. The Sacorrian Triad subsequently infiltrated the station and secretly seized control of its weapons system. During the Corellian Crisis in 18 ABY, the Triad utilized Centerpoint Station to destroy two stars in an attempt to intimidate the New Republic. The initial detonation wiped out a significant portion of the station's inhabitants, but no one in the Corellian system, including the Fed-Dub, understood what was truly happening at Centerpoint Station. Ultimately, the New Republic navy defeated the Sacorrian Triad, and the Federation regained control of Centerpoint Station.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the New Republic commandeered Centerpoint Station to use it against the Yuuzhan Vong invaders. The Federation protested this requisition and chose to support the extremist Centerpoint Party, which advocated for the independence of the Corellian system.

More than ten years later, following the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War, a new central government for the Corellian system, known as the Five Worlds, was established. Although the Fed-Dub continued to govern the Double Worlds, Talus, Tralus, and each of the other planets in the system now voted individually to elect the Five World Prime Minister. In 40 ABY, the Five Worlds and the Fed-Dub joined the Confederation that opposed the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances during the Second Galactic Civil War.

