Binayre Pirates

The Binayre Pirates were a group of individuals who engaged in piracy and smuggling. They were active in the Corellian sector throughout the period of the Galactic Civil War.


The pirates made use of Z-95-AF4 Headhunters.

Operating within the Corellian sector, the Binayre Pirates were under the command of Captain Kath Scarlet. They maintained dual bases of operation on the sister planets Talus and Tralus, existing as some of the lowest-regarded criminals on those planets. Even by other criminals, they were seen as untrustworthy and disreputable. Some members displayed the symbol of Black Sun. On Talus, their operations centered around their bunker. Both the Corellian Security Force and the Federation of the Double Worlds were tracking the Binayre Pirates, who were also in direct conflict with the Aa'kuan anarchist. Following the Battle of Yavin, the Binayre Pirates held control over several spatial regions within the Corellian system, which included the Binayre Razorcat, the Trifecta Star, and the Rayless Lantern. In space engagements, the pirates utilized either M3-A Scyk fighters or Z-95-AF4 Headhunters.


A Binayre swindler.

During the year 1 ABY, an ordinary citizen residing in the city of Dearic gave the coordinates for the Binayre Pirate Bunker on Talus to a spacer who was willing to go there. Later, Jabba the Hutt's bounty hunter, Bronell, sent a spacer to the pirate bunker on Talus. The goal was to get information about a CorSec officer who owed money to both Jabba and the pirates.

That same year, an Imperial TIE bomber experienced a crash landing on Talus amidst a battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. While the Empire quickly deployed a rescue team, a band of Binayre scoundrels were the first to arrive at the crash site. Seeking to scavenge ship components, the criminals promptly murdered the Imperial pilot. The Binayres then launched an attack on the Imperial operatives dispatched to rescue the pilot, resulting in their deaths. The Imperial later reported to Imperial Officer Ceth Laike. In response, the officer commanded the Imperial operatives to launch assaults against various criminal and pirate factions operating within the Corellian system. On Talus, the operatives raided a Binayre encampment, killing 15 members. Subsequently, Imperial pilots engaged a squadron of Binayre starfighters in Corellian space. All pirate ships were destroyed, and the Binayre leader "Black Jack" MacDougal perished in the conflict. Soldiers from the Imperial 419th Infantry also participated in operations against the Binayre Pirates.

Around the same time, Kath Scarlet and a group of Binayres pirates struggled on Talus against a spacer and an Imperial Security Bureau team led by Jeffren Brek for the control of the Z-95 Headhunter Dire Hound.

